I wanna make this thead as a place to design a few NPC hordeling that are far cut above the rest. Horde lords etc. Just to give the horde a little more flavor
Heroes of the Horde
Chwizzl, the "Spitting Dog"
Location: Niflheim, at the roots of the world ash Yggdrasil, more precisely in the backyard of the Night Hag Yashwasi's little hut.
Character background: Chwizzl is a Hordling that has, for reasons known only to him and his mistress, decided to serve as the personal "guard dog" for the Night Hag Yashwasi. He is not forced into service, but instead seems to be quite content with it.
Appearing like a monstrous, two-headed version of a twenty-feet large dog, spitting deadly acid and commonly being surrounded by hundreds of disease-carrying flying insects, Chwizzl is not exactly a creature anyone wants to meet. Of course, this makes him a perfect guard dog for Yashwasi, who can focus on her research at the world ash with few interruptions.
Chwizzl tears apart anyone coming into sight unless Yashwasi tells him not to, but when there's no intruder around he has to care about, the "Spitting Dog" usually gnaws on the roots of Yggdrasil, upon which Yashwasi has built her small (almost romantically-looking) wooden hut. The Hordling doesn't simply feed on the roots, though; he's been seen sniffing and searching in the roots, as if he was looking for something specific.
Every few months, a Horde of about five- to sevenhundred Hordlings comes visiting Chwizzl. At those times, the dog-like Hordling runs with the Horde for a few days, leaving Yashwasi alone, before returning to the Night Hag again.
Occasionally, the fiendish dog also fulfills certain tasks given to him by Yashwasi; in most cases, this means either transporting something (or someone) from place A to place B, or it means killing and devouring someone. Chwizzl seems to be slightly annoyed when he gets such a task, but fulfills them without opposition.
The Dark: Rare among the denizens of the Gray Waste, Chwizzl remembers every detail of his life as a mortal. Only he knows what exactly happened in that time, and since he's known to accompany Yashwasi for more than fifty thousand years already, it's probably very hard to find out much.
Whatever his fate was, it left him full of hate - a hate directed at his entire home world. To this day, his personal goal is to destroy the world he came from, and that is why he gnaws on Yggdrasil's roots: He's trying to find the specific roots that fuel his former home world with life, and destroy them by consuming them. At this day, his plan slowly shows some success: Forests and oceans of his home world begin to wither, and if nothing is done against Chwizzl soon, the planet might be drained of life in another few hundred years.
Statistics: [following later]
Only three minor complaints to this awesomely great "dog":
1. Are there many Hags around the World Ash? I mean, what does That giant Ubar-dragon and its spawn sais about this?
2. 50000 years? I mean, the Dustmen, I've read somewhere, are hanging around for ~10000 years and thats long even in terms of the multiverse. 50000 years as a Hordeling, what little sanity would be left to anyone?
3. How common is it that someone has memories of their life begone? Its incredibly rare, isnt it? I don't actually think he needs much memory to explain his behaviour - the only thing he needs is the hatred for his old world, the only thing left to him.
The world ash is LARGE. Now, I don't see it sprawling with hags, but I don't think the occasional Night Hag would trouble anyone. Not more than Night Hags trouble people, anyway.
Try seeing it from the perspective of an immortal being. Baatezu sometimes stay in fiery pits for hundreds of years just to transform from one stage to another.
Some fiendish lords are around since eons, i.e. millions of years and longer. For a fiend, I don't consider 50.000 years as an "unbelievably" long time.
I think it's a rare event, but then again - who knows where those memories come from? Maybe they were given back to him by the Night Hag herself. Maybe those aren't even really his memories....
I'm planning on making a write-up for the Night Hag, too, this will hopefully clear up this part a bit
Will fill out later with Dark, statistics, so on.
The Lurkling with Perfect Hands
The Moaning Lady ain't the only planar who wants to be something she ain't. See, I heard this a while back--don't know how true it is, sounds a bit peery to me--but I'm willing to buy it.
