How big is the Lady of Pain (or Her Avatar or Aspect) when She is seen going down the streets of Sigil?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
How big is the Lady of Pain (or Her Avatar or Aspect) when She is seen going down the streets of Sigil?

Those of you who have the PS books "Planewalker's Guide" or "Harbinger House" may recall a picture of the Lady in those books showing Her rather large manifestation doing in a bunch of berks trying to worship Her Serenity. (It's my favorite picture of the Lady - I photocopied it to put on my wall!) She appears to be roughly about the size of a giant or titan, and also seems about this size on the cover of "In the Cage". Assuming this is a typical size for Her manifestations, about how big in feet does she look to you? (And yes, I'm sure She can change Her size... but nonetheless!)

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Oh, c'mon, some of you

Oh, c'mon, some of you Guvner-types out there must have an answer...

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
I figured she was between

I figured she was between ten and fifteen feet tall. This is how she was represented in Torment, as well. Thinking about it, though, as titans are known in Sigil, and giants are rather more common (I seem to remember mention of a giant neighborhood (maybe from "In the Cage"?)),  not to mention the myriad large-sized intelligent planars, titan size for The Lady might be appropriate, just to make her more impressive than passers-by.

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Bless you... that's the kind

Bless you... that's the kind of info I wanted! Thanks... Cool

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Another question is whether

Another question is whether or not anyone has looked up her robes, and if they didn't get flayed for it, what did they find?

Empty void?  A portal to the mazes?  The Lady of Pain's legs?  Three Ratatosks?

Dunamin's picture
Joined: 2006-06-13
Kobold Avenger wrote: A

Kobold Avenger wrote:

A portal to the mazes?

Well, portals can arise in any bounded space...  Surprised

astralsahu's picture
Joined: 2005-07-22
Petticoats. Sharp


Sharp petticoats.

Sharp, titan-sized, petticoats.

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