How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

I'm no math wiz, but maybe somebody reading this can figure it out... In The Manual Of The Planes, it states that "... a 5-foot-square section of (Neth's) membrane has... 120 hit points." It goes on to state "If spread flat, Neth would be approximately 500 miles in diameter and have an average thickness of 30 feet." If I knew what math formula to use, I'm pretty sure it would be possible to figure out Neth's total hit points using the above info... I figure Neth's hit dice must be some astronomical number, given his(?) size...

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

That's like asking how many hit points the planet earth has...

It's totally irrelevant.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Much of the time in Planescape, an adversary is not meant to be a combat challenge. Many of the more interesting characters in Sigil are less than 5th level, or are powerful enough to destroy anything they like. Neth is like that, except it's more of an adventure local with a bit of NPC mixed in. Throw the PCs in with or without a goal, have a general idea of how Neth acts, and let things play out. Killing Neth would be like trying to kill Bytopia. It's not a matter of hitpoints or hit dice.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

"Yeah, I once killed Bytopia. It had some mad lewtz. Still can't get the gnome out of my armor, though."
---Overheard in one of the many bubberhouses of Sigil

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

(a) Why?

(b) For God's sake, A = pi * r^2.

(c) 26 trillion.

RARGPHLAM's picture
Joined: 2007-07-17
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Okay, this is pretty bad, but I registered solely to do this.

Area of a sphere = four times pi times the radius squared.

You need to the area of a square mile, that's simple, 5,280 feet by 5,280 feet. When multiplied, you get 27,878,400 square feet. Now, you take that number and multiply it by 250, for the radius of 250 square miles. That is 6,969,600,000. Now that we have that, we can figure out the area of a sphere. We're going to use the approximation of 3.14 as pi for simplicity's sake.

A = 3.14*6969600000^2 You do the exponent first...
= 3.14*48,575,324,160,000,000,000 Times this by pi...
A = 152,526,517,862,400,000,000 That's only 152.5 quadrillions.

But wait! We're not done. Now you've got to divide that large number by 5, to find how many 5 square foot pieces are present. Finally, you multiply that number by 120 to find the total hitpoints.

HP = 120(152,526,517,862,400,000,000/5)
= 120(30,505,303,572,480,000,000)
HP = 3,660,636,428,697,600,000,000

And that tidy sum is only 3.660 septillions.

Oh, and hi.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

*head hurts now*
And hi back - hang round some more - I promise we don't bite... Eye-wink

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

If "If spread falt..." presumes a surface area of 500 miles in diameter, A=pi(rr) is accurate. Where 250 miles = 1,320,000 feet (250 mi * 5,280 ft/mi)
A=5.47e12 square feet.

Divide by 25 for the number of five foot square sections (A=lw, A=5*5, A = 25 square feet).
5.47e12 square feet / 25 square feet.
Total number of five foot squares = 2.189e11

Each 25 square foot section = 120 HP.
Total five foot squares, 2.189e11 * 120 HP per square.
2.6e13 HP

For the life of me Rargphlam, I am lost as to why you would multiply square feet (an area) by the raduis in miles. That third dimension (aside from mixed numeric increments) is already the volume of a cube.

That said:

If "If spread flat..." means looking at it from overhead.

Total surface area = 4pi(rr)
T = 4*3.14159(1,320,000*1,320,000)
T = 4*3.14159 *1.74e12
T = 2.1895e13 square feet.

Again, with 25 being the area of a five foot square, we divide.

2.1895e12 square feet / 25 square feet = 8.758e11 five foot squares.

Each five foot square has 120 HP, we multiply.

8.758e11 five foot squares * 120 HP per square = 1.05099e14 Hit Points.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Argh. The numbers. . .

Either way, it's pretty safe to say you're going to need more than a few Fireballs and a +3 Halbred

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Dhampire is correct -- he and I got the same answer.

Rargphlam, allow me to gently critique your math. Don't worry, I'm a math teacher, I don't bite. :^)

First, you've (correctly) found the number of square feet in a square mile, 27,878,400.

Your formula for the surface area of a sphere is correct, but incorrectly applied. 4 pi r^2 would be a useful formula if we had been told that Neth was roughly spherical, and had 120 hitpoints per 5-foot-square section of surface area. Instead, we are to imagine Neth as more of a many-times-folded membrane, which can be laid flat like a sheet of paper. This is very similar to many real biological structures, such as the folds of the human brain, or the wrinkles of our gut or lungs, or the inside of a mitochondrion; many biological processes (like gas exchange in the lungs) are more efficient if run over more surface area, and folding a membrane allows a lot of surface area to be packed into the same volume.

