Inner Planes Resource Index

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Joined: 2009-09-25
Inner Planes Resource Index

I decided it needed its own topic (esp. since the title of the topic it's in is misleading; also to help Wicke)
In the same vein as the Outer Planes Resource Index topic I made, this is a reference guide to all of the canon 3x (and EN World and Vaults of Pandius converted) Inner-Planes related resources.

Links to the Outer Planes Resource Index, as well as a Far Realm Resource Index (which also covers a bit on aberrations in general) can be found here:

Before I begin, some good general resources:

First of all, the Planescape Inner Planes book is a must. Al Qadim: Secrets of the Lamp is also important, along with the Planescape Monstrous Compendium III (this book consists entirely of inner planar monsters). Dragon Magazine 174 covers some monsters of Mineral along with its Archomental, Crystalle.
Likewise, the 3.0 Manual of the Planes plus the free 3.5 update pamphlet (available on wizards website) and the Planar Handbook.
And, of course, you'll want the PSCS Denizens of the Inner Planes and Denizens of the Transitive Planes, which are both available on this site.
I would also strongly suggest the Frostburn supplement and (to a lesser extent) the other two climate-related supplements (Stormwrack and Sandstorm), and Dragon Magazine 347, an issue which focuses almost entirely on inner planar subjects (including a 3.5 update of the Princes of Elemental Evil.)

The "Far Corners of the World" articles on Wizard's website contain some useful monsters and such. Of particular use are the monsters of air as well as many spells and magic items (some of the spells are updated in the Spell Compendium, but some aren't. The cold spells are all updated in Frostburn.)
The articles can be found here:

In addition, there are quite a few converted monsters in En World's Creature Catalogue (which is free). I have also added a few converted monsters from the Vaults of Pandius (official Mystara fansite), and I'll list a couple from the Terrors of the Deadlands supplement (downloadable for free on

The Inner Planes Campaign Expansion states that every known type of ooze, slime, and jelly can be found in the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze. It states that their intelligence is one step higher on this plane, but since that doesn't apply to 3.5, treat them instead as always having full HD on Ooze.
Here is a list of oozes found in 3.0 and 3.5. Some should not be placed on Ooze, so I won't list those.
--Ghaunadan (Forgotten Realms Monsters of Faerun)
--Jelly, Mustard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Ooze, Aquatic, Reekmurk (Fiend Folio)
--Ooze, Cesspit (Cityscape) (also a perfect encounter for The Hive of Sigil)
--Ooze, Crystal (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (also found on Water)
--Ooze, Deadly Pudding (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Gray (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Ochre Jelly (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Slithering Tracker (Dungeon 143, EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Pudding, Black (Monster Manual 1)
--Pudding, Deadly (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Slime Creature Template (Dungeon 132)
--Slime, Olive (Dungeon 132)
--Slime, Tyrian (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Monster Manual 3 (as well as some of the Eberron books and I think a Dragon Magazine article) introduce a monster type known as 'living spells'. Some of these could be encountered on the Elemental Planes. Perhaps, there is a chance spells matching the element of the plane they are cast on could spring to life, explaining the existence of these things. (Living Spells are originally a phenomenon linked to Eberron)
Here is a list of the Living Spells applicable to the Inner Planes and their sources.
--Acid Arrow (
--Burning Hands (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Chilling Fog (Monster Manual 3)
--Color Spray (Sotl.W)
--Disintegrate ( (found on Dust)
--Enfeeblement (Monster Manual 3) (Native to the Negative Energy Plane)
--Fireball (Wizards website)
--Flaming Sphere (Sotl.W)
--Flesh to Stone (
--Glitterdust ( (found on Radiance)
--Glitterfire (Monster Manual 3)
--Ice Storm (
--Prismatic Spray (
--Whirlwind (
The Eberron Campaign Setting gives the template for creating a Living Spell.

--Cariad Ysbryd (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Crystal Screamer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Elemental, Positive Energy (Tome of Horrors III)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulmarauderer (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulscaper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Spiritovore, Soulsipper (Bastion of Broken Souls)
--Energon, Xag-Ya (Manual of the Planes)
--Glimmerskin (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Goldencrest (Violet Dawn - Denizens of Avadnu)
--Lumi (Monster Manual 3)
--Ravid (MM)
--Vivacious Creature [template] (Planar Handbook)
--Wyrd [template] (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Allip (Monster Manual)
--Balhiir (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Banshee (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Bone Weird (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Caller in Darkness (Psionics Handbook)
--Colfel (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dark Lord template (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Death Shade (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Diurge (there are two versions of this) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Drelb (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Negative Energy (Tome of Horrors III)
--Elementite Swarm, Negative (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Energon, Xeg-Yi (Manual of the Planes)
--Entropic Creature [template] (Planar Handbook)
--Evolved Undead template (Libris Mortis) (inhabitation of the Negative Energy plane is likely to accelerate this process greatly; many if not most undead of Negative are likely to possess this template.)
--Ghost [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghost Brute [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghostly Dragon [Template] (Draconomicon)
--Giant, Death (Monster Manual 3)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Netherspark (Tome of Horrors III)
--Orb Wraith (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Pseudoelemental, Negative (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Quasielemental, Energy Pod (En World Converted)
--Shadow (Monster Manual)
--Shadow, Grand (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shadow of the Void (Epic Level Handbook)
--Silveraith (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Slow Shadow (Dungeon 112)
--Spectral Plant (Creature Collection II)
--Spectre (Monster Manual)
--Swarm, Bonespider (Dungeon 119)
--Trilloch (Monster Manual 3)
--Umbral Blot/Blackball (Epic Level Handbook)
--Umbral Creature template (Dragon 322, Libris Mortis)
--Vasuthant (Monster Manual 3)
--Void Monster (Bastion Press- Complete Minions) *note: aberrations are not indigenous to the Elemental planes. Change type to Outsider, Extraplanar subtype, and alter stats accordingly*
--Void Ooze (Planar Handbook)
--Wraith (Monster Manual)
--Wraith [Template] (Savage Species)
--Wraith, Dread (Monster Manual)
--Wraith, Shimmering (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)

--Aerial Servant (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Aoa (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Apparition (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Bhorloth (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)
--Chronolily (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Chulcrix (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Dharculus (Planar Handbook) (rare)
--Dhour (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dimensional Warper (EN Converted Monsters)
--Dimensional Slug (Necromancer - Aberrations)
--Doppleganger, Ethereal (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Ethereal (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Ghostly Template (Draconomicon)
--Dragon, Moonstone (En World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters; not to be confused with the Ethereal Dragon which is also known as the 'moonstone dragon'.)
--Ebon Tiger (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Ectoplasm/Ghost Ooze (Tome of Horrors III) (ethereal)
--Elf, Ghost (Dragon 313)
--Ephemeral Swarm (MM3)
--Ether Creature [Template] (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Ethereal Defiler (Monster Manual 5)
--Ethereal Filcher (Monster Manual)
--Ethergaunt (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Ethereal Marauderer (Monster Manual)
--Ethereal Ooze (Fiend Folio)
--Ether Scarab (Monster Manual 3)
--Ethereal Slayer (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Garmorm (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Ghost [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghost Brute [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghostly Dragon [Template] (Draconomicon)
--Gk'lok (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Gloomwing Moth (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Gloomwing, Tenebrous Worm (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Golem, Ether (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Huldrefolk (Bestiary of Krynn Revised)
--Joystealer (MM4)
--Magran (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Meme (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Memedi (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Nat, Einsaung (Oriental Adventures)
--Nathri (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Nethersight Mastiff (MM2)
--Nethling (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Ooze, Ethereal (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Phase Wasp (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet) (note: phase wasps technically do not dwell in the Ethereal; they can attack ethereal creatures from the Prime)
--Plasm, (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Quickbiter (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Rabbium (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Shedu (Fiend Folio)
--Skiurid (Monster Manual 3)
--Spectral Savant (Complete Psionic)
--Spider, Phase (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Spider, Planar (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Spirit Pup (Violet Dawn - Denizens of Avadnu)
--Sundel Bolong (EN World Converted)
--Terithran (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Thought Eater (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Thought Slayer (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Tween (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Veserab (Anauroch: Empire of Shade)
--Wispheri (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) (extremely rare)
--Xill (MM)

--Afya/Shade [template] (City of Brass)
--Beacon Moth (Dragon 322)
--Bleakborn (aka Moilian) (Libris Mortis)
--Dark Creature template (Tome of Magic)
--Darkness Pseudo-Elemental (Dragon 322; I believe this is also covered in Denizens of the Transient Planes)
--Darkweaver (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dragon, Shadow (Draconomicon)
--Elemental, Shadow (Tome of Magic)
--Ephemeral Hangman (Tome of Magic)
--Eye of Fear and Flame (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Genie, Khayal (Tome of Magic)
--Giant, Shadow (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Gloom (Epic Level Handbook)
--Golem, Shadesteel (Monster Manual 3)
--Illumian (Races of Destiny)
--Kulumar (Violet Dawn - Denizens of Avadnu)
--Nethersight Mastiff (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Nightshade, Nightcrawler (Monster Manual)
--Nightshade, Nighthaunt (Lost Empires of Faerun)
--Nightshade, Nightwalker (Monster Manual)
--Nightshade, Nightwing (Monster Manual)
--Psi-Shadow (Dark Sun Terrors of Athas)
--Quickbiter (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Shadar-Kai (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet, Dragon 337)
--Shadeling (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Shadow (Monster Manual)
--Shadow Asp (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Shadow Beast (Miniatures Handbook; not a template)
--Shadow Creature template 3.5 update (Dragon 322, Lords of Madness)
--Shadow Eft (Complete Psionic)
--Shadow Jelly (Planar Handbook)
--Shadow Mastiff (Monster manual)
--Shadow Spider (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Shadow Walker template, 19+ level character (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Shadow Wolf (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Skiurid (Monster Manual 3)
--Umbral Creature template (Dragon 322, Libris Mortis)
--Veserab (Anauroch: Empire of Shade)
--Wisp (Scarred Lands-- The Penumbral Pentagon)

(Note: Logic dictates that the Realm of Mirrors should also be a demiplane within the Ethereal.)
--Baku (Dreamscape) (En World Converted Monsters)
--Bleakborn (Moil) (Libris Mortis)
--Chronolily (Time) (Planewalker Denizens of the Transitive Planes)
--Clamor (Demiplane of Sound) (Tome of Horrors II)
--Dire Dreamself (Shallows, Dreamscape, Dal Quor, Nightmare Lands) (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)
--Dragon, Epic, Time (Time) (Dragon 359)
--Drake, Temporal (Time) (Wizards Website-- Monster Mayhem)
--Dreamfane (Dreamscape) (
--Dreamspawn, Greater, Ennui (Dreamscape *rare*, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (RL: Denizens of Dread)
--Dreamspawn, Lesser, Morph (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (RL: Denizens of Dread)
--Dream Spectre (Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Tome of Horrors III)
--Dream Vestige (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Libris Mortis)
--Dreamweaver (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (RL: Denizens of Dread)
--Drifter, Hob (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Dragon 324)
--Drifter, Spellshadow (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Dragon 324)
--Dragon, Moonstone (Dreamscape) (En World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters; not to be confused with the Ethereal Dragon which is also known as the 'moonstone dragon'.)
--Elemental, Wood (Demiplane of Wood) (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature, Wood (Demiplane of Wood) (Manual of the Planes)
--Encephalon Gorger (unknown demiplane) (Tome of Horrors II)
--Fihyr/Feyr (Dreamscape) (Monster Manual 2)
--Hob (Dreams) (Dragon 324)
--Hungry Dreamer (The Shallows) (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)
--Malfera (Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Dragon 343)
--Mephit, Mirror (Realm of Mirrors) (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)
--Mournwrath (The Shallows *common*, Dal Quor *rare*, Dreamscape *uncommon*, Nightmare Lands *rare*)
--Nerra (Realm of Mirrors) (Fiend Folio)
--Phantasmal Slayer (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, Dal Quor) (Heroes of Horror)
--Phrensy (The Shallows) (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)
--Quori, Dream Master (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Magic of Eberron)
--Quori, Du'ulora (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Dragon 324, Secrets of Sarlona)
--Quori, Hashalaq (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Dragon 324, Secrets of Sarlona)
--Quori, Kalaraq (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Dragon 324, Secrets of Sarlona)
--Quori, Tsoreva (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Magic of Eberron)
--Quori, Tsocora (Dreamscape, Dal Quor) (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Reflexion (Dreamscape, Dal Quor, Nightmare Lands, The Shallows) (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)
--Shardcaster (Realm of Mirrors) (Sinister Spire)
--Spirrax (unknown dying demiplane) (Monster Manual V)
--Temporal Crawler (Time) (Tome of Horrors II)
--Temporal Stalker (Time) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Tenebris (Dreamscape, Nightmare Lands, The Shallows) (Denizens of Dread)
--Thorn Ogre (Demiplane of Wood) (EN World Converted)
--Time Flayer (Time) (Tome of Horrors II)
--Time Walker (Time) (Violet Dawn - Denizens of Avadnu)
--Wight, Time (Time) (Wizards Website-- Monster Mayhem)
--Xenocrysth (The Shallows) (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics)

--Adamant Algae (Mineral-- ) (Dragon 347)
--Chromatic Shells (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Emberroot (Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Fluidstone (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Hardfire (Fire, Magma, border w. mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Iron Coal (Earth, Mineral, Radiance) (Dragon 347)
--Lambent Fires (Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Platinum Pearls (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Pure Ore (Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Ripplewood (Air) (Dragon 347) (Ripplewood is usually inhabited by monsters and such)
--Salamander Orchid (Fire) (Dragon 357)
--Sky Lotus (Air) (Dragon 347)
--Stoneshroom (Earth) (Dragon 347)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

--Acolyte of the Crystal Path (Green Ronin- Advcanced Race Codex Dwarves)
--Black Flame Zealot (FR: Undermountain Adventures, Complete Divine) (nongood worshipper of Kossuth)
--Bonded Summoner (Miniatures Handbook) (A spellcaster with elemental ties)
--Child of Night (Tome of Magic) (Mystery user or arcane caster tied to the Plane of Shadow)
--Crinti Shadow Marauderer (FR: Shining South)
--Cryokineticist (Frostburn) (this is a Psionic PrC)
--Diamond Dragon (Dragon Magic) (psionicists who seek to emulate gem dragons)
--Dragonfire Adept (Dragon Magic) (invokers who revere and derive power from dragons)
--Dragon Lord (Dragon Magic) (dragon reincarnated into the body of a humanoid general)
--Dungeonlord (Dungeonscape) (This is a monstrous prestige class for dungeon and underdark-dwelling creatures. This PrC also works for natives of Core Earth and Core Ice.)
--Earthshaker (Dragon 314) (Divine caster who channels seismic and geothermal power)
--Elemental Archon (FR: Faiths and Pantheons) (Worshipper of one of the four elemental deities)
--Elemental Master (Draconomicon) (prestige class for dragons)
--Elemental Savant (Complete Arcane) (Arcane or divine caster who seeks to become one with their chosen element; eventually becomes an elemental.)
--Elemental Scion (Magic of Eberron) (requires the use of elemental grafts described in the same book)
--Firestorm Berserker (Dragon 314) (berserker who rages with the power of fire)
--Frost Mage (Frostburn)
--Glorious Servitor (FR: Lost Empires of Faerun) (worshipper of Geb or Shu)
--Hand of the Winged Masters (Dragon Magic) (spy/assassin in loyal service to a dragon)
--Heartfire Fanner (Dragon 314) (performers who inspire passion in listeners and reveres fire)
--High Handcrafter (Dungeon 104) (a smithy who acquires powers from the Plane of Earth)
--Icesinger (Dragon 314) (performers who create cold effects by singing of tragedy)
--Illumine Soul (Complete Psionics) (this is a psionic PrC. A soul-knife who creates a blade of positive energy and fights undead)
--Inquisitor of the Drowning Goddess (FR: Underdark) (worshipper of Blibdoolpoolp)
--Master of the East Wind (Dragon 314) (Hybrid monk/mage who venerates air)
--Master of the North Wind (Dragon 314) (hybrid druids/monks who venerate air; Dragon 347 states many are worshippers of Chan)
--Master of Shadow (Tome of Magic) (Mystery user or spellcaster who gains a Shadow Servant)
--Master of the South Wind (Dragon 314) (spellcasting rogues who specialize in espionage with mild access to spells of air and subterfuge)
--Master of the West Wind (Dragon 314) (hybrid cleric/monk who venerates air)
--Noctumancer (Tome of Magic) (Hybrid arcane caster/mystery user)
--Pact-Bound Adept (Dragon Magic) (sorceror who embraces & awakens their draconic ancestry)
--Planar Shepherd (Faiths of Eberron) (Druids of the planes; way overpowered, though)
--Planar Vangard (Wizards website) (this is a Psionic PrC for planewalking psionicists.)
--Purebreath Devotee (Dragon 314) (divine caster so in tune with Elemental Air that she no longer needs to eat or drink)
--Pyrokineticist (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (this is a psionic PrC)
--Sea Mother Whip (FR: Underdark) (worshipper of Blibdoolpoolp)
--Sea Witch (Stormwrack) (chaotic-aligned casters of the deep)
--Shadow Apostle (Dragon 322) (Worshipper of Erebus)
--Shadowblade (Tome of Magic) (Martial class who uses shadow for stealth)
--Shadowcraft Mage (Races of Stone)
--Shadowsmith (Tome of Magic) (Artificer-like class that empowers items with shadow)
--Shadowspinner (Green Ronin- Advcanced Race Codex Gnomes)
--Skypledged (Races of the Wild) (raptorians who swear and oath to air elementals)
--Slime Lord (Player's Guide to Faerun) (worshipper of Ghaunadaur)
--Stonelord (Complete Warrior) (Dwarven warriors empowered by their connection to earth and stone)
--Stormcaster (Stormwrack) (non-lawful casters who specialize in violent weather)
--Storm Disciple (Complete Psionic) (divine manifesters who harness the powers of electrical storms)
--Stormtalon (Races of the Wild) (raptorian warrior)
--Walker in the Waste (Sandstorm)
--Wavekeeper (Stormwrack) (undersea druid)
--Wyrm Wizard (Dragon Magic) (wizard mentored by a spellcasting dragon)

