In the Cage: A guide to Sigil

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bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
In the Cage: A guide to Sigil

How accurate is this book In the Cage A guide to Sigil anymore? I mean is the city layout with all the bars and neighborhoods basically the same minus the factions. Are there whole scale changes? I mean I am guessing the various faction headquarters are manned by different groups or at least some of the old faction people under a differently named group.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
In the Cage: A guide to Sigil

The physical layout of the places should be the same... the Armoury is hosed solidly, the Shattered Temple pretty much abandoned last I checked. But certain faction halls are nearly exactly the same - the groups may not hold political power anymore - but who *else* are you going to get to collect the dead in the Hive, or tend to the nutters who creep up in the planes?

The Lady's edict (at least from the intepretations I've seen) indicate that she wanted a separation of politics and factions. Not nessecarily the complete removal of the factions from existance. Dusties and Bleakers if I recall are still exactly where they were before doing the jobs that *someone* has to do. Indeps are stilll in the market for selling things. Sensates are still entertaining people and so on and so forth.

Check with Chapter 7 in Planewalker's releases for more details on that... It's about 90 pages of detail on Sigil. Should help you considerably.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
In the Cage: A guide to Sigil

Yeah I actually was glancing at that after I made my post. I was active on the board just as Shemmy was putting the finishing touchs on that and it was posted here. But being my ink cartridge is gone right now I will be content to skim it when I need detail on some major location. I assume we can pretty much say most of the minor stuff like bars, shops, and etc. in the guide are still pretty much up to date if they are not mentioned in the Planewalker work?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
In the Cage: A guide to Sigil

Probably. There's a new one called the Portal Jammer that I'm particularly fond of for some 'odd' reason... Eye-wink

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