Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

I'm going to be resurrecting my personal project of having customizable planetouched PC races. There will be something like 5 outerplanar planetouched races, for each 'alignment pole' and neutrality...

Each planetouched race will have a few subraces which determine the types of abilities they can choose, their racial ability modifiers and the general themes associated with them. Not much mechanics are going to be decided at this stage, just concepts. In fact each subrace is going to have three different sets of racial ability adjustments to choose from, with names like noble-heritage (an emphasis on int and cha bonuses) or warrior-blood (emphasized on str and con bonuses).

First on the list is Tieflings:
Previously I had them divided into Tanar'i, Yugoloth and Baatezu, but I realized there are other fiends out there including non-Tanar'i Demons, non-Baatezu Devils, Gehreleths, Hordelings, Night Hags and more.

So I want to divide Tieflings into a few subraces, maybe three, though I need a good name for the three that's means they aren't necessarily connected to Tanar'i, Yugoloth and Baatezu, but mostly are. I also don't think Abyssal or Pit Tiefling would be good, since it constrains them to a particular plane of origin. Rather the names should be based off of themes, maybe they should have an easy to say subrace name, and then some estoteric less pronouncable name.

I originally had Aasimar divided that celestial heritage with Archons, Aasimon, Eladrin, Guardinal and Asuras. But I need to cut them down to roughly three themed subraces...

Lawful Planetouched:
Between MMII, FF and Dragon Magazine 297, there's 3 lawful planetouched subraces. We got the Axani, Mechanatrix and Zenythri as subraces already, now we just need a general name for all lawful planetouched. I'm biased towards Axani because I like them, and the name is close to Axiomatic.

Chaotic Planetouched:
Between MMII and Dragon #297 there's 2 chaotic planetouched races. We have Cansin and Chaonds, and I might need a third, along with a general name for all chaotic planetouched.

Neutral Planetouched:
Without nothing better to go on, I'll use Tuladhara that was conceived of on this page. There'll be most likely 3 subraces. One will be sort of Rilmani themed. Another will be essentially 'Planar Mongrel-folk' and be really weird mixed up planetouched with heritage from all over the planes. The third I don't know yet.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Basic Tiefling stats:
+1 LA
Medium Humanoids
6 special abilities (includes abilities like Outsider type, energy resistances, racial stat bonuses, spell-like abilities, skill bonuses and more) from 3 special ability menus: All Planetouched list, Tiefling list, and their subrace list.

So far I have this for Tieflings, but only the basic idea since I need more ideas, names, and concepts for each type:

Abyssal Tieflings aka Lilim
These are the Tieflings spawned from Tanar'i, Obyriths, Shadow Demons, Gehreleths, Hordelings and many more Demons and things from Pandemonium, The Abyss and Carceri. These Tieflings have the essence of chaos within their blood and thus have more varied appearances then the rest of their Tiefling brethen. Their passions tend to be less controlled then their bethren no matter what their morality happens to be, due to the nature of their heritage.

They are children of corruptors, destroyers and scheming overlords, many of these Tieflings go through life completely reliant on themselves as they have very little to trust from others, even those of their own kind. Though in many cases they do band together to survive and find their ways throughout life, each one knows instinctively theirs is their own path to take.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 dex, +2 cha, -2 wis

Infernal Tieflings aka Hellions, The Wretched
They are Tieflings spawned from Baatezu, Rakshasa, Kytons, Barghests, various Devils and terrors from Baator, Acheron, and Gehenna. They may have the essence of law in their blood, though it's not always in their nature as the children of tyrants. These Tieflings are some of the most common, and never seem to fit in well with outsiders.

Among their breathen they seek unity more among their kind then the others do. Some of the ambitious have tried to draw together nations of Tieflings or even all planetouched together, except that among Tieflings they give off the strongest sense of 'wrongness'. Many Tieflings try to defy fate, but the Infernal Tieflings instinctively know that their ancestors are always watching and waiting for them, no matter what they do as their blood comes from them.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 dex, +2 int, -2 cha

{I probably need better names for this type of tiefling}
Gloomspawn Tieflings aka Desolate Ones, Gloomlings, Mi-Gons, Lothans, Nilhon
These Tiefling are the spawn of Yugoloths, Gehreleths, Hordelings, Night Hags and many of the terrors, deceivers and corruptors of the Gray Waste, Carceri and Gehenna. Perhaps the most capable of all Tieflings of living amongst outsiders of their kind, these Tieflings are natural manipulators, schemers and deceivers. In many ways they are the most ambitious of the Tieflings, no matter what their morality might be. It's perhaps a curse from their ancestors that they tend to be the least physically powerful of all Tieflings.