Elemental Savant epic levels
3.5 conversion:

This is one of the few areas where I will encorporate elements from the Planar Handbook.
Variant Rule: These substitution levels can be given to natives of the Inner Planes. In such cases, substitution levels that affect "Extraplanar" beings refer only to those not native to their home plane, including primes.
Lv. 3- Portal Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv 7- Planar Damage Reduction (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Menacing Rage (replace "material plane" with "native plane" (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Portal Dissonance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 12- Planar Discordance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 1- Planar Dismissal (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 11- Planar Banishment (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 4- Resist Extraplanar Might (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Planar Tolerance (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Counter Summoning (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 4- Planar Study (replace "material plane" with "native plane") Planar Handbook
Lv. 12- Aura of Stability (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 5- Resistant Body (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 8- Portal Intuition (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Planar Tracking (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Breach Sense (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 10- Slip the Bonds (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 16- Blink (Planar Handbook)
Special Ability Option: Frostfell Terrain Mastery (Frostburn)
--Shadow Soulknife (all levels) (Dragon 330) (this is for Drow, only)
Lv. 5- Force-Charged Energy (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 9- Extraplanar Spell Penetration (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 13- Spontaneous Summoning (elementals only) (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 6- Unimpeded Magic (Planar Handbook)
Lv. 14- Enhanced Magic (Planar Handbook)

(These are similar to substitution levels, except that they are chosen at first level and affect the abilities from Lv. 1 forward)
--Elemental Companion (Complete Mage)

--Aventi (Stormwrack)
--Azerblood (Dragon 350) (azer and dwarf)
--Dhinni (Dragon 350) (halfling and djinn)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn; the info on this race is rather limited, and I'm planning to expand upon it in my Paraelemental Ice project)
--Elemental Genasi (Races of Faerun, Dragon 293)
--Elf, Aquatic (PHB, Races of Faerun, Stormwrack)
--Elf, Avariel (Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerun)
--Elf, Ghost (Dragon 313)
--Elf, Rockseer (EN World Converted Monsters) (an ancient subterranean offshoot of elves, as distant from regular elves as drow and snow elves.)
--Half-Elemental (Manual of the Planes, Dragon 326; this is the 3.5 update from MotP, and is now a monstrous class. Personally I like the 3.5 Paizo update since I thought the race was rather overpowered in MotP.)
--Half Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic)
--Lumi (Monster Manual 3)
--Mephling (Planar Handbook)
--Paraelemental Genasi (Dragon 297)
--Raptorian (Races of the Wild) (though the raptorian is a forest-dweller, it has close connections with Elemental Air, thus colonies are likely to be found on Air. Also, Dragon Magazine 347 presents a giant floating plant/vine where they could live)
--Shadowswyfts (Planar Handbook)
--Sulwynarii (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens) (stats are incorrect; either reduce Cha bonus by 2 or add +1LA)

These creatures are presented as optional PC races, but the stats are incomplete; in some cases racial ability adjustments were not given, while for others, large amounts of information (such as how to play such a character) is missing.
--Elf, Snow (Frostburn)
--Gnome, Ice (Frostburn)
--Halfling, Tundra (Frostburn)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Planetouched, Shyft (Fiend Folio) (descendent of an ethereal creature)
--Shadar-Kai (Fiend Folio)

--Armor, Bone (Arms & Equipment)
--Armor, Coral (Arms & Equipment)
--Armor, (crustacean) Chitin (Stormwrack)
--Armor, (beetle) Chitin (Races of the Dragon)
--Armor, Dendritic (Races of Faerun, Arms & Equipment)
--Armor, Living Coral (Stormwrack)
--Armor, Sharkskin (Stormwrack)
--Armor, Shell (Stormwrack, Arms & Equipment)
--Weapon, Kharshiir/Sulwynarii Bow (Violet Dawn Complete Book of Denizens)

--Air Plant (Stormwrack)
--Clothing, Fireproof (Planar)
--Clothing, Fur (Frostburn)
--Crampons (Frostburn)
--Ether Harness (Planar)
--Filter Mask (Sandstorm)
--Goggles, Ice (Frostburn, A&E)
--Goggles, Swimming (Stormwrack)
--Ink, Waterproof (Planar)
--Lantern, Fog-Cutter (A&E)
--Miner's Outfit (Dragon 334)
--Potion Bladder (Races of Faerun)
--Saddle, Flyer's (Races of Stone)
--Skis and Poles (Frostburn, A&E)
--Snowshoes (Frostburn)
--Spelunker's Kit (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Winter Fullcloth (Frostburn)

These poisons come from ingredients found on one or more Inner Planes.
--Blue Anemone Oil (Stormwrack)
--Cone Snail Venom (Stormwrack)
--Dragon Bile (DMG, Complete Adventurer)
--Fire Coral Extract (Stormwrack)
--Icegaunt Dust (Frostburn)
--Icetoad Bile (Frostburn)
--Immoth Venom (Dungeon 100 Web Enhancement)
--Lich Dust (A&E)
--Seasnake Venom (Stormwrack)
--Shadow Essence (DMG, Complete Adventurer)
--Snowflake Lichen Powder (Frostburn) (this can be bought for a mere 25gp on The Precipice, and 50gp in adjacent regions of Ice)
--Stonefish Venom (Stormwrack)
--Yellow Urchin Extract (Stormwrack)
--Yeti Oil (Frostburn) (I fail to see how this is poisonous, but it still makes more sense than wooly mammoth eye juice...)
--Virile Madness (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Volcanic Gas (Sandstorm)
--White Pudding Essence (Frostburn) (obviously this answers the age old question as to whether or not white puddings are edible)

--Alchemist's Frost (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Alchemist's Spark (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Alchemist's Mineral Acid (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Armor Insulation (Frostburn)
--Auran Mask (Cmag)
--Blasting Pellets (Races of Stone)
--Clearwater Tablet (Complete Scoundrel) (does not work on supernatural liquids)
--Darkvision-Invisible Paint (Forgotten Realms: Underdark
--Dwarfblind (Arms & Equipment)
--Etherblade Paste (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials)
--Firestone (Dragon Compendium)
--Frostbite Salve (Frostburn)
--Frostfire (Savage Species)
--Ice Chalk (Frostburn)
--Ice Crystal (Dragon Compendium)
--Icewalker Oil (Dragon 301)
--Liquid Ice (Dragon Compendium)
--Liquid Light (Cityscape WE 3)
--Liquid Night (Libris Mortis)
--Liquid Salt (Sandstorm)
--Luminar (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials)
--Melt Powder (Frostburn) (only useful on Ice against cold creatures)
--Polar Skin (Frostburn, A&E)
--Pure Element (Planar)
--Razor Ice Powder (Frostburn)
--Rockburn Oil (Dragon 298)
--Shadowlight Oil (Dragon 337)
--Slumbersand (Sandstorm)
--Spelunker's Oil (Drow of the Underdark)
--Stoneburn Acid (Drow of the Underdark)
--Stonelung (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials)
--Trail Bar (Csco)
--Weeping Flask (Complete Mage) (creates drinkable water)

--Adamantine (Mineral) (DMG)
--Aethernium (Ethereal) (Kaiser's Bazaar Book C) (ethereal gold)
(Hardness 6, 20 HP/Inch)
--Basaltium (Fire, Magma) (Kaiser's Bazaar Book C) (perpetuallly hot iron)
(Hardness 10, 30 HP/Inch)
--Blended Quartz (Mineral) (Eberron Campaign Setting as "Riedran Crysteel", Arms & Equipment Guide) (A natural blend of quartz with iron; very heavy)
(HP/Inch: 15 Hardness: 8 )
--Blue Ice (Ice) (Frostburn) (deep blue to blue-gray variant of eternal ice which can be worked like metal and weighs 25% less than steel)
(HP/Inch: 20 Hardness: 10)
--Bronze (Mineral) (DMG)
--Crystal, Deep (Mineral) (Expanded Psionics Handbook) (Psionics-enhancing crystal found in massive mundane crystal cores)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness:10)
--Crystal, Mundane (Mineral) (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
(HP/Inch: 25 Hardness: 8 )
--Crystalis (Ethereal) (Kaiser's Bazaar Book C) (silver-ethereal gold alloy)
(Hardness 7, 20 HP/Inch)
--Dynamidium (Lightning) (Kaiser's Bazaar Book C) (metallic ore found on Mineral pockets on Quasielemental Lightning)
(Hardness 10, 30 HP/Inch)
--Elukian Clay (Water) (Arms & Equipment) (type of clay associated with the Elemental Plane of Water)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness: 10)
--Fluidstone (substance similar to Elukian clay)
(HP/Inch: 5 Hardness: 10)
--Fundamental Iron (Earth, Mineral) (special cold wrought iron that weighs 50% less)
--Fyrite (Fire, Magma) (Dragon 347) (metallic substance immune to heat, but takes double damage from cold)
(HP/Inch: 30 Hardness: 10) (same as steel)
--Mindpearl/Laorini Reef Coral (Water) (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials) (psionically reactive nacrous coral)
(Hardness 8, 20 HP/Inch)
--Mithril (Mineral) (DMG)
--Radiant Crystal (Radiance/Mineral border) (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials) (mineral found in border regions bet. Mineral and Radiance, which polarizes/color shifts depending on the energy type it's exposed to. Within 1 minute of polarization, 2 PPs can be spent to make armor/shields absorb that type of energy and weapons to emanate that type of energy)
(Hardness 10, 30 HP/inch)
--Scorching Brass (Fire & Magma) (Green Ronin - Aasimar & Tiefling) (perpetually hot brass)
(Hardness/HP as masterwork steel)
--Sea Metal (Water) (Green Ronin - Aasimar & Tiefling) (type of compact coral from Elemental Water)
(Hardness/HP as masterwork steel)
--Sky Steel (Air at border w. Ice) (type of almost weightless type of eternal ice)
(Hardness/HP should be as blue ice instead of as steel)
--Stone (Earth) (DMG)
--Riverine (Water) (Stormwrack) (A layer of water enclosed inside a Wall of Force.)
(HP/Inch: -- Hardness: --)
--Sentira (Demiplane of Dreams) (Secrets of Sarlona) (special material made by the Dal Quor, essentially solid psionic energy, with many of the properties of mithril.)
--Shadowsilk (Shadow) (Tome of Magic) (Silk made entirely from woven shadowstuff; self-repairs in darkness.)
(HP/Inch: 10 Hardness: 1)
--Shiftroot Hide (all) (Dreamscarred Press: Phrenic Creations Special Materials) (textiles made from a plant that feeds off of psychoportative energies of planar gates and places commonly used for dimensional travel. Found on any plane other than prime or most demiplanes.)
(Hardness 3, 5 HP/Inch)
--Volcana (Fire, Magma) (Kaiser's Bazaar Book C) (basaltium alloy)
(Hardness 15, 30 HP/Inch)

--Adult Dragon's Blood (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Adult Red Dragon's Tonuge (Fire) (Dragon 317)
--Adult White Dragon's Tongue (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Ancient White Dragon's Heart (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Ancient White Dragon's Horn (Ice) (Dragon 332)
--Aurial Sapphire (Air) (Complete Champion)
--Black Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Chromatic Dragon Eggshell (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Chromatic Dragon's heart (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Devil's Eye (Magma) (Complete Mage)
--Diamond (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Djinni's Tongue (Air) (Dragon 317)
--Elder Elemental Vital Essence (any Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental) (Dragon 317) (vital essence is essentially the elemental's soul/body)
--Elder Fire Elementals's vital spark (Fire) (Dragon 317)
--Emerald (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Feather of an Intelligent Creature (Air) (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Irian Crystal (Positive) (Eberron Campaign Setting; corresponds to Posicrystal)
--Jacinth (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Mabar Crystal (Negative) (Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mature Adult Dragon's Eyes (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Mephit's right hand (any Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental) (Dragon 317)
--Nixie's Scales (Water) (Dragon 332)
--Old Blue Dragon's Horn (Air) (Dragon 332)
--Old Chromatic Dragon's Heart (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Old Green Dragon's Horn () (Dragon 332)
--Old Green Dragon's Tongue () (Dragon 332)
--Old Red Dragon's Horn (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Pegasus's Hooves () (Dragon 317)
--Primal Essence (Ethereal) (Complete Mage)
--Pure Ore (Earth) (Dragon 347)
--Red Dragon's Tooth (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Remorhaz's dried heat glands (Ice) (Dragon 317)
--Ruby (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Scales of a dragon with DR (Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Water) (Dragon 332)
--Schorl (ravenar) (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Skiurid, Nugget of Stored Life Energy (Shadow) (MMIV)
--Soil of Stone (Earth) (Complete Champion)
--Star Ruby (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Star Sapphire (Mineral) (Magic of Faerun)
--Very Old Black Dragon's Fangs (Dragon 332)
--Very Old Red Dragon's Heart (Fire) (Dragon 332)
--Winter Wight's Skull (Ice, Negative) (Dragon 317)
--Wyrm White Dragon's Jawbone (Ice) (Dragon 317, Dragon 332)
--Xill's scales (Ethereal) (Dragon 317)

