I need a few ideas to jump-start a campaign for three to four evil-aligned planar characters.
While I do have a few things in mind, any additional help would be appreciated.
The starting level is 5 and the characters so far are:
Half Fiend Human Dread Necromancer 1 (Dustmen)
Human Sorcerer 5 (Fated)
Ogre (Doomguard)
We are playing in pre-Faction War-Sigil.
Thanks in advance for any nice hooks or ideas you can come up with.
Additional thanks if they involve Shemeska (my favourite Planescape character besides The Lady).
I'd be useful to know anything about the character of the three pcs, their motivations, etc. (especially that Half Fiend Necro Dustman confuses me - I never thought of the Dusties as really adventurous). I think you'll definetely need something strong to bring them together, since they are pretty.. unique (and have different Faction ALignment). Maybe a mission from Shemenska herself.