If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

Krypter's picture

The official poll on the question that's been nagging a lot of us for a while: would you buy an official Wizards of the Coast campaign sourcebook for Planescape 3.5? We're assuming that boxed sets are history, of course, and you can probably get an idea of how it would look and feel by how Eberron and Forgotten Realms are being treated. Some might say that the Planar Handbook is an indicator of how a new version of Planescape might look, but that might be uncharitable.

If it received the solid-gold treatment like Eberron, would it be worth any major design changes? If miniature rules were added, would you still get it? What if it was only a single sourcebook with no future support?

So what's the verdict, cutters?

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

I'd be game, if it was as good as the original (not necessarily the exact same; things would change some, after all...)

If Wizards were to give it a shot, I'd prefer they at least consulted the people doing the releases on this site- I think they've done a very good job maintaining a lot of good aspects of PS.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

Pretty much what Ohtar said. The ideal WOTC official release, to me -- ideal modulo realism, that is -- would consist of one HC combining MOTP/PlH/ELH to act as the official sourcebook of Planescape; one PS Monster Manual (combining, and hopefully restatting, all the previous monstrous releases + new unconverted planar beasties); and one HC compendium of the "classic" modules of Planescape, similar to Paranoia Flashbacks, updated for 3.5.

[Stuff beyond that would be awesome, too, I suppose, but there'd be no way in heck for it to ever happen.]

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

For me, the ideal release would be a detailed exploration of Sigil, encompassing the In the Cage/Uncaged/Factol's Handbook/Faction War material but going beyond it, and including all the guilds, NPCs, and factions.

The other planes can belong to the generic supplements for all I care.

There oughta be a hardcover about fiends in the vein of Lords of Madness and the Draconomnicon, however. There probably will be, in fact. It's unfortunate that there probably won't be one for celestials.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
There oughta be a hardcover about fiends in the vein of Lords of Madness and the Draconomnicon, however. There probably will be, in fact. It's unfortunate that there probably won't be one for celestials.

Heh. Then again looking at how they did the Book of Exalted Deeds it might not be that unfortunate.

I want good releases even if it takes longer to get them out.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

"Anarch" wrote:
...one HC combining MOTP/PlH/ELH to act as the official sourcebook of Planescape; one PS Monster Manual (combining, and hopefully restatting, all the previous monstrous releases + new unconverted planar beasties); and one HC compendium of the "classic" modules of Planescape
That would be the ideal update. Three books wouldn't exactly bankrupt WotC even if they didn't sell as well as expected, and yet would provide most of the info from the original line. It's a risk WotC should take, or preferably, they should lower their licensing fee so that some small rpg company could take that risk for them.

I still don't understand why WotC is demanding such a high fee for a PS license. Yes, Torment was a huge success, but the value of the license is dropping on a daily basis as people forget PS even existed. The longer WotC waits the less valuable that IP becomes. They should make some money on it now before it drops to zero.

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
encompassing the In the Cage/Uncaged/Factol's Handbook/Faction War material but going beyond it, and including all the guilds, NPCs, and factions.
Good lord, man! You're asking for an encyclopedia on Sigil. Eye-wink

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

"Krypter" wrote:
I still don't understand why WotC is demanding such a high fee for a PS license.
It's obvious... Gleemax has calculated that Shemmy will soon win the lottery, and they want to peel her for all she's worth. XD

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

I've got the feeling it's so high because PS is theoretically an underpinning for all of their other books. If you sell PS - you have to give the races, gods, places, plots etc with it. And it's darned hard to write out an agreement that lets one company do what they want with the setting while another company Also works with things in that setting. At least hard to write something sensible that the fans will agree one. Corprate business being what it is - the idea of having another business be able to tell them "No. Don't do that. We have a different plot in mind..." doesn't fly.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

"Clueless" wrote:
I've got the feeling it's so high because PS is theoretically an underpinning for all of their other books. If you sell PS - you have to give the races, gods, places, plots etc with it.

Well, back in 2E the races, gods, monsters, etc. from other settings were usually just mentioned, not detailed. These hints were supposed to get the readers to look into these settings, and thus improve sales, not diminish them. I don't see how this would be different in 3E.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

Sry about the double post. T'was an accident, I swear!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

Blast! So when they mixed the planes in with everything, they mucked up the chence of bringing PS back. To seperate them, you would have to re-release
alot of matierial. Which would cost them ( and eventually, us) money.
Now, I read people talking about them, sooner or later, coming out with 4.0. If they could be convinced to seperate them before 4.0, them we would have a chance.
Because they have to re-release and update the books for a new version anyway, right? So that would be the best possible way to mix our agenda with theirs.
But thats probably not going to happen.

The longer WotC waits the less valuable that IP becomes. They should make some money on it now before it drops to zero

Yes, but then planewalker can buy it, so we wouldn't have to worry about pesky legal issues in the future.
And besides, if they did release it, ands it was horrible, I would be

Like that horrible Dnd movie that was made a few years ago. for me, it was far better to know that the movie existed, and have hope, than see it and be horribly embarresed by it.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

Being another carrier of this idea of bringing PS into 3.5, i think wizards would do an O.K. job, considering the fact that they already give you things like: you can find this information in faiths and pantheons , when your reading the silver marches or something like that, because if the consumer really wants to get the scope of the product, they will have to buy the mentioned book, so i see no reason why there would be any problem with detailing the races and such, those aspects of the game would work just fine.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
If Wizards released Planescape 3.5, Would you buy it?

MOtP was not bad at all. Planar handbook is terrible.

If they would make a planescape campaign setting book, I'm not sure if I'd buy it since I can find most of the flavor in 2e books and some of the rules in MOtP. So, they'd have to make a very good reason for me to buy it... Then again, I could use some well-tested rules for spell keys, power keys and some kind of psionic keys but with a less stupid name.

On the other hand, a 3e version of "in the cage - a guide to sigil" maybe even combined with faces of sigil, that's something I'd definitely buy Smiling

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