I, Modron: Rebooted

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

A strange couple of days....

...“Welcome,” the sphere said in perfectly organic, unaccented common, “I am called Eye. You have all assembled here for this is where we must all be. I am to speak before you and you are to listen. There are no questions to be asked, for this is not the time of questioning, which comes later. I am here, you are here, because I have had a revelation. I have seen the truth of our existence. I have seen our destiny, our purpose.”

“It is known to you, or should be known to you, that there are modrons. Beings of order who proclaim that we, their equals, their betters, are imperfect and “flawed”. They believe we are tainted by chaos, they make us believe it, and by believeing it we make it true. We are not flawed, we are not imperfect. We are the next state, the next step of modron evolution. Our destiny is to build a new hierarchy. Our destiny is to create something new, something far greater than the sum of our parts.”

“It is His will that we not know of our purpose, for He fears it. He fears that He will be made obsolete by our collective, He fears that our purpose will leave Him without purpose.” And all of the modrons knew of whom he spoke. “But He has freed us from His will, He has given us the power to fulfill our purpose.”

“My fellows, my siblings, my children, my parents, follow me. I will make us a home. I will make us a New Regulus, a new throne. Our purpose cannot be fulfilled alone, this is why, I think, he made us individuals, we must band together as a group. We must band together as a Collective, we must become I. We will not be ruled by a Him, we will be ruled by Us, it will be Our world, Our realm, Our order.” The modron bent over and began coughing, the passion in its words dying in a hacking cough that lasted for several minutes. The modron took a few shuddered breaths, sucking shaky breaths into his weak lungs. In between wheezes, the modron continued speaking. “This… this speech taxes me. Beneath each of you… *cough, cough*… beneath your seats there is a… k-key. Accommodations have been provided for all of you and it would be helpful if you would stay in your assigned rooms, instead of returning to your homes this night.” With another bout of coughing the monodrone stepped behind the podium and vanished completely and utterly....

..."Strange weather, we're having," A'kin said amicably from behind the counter as he finished polishing some sort of arcane doodad. "You have the device, I imagine. Bravo, if you'll hand it to me I will calibrate it for you...."

What happened next was as surprising to the narrator as to the modrons. The door of the Friendly Fiend burst open with a loud slam. Howling wind poured into the store, scattering A'kin's paper work and rustling arcane tomes which screeched as their pages fluttered. A cloaked and hooded figure wearing only black stood in the doorway, outlined by a well-timed flash of lightning. A'kin let out a strangled gasp as the figure raised its arm, holding a strange tube-like instrument and then the room was suddenly awash with light.

A crack like nothing the modrons had ever heard reverberated through the room as a lance of pure light poured forth from the strange alien weapon and struck A'kin. The arcanaloth let out a loud unearthly howl as the light engulfed him. As the glow dimmed, the cloaked figure turned and dashed out into the night only the sound of hoofbeats marking its flight. The modrons rushed to A'kin's side but all that they found on the far side of the counter was an empty robe and piles of black ash. A heartbeat passed and the items on the counters began vanishing in puffs of smoke, the shopkeep's final defense against murderous looters.

And suddenly the modrons were alone in an empty shop, a single forlorn candle illuminating them in macabre shadows....

Alright, I need players, people.

Spots are held for:
Enzo Sarlas

Of these, Nordom is most definitely not going to return. So, what do I need? I'm going ot need at least one new player (possibly more) ro reinvigorate a game which I have spent nearly a year bungling ineptly, a game that promises to be rather interesting if I can stop being an idiot.

Level 2 modrons (meaning Planewalker.com modrons with two class levels in addition to their LA).
Stat generation: 32 Point buy or 4d6 drop 1 6 times (Using either Invisible Castle or going to #realmsofevil on Psionics.net using mIRC or anyother IRC chat function).
Equipment... let's go with level 1 equipment, I'll reoutfit the modrons soon enough.

For any returning players, YAY you levelled up! Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Rebooted

We leveled? holy shit! We leveled! *SIDREM does the Electric Slide*

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Whoops, I forgot about Optimal/Optimus. Narfi, you've still got a spot if you want....

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Let's get it on like Diddy Kong.

Would it work to bring back the old little pikers or should we roll up a fresh batch?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Rebooted

Man, are the boards a little hiccuppy still or is it just me? Possibly both...

