Info about the City Mint?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Info about the City Mint?

According to the Planescape Campaign Setting book "Sigil and beyond" and (I believe) "In the Cage: a guide to Sigil", the Fated are/were in charge not only of the Hall of Records but the City Mint as well. However I cannot find any information about the City Mint other than a couple of bare references to its existence, no location or other details - not even in the "Factol's Manifesto", which completely ignores it in its section on the Fated! I rather like the idea of Sigil having its own currency, presumably with the Lady's head printed on every coin. (That would make a nice souvenier for a Prime...) Do any other sources mention the City Mint, give any details, etc...? Oh, and does the Mint appear on the Sigil Map included in the Planescape Campaign boxed set? I have my map from "In the Cage" (no Mint apparent), but I can't find my PS boxed set map to compare...

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Info about the City Mint?

I don't know that you'd have the Lady's head on any coin, seeing as she has - rather brutally - made her opinions on crafting depictions of her fairly clear.

Wearable currently is always fun - I have used rings and bracelets made in the shape of the city, engraved along the inside with symbols for each of the Factions and their duties, as well as the other odd symbol to represent buildings, places of whorship, etc. Thus the person may easily wear their currency and the mark would be fairly unique to sigil.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Re: Info about the City Mint?

The Lady objects to depictions of Her? I didn't know that! I know She doesn't tolerate worship (and, presumably, idols of Herself), but even non-religious images of Her are verbotten? Hmm... What book does it say that in? (I know the Harmonium will scrag you for having an Aoskar icon on you.) What about that Faction symbol (was it the Society of Sensation?) that strongly resembles Her Serenity? And the use of bladed armor by Factol Sarin to imitate Her blades, the use of blades on many a Sigil building, etc... She seems to tolerate that just fine (yeah, Sarin's dead, but that wasn't the Lady's doing, far as anyone can tell!)

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