Most gloomlings feel and know that someday they can surpass they're fiendish ancestors. To them it's a careful game that must be played out slowly and with subtlety. Among Tieflings they're perhaps the most paranoid of their kind. These Tieflings work well with others, Tieflings and non-Tieflings alike, as they know they can use others towards their own purposes and needs.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 dex, +2 int, +2 cha, -2 str

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

On the third neutral subrace: How about the "I don't care" style of neutrality? Maybe descended from arcanes/mercanes.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

'nick012000' wrote:
On the third neutral subrace: How about the "I don't care" style of neutrality? Maybe descended from arcanes/mercanes.
Not exactly descended from Mercanes since they're lawful, and suggested at being the ancestors of certain lawful planetouched.

But a 3rd neutral subrace based on the not caring attitude of neutrality would certainly be an idea. An unconventional idea would be to call this subrace... the Kamerel!

And I'm thinking of calling the "planar mongrel" subrace the Nephilim as it would be fitting of such a deformed one, even if Nephilim originally referred to the offspring of mortals and angels.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

I've finally got my ideas for Aasimar subraces done, they basically built the same way Tiefling characters are. Also it's possible for any planetouched character to pick one special ability from a subracial or racial category that isn't their own, to reflect mixed heritage (Nephilim can pick up to 3 but they must all be from different subraces).

Aasimar subraces

Celestine Aasimar aka Heavenspawn, Sentinels
These Aasimar trace their bloodlines to the planes of Mount Celestia, Arcadia and Bytopia, mostly from the ancestry of Archons, Protectors and the Angels that hail from those planes. This subrace is perhaps one of the most common Aasimar subraces, and they have the highest of expectations placed on them by their ancestors and many outsiders. Celestine Aasimar are supposed to be the very model of all that’s righteous and good, they’re supposed to be stern and courageous, moral and pure, shining examples for others to follow.

The truth is that many Celestine Aasimar don’t live up to any of those ideals, and quite a few in fact choose to turn away and rebel such ideals, becoming some of the wickedest beings in existence. Most Celestine Aasimar takes at least some of their ancestor’s benevolence to heart. Due to the expectations placed on them, some of these Aasimar are the most self-righteous of the planetouched. Out of all Aasimar they seem to glow with the most obvious aura of righteousness.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 cha, +2 wis

Sky-Seer Aasimar aka Highborne, Companions
They are descendants of Guardinals, Angels and possibly even Quesars originating from the planes of Elysium, Bytopia and the Beastlands. The most humble of the Aasimar subraces, Sky-Seers have to most subtle auras of celestial energy. More than a few of these Aasimar also have some slight animalistic features. Others are said to carry visions of the upper planes through the reflections in their eyes.

Sky-Seers are thought to be the most innately good natured of the Aasimar, as they don’t try to live up to or against any ideal, and just try to be what they can be. It makes them seem more relaxed and laid-back from other Aasimar. Sky-Seer Aasimar often see visions of the upper planes through their dreams and sometimes in the waking world, reminding them of their natures (which a rare few view as a curse). To some they might seem detached but they are very much aware of their surroundings.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 con, +2 wis

Star-kin Aasimar aka Wildlings
From the planes of Arborea, the Beastlands and Ysgard these Aasimar claim their heritage of the Eladrin, Angel, Lillendi and Asuras of those planes. The Star-kin are the most fey-like, mercurial, and primal of the Aasimar subraces. Star-kin Aasimar are often mistaken for being elves or fey of some sort, however they have an aura of elements and primal idyllic nature permeates from their being.

Out of the Aasimar subraces they tend to be the most frail, but tend to move with the grace of the wind. They are a naturally creative and artistic people, free-spirited with moods and passions that change much like seasons do. Star-kin Aasimar live by their own rules, and often act as they feel, though as wild as they may be they’re naturally empathetic and instinctively feel what’s right and beneficial to do (even against their intentions).

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 cha, +2 dex, +2 int, -2 con

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Axianim subraces

Axani aka Axioms
Perfectly symmetrical and coldly logical in their mindset, the Axani are the descendents of ancient and primal beings of perfect order such as the long-forgotten Aphanacts along with Justicars, Parai/Visilights and Archons. They hail from planes such as Mount Celestia, Arcadia and Mechanus. Some Axani have a slight metallic tint to their features, and typically lack facial or body hair.

