Imagination, could it have its own plane?

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

Ok, with the brooding imagination and mind i've gained from playing around with planescape items and what not, do you think it would be possible for there to exsist a plane were every thing is based on imagination. Just think, a small demiplane, were while your present, anything you imagined would become present in your vicinity, the plane by my standards should be what ever the person walking apon it makes it out to be, containing anything they can imagine, in their mind, the place could be a large field upside down, or a tinybox, you are barely big enough to fit in. So, by my own ideas, there should be a creature there that feeds off the imagination of the places original creator, like a mixture of things, or just any living thing, but it has to be creative. By original creator, i mean that it was created accidentally be a powerful mage or Alchemist, and they mixed up a concoxtion that wasn't stable, but the after math was just the creation of a bubble of some sort, big enough for a large creature to walk through. The creature inside was the first thing that was ever created in the space, and cannot be distroyed by fighting it, but only by it's weakness of imagination of its opponent. the opponent would have to make a difficult save something like a concentration check, (DC 35), but it could be worth it, depending on what they think. Don't forget though, the creature can't look exactly like any other living creature, but it stats are unsayable until you use your imagination to see a new form.

so what do you all think? if anything like this already exsists, oh well, but if not, tell me what you think.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

There was a plane like that once, but then a Signer showed up...

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

This plane is sort of like that.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Re: Imagination, could it have its own plane?

"blackthornes" wrote:
By original creator, i mean that it was created accidentally be a powerful mage or Alchemist, and they mixed up a concoxtion that wasn't stable, but the after math was just the creation of a bubble of some sort, big enough for a large creature to walk through.
Perhaps the plane was born in the mind of an infant creator god in a burst of creativity. A god still learning how to utilise the amazine power it had been granted by the sentient multiverse...

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

That could work, although my base idea ran on the fact that this demiplane of sorts can be created by a mixture of diferent magic items and such, so there could exsist many of them, but your theory as well.
Is there a god of imagination? if there isn't there should be.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

"blackthornes" wrote:
Is there a god of imagination? if there isn't there should be.

Finder, from the Forgotten Realms, is a god of imagination.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

He's also a jerk. *rolls eyes slightly* Eye-wink

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
"blackthornes" wrote:
Is there a god of imagination? if there isn't there should be.

Finder, from the Forgotten Realms, is a god of imagination.

Powers and Pantheons has the complete details on Finder.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

Oh, duh :roll: , i can't believe i forgot about finder Wyvernspur, i feel stupid now... :roll:

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

I you think about it, Limbo..with its infinate change and chaos could be considered the 'plane of imagination' since Limbo changes to whatever the person wants if their wisdom score is high enough.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

but can you change it's appearance completely? and this plane of mine is not ability-dependant, it is easier that way.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

'blackthornes' wrote:
but can you change it's appearance completely?
It really depends upon the abilities of the person currently trying to control a portion of the soup. Anarchs for example, are able to maintain entire cities for extensive periods in the Roiling Chaos simply by thinking about it.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

Interesting. What is the nature or placing of this demi-plane? Adjunct to the astral plane, made of the ectoplasm there by powerful metacreationist psions? Or a dream plane accidentally made by some powerful oneriomancers (dream wizards)?

A bubble... of imagination. Floating in the waters of the Ocean of Consciousness. Waters that create and sustain whatever the mind can form. Suggestive of a water affinity to the plane? What would happen if the bubble were to burst?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

Well (assuming it works like a bubble in water) the contents would rise to the surface and be ejected into ( fill in the blank*).

*probably the astral

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

I was thinking more along the lines of the astral, though the ocean of Consciousness works too, i was thinking more along the lines of an alchemic disaster, but any of those suggestions could work.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

One explanation, or many? In a place of infinite possibilities, the the boundaries of single cause-and-effect can be broken.

A would-be immortal seeks power by bending the the astral ectoplasm to his will. He attempts to manipulate the shape of the ectoplasm through the use of alchemy. But his designs are flawed; he relies on outer power too much, enschewing inner power. His machinations lead to disaster as the ectoplasm goes wild. An otherwordly being simulataneously seeks a piece of the alchemist's pie for its own.

Synchronously, the dams of reality holding in the Ocean of Consciousness rupture, and the Water floods into the the planes of transition in the multiverse.

For a brief while, the twin planes of Astral and Ocean become one, and they leave behind a residue of Thought. This Thought would eventually develop into Imagination, a plane full of it.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

Thats kind of strange....something i'd see in the twilight zone.... but it is not at all a bad idea.... but were did gods come into play....I was thinking more along the lines of powerful alchemy or magic, not divine sources.

Deevon's picture
Joined: 2005-07-14
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

There is also the danger of unrestrained imagination to think of. Unless the visitor is extremely disciplined in the mind. It would make sense to place this demiplane as an offshoot of the infinite chaos of limbo. It could be under constant guard by well meaning Githzerai trying to warn away those without the proper training to compose their minds. Although it would definitely depend on how receptive the demiplane was to suggestions. Possible origin could be a gift that went horribly wrong.

'My darling, I have created a place where your wildest dreams can come true!!! Just, whatever don't think about ... OH GOD!!! A BALOR!!!'

Ah, the wonderful shortsightedness of love.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Imagination, could it have its own plane?

There is also the danger of unrestrained imagination to think of. Unless the visitor is extremely disciplined in the mind.

you see, that is the fun of it! think, anything the character imagines, that is how they view the place. Think about it, pure unadult rated fun, with no good sence or judgement.

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