How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

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mouse_catcher's picture
Joined: 2004-09-21
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

Hi everyone,

I've just started a playing a Planescape campaign with my friend (just the two of us using the fantasy grounds application), its based in Sigil and its very open ended.

We just had an awesome session where the roleplaying was to a relatively high level and I'm keen to keep it going.

My character (1st level fighter) has just been tasked with finding some Yugoloth bones within a short period of time.

Now the nature of our game is that we each try to challenge each other in our roleplaying style. My character is a somewhat unscrupulous ends-justifies-the-means type.

Given that my character has been raised in sigil (the hives, or though its dangerous to go back there at the moment) but doesn't know what a yugoloth is. Is there some creative place or locale in sigil to start searching for said information and product?

The reason I ask is that *I* don't know much about Sigil but I'm playing a character who does. Puzzled

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

Well 4 locations spring to mind: Great Bazaar there you can buy virtually anything, second there are shops of tiefling hag Alluvis in Lady ward(she has enormous shop that sells portal keys, so there is bound to be some loth bones there), and there is dust mephit Sixusksantozemus that deals in parts of animals and other creatures ("Pets and Meat", I think it was name of shop), and finally there is Mortuary in hive ward, and if there they don't have loth bones than you should start thinking ways how to kill one yourself. Smiling


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

Go to some deserted (yes make sure it's deserted) Blood War battlefield, on Gehenna, the Gray Waste or Carceri and find a carcass of a dead Yugoloth.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

I'd favor the Great Bazaar over the other options mentioned. Prices are fair, due to the influence of the Free League preventing the Planar Trade Consortium and Merkhants from pushing them up.

At level 1, visiting a Blood War battlefield or taking on a 'loth doesn't sound worth the risk.

mouse_catcher's picture
Joined: 2004-09-21
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

thanks Squaff for some useful locations, I better do some reading up.

Going to a shop might be a bit too boring (although I love the name "Pets and Meat" - I might just swing by anyway Smiling )

On the other hand I'd actually have to spend the money I was given for the purchase (I get to keep the balance). The Mortuary though - that sounds like a place for some serious shenanigans Smiling

Go to some deserted (yes make sure it's deserted) Blood War battlefield, on Gehenna, the Gray Waste or Carceri and find a carcass of a dead Yugoloth.

thanks Kobold Avenger for trying to get me written in the friggin dead book man - I might wait until I'm *2nd* level for that particular escapade Laughing out loud

[Edit: slow typing effect]

Prices are fair, due to the influence of the Free League preventing the Planar Trade Consortium and Merkhants from pushing them up

well....*maybe* I could at least find out the price before my poor guy goes off in search of shenanigans

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

There is one other option: In Sigil lives old powerful necromancer/priest/sage called Master of Bones, (his real name is Lothar, he is mentioned in Guide to Sigil book but he appears in Torment PC game), and he runs underground "library" Bones of Night. Thing is he gets information via Speak with Dead spell cast on his collection of Skulls (and he pays hefty sums for interesting skulls, 10000 gp or more for a skull of Factol, they say).
Anyways he would certainly have loth skull, wich he would not sale but he would be willing to trade for another skull of similar being (probably same CR, or something).


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

'Squaff' wrote:
Well 4 locations spring to mind: Great Bazaar there you can buy virtually anything

There's also the Night Market, but you didn't hear that from me.


Pants of the North!

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

Go ask A'kin.

My PCs needed the blood of a greater yugoloth for a portal, and they walked into his shop for help. Admittedly, it was probably bad form to have run in, still bloody from a fight, with the first words out of their mouths being, "Akin! We need your blood!"

He screamed and hid under a desk as I recall.

But of course once they explained themselves, he did indeed happen to have a sample of nycaloth blood. Fresh even.

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
How can I get me some Yugoloth bones?

'Shemeska the Marauder' wrote:
Go ask A'kin.

My PCs needed the blood of a greater yugoloth for a portal, and they walked into his shop for help. Admittedly, it was probably bad form to have run in, still bloody from a fight, with the first words out of their mouths being, "Akin! We need your blood!"

He screamed and hid under a desk as I recall.

But of course once they explained themselves, he did indeed happen to have a sample of nycaloth blood. Fresh even.

Well, greater yugoloth remains is probably a wee bit too ambitious a prize for our 1st level fighter to go for. Eye-wink

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