Information on Aola/Aoskar?

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VikingLegion's picture
Joined: 2009-09-08
Information on Aola/Aoskar?

I've become somewhat consumed with Aoskar recently for a project I'm working on. Information on him is sporadic at best. I found a good writeup right here on this very site, as well as several other Wiki articles of varying degrees of usefulness. I'd love to know much, much more about Aoskar - I mean every little bit of fluff available, down to rituals and holy days of his (ex)followers.

Of particular interest to me at the moment is Aola - his proxy. On this site's writeup is the following: "Recently, the cult of Aoskar has returned to existence outside of Sigil thanks to Aola's escape from the Mazes.". I see in the game Planescape:Torment, Aola is the high priest of Aoskar - is this supposed to be before or after this escape?

Is there any info on Aola outside of PS:T? I'll have to go load up my old game (how many years ago was that......) and see if I can glean anything from that encounter. Is any of this canon? Does Aola appear in any sourcebooks, Dragon articles, adventure modules? I'd love to know something about him - race, history, planet of origin - as well as some more crunchy statblock type stuff.

Here's to hoping some of the amazing cutters on this site can point me in the right direction.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

You're quoting from an article by Charles Phipps. It might be useful to know that it's fanon; a lot of it is stuff that Charles made up based on almost no research. It's certainly not the way I would have done it.

I think Aoskar really ought to have two faces or heads, like the Roman god Janus, or like the Aoskan hounds that are named after him. That's not really official either, though.

You won't find much official detail on him, unfortunately. He's thoroughly dead in the standard continuity. There's not much to know other than what's detailed here. From On Hallowed Ground we know he was a greater deity, his portfolio was "portals," and he was true neutral (not chaotic good) in alignment. In the Cage said Aoskar's title was the Keeper of Doorways and portfolio included portals, doorways, and opportunity. "Every creature who passed through a doorway could utter his name as a prayer, and each use of a gate key became emeshed in his rituals." Alchemists seek out the dead god's blood, which is said to act as a universal portal key.

Aola is indeed in Planescape: Torment, but nowhere else. IGN's Guide to Planescape: Torment has the following account of the encounter:

Inside was a man named Aola. He welcomed us to the cathedral of Aoskar and asked if we’d come to worship. As an incentive he offered me the position of second disciple. However, other matters were on my mind so I asked him about the box and its fiend. He insisted on taking the box. (1000)

I handed it to him, then watched, fascinated as he set it within a pyramid-shaped structure and said a prayer to Aoskar. A portal soon materialized and filled in all sides of the pyramid. Aola then casually reached in and opened Moridor's Box.

Not expecting this I attempted to stop him, but I was too late. Immediately the box disintegrated as a putrid smoke poured out of it, filling the pyramid. An intense feeling of dread filled the room. It took all that I had to remain where I stood. As my mind tried to leave I watched the tendrils of smoke disappear into the vortex formed by the portals. As the last wisp of smoke vanished so did the feeling of dread. Aola smiled and said witness the power of Aoskar, the Keeper of Gateways.

I pointed out that a fiend of such power would no doubt find its way back here and that it would be looking for him. He said that he had taken that into consideration. Each side of the pyramid was a portal to a different plane. In effect he had scattered the fiend's essence across the multiverse. Then he sifted through the remains of the box to retrieve the ruby. He told me he would keep the ruby as payment for his services. I agreed and left the temple. Once outside the thought struck me that I needed that ruby to give to the mage in Ragpicker's Square so I went back inside and asked if I could purchase the gem. He wanted 300 coppers so I gave it to him.

That's all there is. Aola isn't in the Mazes at this point, so his escape (if he ever is mazed, and if he ever does escape) would have to happen later. Again, the whole business with Aola reviving Aoskar's cult is unofficial.

I mean, nothing against unofficial things; they're the lifeblood of RPGs. But it's nice to know what they are when you go looking for more detail.

VikingLegion's picture
Joined: 2009-09-08
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

Thank you Rip,

It is as I feared then. The little bits and pieces I've already found probably comprise all there is out there to know. As you say, there's nothing wrong with unofficial things, and I don't feel as though I lack the creativity to fill in the blanks - I just wanted to see if some of the groundwork was already done for me before resorting to that route.