Items likely to be useful or found as treasure (or weapons of the enemy) on the Inner Planes.
The following is a list of magic items which are useful on the Inner Planes (most only bestow energy resistance or allow the use of elemental spells though)
--Amulet of Allies (City of Brass)
--Amulet of Attunement (Dungeon 153)
--Amulet, Brazen (City of Brass)
--Amulet, Opalescent (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Amulet of Proof vs. Petrification (FR: Shining South)
--Armor, Dragonrider (Draconomicon)
--Armor of Dragonshape (Draconomicon)
--Armor, Icemail (
--Armor of the Long Journey (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Armor, Thunder (
--Armor Property, Dessication Resistance (Sandstorm)
--Armor Property, Energy Immunity (Magic Item Compendium, DMGII)
--Armor Property, Fire Warding (Planar)
--Armor Property, Frost Warding (Planar)
--Armor Property, Gilled (Stormwrack)
--Armor Property, Gleaming (Expanded Psi)
--Armor Property, Landing (Magic Item Compendium, Expanded Psi)
--Armor Property, Magnetic (
--Armor Property, Nacreous (Stormwrack)
--Armor Property, Phasing (Expanded Psi)
--Armor Property, Planar Tolerance (Planar)
--Armor Property, Radiant (Magic Item Compendium, Expanded Psi)
--Armor Property, Slimy (Planar)
--Armor Property, Xorn Movement (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Axe, Stonereaver (Magic Item Compendium)
--Backpack, Triton Shell (A&E)
--Belt of Many Pockets (Complete Arcane) (like having several miniature bags of holding attached to your belt)
--Belt, Beruto of the Carp Dragon (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Blackstone Rune (Fiend Folio)
--Blindfold of True Darkness (Magic Item Compendium, A&E)
--Book of Perfect Balance (minor artifact) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark) (neutral equivalent of BoED and BoVD)
--Boots of Fire Walking (Dragon 347) (climb conflagrations)
--Boots of Gravity (Planar)
--Boots of Mountaineering (
--Boots of Lavawalking (
--Boots, Stormstrider's (Cmag)
--Boots of the Xorn (
--Bottle, Everfresh (Sandstorm)
--Bottle of Memories (Complete Arcane) (Stores a day's worth of memories)
--Bottle of Spells (Complete Arcane) (Stores a spell for later use)
--Bottle, Spiralburst (Book of Vile Darkness)
--Bottle of Thought (Complete Arcane) (Stores a single thought)
--Box, Cinders of the Inferno (A&E)
--Box, Lucent (Beyond Countless Doorways)
--Bracers of Whirlwind (Dragon 347) (turn into a whirlwind)
--Bracers, Brassy (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Bracers, Crimson Dragonhide Draconomicon, Magic Item Compendium)
--Bridle, Sea Steed's (Stormwrack)
--Brooch, Cupric (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Choker of the Sirens (Dragon 347) (breathe water)
--Circlet, Coral (MMIII p. 157)
--Clasp of the Elder (A&E)
--Cloak of Blackflame (Magic of Faerun)
--Cloak, Cloud (
--Cloak of Elemental Protection (Magic Item Compendium)
--Cloak of Sandswimming (Sandstorm)
--Cloak, Shadow (Planar, Drow of the Underdark)
--Cloak of Stone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Magic Item Compendium) (meld into stone)
--Cloak, Stormrider (Stormwrack)
--Collar, Brass (City of Brass)
--Collar, Sterling (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Collar of Umbral Metamorphasis (Tome of Magic)
--Compass, Gate (Planar)
--Crimson Claw (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Crucible, Cinders of the Volcano (See Inner Planes Brainstorm thread)
--Cursed Item, Gem, Diamonds of Velrilue (City of Brass)
--Dust of the Zephyr (A&E)
--Earring, Lascit's Aquatic (Dragon 347) (understand and speak Aquan)
--Elixir, Elemental (Dragon 347) (turn into an elemental; also available in paraelemental and quasielemental versions)
--Elixir, Simulacrum (Frostburn)
--Ethereal Reaver (Complete Psionic) (Wielder can see into Ethereal and attack ethereal and material creatures without having to be in the Ethereal or Prime)
--Etherscopic Viewer (Beyond Countless Doorways)
--Extradimensional Anchor (Dragon 306, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Eyes of the Sultana *major artifact* (City of Brass)
--Fan of Furious Flames (A&E)
--Figurine, Elemental Effigy (Cpsi)
--Figurine of Wonderous Power, Brass Serpent (City of Brass)
--Figurine of Wonderous Power, Limestone Crab (
--Flask, Crystal (Kalamar- Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands)
--Food, Everlasting Rations (Heroes of Battle)
--Gal-Ralan (Fiend Folio)
--Gauntlet of the Dwarven Forge (Complete Warrior)
--Gauntlets of Frost (
--Gauntlet, Ghost (DMGII)
--Gauntlet of the Vortex (
--Gem, Aquamarine of Spell Extending (PGF, Magic of Faerun)
--Gem, Coignazance Crystal (Expanded Psionics)
--Gem, Elemental Diamond (City of Brass)
--Gem, Elemental, Greater (City of Brass)
--Gem, Eternity's Eye *minor artifact* (Violet Dawn- Complete Book of Denizens)
--Gem of Night (Tome of Magic)
--Gem, Opal of Tunneling (Sandstorm)
--Gem, Sea Hag's Pearl (Dungeon 153 p. 140)
--Girdle of Touch Me Not (City of Brass)
--Gloves of Burrowing (Dragon 347) (gain burrowing speed)
--Gloves of Flame (Magic Item Compendium)
--Golden Visor (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Hammer, Galeb Duhr (Magic Item Compendium)
--Hammer, Quencher (Planar)
--Hat, Azure Skullcap (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Helm of Darkness (Magic of Faerun)
--Helm, Fiery Kabuto of the Celestial Dragon (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic) (normally reserved for samurai)
--Horn of the Planes (Dragon 317, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Instant Igloo (Frostburn)
--Instrument of the Winds (Magic of Faerun) (summons an air elemental)
--Jug of Whirlwinds (Sandstorm)
--Knife, Sacrificial (BoVD)
--Lantern, Dark (Tome of Magic)
--Mantle of Energy Resistance (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Mantle of the Silver Dragon (Draconomicon)
--Mask, Ebon (Dragon Magazine 308, Dragon Magic)
--Mask of Water Breathing (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Necklace of Frost (City of Brass)
--Night Extract (Fiend Folio)
--Orb of Shadow (Tome of Magic)
--Pendant, Fireflower (Magic Item Compendium)
--Pick of Iceparting (Frostburn)
--Pickled Mephit (Dungeon 141)
--Piton, Burrowing (A&E)
--Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Pouch, Shards of the Vein (See Inner Planes Brainstorm thread)
--Powder, Stonemelt (
--Psionatrix of Air Control (Complete Psionic) (Gain use of Control Air power)
--Psionatrix of Dimension Swap (Complete Psionic (Gain use of Dimension Swap power)
--Replenishing Skin (Sandstorm)
--Ring of Airwalking (Elder Evils)
--Ring of Nullification (Tome of Magic)
--Ring, Sandform (Sandstorm)
--Ring of Sandstriding (Sandstorm)
--Ring of See Invisibility (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Ring of Stone Mastery (
--Ring of Thunderclaps (Magic Item Compendium)
--Ring of Weatherproofing (
--Ring of the White Wyrm (Frostburn)
--Ring of the Wind Dukes (Dungeon 129)
--Robe of Fire (City of Brass)
--Robe of the Inferno (Complete Mage, Magic Item Compendium)
--Rod of the Deluge (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Rod of Elemental Mastery (Dungeon 92)
--Rod of Enervating Strike (Magic Item Compendium, Planar)
--Rod, Icicle (
--Rod of the Icy Prison (Module: Into the Frozen Waste)
--Rod of Impenetrable Darkness (Drow of the Underdark)
--Rod, Metamagic, Piercing Cold (Frostburn)
--Rods, Metashadow (Tome of Magic) (the Mystery/Shadowcaster equivalent of metamagic rods)
--Rod of Mountain Mastery (
--Rod, Portal Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rod of Seven Parts (Major Artifact) (Arms & Equipment, Dungeon 129, Dungeon 135)
--Rod of Vapor Control (
--Rope of Climbing, Superior (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Saddle of the Pegasus (A&E)
--Sash, Selkie (
--Seal of Major Law (Major Artifact) (Dungeon 129)
--Sextant, Dimensional (Manual of the Planes)
--Sextant of the Planes (Planar)
--Shadow Maniple (Magic Item Compendium)
--Shadow Veil (Libris Mortis)
--Shroud of Night (Tome of Magic)
--Slime Pot (BoVD)
--Slippers of Seductive Dancing (City of Brass)
--Slippers of Shadowwalking (FR: Waterdeep)
--Soul Machine (Major Artifact) (Negative/Sundered Towers of Moil) (Dungeon 153)
--Spear, Conflagrant (Planar)
--Spear, Death (FR: City of the Spider Queen)
--Spear, Death Spike (Magic Item Compendium)
--Staff of Banishment (Waterdeep)
--Staff of Earthen Might (Dragon 314, Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Staff of Entrapment (Complete Arcane) (Allows for use of Dimensional Anchor)
--Staff of Ethereal Action (Complete Arcane) (Allows use of Ethereal Jaunt; functions as +1 Ghost Touch Quarterstaff)
--Staff of Etherealness (Planar)
--Staff of Greater Shadow (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of the Jetstream (Complete Divine)
--Staff of the Iceberg (Frostburn)
--Staff of Lesser Shadow (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Lifeless Touch (Cmag)
--Staff of Ooze (Cmag)
--Staff of Pestilence (BoVD)
--Staff of Planar Defense (Complete Divine)
--Staff of Planes (Planar)
--Staff of Portals (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Sacred Fire (A&E)
--Staff of the Sands (Sandstorm)
--Staff of Stone (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Storms (Complete Divine)
--Staff of the Tides (
--Staff of Vitalization (Planar)
--Staff of the Watery Grave (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Staff of Waves & Depths (Planar)
--Staff of Winds (Complete Divine)
--Staff of Winds & Sky (Planar)
--Staff of Winter (Frostburn)
--Staff of Withering Thirst (Sandstorm)
--Stone, Dark Altar (BoVD)
--Stones, Shards of the Fissure (A&E)
--Sword, The Brazen Scimitar *major artifact* (City of Brass)
--Sword of Aaqa (Dungeon 129)
--Sword, Ethereal Reaver (Cpsi)
--Sword of the Glorious Pearl (Stormwrack)
--Sword, Lifequencher (Cpsi)
--Sword, Lightning (magic weapon owned by a wind duke) (Dungeon 129)
--Sword, Munir Seif al Shihab/Shining Sword of Flame *minor artifact* (City of Brass)
--Sword, Soul in Iron (Cpsi)
--Talisman of Adaption (Dragon 306)
--Talisman of Pure Neutrality (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Tapestry, Ethereal (Manual of the Planes p. 59)
--Tongs of the Armorer (Magic of Faerun, Pool of Radiance)
--Trident, Krakentooth (Stormwrack)
--Trident, Pearl (Stormwrack)
--Trident of Red Brine (
--Vial, Droplets of the Storm (A&E)
--Vial of Icy Sheets (Frostburn)
--Vial, Snowflakes of the Blizzard (See Inner Planes Brainstorm thread)
--Volcano Seed (
--Waterskin of Deluge (Sandstorm)
--Weapon Quality, Acidic Burst (Magic Item Compendium, Stormwrack, PHBII, Magic of Faerun)
--Weapon Quality, Air Elemental Power (PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Aquan (Magic Item Compendium, Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Aquatic (Magic Item Compendium, Stormwrack)
--Weapon Quality, Auran (Magic Item Compendium, Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Earth Elemental Power (PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Caustic Surge (Magic Item Compendium, PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Consumptive (Magic Item Compendium, Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Consumptive Burst (Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Corrosive (Magic Item Compendium, Stormwrack, Waterdeep, PHBII, Magic of Faerun)
--Weapon Quality, Desiccating (Sandstorm)
--Weapon Quality, Desiccating Burst (Sandstorm)
--Weapon Quality, Enervating (FR: Shining South)
--Weapon Quality, Exhausting (FR: Shining South)
--Weapon Quality, Finder (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Weapon Quality, Fire Elemental Power (PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Flaming Surge (Magic Item Compendium, PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Ghost Strike (Magic Item Compendium, Libris Mortis)
--Weapon Quality, Icy Surge (Magic Item Compendium, PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Ignan (Magic Item Compendium, Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Impact (Magic Item Compendium, Faiths & Pantheons)
--Weapon Quality, Lightning Surge (Magic Item Compendium, PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Necrotic Focus (Libris Mortis)
--Weapon Quality, Prismatic Burst (Miniatures Handbook)
--Weapon Quality, Shadow Striking (Tome of Magic)
--Weapon Quality, Sonic (Miniatures Handbook)
--Weapon Quality, Sonic Burst (Miniatures Handbook)
--Weapon Quality, Stalactite (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Weapon Quality, Terran (Planar)
--Weapon Quality, Water Elemental Power (PHBII)
--Weapon Quality, Weakening (FR: Shining South)
--Whip, Lavalash (

In addition to spells found in the resources mentioned early on in this post, here are some additional spells from various sources.
--Additional spells of elemental evil can be found in Dragon Magazines --- and 347. Note that only clergy and servants of the Evil Archomentals are likely to possess these spells.
--Dragon Magazine 312 presents nearly a dozen cold-based spells for Auril's clergy (Forgotten Realms deity of cold). One could, alternatively, adopt them as Ice planar spells.
--Dragon Magazine 314 presents some sample elemental priesthoods and rules (and prestige classes).
--Magic Circle Against Elementals (Clr 3, Pal 3, Sor/Wiz 3) (Dungeon 151)
--Shadow Dagger (Dungeon 115)
--Shadow Puppeteer (Dungeon 115)

--Acidic Splatter (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Air Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Anchoring Blow (Dragon 306)
--Aquatic Breath (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Aquatic Spellcasting (Lords of Madness)
--Augment Elemental (Magic of Eberron) (summoned elementals are stronger)
--Black Lore of Moil (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Blistering Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Burning Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 morale bonus to penetrate same monster's spell resistance again)
--Clutch of Earth (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Darkness Familiar (Dragon 322)
--Deep Vision (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Drowning Glance (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Earthbound Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Earthcraft (Dragon 314) (+2 bonus on all Knowledge (architecture and engineering) and (dungeoneering) checks.
--Earth Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Earth Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 DC to spells of the Earth subtype. Spells w.o. DC are instead cast at +1 CL.)
--Edgewalker Sentinel (Eberron: Secrets of Sarlona)
--Elemental Adept (Complete Mage; for Wujen only)
--Elemental Focus (Metamagic; Dragon 319)
--Elemental Grafter (Magic of Eberron) (create elemental grafts onto an organic creature)
--Energy Affinity (Metamagic; Miniatures Handbook)
--Elemental Envoy (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Elemental Essence (Wild; Complete Champion)
--Elemental Healing (Divine; Complete Divine)
--Elemental Smite (Magic of Eberron) (channel energy from elemental graft into a smite attack)
--Elemental Smiting (Divine; Complete Divine)
--Elemental Strike (Dragon 343) (shugenja only)
--Energy Admixture (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Energy Strike (Dragon 343) (divine classes w. energy resistance class feature, only)
--Energy Substitution (Metamagic; Complete Arcane, FR: Shadowdale, the Tearing of the Weave)
--Envoy Cognizance (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Fiery Burst (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Fiery Fist (Player's Handbook II)
--Fiery Ki Defense (Player's Handbook II)
--Fire Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Flash Casting (Dragon 314) (nimbus of light imparts -2 to attack rolls of monsters who look at you)
--Flash Frost Spell (Metamagic; Player's Handbook II)
--Floatation (Dragon 314) (float easily on water's surface)
--Flow with the Current (Dragon 314) (+2 to Initiative and Reflex saves while swimming)
--Friend of Earth (Dragon 314) (+4 bonus on Cha-based checks to influence Earth-based creatures, and +2 to Dwarves)
--Hurricane Breath (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Lord of the Uttercold (Metamagic; Complete Arcane)
--Nature's Fists (Dragon 343) (druid and wildshape-using prestige classes only)
--Nightbringer Initiate (Faiths of Eberron) (instead associated with planar Druids with an affinity to or native to Shadow. Gate can only call creatures from Shadow.)
--Paraelemental Power (Metapsionic; Complete Psionic)
--Piercing Evocation (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Planar Tracker (Dragon 306)
--Privelaged Energy (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Radiant Spell (Metamagic; Dragon 314) (fire-based spell also temporarily blinds or dazzles)
--Shadow Born Warrior (Drow of the Underdark) (fighter bonus; +2 insight to initiative, + 1 dodge to AC in shadowy concealment)
--Shadow Veil (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Slimy Spell (Megamagic; Dragon 358)
--Storm Bolt (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Stygian Archon (Psionic; Complete Psionic)
--Stygian Power (Metapsionic; Complete Psionic)
--Summon Elemental (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Sunlit Eyes (Reserve; Complete Mage)
--Turn Elemental (Dragon 343) (shugenja only)
--Umbral Shroud (Reserve; Complete Champion)
--Umbral Spell (Drow of the Underdark) (metamagic; add darkness descriptor to spell)
--Unyielding Bond of the Soul (Faiths of Eberron)
--Water Devotion (Domain; Complete Champion)
--Water Focus (Dragon 314) (+1 DC to spells of the Water subtype. Spells w.o. DC are instead cast at +1 CL.)
--Winter's Blast (Reserve; Complete Mage)

Some sourcebooks (esp. the climate-based ones) present additional diseases. In addition to those found in the PHB, here is a list of inner-planar diseases and where they can be encountered. As per usual, an aterisk denotes a supernatural disease.
--Cabin Fever (Frostburn) (only non-natives to Ice are susceptible to this)
--*Coldfire Ruin (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Coral Scratch (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Creeping Frost (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Filth Fever (Ooze) (PHB)
--Sandeyes (Ash, Dust, and especially Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Scaleflake (Ooze) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Sea Rot (Water, esp. near borders with Ooze) (Stormwrack)
--Sea Sores (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Volcanic Fever (Magma) (Sandstorm)
--Winter Rot (Ice) (Frostburn)

Here is a list of hazards by source and inner plane.
--Active Lava Flow (Fire) (Dungeon 146)
--Amber Barnacles (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Water) (Dragon 347)
--Anchor Mists (Steam) (Dungeonscape)
--Animating Fields (Lightning, Positive) (Manual of the Planes)
--Ash Willow (Ash, Fire) (Dragon 347)
--Avalanche (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Black Sand (Earth, Shadow) (Sandstorm)
--Blood Snow & Blood Snow Blizzard (Ice, esp. Stinging Storm and Frigid Void) (Frostburn)
--Brine Coral (Salt-- Saline Sea) (Dragon 347)
--Buried in Snow (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Caerulean Magma (Fire, Magma) (Dragon 347)
--Coldfire (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Coral Reef (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Cramped Spaces/Tunnels (Earth, Ice, Mineral, Salt) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark, Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Crevasse (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Crumblestone (Earth, Salt) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Crushing Fissure (Earth, Ice, Mineral, Salt) (Dungeon 113)
--Cryovolcano (Ice) (Dungeon 146) (only likely near pockets of mineral, or alternatively, they could be coldfire volcanoes. Ooh, nifty!)
--Currents and Streams (Water, Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives) (Manual of the Planes, Stormwrack)
--Darkshine (Dust, Earth, Negative) (Dragon 347)
--Darkstone (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Death Hail (Ice-- Precipice, Stinging Storm) (Frostburn)
--Dehydration (condition) (Air, Ash, Dust, Fire, Magma, Smoke, Vacuuum) (Sandstorm)
--Devil Dunes (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Dream Mist (Air, Steam) (Dragon 347)
--Drowning (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Ooze, Water) (Stormwrack)
--Ebony Ice (Ice-- Frigid Void, Precipice, Stinging Storm) (Frostburn)
--Ebony Mote (Ash) (Dragon 347)
--Entangle Weed (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Explosive Gas (Earth, Mineral) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Flame Geyser (Fire, Magma) (City of Brass)
--Flamestorm (Fire, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Flash Floosd (Ice, border region with Sea of Frozen Lives. Flash floods occur in the tunnels carved out by melt water.) (Sandstorm)
--Freezing Fog (Ice, Steam) (Frostburn)
--Freezing and Thawing (Ash, Ice) (Frostburn)
--Furnace Wind & Zone (Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Getting Lost, Cavern (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Getting Lost, Dungeon (Earth) (Dungeonscape)
--Getting Lost, Frostfell (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Ghost Tunnels (Earth, Ice, Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Glass Sea Terrain (Fire) (Sandstorm)
--Gripsilt (Ash, Dust) (Dragon 347)
--Heatstroke (Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Hot Steam (Steam) (Sandstorm)
--Howl of the North (border with Air, Ice-- Precipice, Only) (Frostburn)
--Hypothermia (condition) (Ash, Ice, Water) (Frostburn, Stormwrack)
--Ice Bridge (Ice) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Inferno Star (Fire, Smoke) (Dragon 347)
--Irritating Fumes (Earth, Mineral, Ooze, Smoke) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Lava (Fire, Magma) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Lava Lake (Fire) (Dungeon 146)
--Lava Vent (Fire) (Dungeon 146)
--Leech Salt Flats (Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Lichen, Planar (all) (Dreadmire)
--Lightning Pillars (Ice-- Shimmering Drifts, Lightning-- Glimmering Crystal) (Frostburn)
--Liquid Air (Water) (Dragon 347)
--Magma Storm (Fire near borders w. Magma) (City of Brass)
--Maelstrom (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Melanoma Moss (Positive, Steam) (Dreadmire) *this is a planar subspecies with the Positive subtype*
--Mineralmites (Dust, Earth, Mineral) (Dragon 347)
--Moondust (Ash, Dust, Earth, Salt) (Sandstorm)
--Murky Water (Ooze, Water) (Stormwrack)
--Mushroom, Blue Beacon (Water) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, Brown Beacon (Salt) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, Green Beacon (Fire, Smoke) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, Purple Beacon (Ooze) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, Red Beacon (Air, Lightning) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, White Beacon (Ice, Steam) (Dreadmire)
--Mushroom, Wind Mycena (Air) (Dreadmire)
--Necroacidic Slime (Negative, Moil) (Dungeon 153)
--Negative Energy Bolt/Black Lightning (Negative, Moil) (Dungeon 153)
--Night Stone (Negative, Salt, Ash, Dust) (Heroes of Horror)
--Photogenerative Rock (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Plains of Glass (Fire) (Sandstorm)
--Poison Gas (Earth, Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Poor Air (Earth, Ice, Mineral, Salt) (FR: Underdark)
--Posiplasma (Positive, Moil) (Dungeon 153)
--Positive Energy Bolt (Positive, Moil) (Dungeon 153)
--Quickslush (Ice-- border bet. Core Ice and Sea of Frozen Lives) (Frostburn)
--Quicksnow (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Quickstone (Earth) (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Rain, Snow, Sleet, Hail (Air border, Ice, Steam) (Frostburn)
--Razorgrit Storm (Fire, Salt, Smoke) (Dragon 347)
--Razor Ice & Sleet (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Red Tide (Water) (Frostburn)
--Rope-Bridge Combat (Air, Earth, Ice, Mineral) (Dungeon Master's Guide II)
--Shadow Slime (Dragons of Faerun)
--Shimmer Air (Radiance-- )
--Shiver Sludge (Ice-- Sea of Frozen Lives, Water) (Dragon 347)
--Silent Stones (Earth) (Dragon 347)
--Slipsand (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Snowflake Lichen (Ice-- Precipice) (Frostburn)
--Softsand (Ash, Dust) (Sandstorm)
--Stormfire (Lightning, Radiance) (Stormwrack)
--Suffocation from particulate matter (Ash, Dust, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Temperature, Cold (Ash, Ice, Water) (Frostburn)
--Temperature, Hot (Fire, Magma, Smoke) (Sandstorm)
--Thin Ice (Ice-- Precipice, Core Ice, and Core Ice border region w. Sea of Frozen Lives) (FR: Silver Marches, Stormwrack) (On the Precipice and parts of Core Ice, thin ice covers subterranean bodies of coldfire, thus a character who falls though the ice will be affected as if exposed or immersed in coldfire instead of freezing water.)
--Vapor Field (Air, Steam) (Dragon 347)
--Voidstone (Negative, Moil) (Manual of the Planes, Dungeon 153)
--Whispering Wind (Air, Ice-- Precipice) (Dragon 347)
--Whiteout (Ice) (Frostburn)
--Winds (Air, Ice, Smoke) (DMG)
--Yawning Fissure (Earth, Ice, Mineral, Salt) (Dungeon 113)

