Interactive Sigil map

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Azmahel's picture
Joined: 2008-12-10
Interactive Sigil map

take a look at

Sigil - Goolge maps Style

Everybody who knows Google maps knows how to work on this and to populate it with all the valueable Inforamtion available for this wonderfull City.

I didn't start populating it myself, because the only map i had was rather low-quality. 

So if anybody has a map better suited for this task. You're welcome ;) 

Personaly i would love to see this map grow with wonderful information. And someday even see a map like this for the Outlands, the Outer and inner planes, etc. but my maps for these Locations are even worse.

after all i just wanted to point out to this great service, that could great jobs for this community.


Edit: I've just laid my eyes on Ambrus' take on the would make a great Basis for this. 

 yet it's only available as Pdf. to be used at Maplib, t must be a Jpg, gif or Png, max 4mb ; 6000x6000 


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
.... ok that's Awesome. I'm

.... ok that's Awesome. I'm going to let Ambrus know - I'm pretty sure he has a high res version of his map.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Nice! Would be great if the

Nice! Would be great if the entire collection of venues were pinpointed on the map.

Azmahel's picture
Joined: 2008-12-10
that's what i'm planning

that's what i'm planning for. (and since anybody can pinpoint things there your help is welcome Eye-wink )

I'm just waiting for the better map to get started.

Meanwhile im thinking about how the legend would be managed best, to keep it straightforward and simple, yet make it able to filter relevant information.

 My thoughts so far:


2 kinds of Pins: canon and non-canon

 6 kinds of Pins: People, Places, Portals each canon and non-canon (my fav so far)


diferent pins for different sources,

different pins fpr differen faction afflications,


 what do you think?


Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Thanks to Clueless for the

Thanks to Clueless for the heads up. I of course have all my files in hi-res and would be happy to help with this. I have to embarrassingly admit that I'd been planning to update the existing map for some time now, but have allowed myself to get sidelined with various side-projects and real life responsibilities. I now have all canonical venues indexed and would love to produce a definitive accompanying map to reflect it. I've actually completed a fair bit of the work already, I'd just need to sit down and complete the task.

 As to the types of pins,  I'd likewise prefer to keep canonical and non-canonical sources separate. The venues are easy enough to figure out, but I'd find it tricky to put in people since many of them tend to move around. Canonical portals would also be fun to include, though many of those that exist are unfortunately clustered together, such as in the Mortuary and the Civic Festhall. There's also no definitive list that exists as far as I know; I never kept track of them during my own research.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
I think the 6 types of pin

I think the 6 types of pin organization sounds fine.

True, many NPCs move around frequently but many of them have a home or an office from where they run their business, which would seem the prudent places to nail them at (some have business and home at the same adress, such as A'kin).

Azmahel's picture
Joined: 2008-12-10
6 pins then. Of course

6 pins then.

Of course some places might be cluttered (esp. with portals: think Harbringer House) but with categorizing these, you might simply turn all portal-markers off, if you aren't looking for them.

Once i get the updated map from Ambrus ( with the right specs) i will upload it and start markering (presumably i will start with Lower Ward / Hive ward, because that are the places the most action of my actual campaign takes place ) 

meanwhile i'll start making a "definite List of Portals" of all the canon Portals i can get my hands on.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
Wonderous and

Wonderous and fantasmagorical! I will be watching this transpire.



Azmahel's picture
Joined: 2008-12-10
the Site has some drawbacks

the Site has some drawbacks and quirks, most of them due to its early betastatus, yet i just discovered a major Drawback: the markers are organized in Pages of 20 and only one of them is being displayed at a time. So the all with-one-glance- Effect is completely lost. ( you must browse through all Pages to see all markers  once)

 [ it's 60  wioth a pro Account and more with a mysterious super Account -wheter it'syour map for everybody or everybodys mas for you is not clear]


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