Input on Magic Items

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mmxbass's picture
Joined: 2006-08-25
Input on Magic Items

I'm looking for input on some items I have in the works for submission. How do these two sound so far?

Bitcrystal Machine

This complex device uses a complex grid of lasers that scan a scrying crystal while a computer reads the data feed from the laser controller. Computerized map software then displays the location of the creature or object being scryed for. Bitcrystal machines may be used to scry with a +6 circumstance bonus to all scry checks but only if the object or creature being scryed for is currently in a location present on the software maps.

Many enterprising wizards and sorcerers have even gone so far as to set up coin/card operated bitcrystal machines in busy metropolitan areas. These machines are buyer beware however as some machines may be running outdated map software or even defective scrying crystals. Particularly faulty machines may even hinder efforts to scry. A randomly encountered public bitcrystal machine will provide a bonus (or penalty) of 1d10 -4.

Many particularly lawful cities such as those on Mechanus may even regulate and periodically inspect public bitcrystal machines. Randomly encountered devices in these areas should instead provide a 1d6 bonus to scry checks.

Moderate divination; CL 12th; Craft Wonderous Item, scrying; Weight 160 lbs; Price: 66,000 GP


This item creates a shockwave surrounding the weilder that spreads out in a 50ft radius. The resulting shockwave instantly disables all nonmagical electronic equipment for 1d4 minutes. Any magical electronic devices (such as bitcrystal machines) are allowed a DC 18 fortitude save to avoid being disabled. The rod may be used 4 times per week.

If a nullsceptre is deliberately broken (standard action, requires DC 16 strength check), the resulting shockwave destroys all nonmagical electronics within 100ft. All magical electronics must make a DC 28 fortitude save to avoid being disabled for 2d6 +6 minutes. Critical failure of the fortitude save (natural 1) results in destruction of the magical electronic device.

Strong evocation CL 16th; Craft Rod, magblast (or chain lightening + sunburst); Price 40,000 gp.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Input on Magic Items

Keep in mind that magic above 5th level require special invocations to use.

That said, Flying Vacuum Cleaners are all the rage in Sigil high society Cool

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