I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

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Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

"Dead? Dead?!"

A'Kin, the Friendly Fiend, was dead. Slain in the prime of life... er, well, the middle of some sort of horrifying unlife, but either way.... Without him, the Cage would be at a loss at where to find half-priced magical knick knacks and full-priced semi-arcane toffees - what's more, Eye would have to go to Plan B.

The modrons who had traveled to Sigil were broken up. Now only Ki, Kilojoule, and SIDREM remained, their associates having been moved to other places for whatever nebulous reasons. A trio of new modrons had been brought in, bringing the squadron back up to six individuals.

They were:

Sidrem - Spiked modron of stealth and deception.

Ki - Skilled hand-to-hand combat unit.

Kilojoule - Cuboidal arcanist with his gear spirit companion.

5MRA - Lord of dust and gloominess.

Hex - Ex-Hexton energy portal.


Artifice - Spell-sucking thaumo-junky.

And so this team of new characters was given a new mission by their monocular lord. Without A'kin's assistance, the device which they had managed to retrieve was quite without use. Yet Eye knew of a place where the proper materials to calibrate it existed.

"The Crawling City of Gehenna," the monodrone said with what appeared to be a critical lack of concern. "There is a Sage known as Bart'Lus, he should have what we need."

And what was it they needed? For once, Eye explained exactly what their goal was.

"In an age past, He worked on the creation of a secondary Orrery, though for what purpose is unclear. A great battle stirred up between We and they, and He was destroyed in the shuffle. Time passed, He returned, but this great experiment was forgotten and allowed to float away into the ethers."

"It is referred to as the "Observatorium" in some worlds. In its most basic sense, it is a free-roaming demiplane that darts around, never staying in one place longer than a few hours. It contains an Orrery quite similar to that in the Great Temple. It will be an integral piece in the creation of a home realm for our new collective."

"This Bart'Lus has records and information that date back to the original construction of the device. Hopefully, he can utilize his knowledge to calibrate the detection device and allow us to pinpoint its location."

And so they had their background and their mission. Eye related to them a portal in the Lady's Ward that would bring them directly inside the Crawling City. In addition, he gave each of them magical gift to assist them in their travels.

To Hex he gave a Modron Scope: Lens of the Horizon and a pair of Mystical Gloves (Dex +2). To artifice a Rope of Climbing. Sidrem received a magical Cap of Disguise and Kilojoule received a mystical Pearl (Pearl of Power, 1st-level) in addition tot he Device of Planar Detection. Ki was given a Backpack with far more room within than without and an Amulet that increased his protections (Amulet of Natural Armor +1). To Artifice he gave a magic cloak (of RESISTANCE +1) and to 5MRA he gave a Robe of Bones.

And then they wer eon their way. Back in Sigil, they stood on the verge of an archway in the Clerks Ward. The portal key was a scream, and beyond, laid the Crawling City of Gehenna. ONWARDS TO ADVENTURE!

((Yea, yea, the equipment is exactly even or any of that. Bah. BAH I SAY!))

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

(ooc: "The Crawling City of Gehenna," the monodrone said with what appeared to be a critical lack of concern. "There is a Sage known as Bart'Lus, he should have what we need."

We're going What. Where!? *stares at GM* So dead. Eye-wink)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

(I forget who I'm dealing with. I'm sure I'm nowhere near as scary as Shems, Clue. Don't worry! I'm sure it'll all turn out fine!)


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Hex shuffled in place nervously. Personally, he would have felt more comfortable in entering the Crawling City with an entire modron army. Stealth would have to suffice.
"Is more preperation required, or are we ready to depart?" Hex asked.

(OOC: great to see this game on its feet. [happy]Yay modrons! [/happy])

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07

Artifice doesn't like the sound of this Crawling City. He has never heard of the place before but he's learned to distrust most things coming from Gehenna. He is about to voice his concern when Eye continues. "An Orrery?" he whispers in an awed tone. A device like that was sure to contain powerful magic. The rogue's eyes glaze slightly and he would start to salivate... were he to have saliva. If the mention of an Orrery had so strong an effect, the presentation of magical items nearly leads to Artifice passing out on the floor.

OOC EDIT: Should I assume that the cloak of resistance is sized for a modron or is it just for Artifice to pet lovingly? I'm cool with either one =).

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Modron size!