--Akadi (Air) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Blibdoolpoolp (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Eadro (Water) (Stormwrack)
--Elishar (Positive) (3E Deities & Demigods)
--Erebus (Shadow) (Dragon Magazine 322)
--Grumbar (Earth) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Immshin, Master of Winds (Dungeon 94; probably either Pazuzu or Yan-C-Bin)
--Istishia (Water) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Kithin (Ash) (Races of the Wild)
--Kossuth (Fire) (Faiths and Pantheons)
--Lliendil (border between air, ice, steam, and lightning) (Races of the Wild)
--Lunitari (Border Ethereal) (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
--Mask (Shadow) (Faiths and Pantheons) (in 3x Mask and Shar have their domains on the Plane of Shadow, but if you want you could rule that they have a secondary realm there while retaining their primary realm from 2E.)
--Nuitari (Border Ethereal) (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
--Osprem (Water) (Stormwrack, Living Greyhawk Deities 2.0)
--Phaulkon (Air) (Living Greyhawk Deities 2.0)
--Ptah (Ethereal) (Deities and Demigods)
--Sardior, Lord of all Gem Dragons (Wizards website:
--Shar (Shadow) (Faiths and Pantheons) (in 3x Mask and Shar have their domains on the Plane of Shadow, but if you want you could rule that they have a secondary realm there while retaining their primary realm from 2E.)
--Solinari (Border Ethereal) (Dragonlance Campaign Setting)
--Toldoth (Negative) (3E Deities & Demigods)
--Tuilviel Glithien (Air) (Races of the Wild)
--Ventila (Steam) (Races of the Wild)
--Xerbo (Water) (Living Greyhawk Deities 2.0)

Sardior's chosen

more Sardior-related fun
(note: the prestige classes and other psionic goodies here need a serious overhaul since they were made before the introduction of divine psionics a la Complete Psionic)

--Ben Hadar, Prince of Elemental Good Water (Dragon 353, Fiendish Codex I)
--Brista Pel, Princess of Elemental Good Fire (Dragon 353)
--Chan, Princess of Elemental Good Air (Dragon 353)
--Cryonax, Prince of Paraelemental Evil Ice (Dragon 347, Fiendish Codex I, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Crystalle, Prince of Quasielemental Mineral (Dragon 353)
--Imix, Prince of Elemental Evil Fire (Dragon Magazine 347, Dragon Magazine 285, Monster Manual 4, Monster Manual 5, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Ogremoch, Prince of Elemental Evil Earth (Dragon Magazine 347, Dungeon Magazine 17 p. 48, Monster Manual 4, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Olhydra, Princess of Elemental Evil Water (Dragon Magazine 347, Dragon Magazine 285, Monster Manual 4, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Sunnis, Princess of Elemental Good Earth (Dragon 353)
--Sun Sing, Prince of Quasielemental Evil Vacuum (Fiendish Codex I)
--Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Elemental Evil Air (Dragon Magazine 347, Dragon Magazine 285, Monster Manual 4, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Zaaman Rul, Prince of Elemental Good Fire (Dragon 353)

--Agares, Truth Betrayed (Tome of Magic) (powerful Dao general)
--Djinni Calim ( Adaptation of Agares for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
--Chupoclops (Tome of Magic) (ethereal monster; apocalyptic phase spider)

--Acererak the half-fiend Lich (Negative; now officially a vestige) (Dungeon 153)
--Aeraldoth, Vizier of the Djinni Caliph (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Al-Shama, Efreeti prophetess and bard (Scarred Lands: Edge of Infinity, the Scarred Planes)
--An-Ur the Wandering Death (Ethereal-- Deep Ethereal) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Bwimb & BwimbII, Ooze Mephit Lord (Dragon 353, Dungeon 129)
--Caliph of the Djinn (3E Manual of the Planes)
--Charad, promiscuous evil Air Elemental and reputed minion or son of Yan-C-Bin (free Module: Thicker than Water)
--Chilimba, Magma mephit lord (Dragon Magazine 353)
--Dhrakoth the Corruptor (Negative) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Ekhak, Smoke Mephit Lord (Dragon Magazine 353)
--Khan of the Dao (3E Manual of the Planes)
--Klkkikk't't, Shade Sahuagin Rogue/Ranger (
--Malik of the Khayal (Tome of Magic)
--Padisha of the Marid (3E Manual of the Planes)
--Sultan of the Efreet (3E Manual of the Planes, City of Brass )
--Taibo, Ethereal Filcher monk (
--Utapal the untouchable Marid (Scarred Lands: Edge of Infinity, the Scarred Planes)
--Xathanon, positive energy dragon servant of Bahamut (Positive) (EN World Converted Monsters)

It's unlikely (though not entirely impossible) that Brista Pel, the dead Princess of Elemental Good Fire might have a vestige. Unlikely because there is no sign or indication of continued consciousness or (among followers) worship or piety to her. Therefore, it is most likely that her essence has been scattered across and merged with the Plane of Fire.


--Citadel of Ice and Steel (Manual of the Planes)
--Palace of Unseen Contemplation (Dragon 353)
--Yan-C-Bin's Palace (Dragon 347)

--Echolost Touchstone Site (Earth) (Planar Handbook)
--Great Dismal Delve (Earth) (Manual of the Planes)
--Sandfall (Earth) (Dragon 353)
--Stonemire (Earth) (Dragon 347)

--City of Brass (Planar Handbook, Manual of the Planes)
--Temple of Ultimate Consumption (Dragon 347)
--Vlindarian's Vault (Dungeon 141)

--Black Sargasso (Scarred Lands: Edge of Infinity, the Scarred Planes)
--City of Glass (Manual of the Planes)
--Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls (Manual of the Planes)
--Heart of the Sea Planar Touchstone (Planar Handbook)
--Olhydra's Citadel (Dragon 347)
--Ssesurgass (Dragon 353)

--The Chisled Estate (Dragon 347)
--The Ice Catacombs Planar Touchstone (Sea of Frozen Lives/Border region bet. Ice and Water) (Planar Handbook)

--Burning Rift Touchstone Site (Planar Handbook) *Paraelemental Magma, near border w. Fire*

--The Storm Citadel (Complete Psionic) *Located near the border with Steam*

--Ascent/Endless Womb (Scarred Lands: Edge of Infinity, the Scarred Planes)

--Bastion of Unborn Souls (Adventure: Bastion of Broken Souls)
--The Hospice (Manual of the Planes)

--Castles Perilous (Manual of the Planes)
--Death Heart (Manual of the Planes)
--The Sargasso of Entropy Touchstone (Planar Handbook)
--Sundered Tower of Moil/Castle Perilous (Dungeon 153)

--Balefire, City of Lanterns (Dragon 322)
--The Blinding Tower Touchstone Site (Shadow) (Planar Handbook)
--City of Onyx (Tome of Magic)
--Elirhondas, Shadow Metropolis (Races of Destiny)
--Nightcrawler Chasm (Tome of Magic)
--The Shadow Citadel (Cormyr- The Tearing of the Weave)
--The Shadowscale Warren (Cormyr- The Tearing of the Weave)
--The Shining Citadel (Manual of the Planes)
--The Veil Planar Touchstone (Planar Handbook)

--Bal-Nor-Al (Beyond Countless Doorways)
--The Black Abyss (Dragon 353)
--Bleak Hold/City of Moil) (Exemplars of Evil)
--The Bleak Tower Touchstone Site (Planar Handbook)
--Dal Quor (Eberron Campaign Setting, Secrets of Sarlona) *Demiplane within the Dreamscape*
--Demiplane of Doors ( *The Demiplane of Doors was also established to isolate The Void from the rest of the Multiverse*
--Demiplane of Imprisonment (Dragon 353)
--Dreamscape (Heroes of Horror) *includes 3.5 updated rules for dream combat*
--The Maze (Beyond Countless Doorways; not to be confused with The Lady's prison demiplane by the same name)
--Moil, Demiplane that Waits (Dragon 353)
--Nightmare Lands (3x Ravenloft books) *prison Demiplane within the Dreamscape*
--Pilgrim's Rest Touchstone Site (Planar Handbook)
--Praemal (Ptolus Complete) *prison demiplane*
--Realm of Mirrors (Logic dictates this is a demiplane on the Ethereal-- there may well be more than one Plane of Mirrors just as there is more than one Plane of Dreams.) (Manual of the Planes)
--The Shallows (Hyperconsciousness: Exploration in Psionics) *a Demiplane within the Dreamscape*
--The Violet (Beyond Countless Doorways)

--Prisoner of Castle Perilous (Dungeon 153; takes place in a sundered/ruined area of Castle Moil.)
In addition, the "Age of Worms Adventure Path" of Dungeon Magazines 124-135 includes some information (including some additional) of the Law/Chaos war, the wind dukes, and the Rod of Seven Parts, particularly issues 124 and 129.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
1E~2E Resource Index

This is a list of 2E resources; it won't be as definitive as my other resource lists as I'm mostly going to cover the fluff (that can be used in 3x)
This is a work in progress.

First off, the following are must-haves for running an Inner-Planes campaign in 2E or 3E:
Many of these resources listed can be purchased online (as PDF articles) for about 5 USD.

--Al Qadim, Secrets of the Lamp (Supplement strictly about genies. Tons of fluff about their government and culture.)
--Planescape: Ethereal Plane (Ranks up there with the Inner Planes book in importance. This details the Ethereal Plane and its demiplanes. You'll particularly need this book if you wish to encorporate the Deep Ethereal vs. Border Ethereal into your campaign.)
--Planescape: Inner Planes (Most important one of all. This details the Elemental, Positive, and Negative planes and their border regions.)
--Planescape: Monstrous Compendium III (Lots of good info here. This compendium solely covers inner planar monsters. Even if you only plan to run a 3x campaign, this book is very useful because it contains a lot of fluff about the monsters that wasn't included in their 3x stats, such as diet.)
--Planescape: DM's Guide to the Planes (Basics about the Planescape setting. Essential book, even if you only plan to run 3x campaigns)
--Planescape: Planewalker's Handbook (Basics about the Planescape setting. Essential book, even if you only plan to run 3x campaigns)
--Vortex of Madness (Campaign involving the Elemental Plane of Water. Detailed info about the City of Glass.)

The following 2E resources are also highly useful.

--Dragon Magazine 174 (several new mineral monsters and info & stats on Crystalle, the Archomental of Mineral)
--Forgotten Realms: Demihuman Deities (Contains info on Ghaunadaur. Most familiar with 2E prefer this version of him that lives in Shekladah, rather than 3x which places him, Kiaransalee, and Eilistraee in the Demonweb Pits)
--Forgotten Realms: Faiths and Avatars (This book contains a lot of information about the four Elemental Lords: Akadi, Grumbar, Istishia, and Kossuth, as well as their cults.)
--Forgotten Realms: Giantcraft (Supplement strictly about giants, but only as they pertain to the Forgotten Realms setting. Highly useful for a Planescape setting nonetheless; includes tons of fluff on their culture and physiology.)
--Forgotten Realms: Sea of Fallen Stars (contains a bit of info on monstrous water deities, and some other misc. stuff that might be useful in an Elemental Water campaign)
--Monstrous Manual (Even if you only plan to run 3x campaigns, this book contains a lot of useful fluff not included in 3x, such as activity cycles. Several inner planar monsters are included in this mega book that covers between 200-500 different monsters.)

--Monstrous Compendium Annual I (several inner planar monsters here. I think all are updated to 3x, but there is additional fluff here that wasn't covered)
--Mystara Monstrous Compendium (includes quite a few elemental 2E monsters, some of which have yet to be appropriately updated to 3x, such as the Black Ball and Ruby Dragon.)
--Planar Portal Keys (Dragon Annual #1) (Just what it says-- this article explains rules for and gives lists of portal keys-- that is, ideas for objects or abstractions necessary to activate a portal.)
--Snow Elves (Dragon 155) (Introduces the Snow Elf subrace. I plan to expand on this article and update it to 3.5, but my notes will only apply to them on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, so you'll probably want this issue if you want to encorporate them into a Prime world. Please note that this resource introduces them specifically into the Greyhawk setting. I do not think they are identical to the Snow Elf subrace introduced in Frostburn, though I plan to combine the two into one and the same race.)

***2E PLACES*** (this is a work in progress)

--Blurophil (Tales from the Infinite Staircase)
--Borealis (Inner Planes)
--Citadel of Ice and Steel (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--Desert Wind (Inner Planes)
--The Great Funnel (Inner Planes)
--Jabal Turab (Secrets of the Lamp, Inner Planes)
--Palace of Unseen Contemplation (Inner Planes)
--Taifun, the Palace of Tempests (near border w. Lightning) (Inner Planes)
--The Waterspout (Secrets of the Lamp, Inner Planes) (Secrets of the Lamp actually does state the purpose of this location: a portal used by Djinn and Marids to travel to one another's plane.)
--Yan-C-Bin's Palace (Inner Planes)

--Cavern Under the Stars (Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--The Great Dismal Delve (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--The Iron Crucible (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--The Pale River (Secrets of the Lamp) (doesn't state what the vortex is called on the Water side)
--Sandfall (Inner Planes)
--The Sevenfold Mazework (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--Stonemire (Inner Planes)

--Citadel of Fire (The Eternal Boundary)
--City of Brass (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--Crimson Pillar (Inner Planes)
--The Crucible (Inner Planes)
--Mount of Dust (Secrets of the Lamp, Inner Planes)
--Plain of Burnt Dreams (region) (Inner Planes)
--Temple of Ultimate Consumption (Inner Planes)

--The Bubble Net (Secrets of the Lamp, Inner Planes)
--Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls (Inner Planes, Secrets of the Lamp)
--City of Glass (Inner Planes, Vortex of Madness)
--Curling Wave (Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Diehl Kranar's Elemental Home (Dungeon 72)
--Murky Depths (Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Olhydra's Citadel (Inner Planes)
--Shelluria (Inner Planes)
--Ssesurgass (Inner Planes)
--Undinerealm (Inner Planes)

--Arcolantha (Core Ice, near borders with Fog of Unyielding Frost and Sea of Frozen Lives) (Inner Planes)
--Bloodmire/Ytharior (Core Ice) (Inner Planes)
--The Chisled Estate (Precipice, at border w. Core Ice Border) (Inner Planes, Manual of the Planes 1E *ignore the descriptions of its location in sources other than Inner Planes, as all of these are based on the 2-D rendition of the Paraelemental Plane that was presented in the 1E Manual of the Planes*)
--The Mountain of Ultimate Winter (Precipice, near border with Core Ice) (Inner Planes)
--Teliggin (unknown) (Inner Planes)
--Tiera Minuut (Precipice, at border with Air) (Inner Planes)

--Caldera (unknown) (Inner Planes)
--Fields of Nevermore (Core Magma, at border with The Sands) (Inner Planes)
--The Monolith (Core Magma) (Inner Planes)
--Oolan's Laboratory (Chalk Islands, near border with Searing Mists) (Inner Planes)
--Praxis (Core Magma) (Inner Planes)
--Targath's Tower (Scorched Wastes) (Inner Planes)

--Fortress of Bwimb (Core Ooze, near border with Choking Gale) (Inner Planes)
--Gnome Home (Slag Marshes, near border with Muckmire) (Inner Planes)
--Trash Heap (Core Ooze, near border with Oasis of Filth) (Inner Planes)

--Choking Palace (Core Smoke) (Inner Planes)
--Cinderwood (Core Smoke, near borders with Embers & Scald) (Inner Planes)
--Hidden City (Eternal Haze, near border with Aurora) (Inner Planes)
--Reinsong's Ashen Fortress (Embers, near border with Gray Way) (Inner Planes)
--Valley of the Blinding Mist (Core Smoke, near border with Sea of Stars & The Scald) (Inner Planes)

--The Eye (Core Lightning) (Inner Planes)
--Stormfront (Subdued Cacophony, near border with Air) (Inner Planes)
--Tower of Storms (Wall of Energy, near border with Positive) (Inner Planes)

--Citadel of White Exile (Gemfields/Ioun, at border w. Positive) (Hall of Heroes)
--Crystalle's Castle (Core Mineral) (Inner Planes, Dragon 174)
--Durast (unknown) (Inner Planes)
--Tower of Lead (Gemfields/Ioun, near the border with Positive) (Inner Planes)

--Kingdom of the Blind (Brighthome, near the border with Magma) (Inner Planes)
--Refuge of Color (Core Radiance, near the border with Magma) (Inner Planes)
--Tower of Light (The Light, near the border with Positive) (Inner Planes)

--Adrift (Core Steam) (Inner Planes)
--The Straits of Varrigon (Core Steam) (Inner Planes)
--Tower of Ice (Raging Mists, near border with Positive) (Inner Planes) (note: Xanxost claims this is also at the border with Hoarfrost, which is impossible according to the map. Generally, if one finds contradictions in this book regarding the Paraelemental and Quasielemental Planes, one should go by the map rather than the text, which will usually be more accurate.)

