I have been thinking...

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

Hey guys, i've been thinking that maybe wizards is going to bring Plane scape into third edition, and just hasn't yet, I meen.... it took them like 2 years to but FR into third edition, and then 3 for Eeberron, maybe they will bring Plane walker back, hey you never know

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: I have been thinking...

4th edition, more likely. I think the Planar Handbook was as much direct Planescapeyness as 3.5 is as likely to see.

(And that was quite a lot, really, considering it had the factions in it)

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: I have been thinking...

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
4th edition, more likely. I think the Planar Handbook was as much direct Planescapeyness as 3.5 is as likely to see.

(And that was quite a lot, really, considering it had the factions in it)

Are they already planning 4th ed?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: I have been thinking...

"Gerzel" wrote:
Are they already planning 4th ed?

They released 3.5 three years after 3.0. I think the original plan was to do a new edition every five years, but I'd expect 4.0 in 2006 now. If they are going to release a 4e in 2006, we probably won't find out until Gen Con this year - 3e, you may remember, was officially announced at Gen Con 1999.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

They released 3.5 three years after 3.0. I think the original plan was to do a new edition every five years, but I'd expect 4.0 in 2006 now. If they are going to release a 4e in 2006, we probably won't find out until Gen Con this year - 3e, you may remember, was officially announced at Gen Con 1999.
acutally, when you think about it, ADnD was around for about 10-15 years before they released 3.0, and when you think about it, they released 3.5 about 2-3 years after 3, just because they felt 3 needed to be edited(severely). so hey, you never know, maybe they won't make a 4e until like 2015, that is, of course, unless the players dicide they need a change, thats how i think wizards works it.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
I have been thinking...

They always planned to release a 4th edition five years after 3rd edition whether it needed revision or not. It was part of their business plan. Sales were starting to slow down only two or three years after 3e came out, though, so they boosted them with the release of a version 3.5.

TSR went decades between revisions, but Wizards of the Coast isn't going to. There's too much money to be made from new editions. I say that not to be cynical or disparaging - that's just the way things are. Monte Cook said as much in his review of the new Player's Handbook.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

good point friend, i guess that is a good point, they do care mainly about the money.

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
I have been thinking...

I believe Monte said that they had planned on doing a revision (ie 3.5) five years after the release of 3rd, not a new edition. I still don't think we should expect a new edition until 2010, if then. 3.5 doesn't have nearly as many problems as 2nd ed.

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
I have been thinking...

"Narfi Ref" wrote:
3.5 doesn't have nearly as many problems as 2nd ed.

No, but it does introduce a bunch of new ones. And an extra dose of cheesyness.

Anyway, does anyone think that 4E would sell good as early as next year? I sure don't. And either eay I wouldn't expect Planescape to be rereleased, 4E or no 4E...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
I have been thinking...

Planescape is a little unfortunate in that it's a 'super-premium' kind of game. The target market for D&D is essentially the average roleplayer - the 'everygamer', if you will. The settings and the supplements come out targeted to this person, who likes their high fantasy style of game (or whatever else they happen to be playing).

Planescape sits in a different group, closer to Shadowrun, WoD or CoC. It's the kind of setting that would've made a perfect product line for a smaller company, but doesn't make much sense for a large company that's aiming to please a big slice of the market. These tend to feature systems highly customised to a given style of play, and get by on loyal customers who don't mind paying a little bit more for a game that suits their tastes. The upcoming Dresden Files RPG is another example of this (and it was something of a shock when Fred posted about how little RPGs actually make).

There's more realmsies than there are planewalkers, runners, vampires or investigators - and that's where the money lies for WotC. It'd be exceptionally hard to sell PS (or Ravenloft or Dragonlance or Dark Sun or Spelljammer) to the average WotC customer, so WotC decide to focus on doing what their market share wants.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
I have been thinking...

There's more realmsies than there are planewalkers, runners, vampires or investigators - and that's where the money lies for WotC. It'd be exceptionally hard to sell PS (or Ravenloft or Dragonlance or Dark Sun or Spelljammer) to the average WotC customer, so WotC decide to focus on doing what their market share wants.