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Winds blow. The one known as FMRA stood still. "Everything dies eventually, even death itself. Yet those who cling to this "life" may end up being denied the closure of death... What must be done must be done. The fleeting world must not be clinged to. If it leads to the Truth and therefore the Reckoning, so be it..."

OOC: The character and wish list in the other thread. A robe of bones is a good alternative. Can a normal book, ink and pen, modron belt, and some armor be gotten? Sorry for being late.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

*Ki nods(it should be noted that a Modron nodding is a very odd sight indeed that looks more like a movement of the entire body due to their cubical shape)* "Very well, I am prepared to leave whenever everyone is ready."

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

To the new units, Kilojoule extends an awkward greeting and extends his arm outward, palm forward and hand rotating slighly. A wave, perhaps?

"Affirmative. With-working of designation: 'Bart'Lus' is our objective. Safe-making of unit: 'Device of Planar Detection' is our equal objective."

"Ready to go?"
"Affirmative. Unit Kilojoule has sufficiently analyzed the properties of the newly acquired spherical item."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Artifice smiles stiffly and awkwardly swings its cloak around itself. "Unit ready for leaf-making," it says confusingly, "Where a portal to the City of Crawls?" While he speaks, the modron steps sideways and holds its hands out to the sorcerer box Kilojoule. Artifice sticks them out palm-first and then rubs them as if Kilojoule were a fireplace. Between this odd behavior and the spellthief's distracting speech, it's easy to tell the modron is a little more rogue than others in Eye's hierarchy.

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

The dull grey box garbed in black robes seems to lie in a state of suspended animation for a moment. Then the sounds of some ritualistic chanting (seemingly unlike a modron’s sounds) utters forth from the cube. The chants (prayers?) seem even to have a touch of sadness to them. Then as the chanting stops, the shutters formerly covering the eyes open up. It bows and resumes its former monotone voice, "Greetings to Those Searching for Ultimate Reconfiguration. To continue requires an inquiry, please enlighten. Events in this temporal illusion called "reality" occurred how? Please explain timeline of events. What has gone on before?"

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Okay, I think we've got the awkward modron socialization now, so anyone want to belt out a scream? Do we even know how?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

OOC: Dont look at me. Ive been willing to go for a while now. The only reason I didnt answer 5MRA's question is because (assuming he means the events of the original I, modron) Hex wasn't here for that.

And Im sure that a modron scream would either be a pitiful, not very high pitched 'aaaa' noise, or something similar to the sound you get when the tea is done.

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Cough. Sorry kids. Finals caught up with me...

- - - - - -

Kilojoule screamed a strange modron scream and the doorway leapt to life. It was a swirling cloud of energy and its exit point could not be seen through the whirling vortex of flame and smoke.

Onwards said the voice of fate, kicking all of the modrons through the doorway with Bigby's Plot Kicking Boot.

There was a horrifying, sickening sense of gravity and suddenly the modrons were like a handful of dice rolling down an impossibly steep cliff of stone. They rolled uncontrollably for a few moments before coming to rest on a rocky outcropping some 30 by 30 ft. Ki was the closest to the edge of the platform and, when he looked down, he could see a veritable ocean of molten rock that hissed and steamed. They were lucky to have landed on the outcropping. One drop into that would have been the end of their grand little experiment (or, at least, their segment of it).

But there was one thing to be said - this was not the Crawling City.

It was only slowly that they came to realize that they were not alone on this outcropping, as completely unbelievable as that may have seemed. A figure sat there, its legs dangling over the edge, hanging over the lava lake below. The figure (its skin, its hair, its clothes, all of it) was white, the color of burnt ashes, and its head was turned away keeping the modrons from being able to discern anything about it.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Hex gets to his feet, and enters what might be considered a defensive stance.
"Attention! Unfamiliar enviornment detected. Immediate objective:
Discern Party status. Have current allies suffered damage?
Immediate objective: identify unknown humaniod." Hex says out loud to no one in particular.
The next few words out of Hex's mouth are horrible garbled. Anyone who cares to litsen can cath parts of speeh that seem to imply that he actually tried to ask if the party was unharmed, and interrogate the person on the outcropping, at the same time. As suddenly as it started, Hex stops, waiting for a reply.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Kilojoule takes a step forward and delivers a mechanical greeting to the creature. "Single humanoid. Identity is unknown to this sub-heirarchy. State identification and purpose."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Artifice clanks to his feet and checked to make sure that his new cloak was unharmed. As Hex and Kilojoule begin to question the figure, the spellthief whirs forward on spindly legs, trailing a whispered litany behind him of metallic excitement: "Present location seems unfit for beasts and men. Logical conclusion: new entity meets neither designation. Possible origins: City of Crawlings, lava pit, far side of portal, Hive Ward of Sigil, City of Glass (eyes), far side of outcrop, corner of Main and - [clatterrrrr]" With the racheting sound of gears slipping, Artifice pulls up short and his eyes flutter spasmadically. When the fit ends, the spellthief blinks and then begins examining Kilojoule for magical oddities.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

ooc: Sorry for the long delay there - life tried to eat me.