--Cavitus (Empty Winter, near border w. Negative and Vacuum) (Inner Planes) (not to be confused with Citadel Cavitus, Vecna's domain in the Demiplane of Dread.)
--Citadel of Former Flame (Core Ash) (Inner Planes)
--Crumbling Citadel (Empty Winter, near border with Negative) (Inner Planes, Polyhedron 100)

--Citadel Aluvius (Storm of Annihilation, near border with Negative) (Inner Planes, Polyhedron 100)

--Citadel Sealt (Crystal Range, near border with Negative) (Inner Planes, Polyhedron 100)

--Citadel Exhalus (unknown) (Inner Planes, Polyhedron 100)

--Deathheart/Heart of the Void (Inner Planes)
--Fortress of Conclusion (Return to the Tomb of Horrors)
--Fortress of the Soul (Inner Planes)
--Tcian Sumere (Dead Gods)
--The Vortex (Inner Planes)

--Fortress of Life (Inner Planes)

--Demiplane, Black Abyss (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane, The Boundless (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Devastus (Dungeon 77)
--Demiplane of Dread (Guide to the Ethereal, Ravenloft setting books)
--Demiplane of Electromagnetism (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Imprisonment (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane, Maelost (Guide to the Ethereal, Tales from the Infinite Staircase)
--Demiplane, the Mazes (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Moil (Return to the Tomb of Horrors, Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane, Neth (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Nightmares (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane, the Semblance (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Shadow (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Demiplane of Time (Guide to the Ethereal, Chronomancer)
--Demiplane, Wormscape (Guide to the Ethereal)
--Dreamscape (Ravenloft: The Nightmare Lands, Guide to the Ethereal, Something Wild)
--Loliadac's Tower (Demiplane of Shadow) (Dungeon 35)

--Ahto (1E Deities and Demigods, 1E Legends & Lore, Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Akadi (FR: Faiths and Avatars, PS: Inner Planes, The Horde, The North: Guide to the Savage Frontier (mentions she is worshipped by Aaracokra)
--Blibdoolpoolp (Monster Mythology, PS: Inner Planes, Sea of Fallen Stars, On Hallowed Ground)
--Chao Kung Ming (1E Deities and Demigods, 1E Legends & Lore)
--Chih Sung-Tzu (1E Deities and Demigods, 1E Legends & Lore)
--Eadro (Monster Mythology, PS: Inner Planes, Sea of Fallen Stars)
--Fu Hsing (2E Legends & Lore)
--Geb (2E Legends&Lore, FR: Powers and Pantheons, PS: Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Ghaunadaur (Demihuman Deities, Drow of the Underdark)
--Grumbar (FR: Faiths and Avatars, PS: Inner Planes, The Horde)
--Kossuth (FR: Faiths and Avatars, PS: Inner Planes, Spellbound)
--K'ung Fu-Tzu (2E Legends & Lore)
--Istishia (FR: Faiths and Avatars, PS: Inner Planes, Sea of Fallen Stars)
--Lao Tzu (2E Legends & Lore)
--Lunitari (Tales of the Lance, Guide to the Ethereal)
--Nuitari (Tales of the Lance, Guide to the Ethereal)
--Osprem (Dragon 90)
--Persana (Monster Mythology, PS: Inner Planes, Sea of Fallen Stars)
--Phaulkon (Dragon 87)
--Ptah (2E Legends&Lore, Ethereal Plane, Complete Spacefarer's Handbook, On Hallowed Ground, Guide to the Ethereal)
--Shu (2E Legends&Lore, PS: Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Siva (2E Legends&Lore, PS: Inner Planes, On Hallowed Ground)
--Solinari (Tales of the Lance, Guide to the Ethereal)
--Xerbo (GH: The Adventure Begins, Dragon 90)
--Wen Chung (1E Deities and Demigods, 1E Legends & Lore)

--Ben Hadar, Prince of Elemental Good Water (Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III)
--Chan, Princess of Elemental Good Air (Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III)
--Cryonax, Prince of Paraelemental Evil Cold (Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, 1E Manual of the Planes, 1E Fiend Folio)
--Crystalle, Prince of Quasielemental Mineral (Dragon Magazine 174, PS: Inner Planes)
--Imix, Prince of Elemental Evil Fire (I12 Egg of the Phoenix *not to be confused with R3; that thing sucks and doesn't feature the Archomentals* 1E Manual of the Planes, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, Al Qadim: Secrets of the Lamp)
--Ogremoch, Prince of Elemental Evil Earth (I12 Egg of the Phoenix *be warned that Ogremoch's appearance and personality is very different in 1E* 1E Manual of the Planes, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, FR: Dwarves Deep)
--Olhydra, Princess of Elemental Evil Water (I12 Egg of the Phoenix, 1E Manual of the Planes, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III)
--Sunnis, Princess of Elemental Good Earth (Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III, FR: Dwarves Deep)
--Sun Sing, Prince of Quasielemental Evil Vacuum (Inner Planes Campaign Expansion)
--Yan-C-Bin, Prince of Elemental Evil Air (I12 Egg of the Phoenix, 1E Manual of the Planes, Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Monstrous Manual *under Air Grue*, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III)
--Zaaman-Rul, Prince of Elemental Good Fire (Planescape: Inner Planes Campaign Expansion, Planescape Monstrous Compendium III)

This is a list of 2E monsters outside of the Planescape monstrous compendiums, Guide to the Ethereal, and Monstrous Manual. The 2E books are useful (even if you don't play 2E) because they give some additional info, such as diet and activity cycle.
Azer (Monstrous Compendium Annual 1)
Balhiir (FR: Villain's Lorebook)
Chraal (Dungeon 76)
Crysmal (Monstrous Compendium Annual 1)
Dharculus (Monstrous Compendium Annual 4, Guide to the Ethereal, Gates of Firestorm Peak)
Elemental Vermin (Monstrous Compendium Annual 1)
Gen, Elemental (Monstrous Compendium Al Qadim)
Gen, Lightning (AQ: Caravans) (doesn't give a full writeup to this creature, but does provide some information)
Genie, Noble (Monstrous Compendium Al Qadim)
Genie, Zahkaran (Land of Fate) (Gives a lot more info on the genies than what is found in the Monstrous Manual)
Grue, Mud (Dungeon 37)
Sandman (Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, Assassin Mountain)
Shadow Mastiff (Monstrous Compendium Annual 3)
Vapor Rat (Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk)
Windwalker (Monstrous Compendium Annual 1, AQ Assassin Mountain)
Wraith, Shimmering (Monstrous Compendium Annual 3)

--Alu Kahn Sang, noble CE quasielemental of Dust (PS: Inner Planes)
--Alyolvoy, "evil archomental" of Water (Dungeon 37) (more likely a mephit lord)
--BwimbII, noble elemental or mephit lord of Ooze (PS: Inner Planes)
--Caliph of the Djinn (PS: Inner Planes, Al Quadim Secrets of the Lamp)
--Chilimba, half magma paraelemental Magma Mephit Lord (PS: Inner Planes)
--Ehkhyk, Smoke Mephit Lord (PS: Inner Planes)
--Entemoch (son of Grumbar and consort of Sunnis, briefly mentioned in Drizzt Do'Urden's Guide to the Underdark)
--Gazra, noble quasielemental of Ash (PS: Inner Planes)
--Khan of the Dao (PS: Inner Planes, Al Quadim Secrets of the Lamp)
--Padisha of the Marid (PS: Inner Planes, Al Quadim Secrets of the Lamp)
--Sultan of the Efreet (PS: Inner Planes, Al Quadim Secrets of the Lamp)
--Uzrith, "evil archomental" of Earth (Dungeon 37) (more likely a mephit lord)
--Zzutam the Frost/Ice Elemental (Ruins of Zhentil Keep) (worshipped by some frost giants, though not a quasi-power, much less a true power. It sounds like he might be trapped on the Prime, though.)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Inner Planar Portals

This is more or less a canon list of Inner portals, collected from a combination of the Inner Planes, Dragon Magazine 347, Al Qadim: Secrets of the Lamp, and Dragon Magazine 353.

--Abyss layer 503, Torremnor (layer of Pazuzu.)
--Elysium (not sure where it links to on the Elysian side, but the other side links to Chan's stronghold)
--Fire (Links a mountain 80 miles from the City of Brass to a region of dusty clouds linking to the outskirts of the Djinni Caliphate. both sides are heavily guarded)
--Mt. Celstia/Mercuria/Bahamut's Lair
--Water (called the "Bubble Net") (Links the hearts of Djinn and Marid territory)

--Limbo (called the "Wandering Sky") (gate changes locations on Limbo side frequently)

--Elysium (abandoned gate sits on some abandoned corner of Elysium)
--Gray Waste/Oinos (sits in the middle of a popular battlefield on Oinos)

--Baator/Phlegethon (Connects Stonemire, Ogremoch's stronghold, with Abriymoch)
--Fire (called the "Iron Crucible") (Links the outskirts of the Sevenfold Mazework with a lava tube below the City of Brass)
--Mechanus (1-way; can only be entered from the Mechanus side)
(Ogremoch's stronghold linked to fire and magma)
--Water (called the "Pale River" (Earth side is in the Great Dismal Delve and links to oysterbeds in Marid territory near the border with Ooze)

--Air (called "Jural Turab" or "Mount of Dust") (Links a mountain 80 miles from the City of Brass to a region of dusty clouds linking to the outskirts of the Djinni Caliphate. both sides are heavily guarded)
--Baator/Avernus (links wherever the hell *ooh, pun!* Moloch lives to Imix's stronghold.)
--Carceri/ (lowest sphere of the plane. Not sure which layer that would be in, but it bears a strong resemblance to the description of Gallowshome, which is found at the very bottom of Colothys)
--Earth (Links the outskirts of the Sevenfold Mazework with a lava tube below the City of Brass)
--Gehenna/Chamda (leads into the Tower of Arcanoloths, most likely the top floor.)

--Abyss, ???? (Inner Planes mentions a second abyss layer connected via portal to ice, but does not list which. Canidates are most likely the 23rd, 70th, or 340th layers (Iron Wastes, Ice Floe, and Black Blizzard, respectively. 113/Thanatos is also possible but unlikely.)
--Abyss, 566th layer, Soulfreeze
--Baator, 4th layer, Stygia (links Stygia to the Cryonax's stronghold)
--Baator, 8th layer, Cania

--Arborea (unknown)
--Arborea (unknown)
--Arborea (unknown)
--Arborea/Olympus/Olympus (realm of Zeus)
--Arcadia (called the "Storm King's Gate")

--Outlands (1 way only; meant for gnomes, dwarves, and mephits *only small or smaller creatures can fit through the gate and the smaller side of medium creatures. The Magma side is located in Chilimba's stronghold)

--Outlands (called "Gemgate")

--Shedaklah, 222nd layer of the Abyss (gate located at the center of Shedaklah; person who activates it cannot travel through the gate)

(Inner Planes states that several upper planes connect via portal to Radiance, but doesn't give any examples. Research pending.)

--Arborea/Pelion (called the "Crystal Triangle")

--Bytopia/Dothion (leads to the Golden Hills)
--Mt. Celestia/Solania/Erackinor (called the "Smoke Ring") (must be manually activated by Moradin's proxies or Moradin himself)

--Outlands (called "Manticore's Breach")

--Pandaemonium (called the "Howling Gate")

--Abyss Layer 89, the Shadowsea (layer of Dagon. Portal leads to Olhydra's stronghold)
--Air (called the "Waterspout") (Links the hearts of Djinn and Marid territory)
--Arborea/Avandor/Court of Stars (Links the Court of Stars to Ben Hadar's stronghold)
--Earth (Earth side is in the Great Dismal Delve and links to oysterbeds in Marid territory near the border with Ooze)
--Elysium (called the "Oceanus Gate". Heavily guarded on both sides by Elysium's natives and Beh Hadar's servants.)
--Ysgard/Muspelheim (called the "Silver Eye")

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

This is quite impressing work... Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
List of Monsters By Plane

Note: For reference, for those wishing to hatch up more monsters for a paraelemental or quasielemental plane, I've added a number in parenthesies indicating the total number of monsters listed for the plane.

--Aarakocra (Monsters of Faerun, Races of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms web enhancement)
--Aerial Servant (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Airjelly (
--Airwalker (Edge of Infinity: The Scarred Planes) *servants of Rukha the Roc lady, demigoddess of Rocs on Elemental Air*
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Angel, Planetar (Monster Manual)
--Arrowhawk (Monster Manual)
--Ash'Kashar/Dreamthief (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands Lost Tribes)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Cyclone Ravager (Monster Manual 4)
--Bat (Monster Manual)
--Bat, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Beholder (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Blood Hawk (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Boggart (EN World Converted)
--Breathdrinker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Chac (EN World Converted)
--Cloud Ray (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Cloudscout (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Couatl (Monster Manual)
--Crelith (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)
--Dinosaur, Pteranodon (FR: Serpent Kingdoms, Dragon 318)
--Dinosaur, Quetzacoatlus (Monster Manual II)
--Dinosaur, Rhamphorhynchus (Dragon 318)
--Dire Eagle (Races of Stone)
--Dire Hawk (Races of the Wild)
--Dragon, Aquamarine (Claw/Claw/Bite 7)
--Dragon, Arcane, Tome (Dragon 343) (many of these are likely to be allied with Yan-C-Bin)
--Dragon, Cloud (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Deshada (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene) (rare)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Cobalt (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Emerald (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Jade (EN World Converted)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Tien Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Metallic, Silver (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Dragon, Mithril (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Dragon Horse (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Dragon, Maztican; Tlalocoatl (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (found on water, air, and steam)
--Dragon, Twilight (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene) (rare)
--Drake, Air (Draconomicon)
--Eagle (Monster Manual)
--Eagle, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Eladrin, Bralani (Monster Manual)
--Eladrin, Coure (Book of Exalted Deeds) (rare)
--Eladrin, Firre (Book of Exalted Deeds) (rare)
--Eladrin, Shiradi (Book of Exalted Deeds) (rare)
--Elemental, Air (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Air (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Air [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Air (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Air (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Air (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Steward, Tempestan (Complete Psionic) *at border w. Lightning*
--Elemental, Storm (Monster Manual 3)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elementite Swarm, Air (Planar Handbook)
--Elf, Avariel (Races of Faerun)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Djinn (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Noble Djinni (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Giant, Cloud (Monster Manual)
--Giant, Fog (Monsters of Faerun)
--Giant, Storm (Monster Manual)
--Giant, Undead, Spectral Cloud (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Giant, Undead, Temperament (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Griffon (Monster Manual)
--Hgaun (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Justicator (Monster Manual III)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mephit, Air (Monster Manual)
--Mihstu (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Monster of Legend, Sphinx, Androsphinx (Monster Manual + Monster Manual 2 + 3.5 Update pamphlet) (unique)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Nymph (Monster Manual)
--Ogre, Elemental Mage, Ken-Sun (Monster Manual V)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Owl (Monster Manual)
--Owl, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Pegasus (Monster Manual)
--Phiutl (Fiend Folio)
--Phoera (Monster Manual III) (rare)
--Phoelarch (Monster Manual III) (rare)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Air (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Air (Planar Handbook)
--Pterafolk (Monsters of Faerun)
--Raptorian (Races of the Wild)
--Sislan (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Skiaxit (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Skylion (Claw/Claw/Bite 9)
--Soarwhale (Arms and Equipment)
--Spirit of the Air (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Sprite (Monster Manual)
--Stormrider (
--Sylph (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Tengu (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318)
--Vazalka (Monster Manual III)
--Vazalkyon (Monster Manual III)
--Vortex (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Weird, Elemental Air (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Windghost (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Windraptor (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Windwalker (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wind Warrior (Dungeon Magazine 124)
--Winged Creature [Template] (Savage Species)
--Wolf, Cloud (Dragon 293)
--Zyern (

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Archon, Hammer (Races of Stone) (rare)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Black Rock Triskelion (Monster Manual IV)
--Dharum Suhn (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Dragger (EN World Converted)
--Dragon, Arcane, Hex (Dragon 343)
--Dragon, Faerunian, Brown (Monsters of Faerun, FR monster Web Enhancement 3.5 update)
--Dragon, Deep (Drow of the Underdark) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Amethyst (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Onyx (Vaults of Pandius) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Sapphire (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Glass Wyrm (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Li Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Sand (Sandstorm) (rare)
--Drake, Earth (Draconomicon)
--Drake, Stone (Races of Stone)
--Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Dungeonbred Monster [Template] (Dungeonscape) (ideal for inhabiting the Plane of Earth's tunnels)
--Dwarf, Aleithian (
--Dwarf, Duergar (Monster Manual)
--Dwarf, Gold (Races of Faerun)
--Dwarf, Hill (PHB, Monster Manual)
--Dwarf, Shield (Races of Faerun)
--Dwarf, Urdunnir (Races of Faerun)
--Earthdelver (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Earth Glider (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
-- Earthen Phrenic Guardian (Dreamscarred Press- Mind Divine)
--Earth Whisper (Races of Stone)
--Elemental, Earth (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Earth (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Earth [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Earth, Dragger (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental, Earth, Griveling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental, Earth, Tympanix (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental Gen, Earth (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Earth (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Earth (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Geodite (Complete Psionic)
--Elementite Swarm, Earth (Planar Handbook)
--Elf, Rockseer (Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Galeb Duhr (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Geon (Tome of Horrors II)
--Genie, Dao (Manual of the Planes, updated in Dungeon 151)
--Genie, Noble Dao (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Giant, Phaerlin (Monsters of Faerun) (rare)
--Giant, Sand (Monster Manual III)
--Giant, Stone (Monster Manual)
--Giant, Undead, Cairn (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Gnome, Svirfneblin (PHB, Monster Manual)
--Golem, Sardorian (
--Gulgar (Monster Manual 3)
--Harrow (EN World Converted)
--Horde (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Horgar (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Khargra (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Living Fossil (Libris Mortis)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Lythic (Tome of Horrors III)
--Malgoren (
--Mephit, Earth (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ogre, Elemental Mage, Ken-Kuni (Monster Manual V)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Pech (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Plainsjan (EN World Converted) (rare-- may be common where umber hulks are plentiful)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Earth (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Earth (Planar Handbook)
--Rukarazyll (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Sandknight (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Sandling (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Sandman (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shad (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shardling (Dreamscarred Press-- High Psionics Compilation)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Bluespawn Stoneglider (Dragons of Faerun)
--Stonechild (Miniatures Handbook)
--Stone Flyer (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Stone Spike (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Swarm, Giggag (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Tralusk (dragon 285)
--Treant, Stone (Rappan Athuk Reloaded)
--Troll, Rock (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Tymphanix (EN World Converted)
--Umber Hulk (Monster Manual)
--Walking Wall (Miniatures Handbook)
--Weird, Elemental Earth (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Xaren (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Xorn (Monster Manual)

