Holiday Monsters..............

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OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Holiday Monsters..............

This one I got from my husband's post over on the WotC boards here. I think it is really funny, especially if you dislike eggnog.

But also this is a thread to make up any holiday monster you can think of (ie: the Abyssal Turkey, ha! Loved it!)


small/dimutive ooze
Hit Dice: bowl:1d10+3 (8hp) cup: 1/5 d10 (1hp)

Intiative: bowl: -5, cup: -4

Speed: bowl:10 ft., cup:30ft.

Armor Class: bowl:6 (-5 Dex, +1 Size) cup: 10 (+4 Size, -4 Dex)

Base Attack/Grapple: bowl:+0/ -4. cup: +0/ -16

Attack: bowl: splash +1 melee touch attack (d4 + 1pt. vile damage) cup: splash -1 melee touch attack (1pt. vile damage)

Full Attack: bowl: splash +1 melee touch attack (d4 + 1pt. vile damage) cup: splash -1 melee touch attack (1pt. vile damage)

Space/Reach: bowl: 5ft, cup: 2.5ft.

Special Attacks: Limited Suggestion, Nausea, Intoxication, vile damage

Special Qualities: Blindsight 60ft., Ooze traits

Saves: bowl: Fort +3, Ref -5, Will -5, cup: Fort -4, Ref -4, Will -5

Abilities: bowl: Str 10, Dex 1, Con 16, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

cup: Str 2, Dex 3, Con 3, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1

Skills: -

Feats: -

Environment: Christmas Parties

Organization: solitary, groups of 2-4

Challenge Rating:2

Treasure: none

Alignment: Always neutral

Advancement: 2-4HD (Small)

Level Adjustment: -

Eggnog is the most common, and terrifying, of the Christmas Oozes. A bowl is normally two feet across, while a cup can be as small as 8oz. or as large as 16oz.

Limited Suggestion: A bowl can make use of two spell-like powers, at will. The first is "Drink me". Victims of the suggestion must succeed on a Fort save DC13 in order to put the foul concoction to their lips. Those who manage to force the grotesque fluid down must now make a second Fort save DC13. Those who fail become nauseous for 2-8 hours and take 1pt of vile damage. Those who succeed now suffer a circumstance penalty of -1 to Int, Wis and Cha, is one step closer to being intoxicated and takes 1pt of vile damage (these penalties stack). They also become the target of the second suggestion "Make more eggnog". This is the most insidious power as the second bowl will be stronger than the first (Fort DC goes up to 14, DC15 for the third bowl and so on).

A cup can use the same spell like abilities but can only use them once, where a bowl can use them at will. Saving against one cup does not protect against other cups or the bowl.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Holiday Monsters..............

I've heard rumors of a frost giant diviner living in the frozen north lands who rides a chariot of blood pulled by twelve dire reindeer.

princessbunny99's picture
Joined: 2005-11-14
Holiday Monsters..............

'Rhys' wrote:
I've heard rumors of a frost giant diviner living in the frozen north lands who rides a chariot of blood pulled by twelve dire reindeer.


Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Holiday Monsters..............

Before they attack you... they make a toast to your health Eye-wink.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Dreidel of Lum the Mad

Note: This is absolute parody, and not intended to be offensive to anyone's religion or culture whatsoever. If you really want to summon the Flame of the Self-Righteous over this, I apologize profusely in advance but otherwise refuse to take responsibility. Fnord. Cool

Not many know that the genius artificer Lum the Mad was Jewish on his mother-in-law's side. True to his inestimable tradition of diving into new and different cultures head-first and with no thought for restraint, Lum created his first Dreidel as a combination of toy and guardian golem one holiday season for the enjoyment of his young nieces and nephews. The exact nature of what occurred after the gift was presented has been lost to history, but it is known that Lum's bride soon filed for divorce. Since then, the Dreidel of Lum the Mad has wandered the world and the planes, appearing briefly to torment the unsuspecting and reward the foolish.

The Dreidel of Lum the Mad appears as a gigantic version of a child's top, some five feet high and made out of an unknown kind of hardwood. Hebrew sigils limned in precious gemstones are inscribed in each of the top's four sides, glistening even in the faintest light. The Dreidel furiously attacks any being that appears to be threatening children (of any race!), though its berserker attacks in such a circumstance have as much a chance of harming its charges as those it acts against.

Dreidel of Lum the Mad
Medium Construct
HD: 8d10+20
Init: +4
Speed: 20 ft
AC: 20 (+4 dex, +6 natural), flat-footed 16, touch 14
BAB/Grapple: +6/NA
Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+2)
Full Attack: Slam +8 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/5 ft
Special Attacks: Spin Magic
Special Qualities: Construct traits, DR 5/adamantine and slashing, darkvision 60 ft, immunity to magic, low-light vision, Never Prone, Shrink
Abilities: Str 15, Dex 18, Con -, Int -, Wis 9, Cha 14
Skills: Disguise +2*
Feats: Whirlwind Attack (B)
Environment: Any urban
Organization: Unique (hopefully!)
CR: 5
Alignment: Always chaotic neutral
Treasure: Gemstone shards pried free from the Dreidel, worth 1,500 gp
Advancement: -

Never Prone (Ex): The Dreidel can never go prone or be knocked prone (such as by a trip action). Even when knocked on one of its sides, it receives none of the normal bonus or penalties due to being prone and

Shrink (Su): The Dreidel can, as a full-round action, shrink to Diminutive size, becoming a toy some 3 inches tall. While in this form, the Dreidel cannot move, attack or use its Spin Magic, but does gain a +24 to Disguise checks. It can revert to normal size as a free action.

Spin Magic (Su): This magical ability allows the dreidel to spin itself as a full-round action, landing on one of its four sides and creating a random magical effect. Roll 1d4 to determine which effect is incurred:
- 1: Shin, one character within 15 ft of the Dreidel must make a DC 15 Fort save or drop one item held (as per a successful disarm action)
- 2: Hey, one character within 30 ft of the Dreidel takes 6d6 damage (save versus DC 16 Ref for half)
- 3: Gimel, all characters within 5 ft of the Dreidel take 3d6 damage (save versus DC 15 Ref for half)
- 4: Nun, no effect

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