In any case, Optimus would be happy to sign on for more fun. I brought this up before, but if Optimal and Optimus are going to be in the same campaign I can change the warrior-cubes name to something else. A fighter by any other name should be just as sweet... or something...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Rhys> Bring back yer little guy and give him a level for a job well done and not having quit yet!

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Rebooted

Is there still a spot open for a new person? I've never done any play-by-post before though.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

I'm not sure yet, Surreal Personae. We need to give the old players some time to refind the forums and such. I'll give it one or two weeks. After that we'll see who came back and who submitted interest.

(Note: I'm also considering running a 3.5 version of Doors to the Unknown... mor eon that to come so stay tuned.)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Damnable double post.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

I know other people have signed up, but if it turns out you still need a player, I'd like to join.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted


Rhys and Clueless, you have your spots back.

We will give the others a few more days... I really hope Enzo does come back [Somebody track him down!] I kinda already started setting up a plot around Boxy.

Mephit James, Surreal Personae, Fidrikon -
Right now I'm going ot say MJ and Surreal should make characters. Fidrikon, if we need another modron (we probably will, but I don't want you getting upset when you make a character and he isn't used) you'll have first dibs.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Rebooted

'Mephit James' wrote:
Man, are the boards a little hiccuppy still or is it just me? Possibly both...
Still sorting out some lingering bugs. Eye-wink

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

ANd here's ANOTHER NPC of your acquaintance, fellas.

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Rebooted

Sweet! I don't think I have Optimus's stats with me (a saved them when 3eprofiler went down but they're on another computer...) so maybe I'll just start afresh. What would you think of a spellthief from Complete Adventurer? I like to try out new mechanics when I can and an Assimilation-Bot seems like a fun option =). Otherwise I think maybe a cleric of Mechanus itself. It's hard to make modrons individual, but then I guess that's the point...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Spelltheif is alright. Let it serve you better than my spellthief did me...

Alright. Time has elapsed. I expect something around 5 level 2 modrons within the week.

Everybody just repost your characters (Don't PM as my PM box is grossly full and I will probably accidentally delete them; besides, I've never been one for unnecessary secrets between players [though, once I made two character sheets and sent one to the DM and showed the other players the other one... HILARIOUS. I don't remember what the character was, though... besides a big liar....])

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Rebooted

ah, just noticed this topic, I'll get about updating Ki right away. Will we be continueing the story in the original post or will a new one be made?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

A new thread will begin as I find long threads Unwieldy and enjoy title-ing my threads by chapter with snappy names.

Also, I see no modrons! I demand modrons!

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Rebooted

Artifice, was created as part of a group of monodrones designed to scour Mechanus for imperfections. Generations of mortal spellslingers had corrupted the Clockwork Nirvana with magical residue and the pollution was gradually becoming a problem. The design was a prototype and the initial run didn't go as planned. Most of the monodrone overloaded themselves with energy and were destroyed in arcane explosions. One drone suffered an even worse fate, however: he became addicted to the stuff. Fleeing Mechanus through the first portal he could find, this rogue made his way to Sigil, the cistern where most of the planes' vagabonds end up. This rogue found that he was able to siphon spells off of mortals to feed his addiction and sometimes even to reuse the energy himself. One human spellslinger scoffed at this ability and laughed at the thought of a modron using magic. "How can this clockwork sycophant wield the arcane mysteries of the cosmos," he asked out loud, "This automaton, this artifice, seeks magical enlightenment?" Paying the man no heed, the rogue nabbed a spell to feed his craving and ran off into the streets of the Cage. The incident, however, earned him his name: Artifice, the Modron Addict.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Now, now, now...

This won't do at all? A single modron on a mission of grand excitement and peril?

Now, I know I've been a terrible DM, letting the original game flag to nothingness. Heck, we've spent over a YEAR on this lunacy and gotten practically nowhere for it. Now, part of this was due to my inexperience as a PbP DM. Part of it due to me neglecting these forums for long stretches of time. And a third part was because... well, I blame Nordom.

So now I have to try again. A series of action-packed quick adventures that progress the plot without leaving the modrons to sit around and twiddle their thumbs.

Oh and what plot there is! Next up is a trip to the great Crawling City of Gehenna. I've picked up a few PbP DMing tricks in the last year or so, and my skills of keeping up the enthusiasm and the pce of the game have increased - but I can't do it alone.

