Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?)

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JasperDM's picture
Joined: 2004-05-31
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?)

The withered illithilich stands at a podium in the Planar Cartographer's Guild. He is tired, and irritable, and forced to speek on his own, having recently lost his last thrall to the machinations of the arch-devil Hordak.

"Well, sentients, it has come again, another conjunction of forces that will make Vecna's intrusion look like a kick in the breeches. I have seen hints of a future where the Great Wheel is shattered, where the angels serve dark gods as well as light, and where the yugoloth have signed away their individuality to serve among the demons. A time where Limbo swallows the Elemental Planes and the Abyss... and the Outer Planes shatter into a million fragments, floating through the timeless Astral. I cannot bear these portents alone... I seek the counsel of the wise and learned, and those who know "the dark" of things. Let us speak of how these things will come to be, how we shall endure them, and what we might do in reaction..."

The alhoon offers the floor to any who would speak...

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

Update your maps.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

I wouldn't shift out of the Great Wheel, but instead see what can be mined out of the new cosmology. Most of the locations can be inserted into an elemenal plane, the Feywild and Shadowfell are actually pretty easily absorbed though the latter might be a sort of waystation for souls on particular worlds.

The only 4e book I plan on getting is the new MotP, but only if it doesn't read like a plagarized version of Exalted and other White Wolf products.


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Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

"The multiverse is just like you imagine it to be." Eye-wink


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

'JasperDM' wrote:
I cannot bear these portents alone... I seek the counsel of the wise and learned, and those who know "the dark" of things. Let us speak of how these things will come to be, how we shall endure them, and what we might do in reaction..."
~I am quite sure, alhoon, that the supply of brains will continue to be just as plentiful and nourishing as before. All the rest amounts to new territories to explore and conquer, new species to subjugate and savor.


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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

A black robed, hooded figure takes the stand. When he starts to speak, an angry, hissing sound fills the large hall. In his left hand he raises a tome labeled 'Worlds and Monsters', apparently the cause of his agitation.

"You see this?! This book of treacheries and lies, and blasphemies and false hope!? Even the writer of the accursed Book of Exalted Deeds would be ashamed to see such lies written! The dark of the new order of planes, and many races therein, is hidden under its covers, they say! And let us examine the contents, gentlemen, to see what it divines:

"Good and Evil Mean More it says - as if the former ever meant anthing!- and try to justify: 'Being aligned to good or evil is to work for it, not to just believe in its ideals!' Its barely the beginning of the work, yet the importence of belief is already eliminated! What of chaos or law then? NOT A WORD! But let us continue:

"Among you I see representatives and followers of many Powers, listen to me well: Gods are distant, it says, but they can be killed, though sometimes it can be nigh impossible! What is this, an Athat Factol wrote this in hiding? But still it goes on, to tell about the interactions of races.

"There are no enmity between races it says, as if anyone would believe this! The dwarf hate the orcs, elves hate the orcs yet elves and dwarves still hate each other! Things have been this way for longer than history itself? And you write it of in a single sentence? Watch out, I say, watch out, for there is more! Evil will not fight evil so much it says, and you expect me to believe this a good thing?! From conflict comes power, evil is all about power! It says that these are unimportant, that arcdevils and demon lords should concentrate on mortals - as if they would take the advice of another mortal!

"And these are but the beginnings, I tell you! No more than 20 pages into the book! I hope you can see the dread implications of these things! For now, I can speak no more"

And with this, the hooded figure returns to his seat...

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

A woman takes the podium. She has pale grey hair, her left wing is black and bat-like, while the right wing is white feathered. She looks at the crowd and shakes her head slightly, as if to say "you're all berks."

"So the planes are changing, so what?" her opening statements and demeanor draw murmurs of disaproval. "You think that means something? Well, I've got news for you all. It doesn't. There never was any meaning, anyway, whatever your factotums delude themselves into thinking. At least the clueless are merely ignorant, instead of being willfully ignorant."