I guess I hoped there was some major Aola information out there that had somehow eluded me. Like maybe a writeup in a Dragon article that managed to slip in undetected during a subscription lapse or something. Ah well, no such luck. But at least I can call off my search and start to build up what I need on my own. Again I thank you, your encyclopedia-like knowledge of all things D&D is immensely helpful.

Time to start brainstorming some Aola history/backstory!!

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

I was keeping quiet until all the official documentation had been presented; but if you want to look at one kind of wild theory about Aoskar that I like (as I wrote it) look at
It suggests one possible reason that Aoskar's cult keeps re-surfacing despite his being dead for so many years

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

This is slightly off topic, but you'd think that now that Aoskar is floating in the Astral, other Gods of Portals/Doorways/Travel would have become more popular among planewalkers by now. Dalt from the Greyhawk setting, for example.


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2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
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Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

Or they stay the hell away from anything even remotely similar to Aoskar, out of fear for Her Serenity. Travel gods are okay, portal gods are taboo.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

But if the new portal god doesn't route them through Sigil; what could the Lady do to them? Or am I grossly underestimating Her influence/reach through the planes?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

I would only expect the Lady to be able to affect things within her cage. Perhaps she was able to kill Aoskar because his priest was a dabus, or because, as some sources hint, Aoskar actually physically entered the City of Doors. I think the main reason Dalt isn't mentioned in Planescape is that most of the time Planescape was being published, Dalt was only an obscure name in an out of print first edition Greyhawk adventure, and considered "lost." I used to speculate that Dalt was Aoskar before the Greyhawk Player's Guide made it clear he wasn't. Also, On Hallowed Ground didn't bother to list lesser Greyhawk gods. There are a number of gods that should be popular among planewalkers, including Dalt, Keoghtom, and Celestian, though I don't think any single deity is in a position to seize the monopolistic power Aoskar once wielded among planewalkers. Dalt still hasn't recovered from the loss of most of his worshiper base during the Rain of Colorless Fire, assuming he's that old.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

Actually, this leads me to a question about the Lady's abilities regarding portals.

Would she be able to create a portal from Sigil to a location that is normally incredibly difficult to enter/leave? For example, Ravenloft? How about a custom-made Ethereal demiplane made by a paranoid archmage who doesn't want visitors? Prison-planes that are designed to keep powerful unspeakable horrors inside the plane? Could she create a portal leading from Sigil to the realm of a Power, against that Power's wishes?

Also, the same question regarding exit points from the Lady's Mazes.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Information on Aola/Aoskar?

Zimrazim wrote:
Would she be able to create a portal from Sigil to a location that is normally incredibly difficult to enter/leave? For example, Ravenloft?

I think so. And conversely, Ravenloft's Mists were able to enter Sigil in very unusual circumstances (Vecna's apotheosis).

I don't know if there's any canon on this.

How about a custom-made Ethereal demiplane made by a paranoid archmage who doesn't want visitors?

If it was a straight DC check of the Lady's power against the archmage's, I think the Lady would definitely win.

With Ravenloft's Dark Powers, it's harder to say for certain, since they're as undefined as the Lady of Pain is.

Note that it's fairly easy to close one of Sigil's portals once they become active. A simple portal lock spell or damaging the portal physically will do it. The Dark Powers would probably be aware of any portals to their domain and could swiftly eliminate them. Whether they could prevent them from opening at all is another matter. I think... probably they could, since the spell to prevent the Lady's portals from opening in your vicinity in Sigil itself is fairly low level. Any entity in complete control over their realm of plane could probably shut her out.

Prison-planes that are designed to keep powerful unspeakable horrors inside the plane?

Actually, I would think a coalition of greater deities would be able to keep the Lady of Pain from opening portals somewhere pretty easily.

Could she create a portal leading from Sigil to the realm of a Power, against that Power's wishes?

I think not.

Also, the same question regarding exit points from the Lady's Mazes.

It's possible to enter and leave the Lady's Mazes from the Border Ethereal, so they seem to not be very well guarded.

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