--Abomination, Phaethon (Epic Level Handbook)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Holocaust Disciple (Monster Manual IV)
--Azer (Monster Manual)
--Basalt Warhound (City of Brass)
--Brass Man (Dungeon 126)
--Blazewyrm (Dragon Magic)
--Caliento (
--Canomorph, Haraknin (Fiend Folio)
--Cinderbrute (Dungeon 110)
--Cinderghoul (Tome of Horrors II)
--Cinder Swarm (Monster Manual 3)
--Crelith (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)
--Demon, Palrethee (Monster Manual II) (rare)
--Dragon, Chromatic, Red (Monster Manual)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Iron (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Tungsten (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Ruby (EN World Converted, Vaults of Pandius)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Metallic, Brass (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Dragon, Metallic, Gold (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Fire (Draconomicon)
--Effigy (Monster Manual II)
--Eladrin, Firre (Book of Exalted Deeds) (rare)
--Elemental, Fire (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Fire (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Fire [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Fire (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Fire (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Fire (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Emberling (Complete Psionic)
--Elementite Swarm, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Elf, Phaethon (Dragonlance-- Age of Mortals 1 - Key of Destiny)
--Elmarin (Spelljammer Beyond the Moons)
--Ember Guard (Monster Manual 5)
--Energon, Xac-Yel (Planar Handbook) *rare*
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fire Bat (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Firebird (Spelljammer: Beyond the Moons) *rare*
--Fire Crab (Tome of Horrors II)
--Firefiend (City of Brass)
--Firenewt (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms web enhancement)
--Fire Nymph (City of Brass)
--Fire Phantom (Tome of Horrors II)
--Firesnake (Dungeon 111)
--Fire Spectre (Ghostwalk)
--Firetail (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fire Toad (Oriental Adventures, Dragon 318 update)
--Firetongue Frog (Dragon 285)
--Fire Whale/Burning Leviathan (City of Brass)
--Flame Ray (Necromancer: Kalamar Elemental Moon)
--Genie, Efreeti (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Noble Efreeti (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Giant, Fire (Monster Manual)
--Giant, Sand (Monster Manual III)
--Giant, Smoke (Tome of Horrors III)
--Giant, Sun (Monster Manual II)
--Giant, Volcano (Tome of Horrors II, City of Brass) (uncommon)
--Giant, Undead, Firegaunt (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Gnome, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Harssaf (Monster Manual III)
--Helian (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Hellfire Wyrm (Monster Manual II) (rare)
--Hellhound (Monster Manual)
--Inferno Spider (Monster Manual 4)
--Lavawight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mephit, Fire (Monster Manual)
--Merchurion (MMV) (rare)
--Naga, Naar Teban [Template] (Creatures of Rokugan)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Ogre, Elemental Mage, Ken-Li (Monster Manual V)
--Ooze, Conflagration (Monster Manual III)
--Phaethon (Epic Level Handbook)
--Phantom Stalker (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Phoenix (Monster Manual II) (rare)
--Phoera (Monster Manual III) (rare)
--Phoelarch (Monster Manual III) (rare)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Fire (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Rukova, Fire (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Rushlight (Ravenloft: Creatures of Darkness)
--Salamander (Monster Manual)
--Salamander, Larva (Dragon 314)
--Scape (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shape of Fire (Epic Level Handbook)
--Skeleton, Burning (Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Redspawn Arcaniss (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Redspawn Berserker (Dragon Magic)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Redspawn Firebelcher (Monster Manual IV)
--Spider, Phoenix (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Thermite (Tome of Horrors III)
--Tome Guardian (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Troll, Fire (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Vermin, Elemental, Flameling (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Waiveras (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Weird, Elemental Fire (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Wolf, Flame (Vaults of Pandius)
--Yuan-Ti, Ignan (Monster Manual IV)
--Yugoloth, Voor (Monster Manual IV) (rare)

--Aboleth (Monster Manual, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Lords of Madness) (rare)
--Afanc (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Anguillian (Stormwrack)
--Arageld (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Waterveiled Assassin (Monster Manual 4)
--Aventi (Stormwrack)
--Beholder, Eye of the Deep (Lords of Madness) (rare)
--Bzastra (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Caller From the Deeps (Stormwrack)
--Catfish, Giant (Dungeon 82)
--Catfish, Monstrous (Spellbinder Games-- Dreadmire)
--Clam, Giant Carnivorous Scallop (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Crab, Monstrous (Stormwrack)
--Crab, Siege (MMIII)
--Crayfish, Giant (Dragon 285)
--Demon, Shrroth (Tome of Horrors II) (rare)
--Demon, Wastrilith (Fiend Folio) (rare)
--Dinosaur, Cryptoclidus (Monster Manual II)
--Dire Barracuda (Stormwrack)
--Dire Eel (Stormwrack)
--Dragon Eel (MMIII)
--Dragon, Aquatic (Bestiary of Krynn, Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene) (rare)
--Dragon, Brine (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Nickel (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Topaz (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Tourmaline (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Krynnish, Sea (Dragonlance: Age of Mortals) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Chiang Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Lung Wang (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Pan Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Tun Mi Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Lung, Yu Lung (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318) (rare)
--Dragon, Maztican; Tlalocoatl (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (found on water, air, and steam)
--Dragon, Metallic, Bronze (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Water (Draconomicon)
--Drench (Raise the Dead) *minions of Olhydra, obviously*
--Drowned (Monster Manual 3)
--Eel (Stormwrack)
--Eel, Moray (Dragon 328)
--Eel, Weed (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental, Water (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Water (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Water [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Water (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Water (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Water (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Arctine (Complete Psionic) *only at border bet. Water, Ice, and Steam*
--Elementite Swarm, Water (Planar Handbook)
--Elf, Aquatic (Stormwrack, Races of Faerun)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fish, Floating Eye (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fish, Giant Angler (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fish, Giant Bass (Vaults of Pandius)
--Fish, Giant Carp (Vaults of Pandius)
--Fish, Giant Clownfish (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fish, Giant Pirahna (Vaults of Pandius)
--Fish, Porcupine Fish, Giant (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Fish, Giant Rockfish (Vaults of Pandius)
--Fish, Giant Sturgeon (Vaults of Pandius)
--Fish, Sebrefin (Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic)
--Fish, Verme (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes, updated in Dungeon 151)
--Genie, Noble Marid (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Giant, Ocean (MM2)
--Golden Ammonite (there are two versions of this) (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Goldfin (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Golem, Coral (Stormwrack)
--Golem, Seashell (Dungeon 85)
--Hag, Sea (Monster Manual)
--Hamaguan (
--Hammerfish (
--Hetfish (Dungeon 113)
--Hippocampus (Stormwrack)
--Hydrophant (Necromancer - Dead Man's Chest)
--Kalothagh (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Kopru (Monster Manual 2, Stormwrack Web Enhancement)
--Kuo-Toa (Monster Manual)
--Kuo Toa, Crazed (Monster Manual 5)
--Kuo-Toa, Exalted Whip (Monster Manual V)
--Kuo-Toa, Harpooner (Monster Manual V)
--Kuo-Toa, Leviathan (Monster Manual V)
--Kuo-Toa, Monitor (Monster Manual V)
--Kuo-Toa, Whip (Forgotten Realms: Drow of the Underdark)
--Lamprey, Dire (EN World Converted)
--Leech, Giant (Stormwrack)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Megalodon (Monster Manual II)
--Mephit, Water (Monster Manual)
--Merman (Monster Manual)
--Naga, Water (Monster Manual)
--Nautilus, Giant (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Octopus (Monster Manual)
--Octopus, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Orlythys (dragon 285)
--Piscean, Green (Creature Collection II)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Water (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Water (Planar Handbook)
--Rainrunner (Dungeon 111)
--Ramfish (Stormwrack)
--Sahuagin (Monster Manual)
--Sea Serpent, Crested (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Sea Serpent, Lantern (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Sea Serpent, Spiked (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Sea Serpent, White (Dead Man's Chest) (rare) (at border w. Ice only)
--Shalarin (Monsters of Faerun)
--Shark (Monstrr Manual)
--Sharakin (Races of Destiny)
--Sirine (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Snail, Sea (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Greenspawn Razorfiend (Monster Manual IV)
--Sprite, Nixie (Monster Manual)
--Sprite, Splanxty (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Squid (Monster Manual)
--Squid, Giant (Monster Manual)
--Suisseen (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Swarm, Hagfish (EN World Converted)
--Swarm, Jellyfish (Stormwrack)
--Swarm, Leech (Stormwrack)
--Swarm, Pirahna (Stormwrack)
--Swarm, Razoreel (
--Swordfish (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Tako (Oriental Adventures + Dragon 318)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Tojanida (Monster Manual)
--Triton (Monster Manual)
--Ungulosin (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Vermin, Elemental, Spitter (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Vine Horror (Fiend Folio)
--Vurgens/Giant Gulper Eel (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Wavearcher (Dungeon 110)
--Weird, Elemental Water (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Yugoloth, Echinoloth (Stormwrack) (rare)
--Yugoloth, Hydroloth (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, City of Brass) (rare)
(note: I did not include Air Pocket creatures in this list)

--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Alcor (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Basilisk, Ice (Creature Collection I)
--Branta (Frostburn) (rare)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is indigenous to Paraelemental Ice)
--Cyrion (Vaults of Pandius; use the second version. Ability adjustments will need to be determined.)
--Demon, Mavawhan (Dragon 345) (rare)
--Devil Dog (Tome of Horrors Revised, EN World Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Devil, Ice Stalker (The Book of Fiends revised) (rare)
--Dragon, Aquamarine (Claw/Claw/Bite 7)
--Dragon, Chromatic, White (Monster Manual)
--Dragon, Deshada (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Dragon, Ferrous, Chromium (Dragon 356) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Krynnish, Frost (Bestiary of Krynn) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Metallic, Silver (Monster Manual) (rare)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Dwarf, Glacier (Frostburn)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental, Snowstorm (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) *Precipice only*
--Elemental Steward, Arctine (Complete Psionic) *Sea of Frozen Lives, only*
--Energon, Xor-Yost (Planar Handbook) *rare*
--Entombed (Frostburn)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Fetch (Tome of Horrors III)
--Frost Folk (Frostburn) (rare)
--Frost Giant (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant Jarl (Monster Manual)
--Frost Giant, Mauler (Frostburn)
--Frost Giant, Tundra Scout (Frostburn)
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Frost Wight (Bestiary of Krynn)
--Frost Worm (Monster Manual)
--Gelidiceph (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) *Sea of Frozen Lives only*
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Frostburn)
--Giant, Undead, Frostmourn (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Goblin, Amitok (EN World Converted)
--Goblin, Snow (Frostburn)
--Golem, Black Ice (Dragon 324)
--Golem, Ice (Frostburn, Dragon 317)
--Golem, Snow (Ravenloft: Denizens of Dread)
--Hoarfroster (
--Hoarfox (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Hoar Spirit (Tome of Horrors II)
--Ice Beast [Template] (Frostburn)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Ice Toad (Frostburn)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Icy Prisoner (Dragon 324)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Jack Frost (Ravenloft: Denizens of Darkness, Ravenloft: Creatures of Darkness) (rare)
--Kobold, Ice (Claw/Claw/Bite 9)
--Koodjanuk (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Marzanna (Frostburn) (rare)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Mummy, Ice (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, White Pudding (Frostburn)
--Ooze, Snowflake (Monster Manual 3)
--Orc, Frostblood (Dragon Magic) (rare)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Phoenix, Ice (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) (rare)
--Polarwere (EN World Converted Monsters)
--Rejkar (MMIII) (rare)
--Remorhaz (Monster Manual)
--Rimesprite ( (rare)
--Runnk (Creature Collection Revised)
--Sea Serpent, White (Dead Man's Chest) (rare) (Sea of Frozen Lives, only)
--Shardling (Dreamscarred Press-- High Psionics Compilation)
--Shimmersnake (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes)
--Skylion (Claw/Claw/Bite 9)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hordeling (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Hunter (Monster Manual IV)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Whitespawn Iceskidder (Monster Manual IV)
--Taer (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East) (rare)
--Tlalusk (Frostburn) (the variety found on Ice can survive on sparse indigenous vegetation such as frost lichen and khongst mint)
--Troll, Ice (Forgotten Realms: Unapproachable East)
--Troll, Snow (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene *as arctic troll*)
--Uldra (Frostburn) (rare)
--Vazalka (Monster Manual III)
--Vazalkyon (Monster Manual III)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)
--Windigo (Fiend Folio)
--Winterwight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Yeti (Frostburn)
--Yeti, Abominable (Frostburn)
--Yuki Onna (Frostburn) (rare)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Basalt Warhound (City of Brass)
--Blazon (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Caliento (
--Dragon, Beljuril (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Gem, Obsidian (
---Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Planar, Pyroclastic (Draconomicon) (rare)
--Drake, Magma (Draconomicon)
--Draknor (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Flame Snake (Fiend Folio)
--Giant, Sand (Monster Manual III) (rare)
--Giant, Volcano (Tome of Horrors II, City of Brass)
--Golem, Obsidian (Dark Sun: Terrors of the Deadlands)
--Golem, Obsidian II (Vaults of Pandius)
--Golem, Spiderstone (City of the Spiderqueen) (spiderstone is the Drowish transliteration for obsidian)
--Hellfire Wyrm (Monster Manual II) (rare)
--Horgar (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (rare)
--Lavaborn Monster [Template] (Dungeonscape)
--Lava Child (City of Brass)
--Lavafish (Vaults of Pandius) (note: though not written up in the stats, this creature obviously has the ability to breathe magma)
--Lavawight (Epic Level Handbook)
--Lava Wurm (Dragon 296) (rare)
--Magma Hurler (Miniatures Handbook)
--Magma Worm (Monster Geographica: Underground)
--Magmal Horror (WotC module: Force of Nature)
--Magmin (Monster Manual)
--Magmoid (Tome of Horrors II)
--Mephit, Glass (Sandstorm)
--Mephit, Lava (Monster Manual)
--Merchurion (MMV) (rare)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Obsidian Beast (Dark Sun: Terrors of the Deadlands)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Ooze, Lava (Sandstorm)
--Paraelemental, Magma (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Magma [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Magma (Dragon 347)
--Quasielemental, Obsidian (Tome of Horrors II) *add fire subtype and change name to "Paraelemental, Obsidian"*
--Shape of Fire (Epic Level Handbook)
--Slag Worm (Tome of Horrors III)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Thoqqua (Monster Manual)
--Weird, Lesser, Lava (Tome of Horrors II)
--Wolf, Magma (Dragon 293)
--Wraith, Magma (Dragonlance: Key of Destiny)