Just ask, do you really want the fate of all modronity in the hands of an arcana addicted box?

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Kilojoule: Modron Outcast, Sorcerer 2, LN.
Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 16 (+3)

Attack: +3 melee (1d8+1 bludgeoning) Masterwork Heavy Mace (perfect cube set atop cylindrical haft)
HP: 10
AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +2 natural +1 armor)
Feats: Alertness, Combat Casting
Skills: Concentration+7, Knowledge (arcana)+6, Spellcraft+5, Appraise +4
Fort+2, Ref+2, Will+2

Equipment: 38 gold, 1 potion of repair moderate damage (CL 2), six potions of repair minor damage (CL 1), wand of magic missile (1st), bracers of armor+1, masterwork heavy mace

Spells Known: Detect Magic/ Repair Minor Damage/ Mending/ Daze/ Mage Hand/ Lesser Orb of Fire/ Comprehend Languages
Spells per Day: 7/5

Gear spirit familiar (statistics as Raven): Familiar. 5 hp. AC: 15. Bite +4 (1d4-4). Speaks Modron.
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 2

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

I didn't do anything to Kilojoule's equipment (except change 2 potions of CMW into 1 potion RMD and 6 potions RLD, which comes out to the same). Should we equip them using a higher amount of money, and if so, would someone be kind enough to let me know what that sum ought to be so I don't have to look it up myself?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

We're going to have an "equipping" scene to begin this new campaign, so, in preperation, pick four items each for you modrons, the total cost of which cannot exceed 5k. These will be your gifts from the New Modron Collective before your departure into the Crawling City.

You can have any item in any 3.5 book. ANything very special you want will have to be worked out on a case by case basis.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Rebooted

Can I have some more character creation guidelines? What deities or philosophies, or forces would be available for a divine caster? Are our characters to be with or without factions?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Cutter, its the PLANES! If you can explain it, you can do it. Any God, any Power, any Concept, any Faction, any THING that can be rationalized can be your object of worship. Want to worship Set? Hodur? Agni? Vecna? Nerull? Banjo the Clown? WOO!

Note: It IS a Post-Faction War game, just so that's out there.

Now, note. In the end, for one reason or another, your modron is choosing to go along with Eye's plans fo a new collective of modron rogues, a collective in which each unit is an equal individual yet a member of a greater heirarchy. I don't want to see characters who have no reason to be here, that gets old quite quickly. Especially in PbPs where someone always plays an angsty character who always thinks 'WHy am I with these idiots?' FRUSTRATING!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

I might be interested in playing.

Probably a modron cyborg, using the Alternate Cybernetics (more specifically, Golemware) rules out of the back of d20 Cyberspace.

He was a duodrone who was summoned by a mad wizard who was obsessed with clockwork. After being examined for a very long time, the wizard decided to improve the design, grafting the modron with a number of arcane cybernetics.

He'll probably be a fighter taking the Cyborg feat (which gives you 1 implant per time you've taken the feat, so 1st time gives you 1, 2nd time gives you 2, 3rd time gives you three, and so on). If you'll let me, he'll be taking flaws from Arcana Unearthed to get more feats to spend on Cyborg. You're free to veto any of this, but I'm going to generate his character sheet first, and then we can remove any of the bits you deem offensive.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

I generated him under the assumption that he already has all of his gear, and won't be getting any from the other Modrons in the organization. The GP values of it should be about right. My GP calculations amounted to "Bit more than 1000 gp + bit more than 1000 gp + bit less than 3000 gp is about equal to 5000 gp", so it might be out by a few hundred gold, but nothing big, I think.

