introductory NPC races and factions

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DMDaddy's picture
Joined: 2010-11-20
introductory NPC races and factions

New to planescape.

What are some good race/faction NPCs that can help introduce the players to the planescape setting?

I've already created a modron outcast fighter, now I need another faction/race to use.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Re: introductory NPC races and factions

The modron isn't necessarily part of a faction, though they're often found in the Fraternity.

Tiefling is probably the next best example of the variety of races in Sigil. A devout cleric of some merciful power (a convenient healer for the PCs, perhaps) and Godsman -- he considers himself to have been born into a higher form than his fiendish progenitor, and looks forward to future improving rebirths.

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