--Demon, Alkilith (Fiend Folio) (rare) (though the Fiend Folio does not mention it in the stats, these things should be perfectly capable of breathing water, ooze, pure acid, mud, and even pure quicksilver and packed dirt.)
--Aboleth (Monster Manual, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Lords of Madness) (rare)
--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Drake, Ooze (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghaunadan (Forgotten Realms Monsters of Faerun)
--Golem, Mud (Monster Manual III)
--Golem, Ooze (Tome of Horrors II)
--Golem, Slime (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Grue, Mud (Dungeon Magazine 138)
--Jelly, Mustard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Mire Brute (Tome of Horrors III)
--Mudman (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, Aquatic, Reekmurk (Fiend Folio)
--Ooze, Cesspit (Cityscape) (also a perfect encounter for The Hive of Sigil)
--Ooze, Crystal (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (also found on Water)
--Ooze, Deadly Pudding (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Ooze, Gelatinous Cube (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Gray (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Ochre Jelly (Monster Manual 1)
--Ooze, Slithering Tracker (Dungeon 143, EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Ooze Sprite (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Otyugh (Monster Manual)
--Paraelemental, Ooze (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ooze [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ooze (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Weird, Ooze (Champions of Ruin)
--Pudding, Black (Monster Manual 1)
--Pudding, Deadly (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Slime Creature [Template] (Dungeon 132)
--Slime, Olive (Dungeon 132)
--Slime, Tyrian (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Spawn of Juilblex (Monster Manual 5)
--Spawn of Tiamat, Blackspawn Corruptor (Dragons of Faerun WE 2)
--Vitriolus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Wyste (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Ashcloud (Creature Collection III)
--Belker (Monster Manual II)
--Crelith (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (rare)
--Demon, Drought (Creature Collection III) (rare)
--Drake, Smoke (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Hawanar (City of Brass) (rare)
--Giant, Smoke (Tome of Horror III) *consider their habitat to be floating cinder isles*
--Mephit, Smoke (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Sulfur (Sandstorm)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Paraelemental, Smoke (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Smoke [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Smoke (Dragon 347)
--Sootbeast (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Elemental, Storm (Monster Manual 3)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Energon, Xap-Yaup (Planar Handbook) *rare*
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Lightning (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Nimbus (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Phoenix, Storm (Scarred Lands Creature Collection III) *rare*
--Quasielemental, Lightning (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shockbat (Creature Collection II)
--Shocker (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Thunder (Dragon 317)
--Thunder Kite (Scarred Lands Creature Collection II) *rare*
--Thunderspiker (
--Thunder Worm (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Treant, Lightning (Glades of Death, Tome of Horrors III)
--Tumblespark (Tome of Horrors III)
--Weird, Lesser, Lightning (Tome of Horrors II)
--Wolf, Thunder (Dragon 293)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Caterprism (Tome of Horrors II)
--Chrystallis (Tome of Horrors III)
--Crysmal (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Crystal Spider (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Crystalline Construct (Dreamscarred Press-- Untapped Potential; New Horizons)
--Crystalline Creature Template (Green Ronin Advanced Bestiary) *border regions of Mineral and Radiance only. You should slightly adjust its abilities-- give it immunity to petrification, the Positive subtype, drop cold and electrical resistance, increase Fire resistance to 20. As an alternative, you might find it more fitting to give this creature the Deathless template with elemental features. If you take this route, please note that Fire and Earth elementals are susceptible to the disease/template, but Radiance and Mineral quasielementals are not.)
--Crystalline Phrenic Guardian (Dreamscarred Press- Mind Divine)
--Dragon, Glass Wyrm (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Earth Whisper (Races of Stone)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Glitterhaunt (
--Glitterworm (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Golem, Adamantine (Epic Level Handbook) (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Copper (Scarred Lands Creature Collection I)
--Golem, Crystal (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Gemstone (Monsters of Faerun +3.5 web update) (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Gold ( (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Lead (Scarred Lands Creature Collection I)
--Golem, Mithril (Epic Level Handbook) (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Mithril, Non-Epic (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Golem, Sardorian ( (rare)
--Golem, Silver (Vaults of Pandius) (Crystalle's Palace and other owned dungeons, only)
--Golem, Silver (Scarred Lands Creature Collection I)
--Gulgar (Monster Manual 3)
--Ioun Beholder (Scarred Lands Creature Collection II)
--Mephit, Mineral (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Merchurion (MMV) (rare)
--Nenngar (Dreamscarred Press- Mind Divine)
--Psicrysmal (Dreamscarred Press-- High Psionics Compilation)
--Psion-Killer (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Quasielemental, Mineral (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Chamrol (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Energy Pod (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Glomus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Shard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Spined Shard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Trilling Crysmal (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Shardling (Dreamscarred Press-- High Psionics Compilation)
--Sulwynarii (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens + Violet Dawn Player's Primer)
--Swarm, Crystal Beetle (Wizards website:
--Tssng (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wolf, Shard (Dragon 293)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Crystalline Creature Template (Green Ronin Advanced Bestiary) *border regions of Mineral and Radiance only. You should slightly adjust its abilities-- give it immunity to petrification, the Positive subtype, drop cold and electrical resistance, increase Fire resistance to 20. As an alternative, you might find it more fitting to give this creature the Deathless template with elemental features. If you take this route, please note that Fire and Earth elementals are susceptible to the disease/template, but Radiance and Mineral quasielementals are not.)
--Darklight (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Illuminar (Spellbinder Games-- Dreadmire) (relative of shadows that are sentient ligjht-- they should be deathless instead of undead.)
--Mephit, Radiant (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Prismfly Swarm (Dragon 321)
--Quasielemental, Radiance (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Radiant Creature [Template] (Dragon 321)
--Rainbow Dweller (Dragon 321)
--Scile Swarm (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wraithlight (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) (changes will have to be made to adapt it to the PS setting, given below)

Assuming you want to encorporate monsters of the Radiance Transitive Plane from Dragon 321 for use as Quasielemental Radiance encounters, you'll need to add Fire Res 20 (or immunity) to their list of special qualities so that they can survive in their native environment.

1. Give it the Fire and Extraplanar subtypes
2. Change its type to Deathless.
3. Incorporeal Touch inflicts 1d8 fire damage.
4. Unlike the typical deathless, wraithlights can only be rebuked by neutral or evil clerics.
5. Wraithlights are immune to prismatic and light effects (such as Color Spray and Flashburst).
6. Ecology: Wraithlights are undead travelers who died under the Quasielemental Plane's effects. Their affinity for confusion and misleading is due to the insanity they were overwhelmed with (due to the plane's assault of colors) before their deaths. This ecology need not interfere with that of Avadnu, at all, since the Violet Dawn books don't allude to anything meaningful in the Wraithlight's ecology beyond that they are probably the souls of primordial Avadnu beings.

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Angel, Deva, Monadic (Fiend Folio)
--Dragon, Hoarder [Template] (Dragons of Faerun WE 2) (rare)
--Dragon, Maztican; Tlalocoatl (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Dragon, Mist (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Firetide Hunter (Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic)
--Fog Strider (Monster Geographica: Marsh & Aquatic)
--Giant, Fog (Monsters of Faerun)
--Klyndes (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Mist (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Steam (Monster Manual)
--Mistwalker (Creature Collection I) *rare*
--Niln (Tome of Horrors II)
--Quasielemental, Steam (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wavefire (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wolf, Mist (Dragon 293)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Ash Rat (Monster Manual 2, 2.5 update pamphlet) (despite its name, Ash Rats are native to Fire and Smoke)
--Cinderspawn (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Cinderspawn are Fire natives *Elementals in particular* who journeyed too close to Ash and died there, or were killed by natives of Ash)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Icegaunt (Frostburn)
--Mephit, Ash (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Phoenix, Black (Scarred Lands Creature Collection III) *rare*
--Quasielemental, Ash (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Rast (Monster Manual)
--Shadow of the Void (Epic Level Handbook)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Dustform Creature [Template] (Sandstorm)
--Dust Twister (Sandstorm)
--Dust Wight (Monster Manual 3) (in the Planescape setting, Dustwights are Earth natives who journeyed too close to Dust and died there, or were killed by natives of Dust)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Lich, Salt (City of Brass)
--Mephit, Dust (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Dust (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Skulleton (Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Spectral Plant (Creature Collection II)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (rare)
--Ashen Husk (Sandstorm)
--Desiccator (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Desiccators are Water natives who journeyed too close to Salt and died there, or were killed by natives of Salt)
--Dragon, Brine (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters) (rare) (found in border regions bet. Water and Salt)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Entrope (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Facet (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Forlorn Husk (Sandstorm)
--Golem, Salt (Dangerous Denizens: Monsters of Tellene)
--Lich, Dry (Sandstorm)
--Lich, Salt (City of Brass)
--Mephit, Salt (Monster Manual)
--Mummy, Salt (Monster Manual 3)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze, Brine (Sandstorm)
--Quasielemental, Salt (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Spectral Plant (Creature Collection II)
--Visceryl (Necromancer- Bone Garden)

--Angel, Chalkydri (Tome of Horrors III) (extremely rare)
--Caller in Darkness (Psionics Handbook)
--Egarus (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Gravity (Tome of Horrors III) *add Negative subtype/immunities*
--Ghost [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghost Brute [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ghost, Frostfell [Template] (Monster Manual)
--Ghostly Dragon [Template] (Draconomicon)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Vacuum (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Soul Eater (Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Shadow of the Void (Epic Level Handbook)
--Spectral Death (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Spectral Plant (Creature Collection II)
--Spectre (Monster Manual)
--Vacuous (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Void Monster (Bastion Press- Complete Minions) *note: aberrations are not indigenous to the Elemental planes. Change type to Outsider, Extraplanar subtype, and alter stats accordingly*
--Voidwraith (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Voidwraiths are Air natives who journeyed too close to Vacuum and died there, or were killed by natives of Vacuum)
--Wraith (Monster Manual)
--Wraith [Template] (Savage Species)
--Wraith, Dread (Monster Manual)
--Wraith, Shimmering (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)

There is supposed to be more biomass and diversity on Magma than on Ice, but right now Ice has 2x more monsters than Magma, and with my planned projects, that list will only grow.... Smoke is severely lacking in monsters (I know of another one that should go here, but it hasn't been converted to 3x yet-- it's from Dragon 244) Fire needs more monsters, though I can probably supply that by doing a better job of listing monsters there (Fire is one of my least favorite elements/planes, while Ice of course is my absolute favorite, followed by air.).

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: 2E Resource Index

--Forgotten Realms: Demihuman Deities (Contains info on Ghaunadaur. Most familiar with 2E prefer this version of him that lives in Shekladah, rather than 3x which places him, Kiaransalee, and Eilistraee in the Demonweb Pits)

Note that Demihuman Deities places Ghaunadaur in the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze, not Shekladah. His realm, the Cauldron of Slime, ought to be mentioned in your list of inner planar locations. Presumedly Core Ooze.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

You're missing the Ravid, from the Monster Manual, for the Positive Energy Plane.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Corrections and Errata

This post will contain all the corrections and errata I will create. First, corrections.

Corrections and modifications to elementals
The elementals have a few problems. I see a few problems with the quasielementals in the Denizens of the Inner Planes here, as well. Here are some of the things that the elementals SHOULD have in order to make them better suited to their native environment.
I have not listed "x sight" abilities, since these should be a given (e.g. fire elementals can see normally near and through flames, and are immune to dazzling effects from infared light. Ice Paraelementals can see normally during snowstorms, freezing fog, etc. The one exception to this rule I have described below by creature type.)

Fire Elemental:
Fire Climb (Ex): This essentially allows the fire elemental to merge with and/or climb flames (including pillars of fire). Fire Elementals also get a +8 racial bonus to hide and Move Silently checks made inside a natural or magical fire.
Sense Combustibles (Ex): As Detect Evil, but can sense combustible objects.

Earth Elemental:
Earthsight (Ex): 60 ft. X-ray vision through stone, dirt, rock, and nonprecious metals. (but not crystalline or precious metallic materials) while using Earth Glide (and also when not using earth glide but looking through a very small object, such as a fist-sized rock). What, we're supposed to believe that earth elementals swim through stone blindly? Yeah, right.
Gem Sense (Ex): As Detect Evil, but can sense gems and precious metals.

Water Elemental:
Desiccation vulnerability.
Liquid Sense (Ex): As Detect Evil, but can sense water-based liquids.

Ice Paraelemental:
(lot of work needed here)
Heat Sense (Ex): As Detect Fire (which is AS detect evil) from Frostburn. Except that Ice Paraelementals (and Ice/Snow weirds) should be able to sense non-elemental heat from say-- warm-blooded creatures *however, concentration will not reveal any additional information about warm-blooded subjects --such as power level-- beyond their presence and exact location. This is because a warm-blooded creature is not associated with elemental fire, unlike a fire elemental, Wall of Fire spell, or a lit torch.*
Ice Glide (Ex): As Earth Glide, but through solid ice and snow.
Icesight (Ex): 60-ft. X-ray vision through ice and snow, while using Ice Glide or when looking through small objects, such as fist-sized hailstones or freezing fog.
Icewalking (Ex): Same as the White Dragon's ability.

Magma Paraelemental:
Magma paraelementals only take half-effect (damage, saves, etc.) from earth effects.
Magma Glide (Ex): This allows the paraelemental to avoid the movement penalties associated with viscous magma.
Magma Sight (Ex): Allows the paraelemental to see clearly through magma while using Magma Glide. It can also see through the surface of a body of magma just as a human/land based humanoid would see when looking down at a body of water from above its surface. (can't remember where rules for this are)

Ooze Paraelemental:
Immunity to acid damage (how in the world did Wizards overlook that?)
Immunity to spells and effects with BOTH the earth and water descriptors (except for flash freeze)
Ooze Glide (Ex): This allows the paraelemental to avoid the movement penalties associated with viscous muck.
Ooze Sight (Ex): Allows the paraelemental to see clearly through mud, silt, muck, slime, etc. while using Ooze Glide. It can also see through the surface of a body of murk just as a human/land based humanoid would see when looking down at a body of water from above its surface. (can't remember where rules for this are)

Mineral Quasielemental:
Should be immune to earth-subtype effects as well.
Mineralsight: See 60 ft. in crystal, crystalline minerals, nonprecious, and precious metals while using Earth Glide, but not dirt or rock.

Steam Quasielemental:
Should have fire resistance 10 and cold resistance 15 or 20. Vunerability to Desiccation damage.
Mistsight (Ex): Steam Quasielementals can see clearly in clouds of water vapor, be they liquid or frozen (i.e. freezing fog).

Salt Quasielemental: Change variable damage to match with Fire Elemental's damage die, and add desiccation damage to its melee attack with the same progression as the Fire Elemental.
Desiccation damage is introduced in the Sandstorm supplement (and only Sandstorm), but is easy enough to implement even if you don't have that book.
Unprotected characters on Quasielemental salt take Desiccation damage from the environment, Quasielemental Salt creatures deal desiccation damage, and the Horrid Wilting Spell now deals desiccation damage as well.
Creatures with the Water or Aquatic subtypes take 50% more damage from Desiccation effects. Unfortunately, the rules in Sandstorm for Desiccation damage are also woefully incomplete, so there's no data on what possesses desiccation resistance. Desiccation damage is a damage subtype, but is technically not an energy subtype, even though it functions that way for most purposes. Obivously, creatures indigeous to Quasielemental salt are immune to desiccation damage, as are incorporeal undead.
Salt Glide (Ex): Salt Quasielementals can pass through salt and similar ion-based minerals (e.g. lithium chloride) like a fish swims through water.
Salt Sight (Ex): Salt Quasielementals can see clearly up to 60 ft. through solid ion-chloride and pure sodium masses when using their Salt Glide ability.

The variable melee damage for the two groups should be as follows by type:
--Ash, Ice, Lightning, Magma, Ooze, Salt: As Fire Elemental (1d4 + 1d4 energy damage for a small elemental)
--Radiance, Smoke, Steam, Vacuum: as Air Elemental (which is already in the rules for all but the Smoke one) (1d4 melee, only for small)
--Dust, Mineral: As Earth and Water elementals (1d6 for small)
Planewalker has the Mineral Quasielemental only dealing 1d4 damage, but otherwise all the Quasielementals (save Salt) already follow this rule. See my changes below about Desiccation damage.

X Conversion (Ex): Nearly every elemental should have this. The creature recovers 1 HP per 4 points of special damage it inflicts, be it from its aura, melee attacks, etc.
Fire, Magma: fire damage.
Ice, Ash: cold damage
Water: 1/4th physical damage
Salt: desiccation damage
Ooze: acid damage (slam should inflict 1d6 acid)
Air, Earth, Mineral: Damn. I honestly can't think of anything that can correspond to their 2E listed diet. I suppose for balance you COULD give them 1/4th physical damage, but this doesn't have anything to do with consuming gems or scents/incense.
If you give elementals this ability, then increase their CR by 1.

This section covers expansions for classes, etc. based upon non-SRD material introduced in supplements following the PrC's/Spell's/etc. appearance.

The Planar Ranger from Unearthed Arcana isn't fully equipped to deal with the new materials outside of the SRD. In addition to his abilities detailed in Unearthed Arcana/SRD, he should have the following abilities:

Optional Rule:
If you plan to add Axiomatic and Anarchic as languages to your campaign, then the Planar Ranger should have access to these, as well.

Wild Empathy
The planar ranger also takes no penalty when using his Wild Empathy on magical beasts with the Ethereal, Astral, Anarchic, Axiomatic, Vivacious, Entropic, and Half Elemental templates, and Elementals with the Element, Paraelement, or Quasielement templates who use an animal as the base creature.

Animal Companion
A nonchaotic planar ranger may have an axiomatic version of a normal animal as his animal companion. A nonlawful ranger may have an anarchic version of a normal animal as his animal companion. A ranger with a neutral alignment component may take a Half Elemental animal as his animal companion.

Any spell that normally affects animals also affects augmented animals of the axiomatic, anarchic, vivacious, entropic, element, paraelement, quasielement, ethereal, half-fiendish, half-celestial, half-elemental, and astral templates. This rule likewise applies to augmented plants of the vivacious, entropic, element, paraelement, quasielement, ethereal, half-fiendish, half-celestial, half-elemental, and astral templates.



--Temperature Bands--
The bands don't match up with those of Sandstorm. Change them as follows:
Extreme Heat: 141~180
Severe Heat: 111~140
Hot: 91~110
Warm: 61~90
Moderate: 41~60
Cold: 1~40
Severe Cold: -20~0
Extreme Cold: -50~-21
Unearthly Cold: -51 or lower

Boreal Wind Spell:
This spell should also be listed as the [Air] subtype.

Arctic Haze Spell: Being a cold-subtype spell, cold creatures are immune to the cold damage and the obscured vision.

Faiths and Pantheons was never Errata'd, even though it is in dire need of it. Lots of errors in this book. LOTS of errors.
--Under "Requirements", Replace "Knowledge (Nature) 8 ranks" with "Knowledge (Planes) 8 ranks".
--Only the Elemental Lords are listed as required patrons, even though Auril's entry states that she has Air Archons as worshippers, and Sejogan Earthcaller's entry lists Earth Archons.
--Remove Intuit Direction, Animal Empathy, Scry, and Wilderness Lore and add Survival + Train Animal.
--The following are required patrons now:
*Air-- Akadi, Chan, Yan-C-Bin
*Earth-- Grumbar, Ogremoch, Sunnis, Segojan Earthcaller
*Fire-- Imix, Kossuth, Zaaman Rul
*Ice-- Auril, Cryonax (details on PrC pending)
*Lightning-- Tchzadi or whatever his name is (details on PrC pending)
*Mineral-- Crystalle (details on PrC pending)
*Ooze-- Ghaunadaur (details on PrC pending)
*Water-- Ben Hadar, Istishia, Olhydra

Everyone knows the Planar Shepherd is broken. Badly. Yet its concept is great for the Planescape setting. So here are my guidelines for de-nerfing the PrC.

Requirements: I'll leave this up to the individual DM, though I wouldn't bar it beyond 3rd level (meaning you could require that the character be capable of casting 2nd level divine spells) Though I suppose you could bar it to characters below 5th level (e.g. must be able to cast 3rd level divine spells). If you do this however, then I would change the rules I gave below as follows:
--At 5th level, PrC gains the ability to Wildshape into an Elemental, but only those which are augmented animals or plants with the Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental templates.
--Prc gains the ability to Wildshape into Elementals at 8th level.