They say there's a lurkling in the Gray Wastes who got sick and tired of being just a lurkling. So he figured out a way to get himself an identity--just steal it.
See, the hordlings got this trick they'll pull. If they're strong enough, they can suck other hordlings up into themselves and use them like spare parts for a little while. Well, they say this little lurkling figured out how to do it with people.
They say the first thing he did was steal himself a set of beautiful, pristine hands. Imagine that! Some ugly soddin' lurkling running around with perfect hands. Then, they say he got ahold of somebody's face--just the face, mind you. Then he kept going on, stealing up parts of other folk, snagging them one by one, always leaving faceless, legless, armless sods behind.
They say he's gotten just about everything, now--that he's so damn close to finished that you couldn't tell him from any other berk.
Except for his perfect hands.
Author Note: Yes, this is a complete rip-off of 'The Cat with Hands'.
An idea: Hordlings always only succeed in "extending" their body for a short while. Maybe the Lurkling's "spare parts" also fall off after a while. That's why he's known as a hunter of perfect hands, and other body items.
Reminds me of an episode of Buffy, where there's a demon that regularly needs to take over a new body, because after a day or so, the current body it invaded simply bursts...
Mordant the 8-legged
Once an immensely powerful and deceptive wizard with a crippled body, Mordant the 8-legged appears as nothing more than the head of a beautiful youth with 8 furry spider legs emerging from the side. Despite his small size and nonthreatening demeanor, he is one of the more terrifying denizens of the planes--both for his exceptional skills as a wizard and his penchant for deceit.
Mordant will approach hordlings, hags, and even mortal visitors to the Wastes, promising them arcane secrets in exchange for food, transportation, and care. Over a considerable amount of time, Mordant works to win his victims over--though no one trusts anyone in the Wastes, all he needs is to catch them asleep. Mordant will then attack his victims, biting them with his fanged mouth and injecting a paralyzing venom; after this is complete, he begins his work.
Mordant eats the head of his victim and replaces it with his own, extending his legs down into the victim's body. Afterwards, he may possess and operate their body as if it were his own--he gains all the hit-dice, innate abilities, and physical statistics of his victim (but no class levels) while retaining his spell-casting abilities and mental statistics. Because Mordant operates the body as little more than a puppeted vehicle, it eventually rots and becomes useless--every day, the body suffers 1d6 points of permanent constitution damage until its constitution is reduced to zero or below. At this time, the body ceases to function and Mordant must abandon it.
Mordant seeks to find a way to make this transformation permanent. Furthermore, he wishes to use this process on an immensely powerful physical body (either another hordling, or perhaps a powerful fiend) so as to augment his all ready considerable spell-casting abilities.
The Glutton
No one knows what the Glutton was originally, but it was probably something hungry.
The Glutton appears as a large gray monsterous humanoid with hulking shoulders and no discernible sexual organs. Instead of a face, it has only an immense open mouth lined with dozens of rings of razor-sharp fangs, all dripping with acidic ichor. Instead of fists or feet, it has massive fang-laced jaws.
The Glutton eats everything, and we do mean everything. When it runs (often on all fours), its jaws are clamping hold of rocks, dirt, and stone, gobbling them greedily up. When it attacks (and it tends to attack anything that moves), it does so by swinging its jaws ferociously at the target and jamming anything that isn't immediately swallowed up by them into the multi-ringed hole that replaces its face.
Both its jaws and its ringed mouth seem able to bite through anything that can find purchase. For the purposes of damage, the Glutton ignores damage resistance and hardness when initiating a bite attack. Because of this attribute, the Glutton is often hunted for its fabled teeth, which some claim could be used to produce weapons capable of piercing any substance no matter how hard. So far, no one's had any luck.
The Glutton does not speak. Under no circumstances will it ever communicate with anyone. It only feeds--constantly, endlessly, and without relent.
