Interplanetary War

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Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Interplanetary War

Some years ago, on another board and using another nickname, I posted the concept of a homebrew campaign setting, wherein the PC's world had fallen to the illithids, who had instigated wars between the humanoid races before crushing the thus weakened resistance and conquering the known continent (and presumably the whole planet as well). Some time later I came across the Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon, realizing that I, unwittingly, had copied the fall of People, and dropped my idea.

Now I'm toying with the idea, though, to work this concept out nevertheless, since I'm still intrigued with the idea of a world where humanity (and folks like dwarves, elves and halflings, who by their natures qualify as 'human', too for me) has been defeated and is forced to live in hiding and to fight for the very survival.

One thing, however, I was not sure about was, how the illithids would have managed their invasion. (Or, for that matter, how any interplanetary or interplanar power in D&D, like the githyankis and the harmonium manage the conquests of prime worlds).

My ideas for this invasion are:

- To build portals in secret locations of the world beforehand, through which the thrall forces are transported to the world from the centers of illithid power. Illithids seem to have enclaves in the subterran regions of most inhabited worlds, so this could be a plausible way to change a stereotypical medieval fantasy world into a mind flayer dominated nightmare.

-To gate the invading forces in. (Could prove heavily resource consuming, though).

- To Perform a vast landing operation from space. that sounds heavily science-fiction-like, but the illithids are apparently a major spelljamming power, so such a feat should theoretically be possible within the context of the inner logic of the D&D settings.

- Mix of all.

What are your thoughts? Smiling

p.s.: I know this is not directly Planescape-related, but I figure that here are a lot of bloods around who have lots of information and good ideas about illithids, githyanki, spelljamming and the like.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Well in Dark Sun the

Well in Dark Sun the Githyanki tried to invade the planet through a specially constructed 'nightmare gate' built under a mountain.I think the theory was to muster their strength under the mountain while drawing allies together and then sallying forth to conquer the prime nations. Whether or not this would work is anyones guess.

I imagine that the Illithids would be more subtle, gradually infiltrating cities and taking over the ruling classes, slowly bending the world's cultures to suit their needs. I could certainly see them stirring up dissent between two nations that they control, each demonising the other to the point where the people happily accept their Illithid sponsored 'saviours'. Keeping the wartime mentality going for a few generations could work well for feeding as well, every time someone goes missing just say that they defected to or were assassinated by the other side.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Yeah, for Illithids, a vast

Yeah, for Illithids, a vast Spelljammer invasion, wouldn't work, because it's just not their style. More likely they would sneak in through portals, or covert landings, set up hidden bases underground, and use their psionics to take control of the ruling elite. On a world where people are unaccustomed to dealing with psionics and mind control, they could be devastatingly effective. If they acted quickly and covertly, a thousand Illithids take over a planet in a matter of years.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Azriael wrote: I could

Azriael wrote:
I could certainly see them stirring up dissent between two nations that they control, each demonising the other to the point where the people happily accept their Illithid sponsored 'saviours'. Keeping the wartime mentality going for a few generations could work well for feeding as well, every time someone goes missing just say that they defected to or were assassinated by the other side.


 That's an interesting suggestion, but my I aim for a scenario, where, at some point, it becomes obvious, that the illithids have seized power by breaking the back of any organized resistance. The campaign world is supposed to be sort of an end time scenario, where small hidden bastions of the player races* try to survive in a dying world that is slowly altered to suit the needs of the illithids. So a forceful downfall of the normal civilisations is at least a narative device to get the players involved.

I'd regard the 'typical' kind of mind flayer schemes as being the first phase in preparing an assault, because I believe illithids can only go so far untill they meet strong resistance by powerful wizards, clerics, adventuring types, and good powers. As a comparison, the mind flayers on other (non-illithid) worlds are doing what illithids do, because they haven't been able to weaken the surface races enough to subjugate them, yet.

(*PoL in 2005 Sticking out tongue )


Duckluck wrote:
Yeah, for Illithids, a vast Spelljammer invasion, wouldn't work, because it's just not their style. More likely they would sneak in through portals, or covert landings, set up hidden bases underground, and use their psionics to take control of the ruling elite. On a world where people are unaccustomed to dealing with psionics and mind control, they could be devastatingly effective. If they acted quickly and covertly, a thousand Illithids take over a planet in a matter of years.

