In character gameplay confusion

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BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
In character gameplay confusion

Uh, there are a few things about forum playing that I still dont get...

Such as:

When a person rolls a spot check (or the like) does the player just post the result and then the DM tells them what they see? Or do they just make something up, and the DM goes from there.
Or is there a PM discussion in the background, where the player PMs the roll resut to the DM, the DM PMs the result to the player, and then the player posts it?

Its just I've been hoping to join a game in the next few months, and Im owrried I might make a major mess of things.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
In character gameplay confusion

Most of the time, for simplicity's sake, the DM will ask for everyone to roll and the players will post their roll, and the DM will tell them what happens. Sometimes rolls will need to be done in secret so PMs are used. If you and the DM are chatting through AIM or IRC you can both work everything out so the player can post one long post incorporating his rolls and actions and the results of those actions.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
In character gameplay confusion

Yeah, it's pretty close to in person playing, roll the dice, tell the DM, announce your actions. If you look through the forums you'll find it's pretty common to put in-character stuff in black text and game mechanics/out of character comments in colored text. Like this:

Jonas sodding hates tanar'ri, and his swordarm immediately lashes out to smite the dirty mane's throat.

Attack roll is x, damage roll is y. I'm also using smite evil so I think I get some extra damage. Where are the other people in the party?

First some flavor text, then some mechanics, and then some comments. People are pretty helpful if you want to get into a game.

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
In character gameplay confusion

Thank you both. I appreciate the advice.

Enzo Sarlas's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
In character gameplay confusion

As far as the rolls themselves go, most DMs running play-by-post games rely on the honor system out of necessity. Either that, or they make all the rolls for you.

Your DM and the other players will love you if you:

a) post on time
b) put together well-written posts, rather than "Yeah, my character attacks too. I rolled a...",
c) interract with the other players; you know, give the other players a chance to show off the characters they've worked so hard to flesh out.
d) give everybody fair notice if you can't post for a while (e.g. holidays, exams)

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