Let's brainstorm some ideas for Mechanus gears!
I'd ideally like to get anywhere between 2 minimum and 5 maximum, though 3 or 4 is likely the sweet spot. The bulk of these should be stand-alone gears, but I wouldn't say no to fluffing up a particular section of Regulus, as long as that doesn't become the bulk of the content.
The goal is to create some Gears of Mechanus that the home DM can slide into their game without too much work on their part. I don't expect there to be much crunch in these articles, and they don't all have to be the same length -- some can be more detailed, or more interesting, than others.
I believe it behooves us to keep them pre/post-faction war neutral, so they can be used in games taking place in either timeline. Still, if applicable, a short paragraph on how the gear might change after the Faction War couldn't hurt.
If the Gear is inhabited, be it a metropolis sprawling over both side or just a small town on one of them (and I am of the belief that Mechanus could actually use more towns. I mean, people live there, and not just in Delon-Estin Oti), let's bust out the Settlement templates from the Pathfinder Game Master's Guide http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/mastery/settlements.html
For (poor) example:
LN village
Corruption -1; Crime -2; Economy -1; Law +1; Lore -1; Society +3
Qualities academic, insular
Danger 0
Government council
Population 140 (120 humans, 10 planetouched, 5 gnomes, 4 dwarves, 1 half-elf)
Notable NPCs
Councilman Andris Paval (Pl/Male human/Bard 5/Mathematicians/LN)
Councilwoman Gabriella Yse (Pr/Female human/Wizard 3/Ln)
Councilman Viris Krander (Pl/Male tiefling/Wizard 2/LE)
Innkeeper Marcelle Jenis (Pl/Female dwarf/commoner 1/LN)
Trading Post Owner Argyris Ellis (Pl/Male human/expert 2/LN)
Base Value 500 gp; Purchase Limit 2,500 gp; Spellcasting 4st
Minor Items 2d4; Medium Items 1d4; Major Items —
... Also worth doing, now that I'm thinking about it: new settlement government types, settlement qualities, and settlement disadvantages designed with Planar settlements in mind. (Edit: New thread on that here.)
<--- Big Marut fan here if you can't tell by my avatar
I don't know if this has been detailed already, but doesn't one of the gears house a gigantic factory that produces Inevitables? If it's already been written up, I'd love to check that out.