Hey guys..

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KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Hey guys..

Just saying hello, since you guys don't have an intro forum whatsoever. Sticking out tongue Been playing Planescape for a long time, actually, and I love the setting a lot. I will most likely be haunting the Hall of Records between my excursions here and the Pits of Evil, my own D&D forums. I love creating new material whether it be crunch of fluff. Normally my writing has equal of both. Smiling

Clueless, what forum software is this, anyway? I thought you guys were using phpBB still. That is the impression I had, anyway.

PS. I just realized I had black mage as an avatar. LOL

BERK's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Hey guys..

Just out of morbid curiousity...

How do you have 32 posts if you are just introducing yourself now, and how did you not know your own avatar? Was this someone else's account originally?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Hey guys..

Note the age of the account - his posts are from *way* on back, more than far enough to have forgotten in the chaos since. Hey you, glad to see you wandering back over.


re:software - We're on our own software. Looks like phpBB, not actually (I detest the coding style under the hood on that software). It was faster for me to code my own to hook into the main site than to try to modify phpBB. That and it was a "learning experience". So we have some major speed enhancers and abilities to hook into the main site that we didn't otherwise have.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.