Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

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ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

On the Curious Sigilian Festival of Factol Skall's Birthday

No-one really knows when Skall was born, of course - probably not even Skall himself. He's commonly thought to be around forty or fifty years old, though there are rumors that he may be older than he looks.

And certainly the Dustmen do not, as a rule, celebrate birthdays. They may celebrate the transition to deeper stages of death in their formal, solemn way, but never births.

So it was that in the first Hive of Regula on the 115th year of Hashkar's reign, the Xaositects declared that henceforth they would celebrate this day as Factol Skall's birthday. "Poor guy," they said in many variations. "Never had a birthday party. We'll fix that!"

Every year since, the Xaositects have paraded by the Mortuary with balloons, festive hats, and cake. Most of the cake ends up hurled at passers-by or at the Mortuary itself, but this only adds to the festive atmosphere. The Xaositects sing songs in honor of Skall, carry around images of him, play pin-the-tail-on-Skall and fetch-skall-out-of-the-ooze-puddle-with-only-your-mouth, have Xaositects and random vagrants dressed like Skall do speeches, and make Skall the honorary Xaositect factol for the day.

Many other Sigilians have taken up the tradition as well and Factol Skall's Birthday is celebrated across the Cage, even when the Xaositects themselves are distracted or forget, or accidently celebrate it on a different day instead (one year they celebrated it eight times), even after Skall's presumed mazing before the Faction War. Some things just don't die.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

I like this alot Rip. Good job ol' chap!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

*giggles wildly*
"It's a pity the old bloke never joins in the festivities! That's why we have to carry around this robe with ballons stuck under it, and the animated gloves and mask..."

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

I'm definately going to make this an occurence when our game starts.

And Skall will have at least one Xaositec incarnation with bunny ears.

Dust bunnies ;D

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

I once made an interesting conclusion regarding the Dustmen and dust bunnies.


Pants of the North!

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

Hmmm... I wonder what would happen should Skall ever escape the Lady's Maze and suddenly re-appear in Sigil?

The image of him "ascending to True Death" would likely be shattered.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

And the Xaositects would rejoice Laughing out loud

Maybe then he'd have TWO real birthdays ;D

"Skall's REbirthday party!"

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

'Fell' wrote:
Hmmm... I wonder what would happen should Skall ever escape the Lady's Maze and suddenly re-appear in Sigil?

The image of him "ascending to True Death" would likely be shattered.

Well it would already have been once he starts to project out of the maze too.

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Holidays of Sigil: Factol Skall

'Gerzel' wrote:
'Fell' wrote:
Hmmm... I wonder what would happen should Skall ever escape the Lady's Maze and suddenly re-appear in Sigil?

The image of him "ascending to True Death" would likely be shattered.

Well it would already have been once he starts to project out of the maze too.

True... but then, I didn't think most of the Dusties knew he'd been mazed.

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