Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

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Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Hi! 1st post for me

I'm playing a D&D adventure with my friends using the 3.0 rules. The setting is Toril, but I use the Planescape cosmology like in the 2nd edition (because I hate the FR one) .

I need to know when this events happened in elation to Faerun chronology.

Death of Orcus. ( I presume during the time of troubles or 1 yer after, but I'm not sure)
Faction War. (totally clueless)

Please give me a hand Smiling

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Maybe you could compare the last in-game dates at the end of 2nd Edition. AFAIK that's 1369 for the Forgotten Realms. According to this source (I never heard of before) the Faction War begins in the 130th year of Factol Hashkar's reign.

There is also this date comparison... OK, I don't get it myself, but mayhap it is of some use for you. Laughing out loud


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

And here is the real deal.
Now we have to find out how Oerth and toril match. Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

"Maybe you could compare the last in-game dates at the end of 2nd Edition. AFAIK that's 1369 for the Forgotten Realms. According to this source (I never heard of before) the Faction War begins in the 130th year of Factol Hashkar's reign. "

It is a good Idea. But if I recal well, the last adventure of the second edition of Planescape is Die Vecna Die, isn't it?
Do Faction War and DVD happen in the same year?

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

"Maybe you could compare the last in-game dates at the end of 2nd Edition. AFAIK that's 1369 for the Forgotten Realms. "

Wait.... I'm not sure, but isn't For Duty and Daity setted in 1970?
Thay say that it have to be played with Tales from the Infinite Stair...

Does it make any sense?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

I think Die Vecna Die takes place a year after the Faction War. Not sure on that though.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

The best way to sync up Planescape and the Forgotten Realms is through For Duty & Deity and Tales From the Infinite Staircase, which took place more or less simultaneously.

127 in the reign of Hashkar was 1995 in our world, and the Planescape timeline went forward a year every year thereafter, so Faction War, For Duty & Deity, and Tales From the Infinite Staircase (all published in 1998) were in Hashkar 130. For Duty & Deity takes place in late 1370 DR.

Therefore, 130 Hashkar = 1370 Dalereckoning. 1374 DR would be 4 LE in Sigil.

Die, Vecna, Die! was published in 2000, so I date it two years after the Faction War (which is to say, Year 2 Lady's Edict).

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Therefore, 130 Hashkar = 1370 Dalereckoning. 1374 DR would be 4 LE in Sigil.

Die, Vecna, Die! was published in 2000, so I date it two years after the Faction War (which is to say, Year 2 Lady's Edict).

This would totally make sense. Because the 3rd ed of FR starts in 1372, after the big changes to the planes created by Vecna's deeds.

My only concern was that I wasn't sure that Tales From the Infinite Staircase happened so late.

I thought that it was one of the 1st adventures and that there had been many others between it and faction war (dead gods, modron march, well of worlds and so on). I was wrong wasn't I? They all happen before the Tales From the Infinite Staircase or all happen during th 130?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Okay, anyway, so the Faction War happened in 1370 DR. The death of Orcus is trickier.

Dead Gods (published in 1997) took place in 1369 DR (129 Hashkar). The adventure said clearly that Orcus had been dead for centuries (see page 66, in the description of Glyphimhor), so logically Kiaransalee must have killed Orcus in something like 1169 DR (very rough estimate). Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss confirms that Orcus was dead for centuries (page 128).

Orcus had, at that point, been Tenebrous for years. The Great Modron March itself lasted for several years (I assume it ended at the time the book was published, which was two months before Dead Gods came out). So we'll assume it began in Hashkar 127 (1367 DR).

However, there's a big problem with this. The Forgotten Realms adventure Throne of Bloodstone involves both Orcus and Glyphimhor (and there's even a flashback to it in Dead Gods. page 58). But Throne of Bloodstone took place in 1359 DR (according to my A Grand History of the Realms PDF). So Orcus must have died after 1359 DR, and before the Great Modron March began in 1367 DR.

