Hi! im new to the site and the forums

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Nameless_One's picture
Joined: 2005-05-14
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

its so great to see an official site to for this setting,although i did have some of the materials for planescape before playing torment,i must admit,that game is what got me really into the series,and to this day despite all my console games(i won all current gen stuff) including gaming level pc,i still have big place in my dorky gaming heart for torment.i have the soundtracks,and i do own a couple of the dnd products. i actualy have the one "audio disc/cd" boxset that they released "A players Primer to the Outlands",i can upload those into mp3 if anyone wished Smiling.i am an artist-which im going to go to school for,and im not a bad writer either,so i would love to contribute to planescape material,maybe even lucky enough for official game material Eye-wink . ive played other lost and no so lost settings like birthright,ravenloft,and Mystara (i would love to see a mystara website like the planescpae one) so ill shut my bonebox and finish my chant,and i hope you will except this cutter into your hub. Smiling Eye-wink

i don't own much,as i never actualy got to use play a planescape game ever(i would love to) the boxes have some wear,but the books are practicly in mint condition i have:

The Planescape Boxtset with all books and maps
In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil
A Players Primer to the Outlands (audio cd)

a humble but quality collection Smiling.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Re: Hi! im new to the site and the forums

There is an official Mystara site (Vaults of Pandius), but it's not exactly like this one.

The thing we do here, generally, is write/draw whatever Planescape-related things we want and post them on the forums and on the main site. Anyone can do it. So... you're hired. Welcome aboard.

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

Mystara is still going strong, with a somewhat more dispersed presence than Planewalker. (It's the other 'lost' setting that I focus on - well, sometimes. I really should get back into Spelljammer too, but that setting *is* close to deceased.)

Vaults of Pandius - http://www.mystaranet.jamm.com/vaults/html/
Mystara Mailing List (one area of discussion) - http://oracle.wizards.com/archives/mystara-l.html
Mystara board on the WotC site (another discussion area) - http://boards1.wizards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=291

That should be enough to get you started. Laughing out loud

Rathennan's picture
Joined: 2005-05-11
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

sooo, is it the case that WotC have no plans for any 'official' 3rdEd. Planescape releases? I know it's relatively early days for the new rules but abandon the planes? that seems a little foolish to my insatiable imagination, frankly. I think I might have a relapse into another bout of post-gamers manic depression. Woe is me!
But seriously, nice to see the dream being kept alive by such dedicated loonies. How do you work the monster conversions to 3rd Ed. though? I'd like to try but it seems a little difficcult for my lazy person to attempt.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

No official plans for Planescape, but some material has been published in the Manual of the Planes and the Planar Handbook, including a brief overview of Sigil and some faction material. Most people here consider it a poor attempt though.

With Planewalker's official releases, you've already got 90% of what you need to play Planescape 3/3.5E, and add all the articles and conversions already here and you're pretty much set. It would be nice to see all that in a single boxed though.

Nameless_One's picture
Joined: 2005-05-14
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

well if people are interested in hosting the mp3's somewhere ill gladly make them and send them,its a neat cd,each track is like a recording someone did on the mimir for a given outland,its really fun to listen too.as for writing,i have not really attempted writing dnd fiction type stuff lol,although im certainly a decent writer,so who knows,i may do some stuff,even if its just starting with creatures and their descriptions. im more of an artist however,and at some point ill get my lazy butt moving and start doing some planescape-themed/style sketches and posting them on the forums,ill try to do alot of the more well known types in the universe like tannari,modrons,tieflinsgs etc....thankfull i have some of the core material books to draw artistic inspiration from,i have also played torment which has alot of great art. whenever i fugre out photoshop ill be sure to spruce the sketches up,but for now they will simply be scans of my art. time to get crackin!

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

All the tracks are hosted in the Wizards of the Coast site in RealPlayer format. You can download them for free there.

.mp3 would be convenient, though.

Nameless_One's picture
Joined: 2005-05-14
Hi! im new to the site and the forums

well the offer still stands to those who are interested,and mp3 will definatly be more conveniant and nicer quality.

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