Planar Attunement: The planar shepherd's planar attunement aura now has a range of only 50 feet.
There should also be a downside to this ability if the character enters a plane opposite of its alignment or elemental affinity. Unfortunately, because there are two separare rulesets (the Planescape rules and the 3x rules), I'm not going to suggest how this should be played out.

Wildshape: This is arguably the most broken part of the PrC as written. So let's make the following changes:
--PrC still gains the ability to Wildshape into Magical Beast at 3rd level, but only as augmented animals with the Fiendish, Celestial, Axiomatic, Anarchic, Ethereal, Astral, Entropic, or Vivacious templates. This requires 1 use of the Wildshape ability.
--PrC gains the ability to Wildshape into Magical Beasts native to (but not necessarily indigenous to) their attuned plane at 6th level. This counts as 2 uses of Wildshape ability. At the same time, the PrC gains ability to Wildshape into Elementals, but only as augmented animals with the Elemental, Paraelemental, or Quasielemental templates. Like the 3rd level ability, this only counts as 1 use of the Wildshape ability.
--At 9th level, the PrC gains the ability to Wildshape into any Elemental creature native to their attuned plane. This counts as 2 uses of the Wildshape ability.
--At 10th level, the PrC gains the ability to Wildshape into any Outsider native to their attuned plane. This counts as 3 uses of the Wildshape ability.

If you do not encorporate manifest zones from the Eberron Campaign Setting, then instead give the PrC the ability to use "Analyze Portal" at will at 2nd level.
I cannot think of a suitable replacement for "Intensity Manifest Zone" at 7th level, however. There is a generic/setting neutral rule in Frostburn about elemental gates (in the case of Frostburn, portals which bleed essence from Paraelemental Ice, Elemental Water, and Elemental Air into the prime), but an equivalent spell is of little use in a generic setting since interplanar portals (outside of Sigil, where they don't "bleed over") are pretty rare (as opposed to manifest zones which are pretty common on Ebrron) and don't affect nearly as large of an area as manifest zones do in Eberron (IIRC the gates only affect an area within a mile or so of the portal. Compared to Manifest Zones which can affect entire cities to entire ecological regions.)

schpeelah's picture
Joined: 2007-01-13
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

[Element] sight: One: 30ft. is still too short. Two: this should be instead a change to [Element] Glide:
Whenever you are Gliding, you become able to see through the material you are submerged in. You can see clearly out to 60ft' and less clearly (concealment) to 120'. All other materials become opaque to you, including ones that normally aren't (ie. air).

Water elemental dessication vulnerability: Probably should just errata "Plants and elemental creatures of the water subtype are especially vulnerable to dessication damage" form Sandstorm to function as energy vulnerability.

Water conversion: damage form Water effects (like the Tsunami spell), fast healing 1 when submerged in water.
Earth conversion: just have them consume X amount of material to recover 1HP, small elementals can eat Y amount as a full round action, each larger size category doubles that.

Planar ranger spellcasting: Any list of templates will become incomplete as more templates can potentially be created. Instead:
Any spell that normally affects animals also affects augmented animals of whose type was changed to, magical beast, elemental or outsider by a template that makes the animal natural for a planar environment (such as axiomatic, half-fiend, paraelement creature), with the exception of pseudonatural or other template that defines a creature as unnatural (since if you're using Far Realm that would count). Analogically for templated plants.

"Hyena of Ice" wrote:
Everyone knows the Planar Shepherd is nerfed.
Everyone knows the Planar Shepherd is ONE OF THE MOST OVERPOWERED PrCs IN EXISTENCE, along with Incantatrix.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
List of Indigenous Natives

This list includes only the creatures indigenous to the plane. If you fully utilize the rules I've laid out in the Brainstorm and Project Ice topics, then (Indigenous) should be a subtype, and in all honesty it WILL make things easier DMing the Outer Planes using the canonical 2E and 3x rules.
Indigenous natives to a plane tend to be immune to certain effects that would harm a naturalized or extraplanar creature-- a perfect example is Coldflow (coldfire from Frostburn). Indigenous natives can breathe coldflow and can regenerate when immersed in it. They are immune to the pathology *not really a disease, it's technically a poison that functions like a disease* Coldfire Ruin. Even creatures normally immune to disease (outsiders) are affected by this, since it's not really a disease, but rather an elemental reaction (in brief, Coldflow converts elemental earth and fire to elemental air and water, and in game terms this works just like Green Slime.)
As another example, all creatures indigenous to a plane are immune to the damaging effects of most, if not all phenomena there, even if not listed in their stats, and can move normally through the natural terrain.
For instance, magma natives can move through thick molten rock as Stone Glide, and can swim through runny magma as if it were water.
Ice natives can see normally in freezing fog, snowstorms, etc.
Smoke natives can see normally through smoke, and Steam natives can see normally through steam-- making them a tad more formiddable on their home plane. Fire natives cannot be dazzled or blinded by any intensity of infared and/or ultraviolet light.
OTOH, a white dragon CANNOT see normally in a snowstorm, and a red dragon CAN be dazzled by bright light so long as it lacks the (Fire) descriptor.
OTHER NOTES: Undead and Deathless created when a non-native died on the plane, as well as constructs manufactured on the plane are both considered indigenous.
I'm noting that the number of indigenous natives to air and esp. water is way too low, and more indigenous natives are needed for smoke and ooze.

--Aerial Servant (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Airwalker (Edge of Infinity: The Scarred Planes) *servants of Rukha the Roc lady, demigoddess of Rocs on Elemental Air*
--Arrowhawk (Monster Manual)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Cyclone Ravager (Monster Manual 4)
--Breathdrinker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Cloudscout (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Dragon, Gem, Crystal (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Emerald (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Jade (EN World Converted)
--Dragon Horse (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Drake, Air (Draconomicon)
--Elemental, Air (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Air (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Air [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Air (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Air (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Air (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Steward, Tempestan (Complete Psionic) *border w. Lightning, only*
--Elemental, Storm (Monster Manual 3)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elementite Swarm, Air (Planar Handbook)
--Genie, Djinn (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Noble Djinni (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Hgaun (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mephit, Air (Monster Manual)
--Mihstu (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Air (Races of Faerun) *only those born here*
--Planetouched, Mephling, Air (Planar Handbook) *only those born here*
--Sislan (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Skiaxit (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Spirit of the Air (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Sylph (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Vortex (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Weird, Elemental Air (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Windraptor (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Windwalker (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wind Warrior (Dungeon Magazine 124)
--Wolf, Cloud (Dragon 293)

--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Black Rock Triskelion (Monster Manual IV)
--Dharum Suhn (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Dragger (EN World Converted)
--Dragon, Gem, Amethyst (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Onyx (Vaults of Pandius) (rare)
--Dragon, Gem, Sapphire (Monster Manual 2)
--Drake, Earth (Draconomicon)
--Drake, Stone (Races of Stone)
--Dune Stalker (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Earthdelver (Dungeon Magazine 111)
--Earth Glider (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Earth Whisper (Races of Stone)
--Elemental, Earth (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Earth (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Earth [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Earth, Dragger (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental, Earth, Griveling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental, Earth, Tympanix (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Elemental Gen, Earth (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Earth (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Earth (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Geodite (Complete Psionic)
--Elementite Swarm, Earth (Planar Handbook)
--Galeb Duhr (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Geon (Tome of Horrors II)
--Genie, Dao (Manual of the Planes, updated in Dungeon 151)
--Genie, Noble Dao (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
==Griveling (EN World Converted)
--Gulgar (Monster Manual 3)
--Harrow (EN World Converted)
--Horde (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Khargra (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Lythic (Tome of Horrors III)
--Mephit, Earth (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Pech (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Earth (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Earth (Planar Handbook)
--Rukarazyll (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Sandknight (Dungeon Magazine 110)
--Sandling (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Sandman (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shad (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Stonechild (Miniatures Handbook)
--Stone Flyer (Forgotten Realms: Underdark)
--Stone Spike (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Swarm, Giggag (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Tralusk (dragon 285)
--Treant, Stone (Rappan Athuk Reloaded)
--Tymphanix (EN World Converted)
--Walking Wall (Miniatures Handbook)
--Weird, Elemental Earth (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Xaren (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Xorn (Monster Manual)

--Abomination, Phaethon (Epic Level Handbook)
--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Holocaust Disciple (Monster Manual IV)
--Azer (Monster Manual)
--Basalt Warhound (City of Brass)
--Brass Man (Dungeon 126)
--Blazewyrm (Dragon Magic)
--Cinderbrute (Dungeon 110)
--Cinder Swarm (Monster Manual 3)
--Dragon, Gem, Ruby (EN World Converted, Vaults of Pandius)
--Drake, Fire (Draconomicon)
--Elemental, Fire (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Fire (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Fire [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Fire (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Fire (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Fire (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Emberling (Complete Psionic)
--Elementite Swarm, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Ember Guard (Monster Manual 5)
--Fire Bat (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Fire Crab (Tome of Horrors II)
--Firefiend (City of Brass)
--Fire Nymph (City of Brass)
--Firesnake (Dungeon 111)
--Firetail (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Firetongue Frog (Dragon 285)
--Fire Whale/Burning Leviathan (City of Brass)
--Flame Ray (Necromancer: Kalamar Elemental Moon)
--Genie, Efreeti (Monster Manual)
--Genie, Noble Efreeti (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Gnome, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Helian (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Inferno Spider (Monster Manual 4)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mephit, Fire (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Ooze, Conflagration (Monster Manual III) *some*
--Phantom Stalker (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters, Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Fire (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Fire (Planar Handbook)
--Rukova, Fire (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Salamander (Monster Manual)
--Salamander, Larva (Dragon 314)
--Scape (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Spider, Phoenix (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Thermite (Tome of Horrors III)
--Tome Guardian (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Vermin, Elemental, Flameling (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Waiveras (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Weird, Elemental Fire (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)
--Wolf, Flame (Vaults of Pandius)

--Avatar of Elemental Evil, Waterveiled Assassin (Monster Manual 4)
--Bzastra (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Caller From the Deeps (Stormwrack)
--Dragon, Gem, Topaz (Monster Manual 2)
--Dragon, Gem, Tourmaline (EN World Converted) (rare)
--Drake, Water (Draconomicon)
--Drench (Raise the Dead) *obviously, assoc. with Olhydra*
--Elemental, Water (Monster Manual)
--Elemental Construct, Water (Tome of Horrors III)
--Element Creature, Water [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental Gen, Water (Dragon 315)
--Elemental Grue, Water (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental Monolith, Water (Complete Arcane)
--Elemental of Chaos [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental of Law [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Arctine (Complete Psionic) *border bet. Water, Ice, and Steam only*
--Elementite Swarm, Water (Planar Handbook)
--Genie, Marid (Manual of the Planes, updated in Dungeon 151)
--Genie, Noble Marid (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Hydrophant (Necromancer - Dead Man's Chest)
--Living Spell [Template] (Monster Manual III, Eberron Campaign Setting)
--Mephit, Water (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Nereid (Stormwrack)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Orlythys (dragon 285)
--Planetouched, Genasi, Water (Races of Faerun)
--Planetouched, Mephling, Water (Planar Handbook)
--Rainrunner (Dungeon 111)
--Suisseen (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Tojanida (Monster Manual)
--Triton (Monster Manual)
--Ungulosin (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Vermin, Elemental, Spitter (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wavearcher (Dungeon 110)
--Weird, Elemental Water (Monster Manual 2, Dragon 347)

--Abomination, Xixecal (Epic Level Handbook)
--Chraal (Monster Manual 3) (Chraal is indigenous to Paraelemental Ice)
--Drake, Ice (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature, Cold [Template] (Manual of the Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Demonically Infused [Template] (Dragon Magazine Compendium)
--Elemental, Snowstorm (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) *Precipice only*
--Elemental Steward, Arctine (Complete Psionic) *Sea of Frozen Lives, only*
--Frost Salamander (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Gelidiceph (Scarred Lands- Strange Lands, Lost Tribes) *Sea of Frozen Lives only*
--Genie, Qorrashi (Frostburn)
--Genie, Noble Qorrashi (see my Paraplane of Ice topic; I apologize for the mess in that topic)
--Genie, Tasked (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Ice Serpent (Monsters of Faerun, 3.5 Forgotten Realms Monster Update)
--Immoth (Monster Manual 2, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Mephit, Ice (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Paraelemental, Ice (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ice [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Gen, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ice (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental, Frigidarch (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Iceling (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Shiverbug (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelemental, Snowfury (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Paraelementite Swarm, Ice (see my Paraplane of Ice topic)
--Weird, Ice (Frostburn)
--Weird, Snow (Frostburn)

--Blazon (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Dragon, Gem, Obsidian (
--Drake, Magma (Draconomicon)
--Draknor (EN World Converted)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Lavaborn Monster [Template] (Dungeonscape)
--Lava Child (City of Brass)
--Magma Hurler (Miniatures Handbook)
--Magmal Horror (WotC module: Force of Nature)
--Magmin (Monster Manual)
--Magmoid (Tome of Horrors II)
--Mephit, Glass (Sandstorm)
--Mephit, Lava (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Ooze, Lava (Sandstorm)
--Paraelemental, Magma (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Magma [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Magma (Dragon 347)
--Quasielemental, Obsidian (Tome of Horrors II) *add fire subtype and change name to "Paraelemental, Obsidian"*
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)
--Thoqqua (Monster Manual)
--Weird, Lesser, Lava (Tome of Horrors II)
--Wolf, Magma (Dragon 293)

--Drake, Ooze (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Grue, Mud (Dungeon Magazine 138)
--Mire Brute (Tome of Horrors III)
--Mudman (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Ooze Sprite (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Paraelemental, Ooze (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Ooze [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Ooze (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Weird, Ooze (Champions of Ruin)
--Vitriolus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)

--Belker (Monster Manual II)
--Drake, Smoke (Draconomicon)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Genie, Hawanar (City of Brass) (rare)
--Mephit, Smoke (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Sulfur (Sandstorm)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Omnimental (Monster Manual III)
--Paraelemental, Smoke (Manual of the Planes)
--Paraelement Creature, Smoke [Template] (Dragon 347)
--Paraelemental Monolith, Smoke (Dragon 347)
--Sootbeast (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Tempest (Monster Manual II)

--Elemental, Storm (Monster Manual 3)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Lightning (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Nimbus (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Quasielemental, Lightning (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Shocker (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental Steward, Tempestan (Complete Psionic) *border w. Air, only*
--Thunder (Dragon 317)
--Thunder Worm (Fiend Folio, 3.5 update pamphlet)
--Tumblespark (Tome of Horrors III)
--Weird, Lesser, Lightning (Tome of Horrors II)
--Wolf, Thunder (Dragon 293)

--Caterprism (Tome of Horrors II)
--Chrystallis (Tome of Horrors III)
--Crysmal (Expanded Psionics Handbook)
--Earth Whisper (Races of Stone)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Mineral (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Nenngar (Dreamscarred Press- Mind Divine)
--Psicrysmal (Dreamscarred Press-- High Psionics Compilation)
--Quasielemental, Mineral (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Chamrol (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Energy Pod (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Glomus (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Shard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Mineral, Spined Shard (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Quasielemental, Trilling Crysmal (EN World Creature Catalogue Converted Monsters)
--Sulwynarii (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens + Violet Dawn Player's Primer) *Most Sulwynarii in Planescape are descendents who bred with mineral natives, thus they are indigenous*
--Tssng (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wolf, Shard (Dragon 293)

--Darklight (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Radiant (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Prismfly Swarm (Dragon 321)
--Quasielemental, Radiance (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Radiant Creature [Template] (Dragon 321)
--Rainbow Dweller (Dragon 321)
--Scile Swarm (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wraithlight (Violet Dawn - Complete Book of Denizens) *remember the changes listed in the full monster listing*

--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Klyndes (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Mist (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Steam (Monster Manual)
--Niln (Tome of Horrors II)
--Quasielemental, Steam (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wavefire (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Wolf, Mist (Dragon 293)

--Ash Rat (Monster Manual 2, 2.5 update pamphlet) (despite its name, Ash Rats are native to Fire and Smoke)
--Cinderspawn (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Cinderspawn are Fire natives *Elementals in particular* who journeyed too close to Ash and died there, or were killed by natives of Ash)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Ash (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Ash (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Rast (Monster Manual)

--Dust Twister (Sandstorm)
--Dust Wight (Monster Manual 3) (in the Planescape setting, Dustwights are Earth natives who journeyed too close to Dust and died there, or were killed by natives of Dust)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Dust (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Dust (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)

--Desiccator (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Desiccators are Water natives who journeyed too close to Salt and died there, or were killed by natives of Salt)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Facet (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Mephit, Salt (Monster Manual)
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Salt (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)

--Egarus (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Element Creature [Template] (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Elemental, Gravity (Tome of Horrors III) *add Negative subtype/immunities*
--Necromental [Template] (Libris Mortis)
--Quasielemental, Vacuum (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Soul Eater (Tome of Horrors Revised)
--Vacuous (Planewalker: Denizens of the Inner Planes)
--Voidwraith (Libris Mortis) (in the Planescape setting, Voidwraiths are Air natives who journeyed too close to Vacuum and died there, or were killed by natives of Vacuum)
--Wraith, Shimmering (Planewalker Denizens of the Inner Planes)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

I hope you posted this over at Enworld. I'll probably post these around a few forums, great stuff and thanks!


Health Resources: Register family with 911 services, so providers will have info prior to emergency/disaster. Also mental health info & hotlines, articles, treatment assistance options, prescription assistance, special needs registries, legal aid, and more!

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

I don't have an EN World account, and there's way too many threads/posts there to brush up on before posting something, so no, I have not posted it there.

Sear's picture
Joined: 2011-08-20
Re: Inner Planes Resource Index

Hi, great resource. Thanks!

Here's more on Living Spells:

There's also some good info in Gates of Madness, part of The Abyssal Plague.

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