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reciprocalzero's picture
Joined: 2005-02-04

This, actually, was inspired by the "To Kill a Lady of Pain" thread:

If you were going to have a group plot to kill the Lady of Pain, how would they do it? What deep dark secrets would they uncover, or think that they'd uncover? How close to success would you allow them to come, and how much doubt would you leave the players with that Her Serenity had had the matter under control the entire time?

Because, really, doesn't every Planescape campaign need at least one plot against the Lady?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

The Bladed Queen has tolerated one attempt on her life in very recent memory. But from that we can infer how she reacts to such things:

She ignores them. Or at least seemingly ignores them, while spinning chance and probability so that in the attempt they destroy themselves. Darkwood, admittedly, was an exceptional character so Her Serenity wove an exceptional counter to his schemes, one that would show what trifling with her entails. Should you be planning something even grander than Darkwood did, the Lady will undoubtedly plan an even more ingenious counter, which will still end in your plan being your downfall.

On the other hand, if you're a leatherhead about your plot, the response will be a simple "I don't have time for you", and off to the Mazes you'll go.

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

First of all....I'd NEVER let my players do anything like this...I'd sooner put my head in the gaping maw of an aoskian hound and then taunt it. As soon as they even contemplated something like this, they'd be warned against it from every concievable angle. If they still didn't want to give up, I'd let out a resigned sigh and let them carry on their exercise in futility. And after some time I'd maze 'em. If they prove to be *extremely* creative, maybe I'd let them out.

But were I to *theoretically* consider letting them seriously attempt to kill the Lady, I'd reveal to them the dark of the Lady's origin ( a false dark, since revealing something like that to mortals is punishable by death). I'd also let them meet that githyanki mapmaker (the one in Uncaged, who makes maps of mazes), and have her manipulate them in such a way as to get them mazed. Or perhaps I'd have someone looking for a good time pose as a priest of Aoskar, and reveal to them a sure way of killing the Lady. That person would then sit back and watch the fun as the PCs got themselves mazed.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

you know I wonder the benifits of killing the bladed one are I mean if she's the driving force of sigil wouldnt that just destroy it?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

you know I wonder the benifits of killing the bladed one are I mean if she's the driving force of sigil wouldnt that just destroy it?

How can there be any benifits? she's the only one that keeps Sigil where it stands now, I'm not sure if it would completely destroy it, but possably races having wars might find Sigil to be a greater battleground after she left and would possably be destroyed through wars taken advantage by the fact that she's gone?

you know... I'm just gunna stop right now- just the thuaght of the Lady gone is scary...

I love the La- *is flayed before he can even finish his words*

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

*whereing funeral attire*
tenshi I'll mourn you *5 minutes later* alright that's done

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

*As Sphagetti Man feels a slight stab and falls to the ground dead*

Man I love my job :twisted:


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

*with last breath* get me some vodka dammit

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

all right god dang it, *mumbles to self*
*Gives Sphagetti Man some Vodka*


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

Thanks *chokes on the vodka and passes on to the godsmen *

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

SORRY about going off topic and call me holy man from here on out

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