inhabitants of DIS

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theWindspinner's picture
Joined: 2005-01-27
inhabitants of DIS

i am new and need help. . .can anyone please tell me about the inhabitants of Dis. . .

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
inhabitants of DIS

: Prim chuckles :

Is there a game where the DM has tossed you fellas into Dis and you need info? Its the only thing I can figure would pull two posting newbies to post the same question within a day...

Dis is a layer of Baator with a city on it (named Dis). It is inhabited almost entirely by Baatezu and their slaves. I'm sure there are some other evil outsiders about (no devils) and maybe a few evil mortals, but mostly Baatezu.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: inhabitants of DIS

"theWindspinner" wrote:
i am new and need help. . .can anyone please tell me about the inhabitants of Dis. . .

Dis is almost as varied as Sigil. Anything and everything can theoretically appear there, except for celestials and chaos-born (they can appear in Dis too, but mostly as prisoners).

Obviously, Dis is an evil city, and baatezu are going to be the dominant species. Erinyes and kocrachons are particularly common. Lawful evil petitioners - lemures and nupperibos, but also soulshells are more common still.

A good encounter chart for Dis might look like this Sigil encounter chart, but slanted heavily toward evil and law.

- A soulshell looking like a slightly transparent child, its body carved out to hold packages of mail. It bleeds spectral fluid, and is obviously in agony, but it obediently brings its messenges where they're supposed to go.

- Tso merchant. A sorcerous, many-armed creature like a cross between an eel and a spider offers flesh and ill-gotten goods. It is slightly paranoid because it is trying to sell its wares without having purchased a license from the baatezu. If a diabolic high-up catches it, it will be in big trouble.

- Blood War parade. A long train of scarred devils of various castes marches through the streets, shouting and playing musical instruments. The crowds shout praises of the glories of the Blood War and the returning heroes, and praise the Archduke Dispater while they're at it. Stern osyluths make sure the crowd is convincing.

- Athar street preacher. A half-elf, a member of the Athar faction, shouts at passerby about how all gods are frauds. He might also suggest that worshipping Dispater and the Lords of the Nine is a much better option.

- Beggar. Something that was formally human but is now mostly a pile of rags and diabolic parasites weeps pitiously, begging for magical healing or to be put out of its misery. Unfortunately, the parasites are more of a curse than a wound or a disease, so standard healing won't work.

- Osyluth patrol. A gang of skeletal devils watches carefully to make sure everyone is obeying Dispater's laws. Any excuse to capture and torture offenders will be leaped on.

- A gang of soulshells, in chains, are repairing a building. A barbazu overseer lashes them with his whip.

- Tout. A tiefling offers to show the party how to get what they want, for a price. Or maybe she's an erinyes in disguise.

- An adventuring party, driven to desperation by the gambling debts incurred in the gaming halls of Dis, set upon the PCs in a dark alley and try to mug them.

- Roaming fiend. A powerful baatezu - maybe even a cornugon or pit fiend, or something even higher - snarls at the PCs for being too near, smelling too mortal, or some other minor offense. It does not bother to attack, but continues on its way. If the PCs try to strike, it will likely teleport somewhere rather than sully itself with the PCs' smelly, smelly blood.

- Sensate party. A group of laughing members of the Society of Sensation have taken a trip from Sigil to Dis to sample its forbidden delights. Most of them are probably not nice people at all, but a few were dragged in by more experienced Sensates and had no idea what depravities they were getting themselves into. The Sensates try to bring the PCs with them, but some of them try to subtly warn them away, or try to convince the characters to rescue them.

- Cranium rats. A swarm of horrible little rat things with exposed brains try to psionically destroy the party's mind.

- Debate. Two erinyes are debating about how best to corrupt a mortal. An amnizu stands nearby, appointed to judge the winner. They won't be happy if a PC tries to disagree with them, but they would be happy to use one as a visual aid.

- Addle-coved Prime. A paladin from the Material Plane has somehow become lost in Dis. She has no idea how to get out, never intended to come here in the first place, and isn't keen on the idea of simply killing the billions of fiends surrounding her as her religion dictates. She asks the PCs for help.

- Githzerai knife-thrower. A githzerai throws knives into living, screaming targets as a mixed audience cheers.

- Slumming celestial. A celestial being, possibly fallen, possibly disguised, possibly disguided as one of the fallen. Here for a meeting with a baatezu high-up.

- Bariaur herd. A group of corrupt bariaur led by their half-fiendish kinsbuck, on their way to a job interview.

- High-up. A powerful noble crosses the street, mounted on a fiendish mammoth. It ignores all pedestrians, simply crushing anyone in the way.

- Janitorial crew. A gang of petitioners scrubs the red-hot surface of the road with small brushes and soap made from human fat. The road is filthy, covered in trash, refuse, and flesh-eating maggots. The petitioners feel the pain as much as a living person would. A half-barbazu, half-dwarf overseer lashes them with a whip.

- Street waifs. A mixed group of orphaned and impoverished humanoid and tiefling children beg for money. Maybe some of them are erinyes in disguise.

Llandon's picture
Joined: 2005-01-16
inhabitants of DIS

thank you kaelyn i can too use that info. but primus, i am new to this site, but not to planewalker. I and the windspinner are in mutany! we are attempting to create a short novel (286 pages) on the subject of Dis and you people know more about Dis than the manual of the planes can tell me so if anyone can direct I or the windspinner to a good sourse on info of dis, we'd appreciate it.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
inhabitants of DIS

Wait....286 pages is a short novel?

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
inhabitants of DIS

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Wait....286 pages is a short novel?

Yeah. Novels are big things but in a way easier to write than short stories.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
inhabitants of DIS

"Llandon" wrote:
thank you kaelyn i can too use that info. but primus, i am new to this site, but not to planewalker. I and the windspinner are in mutany! we are attempting to create a short novel (286 pages) on the subject of Dis and you people know more about Dis than the manual of the planes can tell me so if anyone can direct I or the windspinner to a good sourse on info of dis, we'd appreciate it.

Don't worry, a barbazu is coming to make sure you get back on the correct path.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
inhabitants of DIS

"Gerzel" wrote:
"Emperor Xan" wrote:
Wait....286 pages is a short novel?

Yeah. Novels are big things but in a way easier to write than short stories.

Funny...I didn't know what novels were, being a writer and all... :roll:

theWindspinner's picture
Joined: 2005-01-27
inhabitants of DIS

hey emperor xan
if ur a writer do u only write stuff related to planewalker and such?

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
inhabitants of DIS

"theWindspinner" wrote:
hey emperor xan if ur a writer do u only write stuff related to planewalker and such?

No, I write books and gaming material for publication. I do create fan-based materials for Planewalker to host, but not specifically for them.

Llandon's picture
Joined: 2005-01-16
inhabitants of DIS

what have you written that got published, Emporor Zan?

Llandon's picture
Joined: 2005-01-16
inhabitants of DIS

Sorry that's Xan and i don't know how quote got there.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
inhabitants of DIS

Currently, I'm writing a book that's part of an encyclopedic series. I'll not mention who for on the account that I don't want to be accused of name dropping. But I will mention that I spent a bit over an hour discussing my work so far with the individual in question.

As for my other works, I haven't done query letters for them yet because I'm still looking for a suitable publisher. It's difficult getting research papers published for money. :shock:

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