IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

Calling all DMs and players! Ken's been dropping messages on one of our member lists (pw_members yahoo group) - but I figured a little bit of cross posting couldn't hurt.

To quote:


Hey, it snuck up on us again, but event submission deadline for GenCon Indy is Monday!

Do we want to run another general informational session? Other seminar ideas? Does anyone want to run any games?

I don't mind doing some of the paperwork since I've been through it a couple times now, but I need to know if there is interest in helping run and/or attend any session.



We're looking at at least having a Planewalker QnA session - and hopefully doing some running of Planewalker produced modules at the con as well - any volunteers? Any further neat ideas for things we can do this year?

Gerzel's picture
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I'd be happy to run, but the problem is getting to Gen Con and affording it.

bonemage's picture
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IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

How fast do we have to the work in? Also what are the dates, costs and etc. for going to Gen Con? Do judges get any kind of a discount etc?

Well anyway I am just heading out the door otherwise I would look some of this up myself. But I am very interested in hitting up Gen Con this year and maybe running a Planewalker event.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Info on Gencon can be found here:

I'm pinging Ken on this thread to get him to get in and answer some of these questions directly from the horse's mouth. Smiling

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Alright sounds good, I am willing to possibly run a Planewalker written adventure or else I can come up with Planescape set adventure concept enough to get a paragrath submission in anyway. Just noticed I am actually on the yahoo list but apparently it has been getting blocked by hotmail til I just unblocked it....

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
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As Sarah said, info on GenCon dates and cost are best found at the GenCon website. A few quick notes so that you don't have to hunt them down - you are reimbursed a certain portion of the cost of your entrance badge for running events (depending on how much you run). The dates of it are August 18-21 in Indianapolis. The only time pressure is that events need to be submitted by Monday (April 11). All you need is a title, brief description, and time slot. All details can be worked out later.

So, if we are to run some adventures, we could use some DMs. Also, we could use help writing and adventure or 3, but I think we'll have less trouble finding that help than the DMs.

Also, Sarah, we'll probably want to create a page for more info on the sessions. Just one placeholder page would be good now. Thankfully, they are allowing URLs to be included in the event description again. So we can have all our events point to [some URL] for more info. Then we can create break out pages for each event if we want to present more information. Just a thought.

So, any volunteers? Smiling


bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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I am certainly interested in Dming and I could very easily have a module completed if you needed me to do one. Do you want me to just give you a paragrath description on a post here? That being said I guess that depends on if you want me to write a module I am fine running someone else's module if you need me to do that. Anyway I guess let me know.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

Anybody driving from the Toronto, Ontario area who would accept an extra passenger? I've never been to any Gencon, and it sounds interesting as long as there's Planescape there.

(my car's in storage as I almost never used the infernal thing and my insurance is astronomical)

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
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"Zjelani" wrote:
...snip... So, if we are to run some adventures, we could use some DMs. Also, we could use help writing and adventure or 3, but I think we'll have less trouble finding that help than the DMs. ...snip... Also, Sarah, we'll probably want to create a page for more info on the sessions. Just one placeholder page would be good now. Thankfully, they are allowing URLs to be included in the event description again. So we can have all our events point to [some URL] for more info. Then we can create break out pages for each event if we want to present more information. Just a thought.

So, any volunteers? Smiling

I'll help in the writing and I'll DM a session. I don't mind helping or outright running an info session too... Basically tell me what we're committed to and I'll do what I can. I already know I'm attending. Running stuff is the easy part (for me).

Those that do volunteer, please be sure to think about the likelihood of following through. It is easy to get excited and speak up now (especially given the rush for submission). I've been guilty of such before. That said, please speak up regardless so that we know what kind of interest there is.

I personally would like to see something on Urban Planescape, but I'm not the one to volunteer such things. Smiling As mentioned, we'll plan on having a website/community info session. Any other big topics?

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

Ok, we need to finalize the details!

We will be having a general informational seminar, correct? When do we want to have it? Friday at 4 or 5 like the past couple years? Or some other time?

Someone(s) on staff will also be writing an adventure for us to run (hereafter the "PW Adventure"). It will probably be geared towards a 4 hour time slot. Todd/Wes is also running an adventure of his own twice.

