Something in Rip's Imaskari thread causes my IE Explorer to crash every time I try to load the thread.
IE Crashing
Hmmm... A specific operating system or browser is needed to access Sigil... Could be something for the Urban Planescape project...
Perhaps your IE browser is the actual problem .
When I get calls on this at work, the first things I ask: What version of IE are you running? What operating system? What sorts of plug-ins do you have for IE? 75% of the time it turns out to be a plug-in, like HotBar, or they've never updated their software.
I just looked at the thread and didn't notice anything too odd. I didn't look closely to the HTML source.
Besides, I highly encourage everyone to use Firefox whenever possible.
*nodnods* Firefox is love.
And that reply works for Eric and Fell.
I'd use Firefox but its my girlfriends computer and she always blames the things I download on her computer troubles. Just because I download Firefox and mIRC does not mean that is why the computer stopped working, dammit! And yes, its probably an out-of-date IE program, just thought I'd mention it in-case it was something more seeerious... like modrons in the plumbing.
And that reply works for Eric and Fell.
I'm unlikely to ever use it.
I didn't spend the last three years working on a homebrew OS called SageOS just so I could go and purchase another company's web browser. As such, I've developed my own web browser and now use it more frequently than the machines I still have that run under Windows and IE .
So in my case, SageBROWSER is love .
If it's fully standards compliant, then I'll love it from afar.
If it's standards-compliant but can still render pages designed for IE, then I'll sacrifice small children to it.
Is this Homebrew OS available to everyone?
Does anyone know how to force firefox to open new tabs instead of new windows when links are clicked?
The lady destroyed microsoft and all it's followers when one of her dabus got infected with spyware.
Tabbed browser extension has it all.
Fell, that's very cool, although probably the height of geekdom as well. Got any screenshots?
The Lady of Pain: The city no longer tolerates Microsoft. Abandon it or die.