As beings of cold logic, the Axani prefer very structured lives being perhaps the most dogmatic out of the planetouched races. There is very little room for deviation in an Axani’s life, thus they are perhaps amongst the Axianims the most likely to have a lawful mindset, as chaotic Axani are very, very rare.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 int, +2 wis

Mechantrix aka Machine-folk
Part mechanical and part living, Mechantrices are a rather unusual and alien being. They have inorganic features, and a metallic sheen to their skin. Coldly rational a Mechantrix has a mindset almost like that of a machine. Thus they tend to have an affinity for machines. They never quite fit into society because of their dispositions.

Mechantrices can trace their ancestry back to clock-work beings of Mechanus, such as the Modrons and Inevitables. They are loners prone to being very single-minded. However when Mechantrices do meet, they often tend to stick together, seeking to remove chaos which is an anathema to their existence.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
+2 con, +2 int, -2 cha, -2 dex

Zenythri aka The Tinted
The Zenythri strive for perfection, their features can be described as perfect in many ways, as they have finely chiselled faces and hair that falls perfectly into place. With their almost perfect physiques Zenythri are very physically fit, with well-honed minds. However to some this perfection seems to be rather unsettling. All Zenythri have skin that has a blue or purple tint, this leads some to conclude that the Zenythri are the descendants of Mercanes. However some may have a link to the Wind Dukes of Aaqa and Devils in their heritage.

Zenythri strive to contribute and bring perfection to those around them. They tend to put others and society before themselves. They would gladly take on any responsibility they can get, as they instinctively feel the need to do such things.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 dex, +2 str, +2 wis, -2 cha

Anarkhim subraces

Cansin aka Chargelings, Darlings
The Cansin have a strange and random sense of beauty in their appearance. While they may appear dishevelled and disorganized, they have a sense of vivaciousness and intrigue to them. Often their appearance changes subtly on a random basis, hair, skin or eye-colour tends to change. Random occurrences, the unexpected and strangeness tends to follow a Cansin, but in most cases these events are rather harmless.

The Cansin tend to be the descendants of Eladrin, Titans, Asuras and Valkyries. Cansin typically are very energetic and flamboyant. They tend to take on life with an easy-going attitude, not having much of a care and living in the moment, impulsive and spontaneous. Still as chaos invites variety, lawful Cansin aren’t that uncommon.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
+2 cha, +2 int

Chaonds aka Slaadlings, Chaos Brutes
The descendants of Slaadi and the occasional Neraph the Chaonds tend to live on the fringes of society. They are quite crude and brutish in their appearance, often asymmetrical, stocky and unkempt; this however makes them resilient creatures, which are quite surprisingly nimble for beings of their physique. Their features tend to shift slightly, and they speak in gravely, croaky voices.

They are often outcast because of their appearance. Chaonds are typically wild and tempermental, refusing to live under rules imposed on them. In many cases they tend to spend their lives alone, unless they can find a like-minded group of their own kind. Chaonds tend to shun the other Anarkhims especially Cansin, despite their shared natures

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
+4 dex, +2 con, -2 cha

Dysseeans aka Shiftlings, Amorphlings
The Dysseeans are perhaps the most unstable in form and mind among the Anarkhim. They have constantly shifting forms, and their minds change often as it’s in a constant state of flux. Dysseeans can trace their origins to a variety of amorphous beings of primordial chaos such as Chaos Beasts, Terratomorphs and other nameless entities.

Somehow Dyseeans manage to live among society despite their ever-changing natures. Perhaps it’s because they can easily adapt to the environment around them, despite the fact that they are in a constant state of flux. Many would say that their changes are influenced externally rather than internally.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 dex, +2 con, +2 cha, -2 wis

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

SO what about Sub-races of Half-Fiends and Half-Celestials? Remember that Tiefling and Assimar are NOT directly descended from Fiends/Demons/Angels. They merely have that in their ancestry. It would be like the difference between a Half-Breed and someone who merely has Native American in their blood from a ancestor.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Sub-races for half-fiends and half-celestials, right now use the guidelines from the web enhancements of Fiendish Codex I: Hordex of the Abyss that's available on the WotC website...

Eventually I'm putting together some more mechanics, one of them includes getting to select the abilities of a planetouched character and the magnitude of power which would be represented by level adjustments. Half-fiend/celestial character would be made by selecting abilties that put the character in the LA +3, +4 or +5 range, while planetouched would generally be +1 or +2 LA (complete with a level progression table). While right now they are being conceived of as base races, there will be something to apply this system as a template.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Havent got round to reading all the work here yet, but it looks good and looks like you've put a lot of effort into it, very nice.