Wich is unfortunate- I can't really stand what WOTC is doing with different settings now... they ruined GreyHawk, wich used to be amazing (atleast the 2.0 version that I grew up with) but now it's turned into a kick in the door piece of crap... anyway my point is that if they did re-release Planescape they'd probably just end up screwing it up like they've been doing with all of the other settings that have actually survived... Where did you go TSR?

So the question is would you really want WOTC to bring it back?

Narfi Ref wrote: 3.5 doesn't have nearly as many problems as 2nd ed.

No, but it does introduce a bunch of new ones. And an extra dose of cheesyness.

Anyway, does anyone think that 4E would sell good as early as next year? I sure don't. And either eay I wouldn't expect Planescape to be rereleased, 4E or no 4E...

I don't think it will at all- I personally won't buy the new material, basically becuase of the fact that there isn't that much to change, and I like it the way it was then now and I'd get tired of rule changes every some odd years, but thats just my opinion *shrugs*

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

Planescape will probably not be picked up again. I would be extremely (pleasantly) surprised if it ever were. Reviving old settings is just not what we've seen the company do. They continued Forgotten Realms, but just because it's been such a constant long-time setting. If they want to start over with the rest and start putting out new settings for a while, I can't fault them for that. It's a different company and they're allowed to do that.

I think we're all demonizing WotC a little bit too much. While it's easy to say, "TSR was all about making me happy and Wizards just wants my cash," they were both companies who wanted to make some money. TSR stopped producing material for plenty of settings while it controlled the franchise.

There is no need to produce a 4th Edition of the game, and it's not going to happen for years. 3rd Edition has a lot of life left in it. The d20 system has been ridiculously successful; there has never been so much DnD-compatible material, ever. 4th Edition wouldn't make them more money than 3rd Edition is making them right now. It would be a joke to completely overhaul the game system every 5-7 years, and they must know that. Game sales aren't slipping- Wizards puts out more DnD products each year than it did the year before.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

Yes, I know how damn capitalist wizards is, but they truly do support players, heck on that site they give away free crap in contests and stuff everyday, and when you play in the RPGA (which is free), you get a bunch of free crap just for playing. truly, and i do believe this, TSR did do rather good, and though they had many screw ups, i loved playing AD+D for the first time, but it was a complicated game, i think that was their main flaw. IF you look passed that, it was alot like it is know. Maybe they will run PS again, though i am starting to doubt it, considering the other 10 DnD books they release a month, it would take awhile. another thing about the new ones is, there are a butt load more books to cover the things that they used to cover in like one book, it really is about the money, but when you think about it, what isn't? Oh, and i agree with Tenshi, the new Grey hawk is really crappy.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

There's also the factor that RPG writers would rather write completely new material for settings like Eberron than rehash old material for Planescape, no matter how cool it was.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

Truly, but may be thinking on those lines they would rerelease it under a new name

Narfi Ref's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
I have been thinking...

People also seem to ignore that the due to the nature of the setting, and considering the changes WotC has made to its IP since 2000, the idea of republishing Planescape is infeaseable. First off, WotC has drastically altered the core cosmology by removing the Para- and Quasi- Elemental planes, and by changing the natures of the Ethereal and Astral planes. The only Prime World that is connected to the core cosmology is OErth.
These changes cause irreparable damage to Planescape continuity.

If a third party publisher were to pick it up, they likely wouldn't have access to a great deal of copyrighted/trademarked materials, causing the resulting product to be a mere shadow of the setting's former self. Planewalker's handling of the setting under the agreement with WotC is the only way that the setting has a chance of living.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
I have been thinking...

"Narfi Ref" wrote:
People also seem to ignore that the due to the nature of the setting, and considering the changes WotC has made to its IP since 2000, the idea of republishing Planescape is infeaseable. First off, WotC has drastically altered the core cosmology by removing the Para- and Quasi- Elemental planes, and by changing the natures of the Ethereal and Astral planes. The only Prime World that is connected to the core cosmology is OErth. These changes cause irreparable damage to Planescape continuity.

All of their campaign settings have different cosmologies. Even Zakhara and Kara-Tur have cosmologies different from Faerun, on the same planet!

