I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

This is the thread for collecting races for the Second Issue of the Codex. For this issue I am focusing on celestials and extraplaner races found on the Upper planes. Please keep in mind all of my work has been created roughly with the guidelines presented in Paizo's Advanced Races Guide, and as such this crunch uses the Pathfinder ruleset. All races should be balanced for 1st-level Pathfinder play or as a LA +1 race in 3.x. If you want to contribute your own races, please feel free, just try to keep the racial points under 10 and use the standard attribute array so that these races don't overshadow the core ones.

Constructive criticism is more than welcome, as are any edits you catch, as I horrid at editing my own work within a week of having written it.

Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Simplified Hound Archon

As defenders of the Mounting Heavens, Hound Archons are some of the most frequently encountered natives of Celestia. They typically are born from the souls of knights and guardians, as those are the roles they take in the afterlife. Those few who are born of relations between two archons have a brief childhood, in which they mature quickly both mentally and physically, just as those who are forced to defend themselves and their families as youths must swiftly grow beyond their years. All other Hound Archons spring fully formed from the plane itself and are already filled to the brim with an understanding of weapons and war. Regardless of whether they are pups or adults, Hound Archons are lethal, instinctive killers and while they would rather help people, they won't hesitate to take action if need be.

Physical Description:
Hound Archons are usually easy to pick out, appearing as a human with the head of a dog. It would be inappropriate to say they are bipedal canines, as their proportions, hands, arms, legs and feet are all clearly humanoid. The canine aspects of Hound Archons always reflect those of a domesticated species rather than a wild one, likely indicative of the fact that the former are bound by the much more rigid laws of civilization rather than the looser laws of nature. Hair colour varies widely, appearing in all natural canine and humanoid hues, although there is also a crimson red that is not uncommon amongst the archons but found nowhere on the material plane. Their eyes are often vibrant like gemstones and their whites have a pale gold or silver tinge. They stand six to seven and a half feet tall, with seven foot being the median. Both males and females have toned, powerful bodies more akin to swimmers than body builders.

Hound Archons serve as everything from foot soldiers to generals in the armies of heaven. While all Archons value honesty, Hound Archons are particularly blunt in their approach, and it is not uncommon for Hound Archons to challenge their superiors if they feel the current course of action is the not the best. As creatures of Law, this is not a form of dissent and no Hound would even think to disobey a direct order as long as it was just but it is a way of formally, if loudly, registering their discontent. If the contrary opinions prove to have validity behind them, often the commanding archon will consult the opinions of those who disagreed with them, allowing alternate voices to rise through the ranks.

The center of Hound Archon society is a form of ritual combat in which two archons face of in non-fatal, but very real, battle. Hounds are schooled from the very beginning of their existence in the variety of rules, codes and laws that can be brought into play during these events. Many of these contradict one another, so before a duel begins it be decided which of the codes are in effect. Often this is done by a third party, but mutual agreement between the two Hounds does occur in certain circumstances.

Most clueless would assume that since Hound Archons are canines, they live in packs, but the reality is that most Hounds are actually solitary from their own kind. They almost universally serve other Archons and inhabitants of the Mounting Heaven in a variety of martial capacities. That said, they often encounter each other and greet each other exuberantly. In Celestia, these greetings include short ritual combat, although when two Hounds meet for the first time, the battle in long and extensive. On other planes, this greeting is abridge to crossing the Hound's chosen weapons in a position that indicates their preferred battle methods, as most other beings do not understand that the combatants are being polite to each other and not fighting to the death. Close friends and new acquaintances will often reserve a private open space after meeting in which the formal ritual can be conducted away from the public eye.

Most races are relaxed around archons, although those who are pacifists or inclined towards chaos or evil tend to view these warriors with leery eye. For their part, as long as a being does not actively try to harm others or undermine society, Hound Archons will leave you in peace. They see both law and good as a weapon which must first be forged within the soul and then the act of wielding must be practiced before it is perfected. They see themselves as weapon masters to the mortal races, experienced guides to be consulted. For the other exemplar races, the matter is more complicated.

While most Archon work well with the Formians, Hound Archons find them somewhat offsetting. Most cannot place the feeling exactly, but it is generally agreed that they find the hive mind disturbing since they tend of operate independently of other of their own kind for long periods. None the less, they respect the abilities of Formian and can often be found mounted upon the Armadon caste if they join battle together.

Guardianals are favored allies of the Hound Archons, especially Lupinals, despite the vast differences between the two races of canine celestials. The two will collaborate in their strikes to the Lower Planes. The Guardianals also aid the Archons by moderating meetings between all Celestials.

Some Clueless "greybeards" claim that because they do not fight in the Blood War, the Archons and the Eladrin do not fight with each other. The Celestials are the most prone of all outsiders to respect the choice to lead a different lifestyle than they do, but the mindset of the Eladrin and Archons are completely alien to one another. At best, putting the two of them in a room together will result in a loud, aggressive shouting match in which both parties leave muttering disparaging things about each other under their breaths. Put a Hound Archon in that position and you'll almost certainly end up with a brawl. Occasionally the Hounds will journey to the Planes of Chaos to track down a particular prankster who has been interfering with their plans, but it is not a common occurrence, and it has certainly been even longer since the Hosts of
Heaven have made proper war upon one another. It is possible for the reverse to occur as well. On rare occasions, Hound Archons will be able to come to an accord with one of their chaotic counterparts and they become fast friends, even if they don't truly understand the ways in which each other's minds work.