So the info we currently have for the adventure sessions and need to flesh out is:

    Eric is willing to DM 1 session. PW Adventure or your own? What time?
    Bonemage is willing to run at least 1 session. PW Adventure or your own? What time? (Oh, and I'll need your real name, sorry I don't recognize the ID offhand if I have worked with you directly before).
    I'll run a session of the PW Adventure. Not sure when yet. I'm thinking maybe in an evening, but I have a couple other things to schedule.
    Todd will be running his in a "5 hour slot on the 19th and another 5 hour slot on the 20th. One of them in the evening, say 6-11pm, and the other in the morning, say 9am-2pm."

Anyone else? Any other sessions or DM volunteers? I need to know by 1pm Eastern (6pm GMT, I believe), so I can get the paperwork completed.

EDIT: It looks like I need the ID# of any DM from the GenCon registration site. If you don't have one yet, it's not essential. It just helps link the session back to your ID, I believe, so that it shows up in your listing. To find the ID#, go to the GenCon registration site:

If you are looking for your account’s numerical ID number, click on the “Create an Account/Login to Account” navigational tab and then choose the 4th bullet point titled “Change Your Account Details”. The top of the page will read “Edit Attendee Profile (ID: XXX) with the “XXX” being your ID number.


Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

"edobrzel" wrote:
I personally would like to see something on Urban Planescape, but I'm not the one to volunteer such things. Smiling As mentioned, we'll plan on having a website/community info session. Any other big topics?

What about a techie session where we talk about the engine we have running this site? Just a thought.


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Um - I'm not sure I can actually *talk* that much about the coding bits of the site. It's not *that* interesting. A bit in the normal session sure - maybe a bit of a 'here's how we run things?' But something *just* for the code? *big wide eyed stare*

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
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Don't worry about. Just throwing random ideas out there.

I just know many other fan sites have thought about putting together something like what we did, but haven't been able to (either fall short, or never get around to it). Just wondered if a full-blown techie session (you can't enter the door unless you can declare variables in 3 languages!) miht be interesting.

But, it's just brainstorming, so don't worry about it. Smiling


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I don't think the code is what made us pull it off...

I think it's the obsession. Eye-wink

And the bananas. Don't forget the bananas.

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
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In lieu of an actual plot for the PW Adventure, I decided to dust of my old philosophy skills and come up with a description that really doesn't say much of anything. Any opinions on the following as the catalog description of the PW Adventure? I'm not too concerned, since any adventure session that says "Planescape" in it will sell out in the first 48 hours.

Title: Planewalking
Description: Listen up, berks! The factions have torn Sigil apart in their war. The Lady's Edict has removed them from power leaving the Guilds as the major players in the City of Doors. Yet, the planes continue on - the Blood War rages, and the celestials sit aloof but always ready to impose their view of goodness on any who would oppose them. Experience the updated Planescape setting at this adventure using the newest d20 rules created by, the premiere Planescape Fan Site. Many things have changed, but the landscape is still strikingly familiar. For more information, go to: /community/gencon.php

Q&A seminar decription forthcoming... Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

sounds nice and generic to me

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

Here is the seminar, which will be Friday at 5

The New Planescape Campaign Setting: Q&A Session with the
Join the staff of, the premiere Planescape Fan Site, to discuss everyone’s favorite planar campaign setting. This session will look at what updtes we have made, our future plans, and what you can do to help. Bring your ideas and your questions - because the planes need them both! More information at: /community/gencon.php

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

It's all submmitted.

We are having 3 PW Adventure sessions, Todd is running two more of his own, and we're having the Planewalker Q&A session on Friday.


bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

"Krypter" wrote:
Anybody driving from the Toronto, Ontario area who would accept an extra passenger? I've never been to any Gencon, and it sounds interesting as long as there's Planescape there.

(my car's in storage as I almost never used the infernal thing and my insurance is astronomical)

Well I looked but my path from Duluth Mn would be way out of the way for me to give you a ride. Ah well. :cry:

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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Me live on coast. Indianapolis far away.