Sounds good. Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
I have a site in my

I have a site in my campaign world where one illithid is working to subvert a local duchy. He is using the local thieves guild as minions, and is working toward setting up the duchy as a covert Spelljammer landing site for his fellow illithids. The thieves guild is called the Blades of Fear, and its symbol is a skull above four wavy-bladed daggers, all point-down. If you draw the symbol, you'll see the illithid (Silzerith) has a sense of humor.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Don't forget the eventual

Don't forget the eventual Illithid scheme of killing the world's sun. Probably comes pretty close to the end of their plans for the world, after governmental collapse, feeding farm/breeding colony establishment, and partial terraforming of "hostile" environments. Of course, that assumes that the illithid plan to set up shop on the planet as opposed to just stripping it of intelligent life and natural resources before leaving it a worthless husk adrift in space.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Calmar wrote: One thing,

'Calmar' wrote:
One thing, however, I was not sure about was, how the illithids would have managed their invasion. (Or, for that matter, how any interplanetary or interplanar power in D&D, like the githyankis and the harmonium manage the conquests of prime worlds).

Illithid approach to conquering worlds:
1. Gather as much information on the untamed thralls as possible. Use thralls, helpful slavers/brain-traders, detect thoughts, other psionic powers, etc.
2. Try to get the untamed thralls to destroy each other as much as possible. Get the elven lands to fight against the necromancer-ruled city-state with the undead army. This weakens the elves and hopefully gets rid of those undead.
3. If the mind flayers absolutely have to, and are facing strong resistance, seek alliances, preferably with other abominations. Neogi or aboleths, perhaps. Do not place too much trust in said allies, and try to get them to spend more of their strength subjugating the thralls than the illithids do.
4. Once the untamed thralls have been thoroughly weakened, attack with overwhelming force. Send powerful thralls and Tamers against particularly tough opponents. By this point, most potentially dangerous groups/heroes have already been dealt with. (Example: A potentially dangerous army of 1,000 tough dwarven warriors gets sent on a mission to take out The Valley of Zombie Undead. By the time the valley is undead-free, there are now maybe 500 dwarven warriors, and the dwarven city has now been taken over by hordes of thralls and illithid Tamers. Not to mention that important dwarves within the city were mind-controlled some time ago. As for those 500 dwarven warriors, perhaps their next meal will be drugged or poisoned thanks to a psionically dominated dwarf or two...)

Note that illithids are mostly cowardly and not particularly focused on personal bravery. If they can take a fortress by mind-controlling the guards and eating or enslaving the garrison in their sleep, they'll do that.

Some other things to note:

Typical illithid societies won't have a lot of powerful mages, though some may have mage thralls. The amount of arcane magic they can use is limited. Clerics of Ilsensine are possible, but not common.

On some Prime worlds, the local deities are much more likely to act directly/send avatars than on others. This is something of a cultural weakness for mind flayers, since the idea of thralls having "deities" is offensive to them.

Giths (yanki, zerai, maybe even pirate) won't be happy about any major mind flayer invasions of Prime worlds, and may become potential allies for PCs.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Thanks for the replies.

Thanks for the replies. Smiling

For clarity's sake here's the link to where I posted it originally. Enjoy my even-worse-than-today English. Laughing out loud (please note that this is merely a first draft and I had now clear idea about how many things are working in D&D at that time.)

Hymneth wrote:
Don't forget the eventual Illithid scheme of killing the world's sun. Probably comes pretty close to the end of their plans for the world, after governmental collapse, feeding farm/breeding colony establishment, and partial terraforming of "hostile" environments. Of course, that assumes that the illithid plan to set up shop on the planet as opposed to just stripping it of intelligent life and natural resources before leaving it a worthless husk adrift in space.

Yeah, they are supposed to keep it.

My idea is that they are working on darkening the sky in order to cut off the world from most sunlight. From an inhabitant's point of view it seems destroyed, though. Regarding the quite thriving environments of the subterranean realms and the ability of races like drow, orcs and duergar (yeah, they've been altered by the illithids, but anyways...) to adopt to a life without sunlight, I imagine that the ecology of a world in D&D is not destroyed, but rather just drasically altered by the absence of natural light.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Calmar wrote: I imagine

Calmar wrote:

I imagine that the ecology of a world in D&D is not destroyed, but rather just drasically altered by the absence of natural light.

Provided that an energy source other than sunlight is present for plants (or fungi or whatever), this can work.  Could be fungi that literally feed on ambient magic in the area (which might be problematic for mages...).  Could be organisms that survive via chemosynthesis:


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Zimrazim wrote: Provided

Zimrazim wrote:
Provided that an energy source other than sunlight is present for plants (or fungi or whatever), this can work.  Could be fungi that literally feed on ambient magic in the area (which might be problematic for mages...).  Could be organisms that survive via chemosynthesis:

The magic sustained fungi would work well for the Illithids. Keeps their list of potential enemies a fair bit smaller.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
I like this topic though

I like this topic though it has so far only been discussed from a Illithid stand point, and we seriously know how easily a strong illtihd organisation could take over an unsuspecting prime world. 

The githyanki approach would be a little less subtle, but once it began, it would be near impossible to stop. Githyanki have the following going for them:

-They are a lot more human then Illithids. It would be easier for them to infiltrate human societies then illithids because of their relatively easier eating and multiplying habits.