Hound Archons respect Modrons as exemplars of law, but take little other interest in them. The Modrons however, are oddly fascinated with the Hounds, and often simply follow them around so that the ceremonial battles can be observed.

While relations with the Eladrin are poor, relations with the Rakshaka and Kytons are even worse. Most layfolk say that this is because the Eladrin can respect the differences between the two races while the fiends can't, but many greybeards suggest that it's actually because the Guardianals actively try and unite the forces of good, while the Modrons are highly insular and not nearly as engaged in courting the other forces of law. Whatever the reason, they all actively try and avoid each other.

The Baatezu are an interesting case. Their typical response to the archons is to try and keep thing amicable and avoid provoking them. If conflict does arise, they will politely ask the archons to desist from their current course of action. Normally, this would not stop a Hound Archon on a mission, but many of the devils are actually familiar with the Hounds laws of ritual combat. As long as it is used without deceit or trickery, this can mollify the Archon long enough for the Baatezu to demonstrate that they respect the
Archon as a paragon of law and emphasize their similarities over their differences.

Relations with the other fiends are about as poor as one would predict. Very few
Hound Archons pay the Sladdi any mind.

Alignment and Religion:
Born of the souls of Mount Celestia, Hound Archons are uniformly lawful good. Only in the most extreme cases do they ever deviate and the vast majority of those deviants are deluded that they still adhere to their natural alignment or believe that they are making a necessary sacrifice so that other souls may remain pure and true.

Hound Archons almost all serve lawful good powers, although they will serve true lawful or true good religions as well. They prefer powers who take an active role or who face challenges head on. Personal growth, athleticism, hunting and the defense of the innocent are all areas of influence that attract a Hound Archon's devotion.

As they prefer to take an active stance rather than a passive one, Hound Archons often serve as missionaries, couriers or envoys, allowing them to be drawn into adventuring for the greater good with extraordinary ease. The majority of adventurers have a martial inclination, meaning both fighters and paladins are common, while cavilers, gunslingers, rogues and rangers take second seat, they are by no means unheard of. The vast majority of casters are clerics of some form, both druids and arcane casters are rare but highly respected for the tactical opportunities they present. Those extremely rare Hound Archons who fall from law are also attracted to the barbarian class, granting them extra speed and power to become brutal combatants.

Racial Traits

* +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence. Hound Archons are powerful warriors and spiritual guides, but they are doers, not thinkers.
* Outsider (Lawful, Good): Hound Archons do not need to eat or sleep (although they can do so if they wish). Hound Archons are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Hound Archons can only be restored to life through limited wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection. Hound Archons are native to Mount Celestia. Hound Archons always count as being aligned lawful and good outsiders for the purposes of spells and abilities in addition to and regardless of their actual alignments.
* Medium: As Medium creatures, Hound Archons have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Hound Archon base land speed is 30 feet.
* Darkvision: Hound Archon can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight. Hound Archons function fine with no light at all.
* Skill Training: Hound Archons are used to operating independently to sneak up on enemies. They alway treat Stealth and Survival as class skills.
* Spell-like Ability: At-Will - Beast Shape I (canines only)
* Automatic Languages: Planer Trade and Archon. Bonus Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Eladrin, Guardianal, Infernal, Modron

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Whoah, interesting stuff. Will need to sit down and read through it.

How far are you on the other ones? I wouldn't go past three, that's for sure, given page counts.

I also like the pic, but would like to humbly ask if there could be more details for the body and gear?


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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

I've got stats and sketches, but no write up, which is the time consuming part.

I haven't done art like this in a while, so I'm just easing back into it. I can definately add more details though. If that means fewer races, so I can take some more time, that's fine by me. Armour's easy, what do you think needs to be added for the body?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Maybe some muscle lines? Some cues to show the three dimensional aspects of the body?

(Keep in mind Sci is not an artist.)

Anywhere from one to three is good IMO. Just want to make sure our layout guy has time.

(I'm just looking at Issue 2 as a whole and there's a lot that's not going to be in the first PDF draft as it is - yikes!)


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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Some quick touch ups and here is a more detailed version. Thoughts?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Weird, thought I commented again last night. Argh.

I like it!

Also, loved "Hordes of Xoriat" and the other Order of the Stick style pics on your page. Also liked the monodrone sketch and the 40K stuff!


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Dagon's picture
Joined: 2008-10-12
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

Thanks! I need more time to practice though, I want it to be better.

I may try to crank out the text for everything to try and get in the first draft in that case and then worry about the images next weekend.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: I.2 - Simplified Races: Heroes of Heaven

I wouldn't worry about getting in the first draft. We'll do our best to have one more draft before the final.


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