Just a side comment really, but though I've never got round to it, I've always thought that the the planetouched races should actually be templates so that you can have planetouch'd other than human, though some of your work here already can work for that, I always thought templates would be cool.


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Tuladhara subraces

Aionachs aka Rilmanarr
Most Aionachs can trace their ancestry back to the mysterious Rilmani of the Outlands, as they typically have a slight metallic sheen to their skin and the occasional ridges on their skin. Some Aionachs are said to be the descendants of Concordant Killers and other primal beings of balance, as well as spontaneous mutations at birth increasing with likelihood closer to the Spire. Aionachs are often mistaken for other planetouched races.

What sets them apart from the other planetouched, is that Aionachs seem to be among the most level-headed and rational being the most discerning ones, never being too cold or too passionate. They like to observe first, and act accordingly, driven by an almost instinctual need to bring some sort of balance.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 con, +2 wis

Lost Ones aka Nephilim
The Lost Ones are mixture of everything, tracing their ancestry all across the planes, neither being from here or there. Some say they even have a link to the alien reality known as the Far Realm. If one thing is clear, it’s that the Lost Ones are the most shunned and reviled among the planetouched. Described as ‘Planar Mongrel-folk’ the Lost Ones have varied forms, all warped and deformed, horrific and wretched in their appearance.

These planar mutants are never accepted into any society but their own, in which they are often forced to hide-away underground, away from the eyes of others. Lost Ones often view their existence as a curse, being the bastard-children of everything and everywhere. Thus they live in the shadows, for fear that the others (anybody else) will come in force and wipe them out.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers: +2 con, +2 any other stat, -2 cha

Kamerel aka Mirrorlings
Mostly the descendants of races that existed many aeons ago in a long forgotten past, the Kamerel take their name from one of these races. They’re said to be from both the Outlands and a reality that some call the Plane of Mirrors, and in some cases possess a link to beings known as the Nerra. The Kamerel have an almost reflective sheen to their skin, often being slight in build and a strange aura of being unassuming.

The Kamerel are said to be a very uncaring people, unconcerned with the conflicts of the planes and society around them. They just live their lives, and only draw attention when they feel like bringing attention to themselves, as no one normally notices them no matter how they look like or appear.

Initial Racial Stat Modifiers:
+2 con, +2 dex, +2 int, -2 str

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

You haven't provided a description of what these races look like or any abilities other than stats. Also you realize some of these races have unbalanced stats and thus would require a ECL?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
You haven't provided a description of what these races look like or any abilities other than stats. Also you realize some of these races have unbalanced stats and thus would require a ECL?
Read the 1st posts, this is the initial concept part before anything else.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

Also have you been ignoring the 1st and 2nd paragraph (and only so far) of every subrace? It sure as hell tells what these races look like and more beyond their stats.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

The Mirror Plane is a full transitive plane, that's an optional plane in the MotP. So far there's being nothing for plane-touched of the Astral.

I would have liked Cansin to refer to all chaos-touched planetouched, but then someone had to make the Chaond along with the Zenythri and put them in MMII which screwed everything up...

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

I like these. I don't understand mechanics and stats, but I like the idea of describing the different sub-races.
I wonder if Half-Farspawn can have "plane"-touched descendants...

'Kal' wrote:
Just a side comment really, but though I've never got round to it, I've always thought that the the planetouched races should actually be templates so that you can have planetouch'd other than human, though some of your work here already can work for that, I always thought templates would be cool.
I definately second Kal's comment. It doesn't make any sense to me that humans are the only race that can breed with Outsiders. Planetouched should be able to come from nearly any playable Prime race.

EDIT: This may be a minor thing, but I think you should preserve the names for planetouched that already exist in canon sources.
Isn't Cansin is a name that refers to all Chaos-touched? If so, I don't think the word should be used for just one subrace, that's confusing. The same is with the name Axani -- doesn't it refer to all Law-touched planetouched?

Finally, a question: Is the Mirror Plane a Demi-Plane? If so then the Kamerel would be Shyfts.

On the other hand there is no name yet for Planetouched descended from Astral beings.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

'Kobold Avenger' wrote:
The Mirror Plane is a full transitive plane, that's an optional plane in the MotP. So far there's being nothing for plane-touched of the Astral.

But... that makes no sense. There can only be three of them, and now the Shadow Plane is the third one.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Ideas for Planetouched Subraces?

I believe one of the random planar quotes on the first page refers to the Rule of Three when it says "See two things look for a third. See four things, and one is a fake" or something of that sort. I wonder which of the four is the fake. . .

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