If Planescape was released as its own setting, it would have its own cosmology. I don't see the problem.

Any differences the core cosmology might have had from the Planescape cosmos are far from irreparable, anyway. It's the easiest thing in the world to tack a few more inner planes, a Deep Ethereal, and a few more material planar worlds on even to the core cosmology, if someone thought it was desirable to do so.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

Part of the appeal of PS was the way it integrated and elevated all the different D&D worlds, their gods and their prime NPCs. Sometimes this was done sloppily and people may have quibbled over where to place Lolth, but it provided a feeling of a meta-world for D&D. If you were to place PS into its own cosmology in a new edition, it would seem more like an isolated campaign world on its own.

Planescape is supposed to be about planar adventuring once you "graduate" from the prime worlds of Dragonlance, Faerun, Oerth or wherever. As a separate campaign world it would be just another goofy world, and one that regular D&D players would see no reason to visit. So while the damage would not be irreparable, the tone of PS would change and its role as the place for planar adventuring would be in question.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

Who cares? Let's just make an excellent PS setting for 3rd edition on our own. We at Planescape are in the best position to write Planescape material of anyone (short of Wizards, of course), since we have official access to even the copyrighted IP. As the official "fan site," Planewalker is the only organization with exclusive permission to use Planescape material for official distribution. As long as the site makes no money, it can produce anything for Planescape, using anything from Planescape, whereas anybody else (and I mean anybody who isn't a private gamer working for his own private use) would be out of luck when it came to just about anything from the setting, from the names of planes to the factions to the word "tanar'ri". Planewalker is the only group that can legally use those terms in its game material.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
I have been thinking...

Not only that, but the branding and licensing people at Wizards aren't much interested in letting anyone else in on their IP. For the forseeable future, PW will stay the only source of new Planescape material.

I refuse to see this as a bad thing - we have a good community, people who almost know as much about Planescape as its original designers, and the people writing bits and pieces for the official setting or the fansite do so out of interest in and passion for the setting rather than for the balance sheet.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

"ripvanwormer" wrote:
Even Zakhara and Kara-Tur have cosmologies different from Faerun, on the same planet!

That makes me hurt, and I can accept that Sigil floats above the infinite Spire.


Pants of the North!

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

"Rhys" wrote:
We at Planescape are in the best position to write Planescape material of anyone
I agree, and that's what I was implying. We're in a better position than Wizards actually, because we don't have to abide by the corporate strategy that their businessmen have developed nor do we need to pander to particular styles of play (eg: miniatures).

The only problem is that we don't keep very good schedules and don't have the profit motive to keep us sharp and timely. Professional-grade artwork is also in short supply.

A WotC 3.5E relaunch of Planescape would, I suspect, be a vast disappointment to the majority of those who love the old Planescape. The D&D landscape has changed, artists like DiTerlizzi have moved on, and there are too many constraints on what could be done with an official revision. Planewalker keeping the fire stoked is probably the best solution.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

Truly, there isn't muchof a chance that planescape could be as good as it is, and that is that, but about the art work, that is something that is not needed, all you really need is a good amigination, a set of dice, the books, and a character sheet, thats all. We can all forget about miniatures and artwork, they're not to important.truly, i agree with krypter, i don't think it can be any better than it is here, and that is the truth.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
I have been thinking...

"Krypter" wrote:
Part of the appeal of PS was the way it integrated and elevated all the different D&D worlds, their gods and their prime NPCs.

Part of its appeal, and one of the reasons some people hated it - the idea that Planescape could step in and make declarations about their favored setting's cosmology. And some settings never acknowledged Planescape - Dark Sun, for example, had its own set of planes. Even though Planescape "explained" Krynn's cosmology (they're all clueless), Aebrynis' cosmology (the Shadow World is a variant Border Ethereal) and Athas' cosmology (the Gray is a variant Border Ethereal) the various settings themselves never acknowledged Planescape's contributions. Except the Forgotten Realms, ironically enough - the Realms happily incorporated all Planescape additions to itself, which is why the idea that it's its own private multiverse now seems so strange.

