Infoseeking: Death of Innocence

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Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Infoseeking: Death of Innocence

For a burg that is supposed to be relatively a big deal in the Gray Waste, I can't find much about Death of Innocence.  About the best I can find is it's a small town hidden in the misty forests of Niflheim and something about the town can stave off the worst of the Waste's depressing gloom.  Is there anything written up about it (canonical or fan-made) that fleshes the burg out more?  I've checked Planewalker's Handbook, Planes of Conflict (which has little more on it than a brief mention in passing), and even browsed through Hellbound and Faces of Evil to little avail.  If anyone has anything else to share about the town, I'd appreciate the input!

Thank you in advance!

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Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
Are we seeing the same

Are we seeing the same writeup in Planes of Conflict?  I see a 1-page writeup in Liber Malevolentiae on page 56 that discusses the town's politics and nature.  The burg's about 5000 people, with stockade walls.  It's basically a frontier town, mostly surviving on hunting wolf pelt trade.  Supposedly the force of will of their leader, and some kind of curious ritual involving hanging strips of brightly colored cloth on a statue at the center of town, help keep spirits up.  The residents are mostly souls living and dead who are trying to make themselves better than whatever they currently are.  There are some subtleties of the relationships in town that the writeup goes into detail on.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I thought something was odd

I thought something was odd because I was sure I remembered that there was a book with a more thorough examination of some of the common planar sites.  My copy of Planes of Conflict only has about 35 pages, so I suspect we are actually looking at different copies.  I'll have to see if I can find the proper one.

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Idran's picture
Joined: 2007-06-10
Center of All wrote:I

Center of All wrote:
I thought something was odd because I was sure I remembered that there was a book with a more thorough examination of some of the common planar sites.  My copy of Planes of Conflict only has about 35 pages, so I suspect we are actually looking at different copies.  I'll have to see if I can find the proper one.

Yeah, there's definitely something wrong there; Planes of Conflict was a boxed set, same as Planes of Law and Chaos.  It had two main DM's books (Liber Benevolentiae and Liber Malevolentiae for the good and evil neutral planes respectively), a Player's Guide (which is what you have), a 32-page set of adventures, a monstrous supplement, and poster maps.

Center of All's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Well, I grabbed a PDF copy

Well, I grabbed a PDF copy of the real Planes of Conflict book and it has everything I'm looking for on Death of Innocence and more.  I really have no idea what this other book is supposed to be, but whatever it is, it's interesting.  It mentions a few sites like Portico (Elysium), Fo Ling Po (Gehenna), and The Lodestones and the Town at the Center (both Gray Waste).  Anyone have any ideas where this one came from?

 EDIT: Never mind, I wasn't paying close enough attention.  The version I had was just Player's Guide to Conflict, not the entire box.

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