So we treat Neth as a flat membrane, and assume rough circularity since we're given a "diameter." As you note, radius r is half diameter d or 250 miles.

Now, here's where an important and common error gets made. You have found the conversion factor 27,878,400 "square feet per square mile", and then multiply this by 250 miles to get the number 69,696,000,000, in units of "(square feet / square miles) times miles," or, canceling a 'miles' in the numerator and denominator, "square feet per mile." Conceptually, "square feet per mile" doesn't really make any sense; "feet per mile" or "square feet per square mile" is a number you use to convert from one unit to another.

To correct this problem, remember this key concept, which will be very useful to you in all sorts of calculations: keep track of units. Units are our friends. Laughing out loud

In this problem, we want an answer in the units "hitpoints." We are given the information "diameter is 500 (in miles)", and "120 hitpoints per 25 square feet of surface." Here's how we build up the answer, just with the units:

hitpoints = (hitpoints / sq.ft.) * (sq.ft. / sq.mi.) * (sq.mi. of surface area)
= (hitpoints / sq.ft.) * (5280 ft/mi)^2 * (pi * (diameter/2 in miles)^2).

See why units are our friends? You can look at the units-equation above and tell where each piece of information goes, and how each of the units cancels (square feet cancel, square miles cancel), so that you end up with the information (hit points) you know you're looking for. Now that we've got that equation, all that's left is to plug in the numbers:

Neth's HP in hitpoints = 120hp/(5ft)^2 * (5280ft/mi)^2 * (3.14 * (500 miles/2)^2)
= 120hp/25sqft * 27878400 sqft/sqmi * 3.14 * 250^2 sqmi
= 26,274,772,990,151 hitpoints, or about 26 trillion HP. (If Neth's Hit Die is a d8, he's a 5.8 trillion HD creature!)

Now, here's a second ingredient that's important in this kind of problem, which is knowing which formula to use. We used pi r^2 above since we were told Neth was basically a flat membrane. Had we been told that Neth was roughly spherical, and had been given HP per unit of surface area, we would have used

hitpoints = (hitpoints / sq.ft.) * (sq.ft. / sq.mi.) * (sq.mi. of surface area)
= (hitpoints / sq.ft.) * (5280 ft/mi)^2 * (4 pi * (diameter/2 in miles)^2).

Notice that the first equation is the same! The only difference in the second is the formula for the area of a different shape. Knowing when the problem calls for a certain formula is an important conceptual part of math and the sciences.

The answer we would have gotten in that case would differ by the extra factor of 4, giving us 4*26 trillion = 104 trillion HP.

Hope this clears up everything. I'm always happy to answer any math questions! :^)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

HOLY COW! I think that qualifies Neth as the most powerful creature in D&D with a listed number of hit dice/hit points (yeah, you have to do the math, but STILL...!) Let's hope Neth stays in a good mood!!! Kudos to everyone who worked on the math...

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

I didn't realize that we had members of that strange little sect- the Mathematicians. I thought you spent all your time on Mechanus. They're spreading! They're spreading!!

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

104 Trillion hit points doesn't necessarily make it the most powerful creature ever. I guess a god or even some powerful other critter could still defeat it, because it lacks some kind of *really* powerful attack.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Don't forget to apply Neth's size modifier to his hit bonus and AC

Laughing out loud

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

DnD doesn't scale larger than colossal Sticking out tongue

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Shocking rules omission.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

DnD doesn't scale larger than colossal Sticking out tongue

Well, Steve Jackson Games had d20 suplement called Munchkin RPG and in DMG there was 2 aditional size modifires for sizes larger than colossal: Humongus and Ludikrous.
Also there was 1 size modifier for size smaller than fine: it vas Itsy-Bitsy (coment: if you can see it it is not Itsy-Bitsy). Heh.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Armoury99' wrote:
Shocking rules omission.


For idle reference, in GURPS Neth would have a Size Modifier of +39 (they have an infinite numerical scale... the Universe has a Size Modifier, I just can't recall what it is off the top of my head) which has the obvious effects such as +39 to hit (in DnD terms, -39 to AC, which means if you can't hit him you've probably been cursed).

Among the special rules for creatures that big, Neth auto-resists most afflictions (sorry, you're not infecting the Living Plane with mummy rot*) and while you might theoretically be able to cast a spell on him, you're going to need a whopping big lot of energy to augment the casting.