But all our theoretical Planescape book has to do is explain Planescape's cosmology and say "At the DM's option, all campaign settings exist in the Material Plane and can be accessed through all the transitive planes and portals just as any other Prime world." That's it. I don't see the difficulty. Not only is the damage not irreparable, but I don't see any damage.

Planescape is a campaign setting with its own cosmology. Part of that cosmology includes Toril, Athas, Aebrynis, and Krynn, even if the Forgotten Realms, Dark Sun, Birthright, and Dragonlance campaign settings don't include Planescape. Confusing? Only very slightly. A map and a disclaimer clears everything up.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

Truly, planescape is seemingly fun when its using the terms of other pirme worlds, and i have only seen planescape incorperated into FR, which surprises you people, but not I. TSR used planescape elements in there Baldur's gate II game for PC, and that was set in toril. Truly, i believe that the FR book is the only setting book that has a vast number of planes, and i think they speak of Sigil in complete divine. I think you could play PS easily right out of FR.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

If we want to see more planar material published, why does the Planescape community tend to react so antagonistically whenever Wizards produces something planar? When the Manual of the Planes came out, it was clearly not intended to be Planescape released as a hardcover book, but rather to outline the planes for Clueless and to define planar characteristics. And yet, it is decried all over the Planescape board at the Wizards forums. The release of another planar book, the Planar Handbook--which seemed like a source aimed clearly at Planescape-type campaigns--is probably more than could be expected after those who should have been most excited about a 3e Manual of the Planes, Planescapers, put up such a fuss over it.

It seems, not even in subtle terms, that Planescapers want Wizards to re-release the setting, but only so that we can subsequently denounce the company for "ruining the setting, just like they did with [X beloved D&D feature]". How about we just continue on with Planewalker.com, use whatever we want from planar products in the future without badmouthing them for falling short of sublime Planescape, and content ourselves with the situation we have? I mean, if Planescape ever were re-released with full corporate backing, it would be largely the end of Planewalker's exaulted status, since we would lose the exclusive rights as official fansite to basically do whatever with the setting.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

I didn't see any body badmouthing planar books or other resources for not being planscapey enough, were did that come from, and i think you are right it should work on this site with other books, but nobody has badmouthed the books, were is that in this whole thing?

Rathennan's picture
Joined: 2005-05-11
I have been thinking...

If I may be allowed to interject for the briefest of moments, it seems to me that the sheer simplicity of a re-released box set for the planes is something that will be a long way off, and this is no bad thing. I like the idea of not having to shell out pouches of jink for something that cann only be limited in content. The sheer limitlessness of webspace means that, though it may be a long and hard road to quasi-completion and by then the rules will probly have changed, it's all FREE! and subject to interpretation. Even the sundering of practically all the prime campaign settings from the much vaunted and ultimately obscure 'cosmology' can be overcome. (By the way, what about Ravenloft? Seems like a nice one i've heard nothing of since AD&D.) I'm luvvin' it all folks. Just a shame it takes so long for my slow-ass, box-of-phlegiston mac to navigate! :roll:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I have been thinking...

Ravenloft was re-released by White Wolf. Everything I've heard indicated they did a smashing job of it - after all, they have considerable experience with horror settings.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
I have been thinking...

"Rhys" wrote:
If we want to see more planar material published, why does the Planescape community tend to react so antagonistically whenever Wizards produces something planar?

Yeah, that had me confused as well. While the new planar material may not be up to the high standards set by PS, it still had some original and interesting ideas in it. The vociferous reaction it received on the Wizards boards was astonishing to me. I don't see why Wizards would even bother including any PS material in future planar products, given that it probably confuses new-comers while enraging the old-timers.

Like I said, I'm happy with the current situation. We've got all the PS we need in old books and online material, and we don't have to worry about WotC "screwing up" with a transmogrified official 3.5E version. Let sleeping dogs lie.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
I have been thinking...

truly a good idea, maybe that is a good point, i guess your view helps, every one at this are like the towns people who help fallen heroes get on their feet, it works out perfectly, and as far as it goes getting picked back up, people probly would be disipointed.

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