I recently found the above [dead] website containing a conversion of the factions to the 3rd edition rules, including new feats and prestige classes and whatnot. It's called "The Kriegstanz" and perhaps you've heard it of? Apparently, the material was created before and independently of the PSCS, and it appears to be highly desirable to the project.
Is it possible to contact Zachary Shuford, the author and webmaster of the foremnetioned website? I would really like to see his faction-specific feats and prestige classes, which aren't currently covered by the PSCS.
I have obtained contact and copyright information for Planewalker's convenience, seeing as you haven't already: Credits, Submissions, & Contact.
Please respond as soon as possible, thank you very much... is known among many of the people here. I've seen it invoked a couple of times.