I'm Back (sort of)

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Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

Hello Bloods,

After being very active during Planewalkers 2nd edition times, I sort of dropped out. Real life caught up with me and I didn't have enough time left... But now I'm all 3rd edition and I've taken my group back to where my heart lies... the Planes...

So, to all of you who remember me from long ago, hello and it's great to see you all again!! And to those who have stumbled to the planes after I left, nice to meet you and don't worry, I'm a really nice Bartezu Sticking out tongue

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
I'm Back (sort of)

Yet another of the elders returns Laughing out loud This can only be a good thing!

Great to have you back!
Barking Wilder

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
I'm Back (sort of)

I remember you! Hello!

Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

Barking Wilder, RipvanWormer!! Great to see you guys again!

I've been going trough some old files for my campaign and I came up with all the entries I received when I was still a very active member. Remember that I was the Portals Director? Well, I found app. 800 submissions for Portals. Many were edited and posted (found in the antique part of the planewalker site) but there are also some submissions that were floathing in the Astral like some Dead Gods' leftover. I'm planning to take a close look at them and make sure the get they breath of life on planewalker.com were they belong...

To Ken and the other Bloods writing up Planescape 3E, my congratulations! I never imagened that this project would see such magnificant results!

Orroloth's picture
Joined: 2004-10-23
I'm Back (sort of)

Bart! \o/

I guess the stars are aligning up for a big event. I just finished my grad degree myself, and will try to renew my participation in the coming months.

Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

Orri!!! I was hoping that I wasn´t the only old planewalker on the forum and behold old friends are still here!

Clueless, let me sort through what I have and I might be posting a number of new articles. Of course I will make sure that the original writers will be known.

The Real-Life Monster that grabbed Ken had me in it´s power too. My employer made me travel a prime world called earth. But now I changed jobs and my travelling days are over... Sad

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I'm Back (sort of)

w00p!! More people returning! Smiling The truly silly part is since I came to planewalker so late, you completely pre-date me.

You should see some changes going into effect shortly to make resubmitting those articles a lot easier (I have a project over Xmas break) Eye-wink

Unfortunately Ken's gotten eaten by a 'Real-Life' monster, some weird critter from the Prime I'm given to understand. Which for the most part leaves me as the chief web-dabus and all around head of things. Let me know if you've got any questions and I'll be glad to answer as best I can.

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
I'm Back (sort of)

Good to see ya, Bart! Smiling Now all we need is Toshi and Torsten to show up and we'll just about have all the original crew!!! Smiling

Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

ASHY!! This makes the new year start great for me! I was hoping that you might have returned too. We do need to get Toshi and Torsten back onboard! Any ideas how to find them... ? Laughing out loud

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
I'm Back (sort of)

'Bartezu' wrote:
We do need to get Toshi and Torsten back onboard! Any ideas how to find them... ?

Second star to the right and straight on until...no wait, im getting my stories confused...by the way, whats the deal with Neverland? Is it a demiplane or what?

Strange thoughts abound. Seriously though, the old crew are needed. We are slowly filtering back in! Laughing out loud

Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
I'm Back (sort of)

'Bartezu' wrote:
ASHY!! This makes the new year start great for me! I was hoping that you might have returned too. We do need to get Toshi and Torsten back onboard! Any ideas how to find them... ? Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud Good to "see" ya, cutter! Smiling Sadly, no, I've no ideas where to find Toshi or Torsten but I'd bet a bunch of resourceful cutters like ourselves could find them if we really put our minds to it. I've still got contact with Danilo as well....how long has it been since we were all "together" last, I wonder???

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I'm Back (sort of)

Article submission should be in a lot better shape now for receiving articles. I've got some aesthetic issues to deal with later today and tomorrow - but the basic functionality should be up again. Let me know if anything breaks ok?

Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

Ok, Clueless, let me see how easy it is to submit. I hope to find some time this weekend. Now I'm on the forum from my office desk (which isn't very smart but I just can't stop myself).

Ashy, I don't know when the last time was when we were all together. I think somewhere in 2001... I guess that even the youngsters from that time are growing beards by now...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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That's ok - I'm on it from the office too. Eye-wink

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I'm Back (sort of)

Oooh, Greybeards. It's gonna be the Beatles reunion tour!

I was going to say something else but I'm easily distracted. Hey, a dice roller! Let's give it a spin...

2 Bonus for Silly to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 12.
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 20.
Ashy's picture
Joined: 2005-04-28
I'm Back (sort of)

'Bartezu' wrote:
Ashy, I don't know when the last time was when we were all together. I think somewhere in 2001... I guess that even the youngsters from that time are growing beards by now...

Or at least stubble. Sticking out tongue

Bartezu's picture
Joined: 2006-12-20
I'm Back (sort of)

Clueless, is there a way to send you the articles I have? I don't have time to submit them all.

I told you that I accessed planewalker from the office but that is not possible anymore. My employer added planewalker on the blocked internetsites-list :cry: So to everyone don't buy anything from Philips!! Ha, ha, that will teach them!! Oh, wait, they pay me every month... Uhm, everybody buy everything from Philips but growl at the salesman when you pay Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I'm Back (sort of)

I've got email Smiling [REDACTED]

Torstenarri's picture
Joined: 2010-01-07
Re: I'm Back (sort of)

Hi there! Like Bart, real life took over for a while and still has a fairly strong grip, but I wandered over and saw that a reunion seems to be (very slowly) in the making.


Eltsyr's picture
Joined: 2010-01-09
Re: I'm Back (sort of)

Well, I'm not back since I've never been here before Laughing out loud I'm french and a former RPG addict. I've marvelled at the density and quality of planescape settings when it was released in France 15 years ago, and recently after 5 years without having played any other RPG then video games, I'm trying to motivate friends on a forum to play a planescape campaign online.

Well at least I'm not expecting enough dedication from them to finish it, but it gives me a goal to read the numerous materials I bought on ebay since the last few weeks (i had all the monstruous compendiums, basic planescape settings, planes of chaos and well of worlds, basically all that was sold in my fave shop. I added recently to my collection the excellent planeswalker's handbook, faces of sigil, planes of law and bloodwars plus I'm now looking for a box of planes of conflict...agh so much stuff to buy and to read ! Laughing out loud)

As it's is always great to see that all around the world and long after the interest of TSR & even PC RPG game editors for planescape is gone, I just thought that some people here would appreciate to see that newcomers keep coming and that your website is just effing great...something between a shrine and a beacon for us fellow planewalkers !

See you around Eye-wink

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