Mr. Gray
"Who do you work for?"
"Mr. Gray, cutter."
-Common planar slang for 'Nobody'
Wandering the Gray Wastes is a man who many have taken to calling Mr. Gray. No one knows his real name, or what he wants, or what he's doing, but one thing's for sure--you don't want to meet him.
Everyone remembers him differently, but a few details always remain the same. He always appears humanoid, always has smooth gray skin, and always has no face--no eyes, no nose, no mouth.
Mr. Gray seems chiefly concerned with finding secrets, and regularly trawls the murky waters of the Styx as well as the three Glooms in search of them. Just how many he's managed to pick up, nobody knows--because once he learns a secret, anyone else who knew it has a nasty habit of disappearing (after all, the less people who have a secret, the more valuable it is).
What's weirder is that no one can really seem to remember anything about Mr. Gray, nor anything that he's done. He's surrounded by a perpetual haze of obscurity; even after interacting with him, most people can't recall what they talked about or what happened. It's as if he's a living embodiment of banality--just too boring to remember.
Many night-hags have dealings with Mr. Gray, trading him secrets for secrets--a deal that's always dangerous, considering that once Mr. Gray learns a secret, that secret tends to be lost forever. Most night-hags simultaneously loathe, envy, and need him--his voracious appetite for secrets he alone knows has made him something of a pariah in the Wastes, but when a night-hag needs information that no one else has, it's pretty feasible that Mr. Gray has it (and may be willing to trade). Some night-hags reportedly even worship Mr. Gray--although this relationship is always tenuous at best.
Most people assume that Mr. Gray is a hordling, but this is not necessarily true. Night hags are completely silent on this point.
The Dark: Where do you want to start? The theories about Mr. Gray abound; everything from him being a hag's attempt at creating an Ultroloth to being Aoskar himself.
Whatever Mr. Gray is, this much is obvious: He was once a serious blood, maybe even a Power, but the night hags stole something from him--maybe his identity, maybe his name--and now he scours the Gray Wastes, looking to find the secret they stole, hungrily devouring every bit of secret knowledge he can find.
It's a known fact that almost every night-hag alive is scared witless of the possibility that Mr. Gray may one day find whatever it is they stole from him. Every night-hag except three--the Gray Coven, a group of night-hags who are hell-bent on giving Mr. Gray back what he has lost. Just what their motivations could be or what this could mean is unknown, but nearly every other night-hag in the Multiverse is willing to do everything in their power to stop them.
I love all of this. And once more, I think Mr. Gray is one of the most fascinating ideas that came up in our entire project. I just love him
Mr. Gray seems to be the being that the Keepers were based on. There are just far too many similarities - what with the hunting for secrets, the gray rubbery skin, and the utter inability to socialize.
That's a really good idea, at least for a rumor. I seem to remember from somewhere, maybe that Dungeon article a while back, that under the goggles Keepers have no eyes.
Mr. Grey as a Keeper, Mr. Grey as a 'Loth, and Mr. Grey as something entirely diferent are all cool. this is a great concept. If Mr. Grey is related to the Keepers is he a rouge of sorts or are the keepers rouge Mr. Greys or are they both serving the same purpose.
Well, keepers were supposedly made, or more likely summoned from 'elsewhere', by some crazy powerful fool of a wizard that later got offed by his own 'creations'. Thus, my suggestion can only be included as one of those "barmy rumours". I doubt that they're actually related in any way except, perhaps, for his being a type of blueprint for the keepers if they were indeed created rather than summoned.
There's a lot that Mr. Grey and the Keepers have in common, and the thought came to my mind as well, to be honest. But looking closely, there's also a couple of important differences. The main difference being this:
Keepers seek people who know something related to the secret of their creation, which they want to keep.
Mr. Grey seeks secrets, because he is looking for the one secret that has been stolen from him.
Despite the obvious similarities, the difference in motivation makes them entirely different in personality - to me, at least.