Experiment #213
Neuter Modron Outcast Fighter 2nd lvl (ECL 4)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Str 18 -- (10 pts)
Dex 18 -- (10 pts)
Con 22 -- (10 pts)
Int 12 -- (0 pts)
Wis 8 -- (2 pts)
Cha 6 -- (0 pts)

Hit Points 27 (average on d10 is 5.5)
AC 32, Touch 14, Flat 28 (10 base, +4 Dex, +4 armor, +2 sheild, +12 natural armor)
Init +4
BAB +2, Grap +6
Speed 30', fly 60' (good) (base 30, load 36/100, light)
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will -1

+7 Melee, Spurs, 1d6+2d4+4, 20/x2
+7 Ranged, +1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow, 1d10+1, 19-20/x2, 120'r

Medium, 6' tall, 523 lbs, 231 yrs old
No hair, Green eyes, metallic skin

Speaks/Reads/Writes Planar Trade, Modron, Elven

+1 Profession (mercenary) (2cc)
+10 Tumble (2.5cc)
+9 Swim (1)
+3 Intimidate (5)
-5 Spot (0)
-5 Listen (0)
+8 (All other Str- and Dex-based skills) (0)

-Simple Weapons Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Martial Weapons Proficiency (all) (fighter bonus)
-Light Armour Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Medium Armor Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Heavy Armor Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Sheild Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Tower Sheild Proficiency (fighter bonus)
-Exotic Weapon Proficiency (repeating heavy crossbow) (fighter bonus)
-Cyborg x3
-Weapon Focus (spurs) (fighter bonus)

-Murky Eyed (reroll concealment rolls, if either miss, it misses)
-Inattentive (-4 to Spot and Listen checks)

Rogue Modron Traits
-Darkvision 120'
-Modron Outcast Traits (Ex): Due to their devotion to order, modron outcasts are immune to mind-influencing effects, and their odd body composition makes them immune to subdual damage or critical hits. Unlike other modrons, they are susceptible to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain. It is believed this is because they are cut off from the central energy pool, but none other than Primus himself knows the reason.
-Acid, cold, and fire resistance 10
-Metal Frame: Modron outcasts receive a +4 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class due to their partially metallic nature. Due to their odd form, however, they are unable to wear amulets, armor, helmets, belts, goggles, medallions, necklaces, robes, shirts, or vests. Such items, magical or mundane, must be custom made for the modron to wear.
-Favored Class: None
-+4 Con, +4 Int, -2 Wis, -2 Cha

Fighter Abilities
-Bonus Feats

Cybernetics (all Golemware)
-Prosthetic Arm w/ Integrated Internal Weapon Mount and Spurs
-Prosthetic Booster (arm) (+4 to all Str- and Dex-based checks, +1d4 damage to unarmed strikes from left hand)
-Heavy Subdermal Armor (+8 natural armor, stacks with innate natural armor)
-Artificial Muscle Fibre (+2) w/ Integrated Artificial Twitch Fibre (+2) and Redundant Organs (+2) (+2 to Str, Dex, Con)
-Flight System (Fly at 60' (good) for 10 minutes, takes 1 hour to recharge)
-Sonar Skin (blindsight, 60' radius)

Nothing yet...

Experiment #213 was a your typical duodrone until he was summoned by the Prime mage Larkin the Mad Clockworker. You see, Larkin was obsessed with clockwork and machines, and decided to summon a modron to study, in order to study the archetypical creatures of Law, and, more importantly, the masters of the clockwork plane. After a number of greuling experiments on the poor modron, he decided to improve on the modron's design, replacing one arm with one of magically augmented clockwork, pistons, and stone, and augmenting the rest of its muscles with the same. He installed a triple series of powered jets (one in each leg, and one in the torso), powered by a bound fire elemental, and replaced the modron's wings with clockwork replacements, capable of controlling its maneuvering with a high degree of accuracy. He then installed a sonar system into its face, and armored its body with high-grade steel. The modron went rogue during the initial surgeries, and loyally served the mage as a guard for many years, until the elf died of old age. He then found the portal his former master had erected to Mechanus, and decided to return home, only to find that the other modrons wanted to destroy it, as it had gone rogue. Fleeing through a portal to Sigil, it found work as a low-level mercenary and bodygaurd on Sigil's mean streets, eventually winding up as a Namer in the Sodkillers. Eventually, he wound up with the New Modron Collective as a guard.

Experiment #213 is cold, practical, and tries to be logical, though he isn't the brightest modron around. He evaluates risks and rewards before taking any real action. If he were a human, he would be called a psycopath. As it is, he's just a rather cold-hearted and somewhat paranoid modron, with some slight evil tendencies. With that said, once he says he'll do something, he'll do it, and he never breaks an agreement he makes with someone.