-They are very well organised and are (or were, until the latest events) governed by a single body - that of the Lich Queen. It can be assumed that any githyanki operation on a prime plane is under the direct orders of the Queen or her generals.

-They live on the astral, and astral touches the prime on every point, meaning the gityanki could strike at any time, anywhere. 

-Don't forget that Githyanki too have potent psychic powers. They will not hesitate to use them.

-Githyanki don't take slaves.

-They have the means, the guts and the will to conduct a full scale invasion of an unprepared prime world. Do not underestimate the red dragons.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
One thing the githyanki

One thing the githyanki may lack is motive. I don't know if the githyanki would be too interested in invading a prime world en-masse, unless that world had something particularly useful to the githyanki. They would be better off raiding a world for supplies or needed materials. Actually conquering a world has a significant overhead in what happens AFTER you conquer it - there's rebellions to suppress, governments to control, resources to exploit, and so forth.

Githyanki are also less likely to want to "settle down" on a (to them) backwater prime world. The only reason that I could see for a githyanki invasion is that the world has a significant resource that cannot be removed - perhaps it is a psionic focus, or has a red dragon breeding ground, etc. But anything like this would either cause other races/beings to seek it, or the natives would already have exploited it and have a significant home-ground advantage.

The illithids are probably better invaders, since all they want from a planet is a ready supply of brains.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
The githyanki's 'mission' by

The githyanki's 'mission' by Ephelomon (who is or was the high-up of the red dragons if I'm not mistaken) is to "Go forth and conquer all.". And (despite special magic in their capital city) it's certainly useful for them to control territory where time flows normally in order to grow food and to reproduce so they can maintain any influence outside the astral plane.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
The githyanki's 'mission' by

The githyanki's 'mission' by Ephelomon (who is or was the high-up of the red dragons if I'm not mistaken) is to "Go forth and conquer all.". And (despite special magic in their capital city) it's certainly useful for them to control territory where time flows normally in order to grow food and to reproduce so they can maintain any influence outside the astral plane.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Stal_Shurroth's picture
Joined: 2008-09-07
Another thought for you to

Another thought for you to consider is mind flayers with warforged thrall army. Oh yes, an illithid can play with a warforged brain. Flayer elite generals, and an enormous army of things built specifically for battle. 'Forged aren't an Eberron exclusive race, so they could come from anywhere with a variety of different background stories for thier race. Imagine a forge in the control of the flayers. 'Forged loyal from birth, and those who try to escape or rebel are just mind-raped back in line. How they get into a world depends on your preference, either Spelljammer armada landing, or slow deliberate infiltration of flayed 'forged followed by a lightning-coup. In summary, I think 'forged could be the brute force arm of the flayer empire.

The humor behind such an idea is of course, this could quickly start to look like Terminator movies. Post-Apoc world, people fighting for survival, relentless machines that cannot be bargained with, can't be threatened, and exist to kill and enslave. Great thing about Post-Apoc settings is there are a lot less lawful types and usually anything you kill isn't going to piss off a cleric or druid. Rogue heaven.

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
BlackDaggr wrote: One

BlackDaggr wrote:

One thing the githyanki may lack is motive.


The illithids are probably better invaders, since all they want from a planet is a ready supply of brains.

 I agree with everything you said on this comment, except for the very last part.

Githyanki will probably not be a "raider" nation, but they will not be a full prime empire either. Thats not because they can't, but as you said, because they don't care. They don't care about slaves, and they certainly don't care about peoples that they can enslave. Yes, they do believe that they are superior to every other race, but that doesn't mean they are going to exterminate every last one of those races either. (Only a few.) They are not a blood thirsty race, it is just that they don't care what happens to others for the good of the Githyanki.

Their empire will span perhaps many worlds, but as you said they will all be planets that are very very important for the Githyanki race as a whole. They will all be very heavily guarded but even so, their existence will be kept as a secret from the rest of the multiverse. Githyanki are strong, but they have many enemies that are just as strong too. Going from that point, a hidden Githyanki garrison-world would be a great adventure place for a PS or SJ game- leading the players to think thatthis IS the birth place of the Gith race would be good past time for any GM.

As for the Githyanki Expansion, I would think that the Githyanki will stage regular raids on hundreds of other prime planets simultaneously, but only to explore the resources, and to test the defences of that world. They almost never appear in the same world twice if they don't find it alluring, instead moving on to unexplored space. This would make the Githyanki the keepers of one of the richest planetology lore in the multiverse. Also, a single Githyanki ship could be a grave threat, because it would be the herald of an onslaught.

This led me to think of another possible motivation for an invasion of prime worlds. A shameful defeat, or anything that can be considered as an insult to the Githyanki race could prove to be the setting of full-scale invasion. Such an invasion would result either with an even worse defeat (and thus a worse insult to the honor of the race) or with the total annihilation of the offender.

