How to start a new 3.x PS campaign

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Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
How to start a new 3.x PS campaign

My long-delayed RL Planescape campaign finally appears to be a go. The questions I have for the assemblage derive from this: assume that you're DMing a Planescape campaign where nobody has any familiarity with the Planes. [Which is pretty much accurate.] Then...

  • How much would you explain to the players before the start?
  • How would you arrange for the characters to meet up?
  • At what level would you start the campaign? I'd like to start as low as possible but those damn LAs keep getting in my way; 3rd level seems the absolute minimum that'd work, and even that's a little dicey.
  • Which adventure would you run first? Printed? Homebrew?
  • More generally, what kinds of adventure would you run for the first few sessions?
  • Anything I should be on the look-out for beyond the ordinary?
  • Pre- or Post-Faction War? Eye-wink

I have my own ideas, obviously, but I'm interested in hearing what the community has to say.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
How to start a new 3.x PS campaign

Well, it all depend on how much you want to reveal to them during the campaign.
But I figure the best way to start a campaign off with clueless characters, but still give them access to planar races: the campaign starts off with a morning after type feel, and someone spiked their drinks with styx water. Leave tips that they were in the middle of something, something big.
This works for almost any campaign. Because there is almost allways someone who want to stop you from doing ( fill in the blank). \
Now, you have a bunch of clueless in the same room/ camp/ bar, who all seem to have the same problem, and all armed (assume). Note: its a good idea for them to meet a helpful NPC and quick. Maybe someone who was a part of the party but didnt have anything to drink last night.

Well, level 3 sounds right, a little more firepower to work with, and a comfortable buffer of hp between your characters and the great beyond.

As for the ECL thing, to encourage a wider variety races available, I once ran a campaign under the house rule that all level adustments were lowered by 1, to a minimum of 1. (otherewise they would choose whatever trace they wanted and slap a planetouched on there for free). But racial hit die are still racial hit die, nothing messes with that.
It was a good game, but what you have to remember is that you have to plan you battles a little more carefully. If you have a couple characters who took advantage of the -1 level adjustment rule, they will be a little stronger than your would expect, while others arnt. So plan your CRs to be a mix of what CR you should be fighting and 1 or two higher CRs, mainly focused on the characters that should be higher level.

Whcih adventure, I never had access to printed, but start them off with some hombrew, unless you already have a printed adventure which you think would set the mood for them.

First few sessions, make sure they realize they are in a completly differant ball game. Dont let them get within 5 ft of a Dabus before letting them personally see a flaying.

as for pre/ post....
all depends on your choice really. I allways preferred pre, so im biased.
However if you run pre now, and switch them to post at a later date, they will be befuddled.
" what do you mean I cant make a godsmen?"

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
How to start a new 3.x PS campaign

I started my campaign on the prime at 8th level, and it went planar fast. Each character was from a different world on the prime (though it could just have easily been different countries). The level was because I wanted them to be able to survive most things.

Third is probably a good level to start a new PS campaign if you want low level though- that way, the Gith are an option as well as the assorted planetouched, but the more bizarre races aren't. That's better to start.

Starting prime should explain away cluelessness for your group, and doesn't really necessitate telling much at all out of game.

If you're starting in Sigil, they could either all be the same faction (though I think making them join factions is a lot of fun) or maybe they're just all hired at the same time by a patron.

Type of adventure- I started out with a violent one, attacking a goblinoid temple of Tiamat and fleeing through the underdark. Violent is always a safe start, especially in a new setting. You'll want to lace it with a necessity for descretion- otherwise you set a bad precedent for the game. Follow up adventures could be the more subtle spin-offs of the violent start.

I've started out pre-faction war and will probably run it straight through the Faction War. I think that's probably the most fun, especially since Faction War is awesome.

Things to watch for- Factions on opposite sides. I'm going to run Faction War, but I still don't know how I'll handle the Sensate being on a different side from everyone else.

So that was long and rambling. Hopefully something about what I've said is helpful.

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