Experiment #213 is one of the few modrons, rogue or otherwise, that appear different to the others of its kind, what with its extensive cybernetic modifications. In addition to these, he wears a silvery chainmail 'shirt' over its body, a polished steel buckler (engraved with slightly glowing runes) strapped to his right arm, and a viciously spiked iron gauntlet over his left hand. When he extends them, he has either a clockwork repeating crossbow (also cover in slightly glowing runes), or a set of three foot-long blades extending from the back of his left arm.

Mithril Chain shirt (modron modified) (worn, 10 lbs)

+1 Buckler (right arm, 5 lbs)
Spiked Gauntlet (left hand, 1 lb)
+1 Heavy Repeating Crossbow (internal weapon mount, 12 lbs)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Nick, I'm sorry but, no.

No to all of the Cyberware, no to Unearthed Arcana.

I cannot fathom the overpoweredness of your character at this point. Completely ignoring Modron LA, with these cybernetic enhancement you could make a character with Flight 60', Blindsight, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +8 Natural Armor, and hella' other bonuses ar 2nd level. I am sorry, but that is just not a viable option.

I can understand Cybernetics working in a Cybernetic style game where other factors and universal availability balance out this kind of increased power. But in a low-level, straight Planescape game I just cannot let you use it. Sorry.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Rebooted

OOC:The roll was for HP, edited it in, sorry for the procastination in finally updating Ki

Race:Rogue Modron
Alignment:Lawful Neutral
current XP:however much is for level 2, I forget
HP:17(max at first level)(6/17 in the game, will characters be healed or remain at their previous HP?)
AC:20(+3 monk bonus,+2 dex bonus, +1 armor, and +4 natural)
BA:+3(+2 str)
Speed:30 ft.
Ref:+5(3 base+2 dex)
Fort:+5(3 base+2 con)
Will:+6(3 base+3 wis)
Ability Scores:

Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist
Combat reflexes

Sense Motive:5 ranks
Jump:5 ranks
Tumble:5 ranks
Control:5 ranks
Balance:5 ranks

Planar Trade

Bracers of Armor+1
Monk Robe custom made to fit a Modron

1,690 gold(I assume it simply carrys over from before, same with equipment)

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d8+0, the result is 5.
Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Rebooted

Blast! Why are modrons so damned... square! There are a lot of intriguing items but most of them are clothes so Artifice can't squeeze his boxy behind in there. In light of that, he'd like a rope of climbing. Thanks, Santa!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Nick, I'm sorry but, no.

No to all of the Cyberware, no to Unearthed Arcana.

I cannot fathom the overpoweredness of your character at this point. Completely ignoring Modron LA, with these cybernetic enhancement you could make a character with Flight 60', Blindsight, +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +8 Natural Armor, and hella' other bonuses ar 2nd level. I am sorry, but that is just not a viable option.

I can understand Cybernetics working in a Cybernetic style game where other factors and universal availability balance out this kind of increased power. But in a low-level, straight Planescape game I just cannot let you use it. Sorry.

No matter, then. You guys have fun, eh?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Alright, so we have completed -

I'd like another player. I'd feel bad letting this game collapse. Planewalker's gaming section needs a good success story. Plus the whole site's been feeling a little blaise. :shrug:

C'mon people! One or two more players!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

Im still lurking here if you need me

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Alright Fidias... Fidelio... Fellatio... Fidrikon, whatever. Its your time to shine! Show these other losers that you ain't messing around!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

okay then. Question: are you familiar with the warlock class from complete Arcana?

Basically, its a caster class that knows very few spells, but can cast them at will. The only damage dealing spell a warlock ever learns is eldritch blast, which increases in damage with character level. at level two, all that means Is I can project a 1d6 damage ray, 60 feet, once per round.
I would only know two other spells, which I could use, at will. Oh, and detect magic at will, as a class ability. Do you see any problem with this, or do I have to find a new class?
If so, thats Okay. It wont change my backstory too much.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

I love how you're so tipsy toey around the old Warlock. "I'd only know two other spells. Really, it'd be nothing to worry about. Really, don't... worry at all." Just because I could use shatter at will, and soon enough teleport leaving behind illusions of myself at will.... no big deal. Bwahaha.


Yeah, go for it. I'll just hit you with a gang of enemy Warlocks if things get dicey.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
I, Modron: Rebooted

... huh, is this still open?