Sidrem had been busily playing with his new hat shifting from form to form to form - most all of them looking far too mechanical to be belivable as a 'human-varient modron', 'tiefling-varient modron', or 'slaad-varient modron' - especially as each of them had on the same oddly tilted to one side top hat. But something abruptly brought him back to his normal form:

"The Crawling City of Gehenna," the monodrone said with what appeared to be a critical lack of concern. "There is a Sage known as Bart'Lus, he should have what we need."
There was a loud click from the back of Sidrem's left. "...Crawling city of Gehenna. Unknown location of the General of Gehenna, leader of the race designated yugoloth." Sidrem blinked again. "Survival rate for this mission qualifies mission as 'extremely dangerous'.... Rogue Subroutine #1 engaged. Are we getting combat pay?"

But there was one thing to be said - this was not the Crawling City. It was only slowly that they came to realize that they were not alone on this outcropping, as completely unbelievable as that may have seemed. A figure sat there, its legs dangling over the edge, hanging over the lava lake below. The figure (its skin, its hair, its clothes, all of it) was white, the color of burnt ashes, and its head was turned away keeping the modrons from being able to discern anything about it.

Sidrem stepped back from the outcropping, carefully pulling any of the other modron who had found themselves too near the edge as well with him as the others noticed and attempted to engage the humanoid in conversation. He glanced that way, evaluating the potential opponent on a closer look as his companions spoke.

OOC: Taking a moment to Spot check him for wierdness - heh. Used the dice roller - that looks like a nat 20 there. Eye-wink

4 Bonus for skill (Spot) to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 24.
Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

5MRA picks itself up and tries to attune itself to the new environment, "Signs indicate that there has been a detour on the path of judgement. So be it..."

Looking towards the stranger and joining the other modrons with the questions, "Which death designation has this one died?"

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

The seated figure turned slowly as the modrons attempted to address it, its ash-white face contorted into a scowl. "What do you have for me?" it hissed, "Give it and go! Begone! This place is mine! Give it and go! Give it and go!"

The creature's anger is almost palpable (or perhaps that's the lava pit). As it stands and turns, its jet-black eyes sticking out so much against that ash white skin, Sidrem (and only Sidrem) sees a flash of light as one of its arms is hidden behind its back. The man-thing is holding something sharp, is trying to hide it from the party.

"Give! Give! Give! Give!"

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

The gray, robed cube stepped back, shaken by the creature's strong, obsessive Desire. 5MRA attempted to look into the creature's state of mind and desire (OOC: tries to attempt a sense motive at what the creature wants, I got a 23 on Invisible Castle if you wanted me to roll it)

The living dead modron clicked, whirred, and uttered a strange chant as it deliberated what to say. Its oculars spun inside and out and then asked, "Submit query: What object equals thy craving? To crave equals living in a status of Living Death. Submit request: please state thy death designation..."

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

OOC: oops, looks like the story jerked ahead a bit while I wasn't looking, my fault for not checking more often. I've also decided Ki sounds nowhere near as funny as the other modrons without the modron-speak and so I shall make efforts to use that.

Ki moves over to a good position to attack the strange creature if necessary and say "Warning:Unknown entity does not appear to be mentally stable. Assuming strategically viable defensive position and awaiting further developments."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

"GIVE!" the creature screamed, throwing itself at 5MRA, its long fingers grasping at the modron's facets and edges madly. It let out a horrid burble as it wrapped its limbs about the modron, trying to drag it to the ground, a glimmering knife of obscenely sharp obsidian glinting brightly as the creature raised it in preperation for a killing stroke on the modron!

Surreal Personae - its trying to grapple you. You get an attack of opportunity and you also need to make a grapple check or an escape artist check, but he olled only a 5 so you'll probably pass.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Sidrem twitched into action, unsurprised by the sudden attack as he stepped forward, snagging the crossbows at his side. He stepped around the comabt, flanking the other.... "Sure. This unit will 'give'..." As he took a solid shot into the attacker's back.