Grythlwrolg The "jealous hatred"
Location: Often seen roaming the layer of Oinos.
Character Background: A giant in stature, Grythlwrolg is a self delusional hordling. Great claws protrude from enormous muscular arms. Long Sharp spikes cover his head and back. His eyes are always fixed in a gaze of coveting anger and his eyes are completly white. His teeth are long jagged fangs. He carrys a mighty greatsword that he crafted from his own bones.
Grythlwrolg believes he is the first hordling. The reason he thinks this is because unlike most other hordlings he was completly alone when his change occured. His larval form was considered an unworthy specimen by night hag standards and he was to be used as food for some hags lunch. However for whatever reason, the hag that bit him thought he tasted foul and cast his half eaten form into a deep pit.
There his anger and hatred grew, for the past that was now lost to him and the misery his new existence had wrought. He grew into a pathetic mindless beast. Whilst scouring the planes he was ambushed by a small band of yugoloth mercenarys who decided to use him for target practice. Sheer luck brought him to slay each and every one of them each time he devoured one of their bodies his strength grew and he eventually chanced upon an arcanaloth whom he killed and gained a superior knowledge of magic and lore.
The yugoloths see Grythlwrolg as a minor threat but a growing one and will on occasion attempt to hunt him down. He finds the presence of other hordlings distasteful as he see them as pathetic imitations to his mighty "Unique" form. He refuses to devour any hordling as he see them as unworthy of consumption.
What little contact he has had with mortals has rumored to have bore him some children but it could be just speculation. For the majority of his existence, he roams the waste, a solitary figure and a one man army by his own right. Usually destroying whatever or whoever stands in his way. However some say he has greater goals in mind and may well be up to something a little more long term than just mindless destruction. Perhaps he is trying to hunt down the hag that has eaten his other half. The half that may contain more of him than he realises.
I like Grythlwrolg. I have no idea how people can come up with names that original, but I like him, I really do. Just one question... does the hordling look like he has a chunk bitten out of him... or even half of him completely bitten off?
It would be ridiculously awesome if he was literally one giant muscled leg, one giant muscled fist, and a giant lumpy head with one eye. As if he was torn in half long ago, but all the 'important bits' have healed over and he's mostly just reformed to take in account that he was born with just one side of himself.
He hops around and generally looks kind of 'wtf', but he is totally bad-ass and will seriously mess your ass up, boy-o.
I was kind of imagining him as missing his lower half, rather than a lateral half, but either way. Oh, and he should talk like a gangsta', describing himself as
Ohoho. No lower torso; just apeishly large arms and fists with which he slings himself about, clamboring like some sort of parapelegic monkey? Grabbing anything within reach and spinning about before hurling himself at his enemies like a snarling, razor-blade laced cannonball--I imagine him with freakishly high grapple checks, climb checks, and an ability to just fling himself at anyone so long as he has something with good leverage to grab hold of and throw himself from.
That sounds exactly like the penultimate boss in the very first Tomb Raider game. Makes you wonder if when the Night Hag doubtlessly spit out the other half, the other half didn't turn into two disembodied legs running around in some other part of the Waste.
Interesting ideas, although I kinda imagined him simply forming himself whole into a humanoid figure, but endlessly pursuing the part of him thats missing, Sorta like if a troll was bitten in two he'd reform, although the other half of the troll would also. Which makes me think of an idea that his other half was spitten out too, and reformed into the other half of Grythlwrolgm. Someone else can create this aspect of him if they like.
As for original names the trick is to use y's as vowels. Aand the occational X Z or V. Although I try to avoid them as I think its just too typical. I mean look at all the awesome abyssal lords and arch devils. Apart from grazzt not a z x or v amongst them. I'm sure someone'll prove me wrong as I'm thinking of the top of my head though.
I can live with the explanations of 1&3 (it may just a little part of the Ash that pops up somewhere away far enough), but on 2.. well, it's a matter of taste. I only say don't throw around with large numbers carelessly.