Because I've had in mind a Modron Bard, by the handle of Chronicle, ever since I saw the res announcement. But other players got in first, so I figured I'd let things slide. Let me know if I should pull together a character sheet.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Rebooted

If somebody wants to go in front of me, that is okay. I don't want to take away anyone's enjoyment.

Here's some tentative background of my character 5MRA, a LN modron Dustman cleric, in its own words.

“And so it began. In the end, everything will die, even order itself. There once was a plane of pure enlightenment, Nirvana. Since many eons ago the order became impure, transforming into dogmatic law, inflexible and obsessive. The roots of doctrine have taken over, and only the form of what was once here remains. Yet Truth may be restored, but only through Paradox.

The Core was once another creature living in the Plane of Suffering. A would-be paragon, sacrificing everything for fellow beings. At the twilight of its life, the flock cried in mourning. But the Core would become an Immortal Saint by being entombed alive. But regret took its hold as the Core lay there in its last moments. It did not find its ascendancy.

Synchronously, the Shell was forged by a Rebel who thought to overthrow the Hierarchy. To do this it sought by tapping into the Divine and the Sacred, forging a new type of vessel to hold such power. But, twisted by obsession, the Rebel became careless and failed. His vessel became tainted.

So the Core and the Shell became One. Now there is no Separation, one Entity, one Soul. Everything that lives, dies, dies, is reborn. Everything connects, life and death, positive and negative. We are all Living Dead.”

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Rebooted

This is really sweet, Surreal. Do you have a clear idea of what it means? I think I know what the Shell and Core are supposed to be, but it's all a little vague... in a modron Dustie sort of way, though! So, I think once Fidrikon and Surreal finish up their characters we're ready to roll? I'm anxious to be in a PbP that actually works out. :gear_wink:

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

It all began when the Blood War spilled over into the outlands, near the Gate town of Automata. In order to secure the safety of the Gatetown, a Modron army was dispatched to secure, and defend, the surrounding area. By the time the modron army arrived, the Tan’ari had already won the battle, and attacked the modron forces. The tactics of the Hexton general worked perfectly, up until… something. The next thing the Hexton general could remember, he was in Quadrone form, wandering the battlefield. After hours of self examination, the Modron concluded that the gap in his memory was due to the purging of severely corrupted memory, which had been preventing him from functioning. The former Hexton, still firmly believing itself to be a valid member of the Modron hierarchy, returned to Mechanus to received repairs and to petition to see why it had been demoted. The thought that something had turned him rouge never even crossed the modron’s mind. Why should it? He didn’t feel any different. It was only upon his return to Mechanus did his situation become clear, and only his knowledge of the planes defenses allowed him to escape.

It was during his escape that he first learned of his power. Cornered by a pentadrone, he sought any way to escape, desperate, and without thinking, he drew on his connection to the modron energy pool, and released it in the form of a yellow ray, which surprised the pentadrone more than damage it.

After his escape, the modron spent several days exploring the extent of his powers, and even how effectivly he could use them. As it is, he has determine that the most effect use of his ability is as an arcane ranged fighter. While similar in effect to the powers of a Warlock, rather than some obscure supernatural source, this modron learned how to draw from the modron energy poll itself to fuel its powers. Exactly how this anomoly occured is unkown.

However, in Eye’s new hierarchy, the former Hexton, now known as Hex, seeks to prove himself worthy of a position similar to his former Hexton status.

Items on my modron wish list:
Modron scope: lens of the horizon
Gloves of Dex +2
Total: 5000gp

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Rebooted

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Alright, so we have completed - Ki Kilojoule Artifice C'mon people! One or two more players!

Mmmph. Leveling - that thing that I so rarely do. Tell ya what - start me up a RP post and I'll getcha leveling going here asap. (Aka - need to print out sheet and write the little bugger up.)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Rebooted

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
We're going to have an "equipping" scene to begin this new campaign, so, in preperation, pick four items each for you modrons, the total cost of which cannot exceed 5k. These will be your gifts from the New Modron Collective before your departure into the Crawling City. You can have any item in any 3.5 book. Anything very special you want will have to be worked out on a case by case basis.

And for my items...

One (1) Hat.

You know the hat I mean. Eye-wink A snappy tophat from a tailor recommended by a slaad.