(Flanking, sneak attack, and do you need init and knowing about the knife negates surprise round maybe?)

5 Bonus for ranged attack to do
I rolled 1d20+5, the result is 19.
Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Hex hops in surprise, and raises his arm. "Danger! Offensive action provoked!"
A thin, yellow ray leaps from Hex's finger, aimed at the creatures arm that is holding the knife.

OOC: attack roll: 13+ 5 (+6 if he over 10 feet away, but less than 30)= 18 (or 19) Keep in mind, this is against his touch AC.
Damage roll: 1d6+1= 4

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Suddenly a morningstar, one half black and the other white, flew forward to attack the oncoming invader as the grey cube attempted to subdue the attacker.

After the fiend got ahold of the robed cube, it tried using its inner reservoirs to find the might to shake off the creature.

(OOC: hitting to subdue, natural 20 (modified 18), damage 5 (1d8+2), 6 to confirm crit, probably didn't make it, grapple check 13)

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

The creature took the blow to its temple, the fury in its wide eyes wavering for a moment even as 5MRA slipped away from its grasping fingernails. The creature let out a horrid scream and then SIDREM's arrow pierced its back. The creature lay still, the blast from the Hex being superfluous, the thing;s body having already gone translucent leaving behind only the sharp piece of obsidian.

"Give and go. Give and go." The modrons spun, quite surprised to see the white creature once more seated at the edge of the precipice, the mad glint still glowing in its pitch black eyes. This time, however, a sullen and somewhat nervous look crossed its features and its chant was more of a plaintive whine. "Give and go. Give and go."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

A need to step back and examine the situation made itself apparent. The gray cube stepped back and utterred a chant to forsee the invisible, eldritch energy pervading the area.

(5MRA steps back a few feet and casts Detect Magic, concentrating on the knife and then the creature in white to see if there is any auras, 22 and 16 on Spellcraft for any school auras

By the way, did the Sense Motive roll reveal anything? Does the creaure want flesh and blood?)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
"Give and go. Give and go." The modrons spun, quite surprised to see the white creature once more seated at the edge of the precipice, the mad glint still glowing in its pitch black eyes. This time, however, a sullen and somewhat nervous look crossed its features and its chant was more of a plaintive whine. "Give and go. Give and go."

Sidrem frowned, the spikes twitching for a moment before he leaned down and picked up the obsidian. "Analytical processes indicate gemstone known as obsidian is valuable - and sharp - with an estimated value of 2 gold pieces standard..." He eyed the white creature.

He held the shard up before him aimed at the creature. "This unit requires you to give current location of this collective, in exchange for giving of gem and this collective's progression."

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Artifice watches the whole exchange with an expression of wonderment. His eyes light up even more when the figure reappears. "Subject appears to be outside of his mind," he mumbles to no one in particular, "Possibly wants another one to occupy? This unit has a sound mind, but requires it to attain more magicks." He shuffles over to the dagger, examining it tentatively as if it were a dead rat. "If this is given to you, we will be allowed to go? Units are without a comprehensive map to Elsewhere or Not-Here. Either location will suffice."

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Your Sense Motive didn't reveal anything beyond a lust for anything and everything.

Except for the magical posessions of the modrons there is nothing intrinsically magical on the plateau at all.

The creature let out a horrid whimper as SIDREM lifted the obsidian blade, its wide black eyes becoming dark saucers of pitiful want. "Mine... it is mine...," the creature, frantically looking from Artifice to Sidrem and back began clucking its tongue. "I tell you what you want and you give it!? And you go? " it's voice was pleading, frantic now.

"What do you want? You want go? Go that way...," it pointed up the sharp mountain of infinitely horrid rock that seemed to stretch out forever above them.... "Or that way," this time it pointed at the lava pit through which going would be quite impossible.

"Give and go. Give and go. Give and go."

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

5MRA's eyes spun about and then it says in a low whisper, "This one has nothing... because there is nothing... All is One and One is All... and All are Dead." The berobed cube pauses for a moment and then lets out a puff of air, continuing, "Submit proposal: There is no Mine... There is no Yours... For your mind, a sign that the Self is but a sliver of Other". With that it cut a sliver of its metallic hide off and left it for the creature in white. It then turned towardsd the mountain and prepared to set off.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Your Sense Motive didn't reveal anything beyond a lust for anything and everything. Except for the magical posessions of the modrons there is nothing intrinsically magical on the plateau at all.

