interesting items

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Joined: 2007-05-16
interesting items

i don't really care for the average +1 sword and stuff in my games. All the magic items I give out to characters are unique and have specific names. here are a few:

Staff O'Giant Slaying

An oak quarterstaf shod in copper bands, this potent weapon was given to the ranger Osbaldistone mac Llyod by the seele court to defended against giants and orgre magi in the service of the un-seele court.

* +2 quarterstaff
* Enlarge person (Fortitude DC 15 negates)
* bane vs Giants/Giant Kin/Ogre magi
* vorpal against Giants/Giant Kin/Ogre magi (ignore the usual rule that voral weapons must be slashing, this weapon "knocks" the head off)

The Salmon Cuarans
Roumered to be a gift from Manannan mac Lir himself to the bard Hob ap Hob this pair of simple slippers is made out of skin of The Salmon of Wisdom, when worn it goves the wearer a + 20 competence bonus on jumps and + 4 wisdom bonus.

The Shaggy Brat
This cloak made of a sheep's pelt always looks dingy and smells of wet hay. When worn the brat will warm the wearer, as if he were affected by an endure elements spell. Once per day if taken off and flung to the grounf the cloak will form a giant sheep hide tent, the inside of the tent is under the effects of the mage's magnificent mansion spell, the portal being the entrence to the tent. While in effect as a tent the tent is unmovable except by current owner of the tent. The mansion has a durration of 10 hours, after which those inside will find themselves back out in the elements and the tent will revert to a shaggy brat.

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