How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

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Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

It seems that most folks who suggest an internet campaign prefer pre-FW.

If this is so (and please share your preferences), why then is your official information taking that into account? Is is required by WoTC? Just because it's canon? To try to expand the game in new personally definable directions?

I'm having trouble even reading the thing!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

The thing to remember with the Planewalker releases is that they are draft chapters and they aren't complete yet. They are *chapter* releases - not full books in and of themselves.

Now as for why we went with post-FW.... most of the material can be adapted to pre-FW if needed. The fluff parts were already released in the printed line, and even the majority of that doesn't change if you look at outside of Sigil's faction stuff. It's not like Baator got up and left post-FW for example. It's Sigil, and the planes Post-FW that need definition, correction, and hopefully redemption - hence the decision to go with post-FW.

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

Well, I've only played pre-Faction War, but the changes of the FW seem pretty superficial to me...There are still courts, police, a prison, markets, an armory, a foundry, etc. in Sigil, they just aren't faction-specific anymore...And there are still factions, they're just in different places or formatted differently, even if they don't go around wearing it on their sleaves (in Sigil) anymore...And the majority of the faces are still there- A'kin, Shemeska, Rhys (?), Faith, Primus, Dispater, Apollo, the Lady, etc. are in Sigil and across the planes...It's still a fun place to game, if a little bit more evolved...History stands still for no man (or fiend, or factotum, or, or, or...)...

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

I am glad that the team here went off of what WoTC and TSR already built; it is only fair to try and keep the entire breadth of the original setting alive! *tear*

Seriously, though...

A fansite like this couldn't get by as the 'premiere planescape fan setting' if it blatantly ignored some of the conventions and events that the previous version had.

That being said, I do prefer pre-FW as well, but I don't think things ended up all that bad...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

The site doesn't ignore the old matirial, it just moves the old adventures from the present into the past. Moving the timeline forward is a common practice. It is done in Shadowrun, the Forgotton Realms, all of Whitewolf's settings, and many others. So I don't see how going Post-Faction War is ignoring any tradition or style of Planescape.

Furthermore, I feel that the changes brought on by having the Factions pushed out from Sigil actually deepens the setting. The factions are FAR from dead. Some have changed, split, but there are more factions and now they are on the planes at large working to grab more power as they are no longer able to simply take solice in the City of Doors.

Yes the factions are harmed somewhat by the faction war, but they were not destroyed, and I think the long run effect will be more like harming a hornets nest by knocking it down off a tree.

Zuj's picture
Joined: 2005-06-08
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

'Gerzel' wrote:
The site doesn't ignore the old matirial, it just moves the old adventures from the present into the past. Moving the timeline forward is a common practice. It is done in Shadowrun, the Forgotton Realms, all of Whitewolf's settings, and many others. So I don't see how going Post-Faction War is ignoring any tradition or style of Planescape.

I'm not sure if you were referring to my post or not, but I think I should clarify. I was saying that it is good that this site doesn't ignore that material, because if it did, then it couldn't really be the 'official planescape' site or whatnot. I am glad that it is post Faction War, even though I prefer to play pre-Faction War.

Spragg's picture
Joined: 2005-08-22
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

My brain is fuzzy, but I think the upshot is just that we wanted to pick up where the line was dropped. It's not the most ideal spot to work from, IMO, but it's what Monte wrote all those years ago. Just be glad we opted to ignore Die, Vecna, Die! as much as we could. Sticking out tongue

As I wrote more for the factions, moving them to other planes does make them more interesting, I think. It widens the scope of the setting overall by expanding the plots of the factions across the planes, instead of just petty feuding over who's going to run the fruit stands of Sigil this week.

Not that I'm saying fruit stands aren't important...

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
How many prefer to play pre-Faction War?

Of course, just because the government created by the factions is gone doesn't mean there was a mass population exodus...

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