The creature let out a horrid whimper as SIDREM lifted the obsidian blade, its wide black eyes becoming dark saucers of pitiful want. "Mine... it is mine...," the creature, frantically looking from Artifice to Sidrem and back began clucking its tongue. "I tell you what you want and you give it!? And you go? " it's voice was pleading, frantic now.

"Affirmative. Provide current location of ourselves, by plane, layer, and site identities." Sidrem answered even as his compatriots provided their own contributions to the 'crazy'. And while we're at is - just to check - there aren't any obvious ways off this outcropping are there actually?

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Artifice looks at the slope as if he's not quite sure what to make of the thing. "Proposed route appears steep. Appears also steeped in rocks. Assessment: Non-optimum path, however highest-ranking option available." He pauses for a moment, thinking hard then shrugs. "Basis for scale of ranking unclear. Further consideration requested." With that, the rambling cube marches stoically toward the slope with the determined lockstep of the Modron March.

OOC: Artifice is just trying it on for size, so to speak. If the slope isn't climable, he'll give up and find something shiny to study.

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

"The unknown entity is giving unhelpful information, nonetheless I will test the slope for climbability."

OOC:rolled climbing

2 Bonus for to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 22.
Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Clueless' wrote:
Sidrem answered even as his compatriots provided their own contributions to the 'crazy'.

Bwahaha. No, there were no particularly notable ways off of the plateau except for the one.

"You are on the Mount... on the Mountain of Suffering... on MY mountain! It is mine and you must give me back what is mine... my rock and my land. Go! The Mountain of Suffering and I am its master, yesss, its master." The creatures lie seemed to glimmer in the air even as it took a step forwards towards Sidrem... a slow experimental step, expecting another arrow or mace blow.

Meanwhile, Artifice and Ki began to try to climb the infernal Mountain of Suffering. As Artifice tested the grips gingerly, Ki blew passe dhim, his monkly reflexes moving him handhold ot handhold easily, the stones beneath his fingers uncomfortably hot, but not so hot as to cause the modron damage.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Hex looks up at the Mountain of Suffering. "Steep inclines=high ground. High ground= tactical advantage. Self will now attempt to gain a tactical advantage."

OOC: climb check- roll: 8+1= 9

Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
"You are on the Mount... on the Mountain of Suffering... on MY mountain! It is mine and you must give me back what is mine... my rock and my land. Go! The Mountain of Suffering and I am its master, yesss, its master."

5MRA turned around clockwise, and for the moment humored the creature with its claim, "An issue occurs here. IF mountain is owned by this one, THEN the Suffering must also be this one's. Question, if there is such great suffering, why cling to it so?"

The gray modron turned back to the mountain and asked his fellow seekers of Truth, "Request submitted: IF one unit reaches the top of this mountain, THEN would that one throw a rope to climb?"

Username's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

"I did not think to buy supplys before going on this trip. Observation:this was quite foolish and I should go obtain supplys at the soonest opportunity. I will attempt to throw down a rope if anyone has any rope which they could give me to throw down." Ki says while slowing his climbing slightly in order to catch a rope if one is thrown to him.

As Ki climbs he thinks a bit to himself about what the unknown entity said and then says "Theory:If the creature wants us to give what is his and the mountain is his, perhaps then we should give him a piece of the mountain? A rock perhaps?"

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Kilojoule thinks. Current heirarchy objectives require travel to location: 'Crawling City.' Probability of completing said objective at current location is null. Therefore, probability of completing said objective at any other given location is no less probable, and may be more probable.

"Unidentified non-heirarchy unit has established noncompliance. Further compliance is unnecessary. Optimal alternative: ascend structure: 'Mount... on the Mountain of Suffering' in order to resume objectives."

"This unit lacks Rope..."Kiljoule examines its few possessions individually, settling on its wand, and studies it for a few seconds from different angles before apparently deciding against whatever it was considering. "...or suitable substitute device."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
Bwahaha. No, there were no particularly notable ways off of the plateau except for the one.

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
"You are on the Mount... on the Mountain of Suffering... on MY mountain! It is mine and you must give me back what is mine... my rock and my land. Go! The Mountain of Suffering and I am its master, yesss, its master." The creatures lie seemed to glimmer in the air even as it took a step forwards towards Sidrem... a slow experimental step, expecting another arrow or mace blow.
Sidrem twitched the dagger warningly. "Unacceptable answer. Please rephrase in terms of Plane. Layer. And Location."