"I've been saying for years that the planes are not what most berks think they are. Sure, one can use the Great Ring to travel from Bitopia to Mount Celestia to Arcadia, but one can also get from Ysgard to Nifelheim to the Norns by climbing down Ygdrasil. Or one can climb Mount Olympus, or the Infinite Staircase. So which is it, are the planes laid out in a ring, or are they branches on a tree, or are they a mountain and a pit? All of the above. None of the above. The planes just ARE. Any map you try to draw is no more than your own attempt to make sense of the connections and portals between them. Nothing more, nothing less."

"What's really the difference between the planes of Baator and the elemental planes of fire? They are different places, to be sure, with different physics and different magic, but the same can be said for Bitopia vs. the Beastlands vs. any prime. Oh, did you notice I said 'planes', plural? The conclusion I've come to in my researches is that, once you stop trying to impose order, chaos, or any other objective 'meaning' on the planes, is that most planars' conceptions of what constitutes a 'plane' are just plain wrong."

"What most of you consider 'a plane' are in fact a number of interconnected realms of variable and malable, but finite, size. A plane seems infinite because it is in fact a large number of realms each of which may change size and and/or slip in and out of conjuction with the others depending on the whims and power expenditures of resident Powers. As our alhoon host alluded to, there are signs of impeding shake-ups in the connections between planes, and a corresponding re-drawing of many planars' conceptualizations of how they fit together. But, once again, so what? This only means something if you impose meaning in it. It is, in fact, completely meaningless, which is even more obvious when you accept that much of the 'conventional wisdom' of planars is, in fact, totally wrong."

"For instance, most planars accept the idea that there is A plane known as the Abyss with an infinite number of layers. In fact, each layer or realm could be thought of as its own plane, it's just that they are similar and closely conjoined. In fact, they are likely similar because they are closely conjoined."

"And anyway, an inifinite number of layers, PLEASE! If there were trully an infinite number of Abyssal layers, there would, by extension, be an infinite number of denizens. If this were trully the case, it would mean that somewhere there is a Tanar'ri named "Widdle Bunny Foo-Foo", and I just don't buy it."

A few chuckles are heard from the audience, but the speaker remains completely serious.

"Those of you who do not know me may not be used to such passion coming from the Cabal, but I have been trying to pound some sense into scholarly brain-boxes for a long time. Stop trying to impose your tired philosophies on the multiverse, berks! Chaos is NOT a higher form of order! There is no order! The multiverse doesn't make sense, so stop trying to see any meaning. There is no inherrant meaning, not to the planes, not to existance itself! Wake up, you addle-coves! Unhende berks you ..."

She is finally dragged offstage by a trio of scholars.

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

"On the other hand", comments a voice in the back of the auditorium.
"Does all this really matter?"
The voice belongs to a dark haired satyr with two large raven wings on his back, lounging on a chair in a black suit, a glass of red wine in his hand. The sign of the Free League is carefully embroidered on his jacket in green and golden thread.
"I just mean, I love a discussion on the nature of the planes as much as anybody. But, come on. This is just a funny little tract a clueless wrote, way back on some little prime.
So what? I say. Remember about, oh, let's say... a year ago when this metal man and his gnome friend came from the prime? They thought all the planes orbitted around the prime and dragons created everything. We had some laughs, played a short round of "Scare the primer" and then explained them how we thinks stuff is.
The primers believe in things. This belief creates everything out here. But there are many, many prime worlds. And they all believe their own stories. Out here, they are all true.
What matters, in the end, is that perhaps some people will believe what it says in that little book there. We get some new realms, of some new gods, perhaps some new demiplanes. If they get strong, perhaps even a layer or two.
So, these berks think, the abyss, limbo and the elementals are the same? I guess we can expect some more portals between them, then. Perhaps even breaches, or leaking elemental matter. Angels? As much as they hate to hear it, some of them always fell, since creation. Yugoloths? We all know not to believe anything we hear about them. Heck, if that stuff about races not hating each other is true, they might even stop some wars, which would be pointless anyhow and only restrict everyone's freedom.
Does it matter to me? Not much. I have my beliefs, they have theirs, and who am I telling people what to think? In the end, that's all that counts."

