I miss the old one

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ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15
I miss the old one

I miss the old creative contributions, so feel free to talk about anything here

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

Oh look at me im a posting master! Ok Featherbottum there sent me a list of a few Prime material inhabitants that i might know of but i wonder if there are anyothers seeings how he only sent three. is this not creative enough? Well excuse my incompitence but would someone enlighten me on why if a Deva (wonderful creature think I from what little i know) has such spectacular gold feathers, hair and even blood why not sell a few drops, strands, or feathers and ascend to a meager prime material plane, show up and demand some ignorant peasants build him a castle or something way better that i cant find a word for, and commence to rule them claiming Deitie status. or are Devas too engrossed in non worldly things, studies, them selves or their heavens to ever care to do anything of the sort. idk just had the thought pop in my head. Sad

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
I miss the old one

well, Deva's are far too goody-goody to do that.(although, a fallen Deva would see no problem in it) No, a deva might sell some feathers to buy a poor man some food, but never for its own personal gain.

I thinks.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
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What if the Deva was convincing the peasants to do something for the greater good. For example getting them to build him a fortress or castle to help them fight against a soon (or believed to be soon at least) Tanari invasion force? Which of course is led by the most capable leader the Deva itself?

I love to push the boundes of logic on things like this with "uptight" types either good or evil. You can make things seem out of the ordinary while actually still following a semi convaluted logic skeme that actually keeps them "acting like the boosk say".

For example I once had a Paladin as the enemy of a good aligned party. I did this by having on overzealous wide waundering Paladin that led an attack against a mostly peaceful goblin village. The local human village actually traded with the goblins and interestly enough the way it worked out was a short non decesive battle between the human village supporting the goblins and the Paladins basically mericenary army. They mostly believed in what the Paladin was preaching but the money was good as well.

So there you have it using unexpected opponents is a great way to encourage roleplaying and get the party thinking outside of the box. But you do have to be careful not to do it too much otherwise the players start to assume nothing is ever "normal" which has its own problems.

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

yeah i love the idea of a character totally out of the norm. that makes the story all the more interesting. like featherbottum's character in dnd. lalala i need an idea to draw something oh so friggin awesome any ideas? anyone? no fonikin not your friggin halfling. Laughing out loud

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I miss the old one

Actually I just had the idea- well I should explain first... Fidrikon helped me with this to mainly explain why she acts the way she does- imagine an Erinyes, that managed to somehow ascend again and survive, and serves now as a tout and fighter for Sigils citizens- she has a distaste for most of her kind (doesn't seem to mind Tieflings though) and is generally caring and protective, how bout that idea eh? well gatta go to my next class!

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I miss the old one

The Deva idea sounds like a great fallen celestial, but they're usually way too noble to dominate mortals like that. But devas, perhaps even more celestials, have to be wary of the dangers of pride. Their purview is the eradication of evil across the planes, and they can easily go too far in this respect. It's been said before: pride is the most dangerous transgression. It is the first step toward darkness.

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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I personaly love using the uber goody toe shoes as enemies such as a church hell bent on eradicating fiendish interactions to the point of hunting down a good aligned tiefling and her party because of her fiendish heritage

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

oh of course tenshi goes with the tieflings... hes obsessed. those make the best stories. flawed heros and enemies you can symathize with. or never expected heros that go completely out of their norm and enemies everyone tends to view as beyond good beings. not that valient hero and damsil crap. psssh.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I miss the old one

Heh I completely agree- most stories or quests, either or, can be the most interesting, even without battles (barmy kick-in-the-door DnD players), as long as it has some sort of unusual conflict or NPCs that you can relate with...

Of course I'd go for the Tieflings- yes I am obsessed lol! but come on you can't say that you don't have a soft spot in yer heart for 'em too Laughing out loud

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
I miss the old one

true so true I to love the tieflings but that the raeson that i got into eborron for the strangeness

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

ok maybe im mistaken cause fonikin and i were discussing the obsession of tieflings (not to mention his newest character... nerd!) and haveing a spot in the heart for them, but i was kinda reluctant to have to much sympathy for them cause i coulda sworn i read somthing saying they exiled and hated themselves for being different even before those around them did. am i insane or did i make it up?

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

wow maybe i post too much but i had a question about the giths. if ya got a half githzerai, 1/4 elf, 1/4 human... what would be the most prodominate racial features. cause someone (forgot who) asked me to draw a character named nalla but i wasnt sure how to go about it the right way.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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It would be a slightly less yelleowed gith, with watered down featers. It would look like a holf gith, because if I remember, gith already have somewhat pointy ears

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I miss the old one

ok maybe im mistaken cause fonikin and i were discussing the obsession of tieflings (not to mention his newest character... nerd!) and haveing a spot in the heart for them, but i was kinda reluctant to have to much sympathy for them cause i coulda sworn i read somthing saying they exiled and hated themselves for being different even before those around them did. am i insane or did i make it up?

Hey now, just becuase I know how to create Tieflings awsomely doesn't make me a nerd-... but thats becuase I already was one lol- they were always unliked- thats why they get a -2 to charisma, becuase they have fiend blood, and noone likes fiends... think of half-fiends as tieflings too (becuase they are, just 1st generation)... well if you played Torment maybe you'd like em as much as I do lol

wow maybe i post too much but i had a question about the giths. if ya got a half githzerai, 1/4 elf, 1/4 human... what would be the most prodominate racial features. cause someone (forgot who) asked me to draw a character named nalla but i wasnt sure how to go about it the right way.

Yeah Fid is right, they would have dominant gith features- like the pointy ears *coughselvescough* they would definately stay- as for the skin color it would depend on the elvish blood, sure it'd have a yellowish tint becuase of the gith blood, but if they're wood elf then add a little copperish tint to it, if drow, a greyish tint, if aquatic, then a blueish tint, if grey elf (bastards) then a slighly less lighter grey than the drowish tint- if a regular elf then just do as fid said lol... but yeah they would also have slightly slanted eyes due to the elven blood in em... well there ya go

ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15
I miss the old one

i know we dont need an education

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

i know we dont need an education.

did i miss something?

ven's picture
Joined: 2004-12-15
I miss the old one

yes you missed something silly

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I miss the old one

Whats wrong with the new one? I quiet like it!

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

Actually if you think about it this is quiet the oxymoron forum. I miss the old ones so ill make a knew one? now how does that make sense i ask you? how indeed?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I miss the old one

lol, what he means is, the Planewalker Forums layout used to be different, you know how there's RPG discussion, and Hall of Records? those never used to be like that. They changed they layout way before you joined, so yer lucky lol, Hall of Records actually used to be called Creative Contributions ^^

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
I miss the old one

hehe oops. sigh i hate being inept. oh well!

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