Me cry big tear. :cry:

Clueless's picture
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Me live on coast too! It's not *that* far plane. Eye-wink (And well worth it)
Which one?

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
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"Clueless" wrote:
Me live on coast too! It's not *that* far plane. Eye-wink (And well worth it) Which one?
The west one... I get to go to SoCal this year but I don't seem to recall anything Planescapey being on the agenda. Probably because it's the other coast that all you folks are on... :|

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Hmmm -might be. I wonder if it'd be worth it to start a few 'gencon ride' threads and see if some caravans for folks like you or krypter can't be put together. I know shemmy and i will likely be flying like last year.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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"bonemage" wrote:
Well I looked but my path from Duluth Mn would be way out of the way for me to give you a ride. Ah well. :cry:

Thanks for looking anyhow. Actually, looking at airfare prices it's not that much, but I think I'll be going camping up north that month anyways.

But if someone is going from/passing through Toronto, I'd be curious to know.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

I know I'm coming in a little late on this, but...

I may be up for this, if for nothing else, than meeting others from the site. A friend and I were planning on hitting GenCon anyway this year, it's just a question of getting the okay from the preggers wife.

If someone wants the pressure off for DMing, or wants a PS junkie on their docket, I'll hook up.

And if anyone gives a flying rat's petoot, I'll sit in on the panel if you'd like an artsy-fartsy perspective. (More artsy, less fartsy...)

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

I am in Da Far North almost as far north as you can get without being in Canada. Good Old Duluth Mn on Lake Superior so I long for the days when Gen Con was in Wisconsion every year even though I was younger and never made it out there when it was!

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
shameless plug

I might as well put in a shameless plug for my own sessions, also on the GenCon page on the main site. I'll be giving three talks, actually. Two on gaming, more for DMs, but a bit for players. One is on a conversion of another gaming system (Jorune) to d20. I don't mind pity attendees to fill the seats.[/url]

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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Yeah, I saw the session for Jorune and it grabbed my interest. Ever since I saw a really cool ad for Jorune in Dragon magazine many years ago I've wondered what it was all about, but I never once saw the game on any game store shelves. Do you happen to have a link to an intro or something about it?

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

"Krypter" wrote:
Yeah, I saw the session for Jorune and it grabbed my interest. Ever since I saw a really cool ad for Jorune in Dragon magazine many years ago I've wondered what it was all about, but I never once saw the game on any game store shelves. Do you happen to have a link to an intro or something about it?

Chessex owns the rights to it now. They've let it all but fade away despite a pretty strong community. Oddly enough, it is extremely popular in France.

Popular/good fan site:
Decent fan site:
Old but interesting fan site:

I eventually (before GenCon) plan to have materials for download. I should do that soon, huh? Eye-wink

Zjelani's picture
Joined: 2003-11-24
Adventure Writers needed!

Alright, it's time to actually write our GenCon adventure. If you are interested in lending a hand in the actual writing PM me and I'll get us all organized and working on it. Once we have it written, I'll post again here to ask for playtest volunteers. But for now, I'm only looking for writers.

Needless to say, if you are a player in one of the games, you should probably not volunteer, k? Eye-wink


Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

Alrighty - when and where do folks want to meet up for a planescape dinner or some such?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

'Clueless' wrote:
Alrighty - when and where do folks want to meet up for a planescape dinner or some such?

Perhaps after the Q&A session sometime?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

That certainly sounds like a plan - there's a few hours between that and the ennies...

edobrzel's picture
Joined: 2003-11-22
IMPORTANT! GenCon Indy Plans!

So who all is going? This has been asked before, but now that we're only a couple of days away, I'll ask it again. I'm going, as is Zjelani/Ken, Clueless/Sarah, Shemeska/Todd, and Bonemage/Eldon. Anyone else?

So are we going to get together as a group, say for dinner, after the Q&A? That is on Friday.

Details on PW and related sessions on the GenCon page.

Personal plug: Feel free to attend my sessions. I'll even take pity attendees for my Jorune one (SEM00070) since it only has 2 people signed up for it. Eye-wink The other two have a lot of people signed up, but the more the merrier.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.