the ad stuff? right?
Issue 1 : "The Lady's Eye Returns"

This thread is to track development of this particular issue of the Lady's Sharper Eye. I'll be making a note here re: the articles, ads, and other things recieved for this issue.
ETA: May 7th
Status: Done
Advertising stuff and I'm making a compilation of other things that I'm gonna need asap too. I think I'll probably be able to get more once we have at least one issue out again
I've updated the status for this thread - (see first post) as I've got a collection of articles and I think we're at the limits of hte articles I'll be able to wrangle out of folks for this issue. We're down to art (as PB, and OW know). And otherwise - this issue looks to be on schedule.
Done! Got the last part written up today. She's all done and ready to go on Monday.
Alrighty!! The issue is up and ready to roll! Let me know what you all think!
OMGs, "Rosenkrants and Goldenstem are Dead, A Dustman's Tale" (I think that was how everything was spelled *nocks brain-case*), that is the funniest ad in the whole thing!!! I am still laughing with tears rolling down my face over that one. If you have no idea what I am talking about go and rent "Rosencrans and Guildenstern are Dead", and you will understand why it is so funny.
On a side note (hahaha); the rest of the paper was really good, especially the Blood War ad (*wink wink*).
Congratulations on publishing the first of a new series of Lady's Sharper Eye. I'll have a read of the articles tonight and give more feedback later on. Now that I've got a copy - I'll have more of a clue of what kind of articles to submit in future.
A fine product...My only (initial) criticism would be that when you continue an article on another page, that the continued portion be given some sort of headline that indicates which article it is a continuation of and that the intial segment of the article indicate both which page to go to finish reading the article and the continuation's headline...Hopefully this suggestion makes since...
I believe I *did* go through and do 'continued on pg X' and 'continued from pg y' - but adding the headlines is a good suggestion, and will be used next time.
I thought it was very good. It was nice to finally see some of that material be published, and the new material was quite well up to our standards as well.
Maybe I can actually submit an article for the next that is less than five years old, that is.
Yay! I'm on break! (knock on wood...)
It's a niggling complaint, however. It wasn't much of a concern.
That's what feedback is for It was difficult to put together something that both wouldn't heavily break up the articles *and* looked good both online and in print. So... bookmarks and HTML link requests have been noted for next time round as well.
As a side note- I noticed that articles really don't have to be very *long* to fit well. A page worth, two at most - and you've got a nice long one already. I suspect getting the idea for the article is the harder part.
Yup. Going on with the LSE is a decidedly good idea.
But one thing bothers me. The color of the background is pale-yellow and artwork pieces are totally white. It just not like the newspaper. The drawings are usually printed on the same pale-yellow paper as the text is. IMHO, it would just look better if the background blends with the artwork elements.
While I can try to do that - it's very much dependant on how much time I have to work with the art. (The art comes to me on white, and photoshop is very good, but not a miracle worker. )

That was a nice in-char, clueless
Now here's the dark of changing the background color.
1. Copy the entire original b\w art to clipboard and make new empty file (of the same size).
2. Then fill the empty file with the paint bucket (your pale yellow color is approximately 254-254-249 in RGB).
3. Make a new layer there.
4. Paste the b\w art to this new layer.
5. In the layers window change the mixing method of this layer to "Multiply" ("mixing method" is the rollout in the layers window, where the "normal" word is usually seen)
The same, but faster:
Open the image. Choose the brush color as 254-254-249 (type the numbers to R-G-B spaces). Choose the paint bucket as the tool.
then do theese: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Shift-N, Enter, click anywhere on the image, Ctrl-Shift-N, Enter, Ctrl-V, change "normal" to "multiply".
Ok. As of this moment I have 8 articles from previous (years ago) submissions to the LSE, and one new one. But no artwork.
I have put them all into a format ready for tweaking - but could use some raised hands on the artwork question. We definately need it!