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Jaspar Arelius, alhoon planeswalker, comes in for a talk.(4E PS?

"I agree with him. Why bother getting upset about the beliefs of one prime world? Or even a few? The outer planes have always been mutable by belief, but that doesn't mean a relatively few Clueless are going to cause some kind of catastrophic shift of the entire cosmos." These words come from a tall and muscular young human with dark brown hair including a beard and mustache.

"I've actually been to the world where the book 'World and Monsters' was written. It's history obviously shaped the beliefs of it's inhabitants. For instance a human civilization there made a pact with the Baatezu. They were given infernal power, becoming a specific form of Tiefling that all have similar features and powers, but they're civilization was destroyed and it's inhabitants scattered. These Tieflings spread through the world and so they're specific form became what the other peoples thought of as Tieflings."

"Also certain demon lords have used connections between that world and the Inner Planes, to attack the Tieflings of Bael Turath. The inhabitants assumed that they must then come from these places and also saw Yugoloths with them so assumed they must have been of the same type."

"I could go on, but I think I've made my point."

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
*snort* A slender figure


A slender figure in the back of the room rises and pulls back the hood of his finely embroidered ysgardian cloak. "You know, this happens every few years. Some Prime, or even Planar, gets a sudden inspiration that they 'know how it all works.'"

He looks around the room, waves at Balthasar Thames of the Planewalkers Guild and continues. "Come on, why do you think we call them Clueless? They think they know, but in reality the planes are just too big for a mortal mind to encompass. I've run across dozens of differing theories in my research at the Musee Arcane and in my opinion the only thing I need to know about any of them is 'will it get me where I want to go?""

"Give it a few more years and there will be one, if not more, tomes full of revelations about the nature of the planes, mark my words. And I am sure it will be arrant screed as well."  He shakes his head and chuckles as he turns towards the door. "Happens every few years, I'd stay but I've heard the arguments before. As long as Lissandra cane tell you how to get where you need to go does it really matter?"

The figure fades from view as he walks, disappearing before his figure reaches the door. 


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Otogi's picture
Joined: 2007-11-18
"And you all would know

"And you all would know about how the planes move?" says a meek voice from the center of the hall calls.

 The voice is question belongs to a lizard-like creature, a man with a bulky physique and with two sharp bones adorned in leather. He almost looks draconic, but his easily overlooked brown scales and personality in general seems to debunk any thought of that. "It's true that you, being from planes, would have a better idea of what is going on in the planes. The truth is, that while you want believe that everything is a lie, or that its just one case of a prime happening, that an empire spawned a sort of tieflings" he says as though it was conected to an unpleasent memory. "Or that people disappearing into the Feywild were just tricked by the some michevous race of faeries, you're all just really afraid. Granted, I'd be pretty scared if everything I knew were going through a major turn around, but all of you being afraid of change?"

The crowd grumbles in displeasement from the prime speaking, and daggers shoot out from they're eyes, with a few gripped in the hands of prideful and angered.

 "You all remember Vecna, right? The lich-god that challenged the Lady and tried to control Sigil.  After he failed miserably and was banished from the planes and divorced almost entirely of his divine powers, the planes changed. Everything changed. Sure, the planes remained the same, but they were different. True, they were subtle, but they were undeniable. So why, when more extreme happenings like the planes folding into each other and entirely new beings appearing, seem so unbelieveable when (insert cataclysm here) happened only two years ago? " He stands up, his muscles taking up most of where his words don't seem to reach. "If that doesn't mean anything, then look at me as an example. I am a dragonborn, the servant of - the former servant of the Platinum Dragon. There was a time when these scales where the color of the very power I served, who's domain I stood in. But my god disowned me, disowned his adoptive children. And as my god futhered himself from us, my scales darkened. And as I came back to my world, I did see what that book, and another one that only fallow what was happening around mande. Elves were spliting as the gith, gods were fewer and mysterios, barbarians became almost mystical in their strength and the world was leaked with planar energies."

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