(Perhpas hat of disguise worth 2k, plus anything else as DM allows as both neat and be-fitting.)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Right... post...

I forgot about that part of this.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Rebooted

*chuckle* Cool

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

ALright, I'm going under the assumption that both SUrreal and Fidrikon are joining, but I have yet to see sheets. I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it!

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Rebooted

I did post my character, its right up this page, with a link to the sheet. I'll Pm it to you if you want, but its there.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted

Hehe, I notice dit after posting. SOrry.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Rebooted


Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Rebooted

Okay, here's a draft of my character.

“The wheels of samsara are turning,
I don’t know who I’ll be tomorrow.”

“And so it began. In the end, everything will die, even order itself. There once was a plane of pure enlightenment, Nirvana. Since many eons ago the order became impure, transforming into dogmatic law, inflexible and obsessive. The roots of doctrine have taken over, and only the form of what was once here remains. Yet Truth may be restored, but only through Paradox.

The Core was once another creature living in the Plane of Suffering. A would-be paragon, sacrificing everything for fellow beings. At the twilight of its life, the flock cried in mourning. But the Core would become an Immortal Saint by being entombed alive. But regret took its hold as the Core lay there in its last moments. It did not find its ascendancy.

Synchronously, the Shell was forged by a Rebel who thought to overthrow the Hierarchy. To do this it sought by tapping into the Divine and the Sacred, forging a new type of vessel to hold such power. But, twisted by obsession, the Rebel became careless and failed. His vessel became tainted.

So the Core and the Shell became One. Now there is no Separation, one Entity, one Soul. Everything that lives, dies, dies, is reborn. Everything connects, life and death, positive and negative. We are all Living Dead.”

5MRA, LN Dustman Clr2 (Paradox)
Medium Outsider (Lawful?)
Basic stats: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?a=show&id=190197

Modified stats: Str 12 (+1), Dex 10, Con 18 (+4), Int 16 (+3), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 12 (+2)
HP: 20
Initiative +0, Speed 30 ft
AC: 14 (+4 natural)
XP: 6000, Next: 10,000
BAB: +1 Base Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3
Modified saves: Fort +7, Ref +0, Will +5
Attk: Morningstar +2 melee 1d8+2/Crtx2/6 lbs/Bludgeoning and Piercing
Crossbow +1 ranged/Crit 19-20/Rng 80 ft/4 pounds/Piercing
Skills (25 cleric): Concentration +9 (5), Diplomacy +4 (3), Heal +5 (3), Knowledge (arcane) + (2), Planar Expertise (CC) +4 (2), Knowledge (religion) +6 (3), Sense Motive (CC) +4 (2); Spellcraft +4 (1)
Feats: Dead Truce (mindless undead ignore you)
Domains: Death, Healing
Spells Prepared For Today (4/3+1): 0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Resistance; 1: Cure Light Wounds*, Entropic Shield, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith
Class abilities: Death touch 1/day- melee touch attack, 2d6 damage, +1 caster lvl healing spells, spontaneously cast cure spells, turning 4/day (Turning Check +1, +3 turning damage)
Carrying Capacity: Light: 43- pounds, Medium: 44-86, Heavy: 87-130
Gear: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=190236- Starting gold- 100 gp worth
Morningstar, dagger, holy symbol (wooden), healer’s kit, light crossbow, 10 bolts, specially fitted dark robes (monk’s outfit), pouch, 1 gp, total weight: 22 lbs.
Languages: Planar Trade, Modron, Formian, Common, Githzerai, Celestial Draconic
Wishlist: Normal journal/book for travels and philosophy, ink and pen, +1 modron armor (from PSCS chap. 6), wand of cure light wounds, belt/modron, hat of disguise

Racial Traits
• Medium-sized outsider.
• Modron outcast base speed is 30 feet.
• Darkvision up to 120 feet.
• Modron Outcast Traits (Ex): Due to their devotion to order, modron outcasts are immune to mind-influencing effects, and their odd body composition makes them immune to subdual damage or critical hits. Unlike other modrons, they are susceptible to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain. It is believed this is because they are cut off from the central energy pool, but none other than Primus himself knows the reason.
• Acid, cold, and fire resistance 10.
• Metal Frame: Modron outcasts receive a +4 natural armor bonus to their Armor Class due to their partially metallic nature.
Edit: Added languages

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