* Although damn, I suddenly wonder what would happen if there were infact an Undead Plane out there somewhere! ... maybe I should write that up.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Neth and portals

Could Neth pass thru a portal (if it was big enough and stayed open long enough) and move to another plane? I know Neth is called "the Living Plane" and all that, but I assume that Neth actually lives in a demiplane that is his size and therfore he fills it all up; if he left, I assume there'd be a big empty space... I suppose size restrictions would prevent a personal visit to Sigil (he could always send a Nethling, however), but since most other planes are infinite, It would seem like there'd be room for him... I wonder if Neth could crawl from place to place?

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Eldan' wrote:
DnD doesn't scale larger than colossal
Dragons can reach "Colossal+" size in D&D.

Also, wouldn't the Massive Damage rules apply to Neth? If you can consistently dish out 50+ points of damage to Neth from a single source then you just have to wait for it to roll a 1 on its fortitude save.


Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Didn't massive damage scale with size? Sticking out tongue

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Anime Fan' wrote:
I know Neth is called "the Living Plane" and all that, but I assume that Neth actually lives in a demiplane that is his size and therfore he fills it all up

No, that's much too mundane for Planescape. Neth is the demiplane. The plane itself is aware. The landscape of the plane is flesh and fluid, but that's no more Neth than the mountains of Arcadia are Arcadia. That is to say, Neth's flesh is part of Neth, but even if it were all destroyed with spheres of annihilation, Neth would still exist. Neth is the the fabric of space-time, Neth is the Ethereal border, Neth is everything.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Neth is the the fabric of space-time, Neth is the Ethereal border, Neth is everything.

*Clap clap clap*

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

If there was a second Neth, could they mate? :shock: Puzzled Laughing out loud

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'420' wrote:
Also, wouldn't the Massive Damage rules apply to Neth? If you can consistently dish out 50+ points of damage to Neth from a single source then you just have to wait for it to roll a 1 on its fortitude save.

Arguably, you can't damage Neth -- only 5-foot-square sections of him, since that's what we're given stats for. This fits the notion of Neth as a distributed entity, and is much saner than trying to assign Neth a singular HP total.

Dhampire's picture
Joined: 2007-07-02
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Jem' wrote:
Arguably, you can't damage Neth -- only 5-foot-square sections of him, since that's what we're given stats for. This fits the notion of Neth as a distributed entity, and is much saner than trying to assign Neth a singular HP total.

To further this thought (or clarify it if you happen to be thinking on the same plane as I am) The 120 HP/25sq.ft is just the damage amount of that region to break through. This does not mean that this total actually reflects any part of Neth's actual HP.

This is like saying that it takes .1 HP of damage to break through a 1 sq.inch section of my skin and figuring out how many hit points my hide has. This is not inflicting damage to my heart, liver, lungs, or brain that would kill me in any conceivable way. Flesh heals over. Yeah, it hurts like a royal hag but, in small bits, it is not imminently lethal.

We have determined the HP of Neth's skin. Not how many HP or HD the living plane has because you really cannot kill Neth this way and it therefore becomes irrelevant.

You might be able to do grievous harm by finding out what part of his insides is vital but, I sure as Baator ain't going inside Neth to try and find out.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Dhampire' wrote:

We have determined the HP of Neth's skin. Not how many HP or HD the living plane has because you really cannot kill Neth this way and it therefore becomes irrelevant.

According to the description Neth is the skin, there are no organs.

Also, if it is alive, it can be killed.


Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

It's a lifeform consisting only of membranes. Therefore, destroying enough of those membranes should kill it.

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Obviously, the question is not answered canonically, so there's no hard-and-fast rule to resolve the discussion.

As a practical matter, damage of the numbers being discussed is irrelevant. If it is a plot point in any given game that Neth is to be killed, it will not be by 7 trillion inflict light wounds spells cast over the course of a few billion years by a PC. It will be through some GM-crafted artifact, unique spell, or similar plot device, that will do the job through some linchpin.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Jem' wrote:
[Although damn, I suddenly wonder what would happen if there were infact an Undead Plane out there somewhere! ... maybe I should write that up.[/i]

Count Nethula... the vampire plane!

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13

Umm.. so I take it that if Neth is literally the plane, he can't leave the plane... but could he MOVE the plane/himself?

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Well, Neth himself floats around in the Ethereal, although the amount he can perceive in the Ethereal itself is unclear. However, there aren't a lot of sites in the Ethereal other than other demiplanes.

To explore beyond his own borders, he creates Nethlings.

