intergrating eborron can it be done ?

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sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

for you who think eborron and planescape should have some connection please post

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

I always thought that changelings fit wonderfully into the feel of Sigil. They're slippery and sly, like our loveable tiefers. Overall, though, I wouldn't try to fully integrate Eberron into my own PS campaign, because the world was designed completely divorced from the Great Wheel cosmology. Planescape isn't usually about island-hopping through the Prime Material anyway.

But the Living Construct subtype used for Warforged sounds like the perfect thing for Modrons. I would like to see them take that on. Artificers, too.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

Are you talking more about having your Planescape Party going into Eborron or your Eborron Party going into a Planescape type Cosmology? I mean it could be as simple as the Eborron Cosmology being basically a false understading of the multiverse and they find out that out as they go into the planes.

Conversly I guess it would work basically the same way if a Planescape crew somehow found themselves on this "backward world"

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

"bonemage" wrote:
I mean it could be as simple as the Eborron Cosmology being basically a false understading of the multiverse and they find out that out as they go into the planes.

Conversly I guess it would work basically the same way if a Planescape crew somehow found themselves on this "backward world"

"Look ye soddin' clueless idjit, it's called the Abyss an' ye can pike off te visit it since I got no time for addle-coved prime pillocks."

Works both ways, really.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Integrating Eberron; can it be done?

Sure. Sigil can have portals to anywhere.

I thought Eberron's alchemy and homunculi would work well in Planescape. The Sharn sourcebook has a lot of urban menaces who would fit in Sigil as well.

It might be cleanest (A) if you ditch both the Great Wheel and Eberron's cosmology, replacing them with something completely open-ended like the Beyond Countless Doorway cosmos that can easily accomodate all the planes of both or (B) you ignore Eberron's cosmology and just use the planet as another misguided Prime world.

If you don't care about making it clean you could use both cosmologies side by side, connecting them with perhaps the Plane of Shadow or just connecting them with Sigil. You could also rationalize Eberron's cosmology so that its planes are regions of the known Planescape planes that have been contaminated by a series of planar breaches with a regular schedule of waxing and waning.

Modrons could be outsiders like archons, guardinals, and slaadi and still have the traits of living constructs.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

great ideas another useful trick in eborron is the eldritch machines wich are basicly universe bending artifacts a good way using one would be to say that wen one of these crazy gigedts was activated it somehow brought eborron into the multiverse in the place of a another prime

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

I think it can and will be done. We'll eventually be including some notes on Eberron races. I think I'll do some more thinking about making use of Eberron's technology, it may add another avenue of interest to the setting...


-Gabriel Sorrel,

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

If your looking fer the ebboron races this april their coming out with core supplelment

Companero's picture
Joined: 2005-02-17
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

I've started to add warforged to my campaign (currently focused around the Blood War). They have started to appear on both sides of the conflict - mostly in the small conflicts breaking out in the outlands where neither side has large forces to commit right now. Moreover, it is becoming evident that they are all being manufactured by the same source...

In this case a Yugoloth industrialist Eye-wink who has constructed a vast factory complex manufacturing constructs, juggernauts, golems and weapons of all kinds and then selling them to both sides...

(The factory complex itself is one of my favourite settings i've come up with and I think I might submit it, if no-one minds me using Warforged in a ps setting - on the other hand, I came up with the basic idea before I added the warforged, so I could probably leave them out)

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

Spahgetti man, you have Pulled it off! The campaign you hosted at my place over the breakwas awsome! I think you truly could intergrate the two, and you do it good. I think you should be the Eberron Guy around here! The race across arginessin was awsome! espaccially when my rogue threw their entry papers out the window! Laughing out loud
Keep on the Eberron boat, and don't jump off!

Keravin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-24
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

For those looking at incorporating Eberron into PS I'd definitely suggest the Races book as there is a lovely Changeling Organisation in there which I think would fit right into the Planes. I do love my shapechangers Smiling

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

It's certainly easy to integrate the Eberron races into Planescape:

1. Shifters --> Beastlands
2. Warforged --> Mechanus
3. Changelings --> Hopping around with the Rilmani?
4. Kalashtar/Quori --> Far realms refugees

Some of the game elements, such as alchemical infusions, mass-produced magic items, wizard universities, even the lightning rail, would fit quite well into the Victorian portions of Sigil, less so in the medieval parts of the Outer Planes. Things like dragonmarks and dragonshards might not translate so well, since they're tied into the structure of the prime world of Eberron.

No doubt there are dinosaur-riding halflings visiting Sigil as we speak. Maybe even cannibal halflings skulking in the shadows...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

"Krypter" wrote:
Warforged --> Mechanus

Acheron, even more so. They like their gears and cogs in Mechanus, but in Acheron the warforged have a purpose.


Anywhere and everywhere.


The Curtain of Vaporous Color, the dreamlands of the Ethereal.

It's the daelkyr who are Far Realms refugees.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

How can you forget the abberation DMG. reduction it makes the flaeyers all the harder to kill

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

You could throw any of the warforged on alot of the planes, depending on their porpose there, they are intelligent creatures, (somewhat) if they have some control

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

acheron would work nicly same with mechanus but the daelkyr are'nt refugees there a agressive force that wipes out anything in there way trust me on this

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

"Krypter" wrote:
Things like dragonmarks and dragonshards might not translate so well, since they're tied into the structure of the prime world of Eberron.
I suppose the less specific dragonshards could possibly reflect a type of "elementalshard"... taken directly from a specific elemental plane itself. Like a dragonshard, these elementalshards could allow the binding of lesser elementals into certain objects, peoples, and places.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

that would work but the elemental shard of ooze *shivers*be a little bit akward I would think

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

"sphagetti man" wrote:
acheron would work nicly same with mechanus but the daelkyr are'nt refugees there a agressive force that wipes out anything in there way trust me on this

No, they're just stark raving mad agents of insanity. Who are masters of the 'art' of crafting flesh.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

Truly, they don't sound like refugees, though they sound dreadful, evil creatures, wouldn't want to dance with one of them :roll: , I think fell is right in the idea of the element shards. you could probly still use the dragon marks, just don't call them that, call them their spesific names like mark of hospitality, almost like magical birth marks- the dragons.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

yes but the daelkyr are the most evil thing I've heard of I mean they command the mindflayers there tell me tht's not kinda srary ?

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

just a bit, it is an extremely harsh land id say, wouldn't want to be there in a pinch.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

hey it may be harsh but it can bring your enemiy to their knees as well and beware the goody goodies some of the heroic palidins were'nt all that nice lest we forget the big were hunt the nice nice church did

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
intergrating eborron can it be done ?

truly, truly makes sence, guess they could take care of things for you.
But know that i think about it, i con't think i can picture a warforged in Baator, it would be wierd..

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