(Unless a Knowledge Planes roll is needed here to figure out what he's referencing?)

Mephit James's picture
Joined: 2004-07-07
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Artifice looks over the slope critically. "Holds of hands unexceptable. This unit will contact engineers in future to improve handiwork." He rummages through his pack, pausing only momentarily to give his cloak a fond stroke. Finally he pulls out a coil of rope and aims it like a crossbow up the slope. "Extend!" he says with relish and then shivers as the rope flies up the slope and attaches itself to the rockface 100 feet up.

OOC: This should reduce the DC of the climb to 5 (A rope with a wall to brace against) or else Artifice can make the rope knotted which reduces the wall's DC by 10. I'm not sure about this since, unknotted, a rope with a wall is DC 5, so why would it be higher knotted? Your call Primus... As always His Lawfulness...

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Primus, the One and Prime' wrote:
"You are on the Mount... on the Mountain of Suffering... on MY mountain! It is mine and you must give me back what is mine... my rock and my land. Go! The Mountain of Suffering and I am its master, yesss, its master." The creatures lie seemed to glimmer in the air even as it took a step forwards towards Sidrem... a slow experimental step, expecting another arrow or mace blow.
Sidrem twitched the dagger warningly. "Unacceptable answer. Please rephrase in terms of Plane. Layer. And Location."

(Unless a Knowledge Planes roll is needed here to figure out what he's referencing?)

(Ooc: *pokes* Eye-wink Roll included for GM bennies )

4 Bonus for Int to do
I rolled 1d20+4, the result is 14.
7 Bonus for BAB to do
I rolled 1d20+7, the result is 11.
Surreal Personae's picture
Joined: 2005-07-08
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

If the DC for climbing the mountain with the rope is 5, then 5MRA willk just take 10. If not, it'll do a climb check.)

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

Sorry, I was gone for a while there. But I'm back now.

Kilojoule will also climb up. If the DC is easy enough, it'll just Take 10. Untrained, with a +1 Strength bonus.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

bump. Primus? Are you there?

Primus, the One and Prime's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

The creature descended into furious whimpering as the rogue box continued to threaten it. It was clear that no further information would be gleaned from it while it was in this state.

The modrons who were making Sisyphysian progress up the mountain could hear a loud sound as of racing hooves. Soon the very stones under their hands began to shake witht he sound and even Sidrem could hear the roaring which seemed to be coming from within the mount. As the box turned its head, just for a moment, the horrid pale creature let out a scream and lunged at the horrid box, its black eyes gleaming with the same intensity as the pool of molten rock below.

As the creature's claws bit into the modron's armored carapace, draining warmth and life hungrily, the mountain side seemed to explode outwards, sending the entire climbign contingent tumbling like limbed dice to the outcropping below. A pair of mounted riders rode forth from the damaged mountainside, wheeled and halted their progress. The riders, armored humanoids of roughly human build, exchanged looks and then gazed down at the modrons. Their mounts forgot to obey gravity and stood with glowing hooves in midair.

"Who goes there?" one of the voices boomed, the snicker snack of swords being drawn easily audible even in the rumbling volcanic air.

Sorry, Clue, Sidrem takes 4 damage and 1 Con damage.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

As the cube yelped in pain he fell backwards, and stabbed at the creature assaulting him with the knife. "Error - incorrect negotiation technique! Get off me you little freak!!"

There was a pause "Unit requests assistance from others in party heirarchy. Hello? Someone stab this guy please!?"

2 Bonus for melee to do
I rolled 1d20+2, the result is 21.
Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

"I am unable to comply with said assistance, due to lack of stabbing implement. May I use alternate means to engage your assailant?"

Kilojoule suddenly turns, attention thrown, to the riders who explode out of the mountain side. Once it climbs out of the pile of modron talus at the bottom of the slope, it responds to the rider's question.

"My designation is Unit 403-281, but my identity is 'Kilojoule', arcane channeler. Who goes there?"

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I, Modron: Into the mouth of Doom...

'Rhys' wrote:
"I am unable to comply with said assistance, due to lack of stabbing implement. May I use alternate means to engage your assailant?"

A very loud click can be clearly heard from the back of Sidrem's box as a few of the spikes get snapped off in the struggle. "Affirmative!!"

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