Neth might be interested in the phenomenon by which the Far Realms protrude parts of themselves onto material reality -- I forget what they're called, but part of the Far Realms manifests itself on the Prime Material or the Outer Planes, warping the locale. Information about such an interpenetration of spaces could pique Neth's interest, leading him to learn more about the phenomenon and attempt to copy it so that he could project himself into other planes. This is doubtless a very dangerous study, especially if Neth and Nethlings are making attempts to contact the Far Realms and summon bits of them into the normal multiverse, and could make a good plot.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

'Jem' wrote:
I forget what they're called


Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

It will be through some GM-crafted artifact, unique spell, or similar plot device, that will do the job through some linchpin.

I was thinking: there was this 9th level spell/psionic power oposite of spell "Demiplane seed" (wich creates demiplanes). This spell slowly destroys demiplanes.
So here is adventure seed: some villan (prehaps doomguard or some entity feeding on death and dying) has casted "Antigenesis" spell or psionic power on Neth, but spell has manifested in form of wasteing illness. Neth is slowly dying and PC must find cure, and if they save it they could get friend in living demiplane.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Ohhh good plot idea.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

So here is adventure seed: some villan (prehaps doomguard or some entity feeding on death and dying)
Cont: I was thinking wich villan would be most sutiable for this and then it came to me: Devourers.

But not just any devourers but legendary "Eater of Hearts", mythical "beast" from egyptian mythology (looks like cross between lion, hippo and crocodile), wich dewours hearts (souls) of petitoners who does not deserve afterlife.
(Just imagine bloated undead monstrosity created from parts of 3 animals and eats souls for lunch, I allways liked old monsters with new twist).

Anyways this bloated monster became "unhappy" by meals (heh) provided by soul jugement so it turned rouge and wants to consume living demiplane.

Neth spell "antigenesis" is cast on Neth, and it is slowly dying, so "Eater of Hearts" is waiting for demiplane to be weak enough so it can be devoured in one gulp and hoping for such large meal to make him god of Devourers.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

You mean Ammit?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

You mean Ammit?
Yes, that the ticket. I am great lover of myths and legends (expecialy Egyptan), but in my Croatian edition book of egypt myths they just named it "Heart Eater", so I never knowed its true name. Thanks. Laughing out loud

It just seemed as an good idea. Who knows, maybe Ammit was originaly first devourer, created to remove evil souls from circles of life and death so that that evil souls could not became fiends and spread their evil through the multiverse.

But road to hell is pawed by good intentions, maybe Ammit was corupted by evil she was consumed, or to make its job easier she tried to create others of her kind (now to think of it devourers look pretty much mummy like), but her children turned stag and instead of evil souls just devour anyone. (prehaps innocent and good souls taste sweet and evil souls are bitter while nautral are just bland).

Whew, this is lots of good ideas. And more are comming, I am having a storm.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Now I have an idea of a good intention, looking very much like a holyphant with kitty paws, pawing at a hellish looking highway. I blame you. Smiling

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

You are wellcome. Smiling

I know that I have daviated this thread by this Ammit who want to eat Neth buisness, so I think I will open thread in her (I think it is she) name. With stats and picture and all. Who knows, maybe new advenure will be written in process. You are all invited to participate. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Deviating from thread

Hey, threads are meant to be deviated from... although you're still talking about Neth, so maybe not so much a deviation as an expantion...

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Hmmm, does Neth have a soul? If so where would it go when he/she/it dies?

Along these lines could you magic jar Neth or something similar? (can't remember the name of the spell/power that lets you body-swap, think it's something seed)
Becoming a demi-plane wouldn't be a bad objective for a villan who could then send out hordes of evil Nethlings to feed and grow the plane.

The Villan could trap & preserve his old body (and Neths mind) within himself to keep it safe from harm.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Neth might even welcome the opportunity to swap bodies with someone for a while, to go walkabout and have a real looksee at the Multiverse.

In fact, after a while, if his new body was as immortal as his old, he might decide he didn't want to go back... of course, few living bodies in the Multiverse are probably anywhere near as immortal as Neth's.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Or the sudden reduction in and change in his senses could drive Neth utterly barmy within hours of going out on walkabout like that - leaving the Villian in a rather precarious situation and forced to hire adventurers to go retrieve the now crazy and possibly a danger to himself demi-plane who absconded with his body... Eye-wink

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
How many hit points/hit dice does Neth the Living Plane have?

Or Neth could trade bodies (probablly through trickery) with an archfiend or some such who wants more power. An evil 'Neth' sending minions out to further schemes of whatever kind of evil would be fun especialy if the PCs have had contact with Neth before the switch. Annother posibility would be an exceptionally foolish wizard who wished for more control over his realm (sucks to be Neth in this case since it seems unlikely it'd get a diferent body) and became Neth. Perhaps this is one (improbbable) way Neth may have came about in the first place and over the ages the plane has forgotten it was a wizard.

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