IRC Campaign?

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Iegan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-25
IRC Campaign?

First, to the Moderators, I hope this is the right forum. I haven't seen any similar topics in my cursory perusal of the site, so I hope this isn't strictly against the rules. I'm a big Planescape fan and although this is my first post here, I'm not just advertising an idea and disappearing. I plan on sticking around.

That aside, I was wondering if anyone plays in any non-forum online Planescape games. If any of you do, I'd be extremely appreciative of an invitation to join you. Assuming there is no such game in progress, would any of you be interested in getting one started with me? I ran a similar game for a couple of years based in Faerun and have experience and a system that works.

The game would ideally involve 3/3.5 edition rules, but rather than playing at any particular time, PCs will be able to enter the room and play at will, as the game will be set around a tavern/inn of some kind.

Moderators, if you like the idea and would like to simply snatch it up and run it alongside your forum-based game, I'd be ecstatic to join in as a player or GM. I look forward to any feedback, good or bad. And again, if this sort of thing is frowned upon, my sincerest apologies. No hard feelings if this post gets deleted.

System Admin's picture
Joined: 2003-11-25
IRC Campaign?

Since we don't restrict anyone running any games in our forums at all ("Go, play my pretties, recruit players and run games here...") The mods are here just to keep things rolling, or keep spammage down - neither of which has been a problem lately. So don't mind the little men behind the curtain. Eye-wink

Would you (and anyone else running IRC games) like us to keep a running thread here advertising channels and when the game is held so you can recruit players and the like?

Iegan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-25
IRC Campaign?

That would be excellent, thank you. As it is, I'd need some takers (Fated or no) before I set down any details.

System Admin's picture
Joined: 2003-11-25
IRC Campaign?

Sure thing, just let us know the details when you're set up.

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