Less than two weeks ago we saw an ultroloth who allegedly dates back to the beginning of the race, i.e. millions of years at a minimum. It would seem absurd or sinister if an allegedly infinite plane failed to produce anyone 1% as old as her.
Quite true, but there is a more 'recent' history nonetheless. I mean, how long since the Great Upheaval? 500 years? Oh well, As You Like It.
On reflection, we should probably address this point. "Sanity" seems like a strong word considering any civilizations that wronged him are probably long forgotten; but he does have inhuman persistence. And that seems fundamental to hordlings, if we want them to take shape by resisting the effect of the Waste and not through night hag twisting. Holding a grudge for fifty thousand years sounds entirely in character.
First of all I like to say that I like Lurkings. Becaouse in Croatian folk lore we have similar beast called "Bijes" (Bee-yes), wich look just like that: small, impish hordling. Also they were glorified in story "How Potjeh Searched for Truth) by Ivana Brlic Mazuranic in wich 3 such malcontents try to stray 3 brothers from path of deacent folk.
Also in that story, Bijeses had they nasty boss and king, wich brings me to:
Bijesomar, Lurking King, the Terrible Emperor:
This hordling is unusualy tall and gaunt with filthy beard and cloven feet, bat wings and impressive set of horns on his brow. He wears tatered royal red robe wich somehow stays red in gloom of Gray Waste, on the head he wears the crown of gillded horns an in his hand he carries heavy wooden scepter. On his back he wears sheepskin coat.
Bijesomar is hordling lord, and some say he is the Will of horde composed entierly of Lurkings, Mephits, Imps and Quasits. Nigt hags say that his lurkings scour Gray waste for new Lurkings wich he seek to add to his horde. Bjesomar even if he dresses and acts as nobility he is bully trough and trough, who enjojes to harras his minions by beating them with his heavy wooden sceptre.
In fact he beat his Lurkings on regular bassis that they fear only him and becaouse of that fear they will never grow into true hordlings, in fact some of them had actualy shrunk because of that fear.
Bjesomar despises 3 things in existance: incompetence, deacent folk, and smoke from holy fiers. See Bjesomar has sensitve nose and he can smell purty across the planes wich sends him into fits of sneezing and koffing, wich makes him agitated, wich he takes out on his minions.
To apease his master his Lurkings go across the prime and try to coruppt mortals by making sugesstions to follow their dreams of power. You see: Bjesomar´s Lukings are wretched but cunning lot, without any power of they own so they hope that trough mortals will realise they dreams of power. His Lurkings eagerly volontear for missions to prime just to get away from they lord (and if they do well he usualy leaves them to they devices but ocassonly he drops by to give them regular beating.)
Bjesomar´s plans: Bjesomar´s ultimate goal is to turn mortals into corupted, cowardly, superstitious and most importantly godless lot, so that he can roam dark woods of prime worlds unhinged (oddly he loves dark power of nature).
Bijesomar´s court: is located in one isolated large gorge in Gray Waste where smell of purity cannot reach him. On Prime he has similar outposts infested by Lurkings, hiden in dark places of world.
Horde powers suggestions: Suggestions, Increased wisdom/inteligence, Shrink Self
Well that is it for now. If you have suggestions, please post them.
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."
I totally love this Bijesomar fellow. Especially the beating part.
He has a really cool flavor and he provides more veriaty among the inhabitants of The Waste since he not only rules over Lurklings, but also over Imps, Quasits - and possibly other, even more foul creatures.
Great idea!
Only one addition: Writers should check in with the other running threads, so in case of "Hordling canon changes" (we're still in mid-discussion, after all), they update their entries in this thread.
With that, I don't wanna keep anyone from posting new characters - all the opposite. I think seeing some "real" Hordlings will help us define what's working as canon and what's not.
So - can't wait to see what you people will do here!