IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions of the 2e PS factions, its possible integration with the PSCS

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Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions of the 2e PS factions, its possible integration with the PSCS

I recently found the above [dead] website containing a conversion of the factions to the 3rd edition rules, including new feats and prestige classes and whatnot. It's called "The Kriegstanz" and perhaps you've heard it of? Apparently, the material was created before and independently of the PSCS, and it appears to be highly desirable to the project.

Is it possible to contact Zachary Shuford, the author and webmaster of the foremnetioned website? I would really like to see his faction-specific feats and prestige classes, which aren't currently covered by the PSCS.

I have obtained contact and copyright information for Planewalker's convenience, seeing as you haven't already: Credits, Submissions, & Contact.

Please respond as soon as possible, thank you very much... Smiling

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions is known among many of the people here. I've seen it invoked a couple of times.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

We didn't want to copy the fellow since he hasn't said if he wanted to put his classes into the PSCS (though if he ever said he wanted to - yeah - in a heartbeat as far as I'm concerned, moogle001 may think differently). The classes he has are some nifty nifty things. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

He's not got his email address on the page (never has as far as i know) - if you can track down contact information for him....

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

I just made edits to the original post, and hope for the best... Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

He's not responded to that email in a *very* long time (years). I've tracked down other contact information for him - but again - no response yet. Hopefully he'll check it soon though.

Hardhead's picture
Joined: 2005-05-31
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

Hey guys.

I give anyone full permission to use my stuff however they want in any legal fashion. Just drop me a line to let me know you used it.

And I'm glad there's still interest in my work. Smiling For future reference, you can get in touch with me at [REDACTED]

Also, thanks to Rip for IMing me and letting me know about this thread. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions


And here I was about to pounce you on your MySpace! Smiling
Thank you very very very muchly Smiling Let us know if you want to tweak anything before we put it up of course - do you want your real name as the credits in the chapter?

Hardhead's picture
Joined: 2005-05-31
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

Yes, please do. As for tweaking stuff, all of the stuff there is 3.0, so I'm not sure. Some stuff will probably need tweakage. Feel free to change it however you want. I also now hate my Signer feats, but I'm not sure how I'd fix them.

Also, if you could, please add my name to the credits for the faction chapter. I wrote the Harmonium entry. Smiling


kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

So Clueless, would this new info apply to my question over on the Ortho Project forum?...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

Yeps. Smiling
I think we're safe in assuming Zach doesn't mind.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
IMPORTANT: "The Kriegstanz," a site for Feat/PrC/NPC conversions

I was looking over the PrC's for the Godsmen on your site and have a question concerning the Disciple of the Cycle PrC...Under special abilities it states that the DotC gains the ability of Holistic Reincarnation, but that ability is not described...What does that ability do?...

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