 Finally I think that the Githyanki will, from time to time, invade planets to strip it of its natural resources and raw materials, without any regard for the inhabitants. They will invade but not dominate or colonize, planning to leave only after a few decades, when they're content with what they took. Thus, the İllithid are not better invaders, but definitely better colonists/conquerors. I think there's a little difference between the two.

 Sorry if its a little mixed up, I just wrote it as I thought about it.

BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
For the githyanki invasion,

For the githyanki invasion, it might also be interesting to consider how they might use, or interact with, the Pirates of Gith. The Pirates are a branch of Gith that sail the seas of wildspace.

jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
BlackDaggr wrote: For the

BlackDaggr wrote:
For the githyanki invasion, it might also be interesting to consider how they might use, or interact with, the Pirates of Gith. The Pirates are a branch of Gith that sail the seas of wildspace.

If I remember correctly, the pirates of Gith are considered an outcast branch by both the githyanki and githzerai, treating the pirates basicly the same way they'd treat each other, only less so because there are fewer interactions.  Don't quote me on this as my Spelljammer knowledge is severely limited.


A bunch of years ago, there was an issue of Dragon all about the staging and enacting of a Githyanki invasion of a prime world.  It was a terrific set up with a great system of management and organization on the part of the githyanki.  Though that was when they had the aid of a powerful lich queen capable of casting Gate multiple times a day to allow astral dreadnaughts to appear anywhere.  I suspect high power magic would be severely limited after Vlaakith's demise.


Quick unrelated question, was it Vlaakith or Lolth that kills her followers at a certain level?  Or maybe it was both?

Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
jareddm wrote: Quick

jareddm wrote:

Quick unrelated question, was it Vlaakith or Lolth that kills her followers at a certain level?  Or maybe it was both?

 I can't remember if Lolth does or not, but Vlaakith definitely did, yes.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
That's a thrilling

That's a thrilling elaboration, Evil.

We probably should focus on the era of a unified githyanki people for any noteworthy expansion endeavours, since, if I'm not mistaken, a civil war broke out on the Astral plane between several githyanki factions after the end of the last Vlaakith.

 The githyanki also could attack worlds that are under control of the illithids or that are close to becoming subversed by the mind flayers. I don't think it's implausible that a large portion of githyanki power and efforts is employed at any time to fight their first and foremost enemy.

Or imagine the githyanki being the apparent adversary of a world, but in truth they are rendering it worthless, or making it's inhabitants alert and ready to defend themselves (not out of benevolence towards the folks who live there, but to make it harder for the illithids). 


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
Calmar wrote: That's a

Calmar wrote:

That's a thrilling elaboration, Evil.

Thanks Laughing out loud

Calmar wrote:

Or imagine the githyanki being the apparent adversary of a world, but in truth they are rendering it worthless, or making it's inhabitants alert and ready to defend themselves (not out of benevolence towards the folks who live there, but to make it harder for the illithids). 

Yes! They would declare a whole planet or crystal sphere "denied to the enemy" without a second thought than let it slide to the illithid tentacles. I'm sure they have something the equivalent of a fantasy nuke up their sleaves, somewhere. I feel sorry for the dudes on that planet!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
A few notes here from the

A few notes here from the DM of a gityanki-based campaign here on the boards.  The game is Blades of Git'riban, or BoG'r for short.  I won't do a whole run-down, 'cause you can read the first BoG'r OOC post.  Suffice to say I've come up with various power blocs in the multi-faceted 'yanki "civil war" and my own take on Incursion and the aftermath thereof.

Anyway, I ran the Incursion campaign, with my own somewhat unique take on Githyanki invasions.  Basicly, the 'Yanki invaded several worlds for several reasons.  Yes, they were wiping out illithid, but they were also trying to establish power bases and looking for the regalia of Gith, powerful artifacts associated with the Liberator herself.

I'm sure they have something the equivalent of a fantasy nuke up their sleaves, somewhere. I feel sorry for the dudes on that planet!


One of the things that came into play in my Incursion campaign was just that.  I called them the "Void Bombs".  There were not many, but even one was bad news.  Basicly they were designed to react with and set off ambient magic in a large area around the point of detonation.  Within about a dozen miles (give or take, depending on how common magic is on that particular world) everything would be destroyed, as all the magic from magical items, or structures that were built with magic and therefore had some residual arcane energy, was released explosely.  It also worked on living beings with magic in their blood, like monsters or spellcasters, so on the fringes of the effect, say, a low-level appentice might only get a headache, but be killed when his high-level master next to him imolated in a blinding flash.  They were never really "used" per se.  Like nukes in the real world they were used as a threat and a barganing chip, but when Vlaakith was slain at the end of Incursion, they went off, wiping out several Astral cities and centers of githyanki power on the prime worlds.

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