"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

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Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

'Armoury99' wrote:
Since coinage is often part of the portfollio of various wealth deities, 'dead' money like this might be more acceptable to an Athar

Yes, I am actually quoting myself. I promise there's a valid reason, however.

Its about an idea that came out of Kay's Money Machine thread, about "dustmoney" - jink associated with the Dustmen. I was thinking, given the enormous ammount of varied coinage that passes through the Cage, many Sigilites might have a preference as to exactly what coin they put in their pouch or pocket. Not necessarily a life-or-death issue for their beliefs, but a matter of preference. Just like a berk might prefer to shop at a store run by a fellow factionmember, he/she might find a certain kind of money more philosophically comfortable.

Its easy to imagine Upper Planar types only accepting coins that have come from morally acceeptable planes and regimes, properly shiny and blessed. Hardcore Athar on the other hand, might refuse to accept any jink that's been minted under the auspice of a deity. It strikes me as a nice addition to the character of Sigil, and also provides more rationele for the existence of moneychangers in the Cage.

So the topic for discussion is: What other groups might have coinage preferences and what might they be? How can we make this neat idea a part of Sigil?

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

Thinking about the factions:
The Sinkers would probably like old and rusty coins of various metals, while the Sensates would probably be more inclined to accept money from exotic prime worlds or metals.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

It's nice to see that my idea fell on fertile ground, but hopefully they won't grow so high to take the sight on the most beautiful blossoms. I "inveted" the Dustmoney to fill a hole in the plausibility of the setting where in my eyes the standart dnd rules ultimately fail. In our world central banks, nation states and scarce resources provide the overall stability of the monetary system. In Planescape, none of the above exist (or, only to a certain degree). Also it might be possible to fake money magically, so there'd be need of extensive controlling. The Dustmoney's use is limited to certain areas and functions and is most of the time not exposed to such problems. I didn't intend to expand the concept to other Factions, but now I think in some cases it fits.

The Harmonium is most likely to provide their own money. Heck, they rule over entire prime worlds and have a good grip in Arcadia and the Gatetown to it. The Athar might create something similar in the long run due to their exile.

What is an interesting feature also of real world's money: People have to believe in the worth of it and its meaning. We have to accept (and accepted) that we have to give some piece of paper and receive chewing gum. This makes countertrade superfluous and enables us to store great surpluses. So, on the planes, classic barter (do job X, receive magic item Y) will be pretty common.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

Have you seen this article on the Mimir?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

'Kay' wrote:
It's nice to see that my idea fell on fertile ground, but hopefully they won't grow so high to take the sight on the most beautiful blossoms.

No offence Kay, but we'd love to do just that to as many good ideas as we can get out hands on. It's a good idea, an interesting one, and one that definately has the Planescape 'feel' to it. And as for it not being important because you made it up? Never say that something doesn't exist in Planescape. One sentence in the Planewalker PDFs and it's cannon Sticking out tongue

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Have you seen this article on the Mimir?

Nope, but I'll do it. Looks interesting.

@Hymmeth: no offence taken

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Have you seen this article on the Mimir?

That is one of those great articles I keep in my Planescape gming folder, to add flavor to my game. If this thread expounds upon that, fantastic.

The comment on believing in money got me wondering, though ... might there not likely be sects which outright refuse the use of money for that very reason? After all, belief empowers a thing and not everyone believes money is a beneficial invention. (dispite the fact that a pure trade economy is nigh impossible once the population base reaches a certain level)

Me, I have had trade serve as the primary form of exchange in the Hive since I started running - coins just don't go as far there ... you can't eat them, you can't wear them and how many people really get out of the Hive to go shopping in the Market?

Favors and information are always a popular trade good, as well.

However, a place as busy as Sigil isn't going to function well if people have to lead their packs of geese through the wards in hopes of getting a good value ... goods get stolen, killed, eaten, etc. Thus coinage is still the most effective means of trade in the large scale ...

Faction coins are fine when dealing with faction business, but many problems will doubtlessly arise if you try to use it freely in the Cage ... primarily from business owners refusing to accept certain faction currency - either do to philosophical differences or pressures from the other factions.

Thus, the Fated and Fraternity of Order will have established means to maintain a fairly reliable exchange system in the city of doors itself. Since the Takers are closely involved with the Planar Trade Consortium, (if I recall) getting the best value for different coins is going to be less of a problem ... though it will require the Faction have a handful of substantial counting houses where jink can be properly sorted and processed. (great hook for would be thieves, or Harmonium)

For those cultures and people who insist on dealing in goods, rather than coin, however, the Takers no doubt have a few chosen planes specifically set up to store material before it is sold and shipped to its ultimate destination ... though in order to deal in material goods you will need to get a Faction approved appraiser to look at your holdings and issue a statement of value, (imprinted with a magical seal to reduce the chance of fraud) which will, itself, come with a cost.

Overall, a semi-reliable coin system with a regulated exchange rate seems least complicated.

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

I think it would still work wiht ye old cash system. Item being worth its weight in gold and then silver and then copper and platinum fits in there somewhere, otherwise Bahamut'd be all left out! But also the barter system would be always in effect. Hells its the outer planes anything goes, so long as the hardheads aren't watching!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

I think it would still work wiht ye old cash system. Item being worth its weight in gold and then silver and then copper and platinum fits in there somewhere, otherwise Bahamut'd be all left out! But also the barter system would be always in effect. Hells its the outer planes anything goes, so long as the hardheads aren't watching!

I agree, in Sigil money is money from whereever it came. But there was popular (and still is) money exchange scam, wich knights of post pull on green primes: they exchange their money for Sigilian "Jink" at outrageous rates.

BDW: Article on Mimir is great. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
"I spit on your jink!" (Coinage in Sigil)

One thing I did for my campaign (for story reasons, at first) was to create a new type of currency for the cage and the gate-towns.

Sigil Notes:
Legal tender printed paper currency that can be exchanged by the Fraternity of Order for actual precious metals. The initial intent of the project was to try and 'standardize' currency and pricing in the marketplace coming in from all over the multiverse. The Guvners (after many long and ardious meetings) developed a 'gold standard', 'silver standard', etc, for coinage and will accept, measure, weigh, and proof coins and then issue a legal tender notice for what the coins (gems, bars, plating, etc) are valued at according to the standard. Merchants are able to take these notes to the Fraternity of Order and convert them back for the valued equivalent in whatever currency they may need (Krynnish, Torilian, Arborean, Abyssal, Pyrric, etc).
The Fraternity of Order initially decorated the notes with text and legal jargon but, after several faction assemblies, made the final prints with the faces of the Factols on them. Planars, clever as they are, started to call these pieces of paper 'Face-ees'. This slang term is in reference to the faction faces that adorn them and use of the term feces which is what the merchants generally think of them as worth since their value is limited to Sigil and Automata with few other gate-towns and almost no realms or bergs accepting the paper as currency.

Faction members might prefer getting paid in note with their faction symbol and factol on it. They also make interesting props and adventure hooks revolving around counterfitting and Xaositects trying to randomize the printing plates for their denomination.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.