In the end, it depends on whether you prefer the Planescape idea that Kiaransalee ruled Thanatos for centuries, or if you prefer the Forgotten Realms idea that Orcus was alive until very recently. Giving Orcus a much later death doesn't really change anything in Dead Gods, although I think it makes things somewhat less dramatic and more rushed if Orcus is a recently-dead god rather than a long-dead god. However, if you set it centuries ago it changes the history of Damara and Vaasa radically (since the death of Zhengyi the Witch-King would have been centuries ago as well), while it doesn't hurt the play of Dead Gods to set it later, so for a Forgotten Realms campaign a more recent date might be preferable.

Another thing to consider is that the Book of Vile Darkness said that Orcus had become complacent because his wars with Demogorgon and Graz'zt were waning. Perhaps they were waning because Graz'zt was imprisoned by Iggwilv, which was from 460-491 CY on Oerth (which works out to 1240-1271 DR). It's also true that Graz'zt was unable to leave Azzagrat and weakened in power from 491 CY until Iggwilv summoned Graz'zt again in 583 CY (1271-1363 CY), so it could have been any time in that period. In any case, it definitely must have happened before 1363 (when Graz'zt would have been able to heat the war up again).

The other thing to note is that Kiaransalee didn't bother to hide Orcus's wand away until after the events of the adventure Vault of the Drow on Oerth, which occured about 576-580 CY, so that would be about 1356-1360 DR. So that syncs up rather well.

There's nothing more concrete than that anywhere. I'd prefer to have Orcus dead for longer rather than shorter, to give Kiaransalee at least enough time to settle in her new home. The Time of Troubles happened in 1358 DR. Orcus had to have died at least a year after that (since he was still kicking in 1359 DR).

There is one other problem. According to Throne of Bloodstone, Gareth Dragonsbane destroys the Wand of Orcus in 1359 DR (he must have, or Bloodstone Pass would have been overwhelmed by demons). The adventure says it will take Orcus at least a century to make a new one. Yet he definitely has a wand when Kiaransalee kills him, because she has two drow hide it in Pandemonium somewhere between 1359 and 1363 DR. So either Orcus was able to make a new one faster than the adventure says he can, or Dead Gods takes place at least a century later. That's not the only problem Throne of Bloodstone poses, though, because to destroy the Wand of Orcus, Gareth Dragonsbane and his allies have to kill Tiamat and bathe it in her blood. Clearly, Tiamat isn't dead (maybe they killed an avatar, or maybe the Wand wasn't destroyed after all).

Anyway, canon's a bit of a mess on the subject. I guess I'd recommend that Orcus died somewhere between 1359-1363 in a Forgotten Realms campaign. Probably 1359, with Kiaransalee pouncing as soon as Gareth disrupts Orcus's plans, but fails to destroy Orcus's wand, which ends up in Kiaransalee's hands instead. Perhaps the reasons demon legions failed to invade Toril at that point was that they were in disarray because their master had just been slain, or perhaps Kiaransalee orders them to withdraw to help consolidate her power at home (or even in gratitude to Gareth Dragonsbane's party for weakening her enemy). Kiaransalee gives the wand to the drow Erehe and Kestod of Oerth, who hide it in Pandemonium. Kiaransalee dumps both drow in the River Styx so that they forget exactly where they put it. Kestod is transformed into a vampire, while Erehe was resurrected (his memories still gone) and given to his consort in Erelhei-Cinlu. Gareth Dragonsbane might have been given a fake wand, which he bathed in the blood of Tiamat's avatar and planted in Damara in order to fend off vengeful demons.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
I thought that it was one of the 1st adventures and that there had been many others between it and faction war (dead gods, modron march, well of worlds and so on). I was wrong wasn't I? They all happen before the Tales From the Infinite Staircase or all happen during th 130?

Tales From the Infinite Staircase was published in May of 1998 (as was For Duty & Deity). Faction War was published in November of 1998. So Tales happened first, in the spring of 130, and the Faction War occured during the autumn of that year.

The Great Modron March was published in October 1997. Dead Gods was December 1997. So they were both before Tales From the Infinite Staircase.

Well of Worlds was published in September 1994, which means Autumn of the 126th year in the reign of Factol Hashkar. Harbinger House was July 1995 (127 Hashkar) and Doors to the Unknown was November 1996 (128 Hashkar).

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Die, Vecna, Die! was published in 2000, so I date it two years after the Faction War (which is to say, Year 2 Lady's Edict).

Okay, I just realized that that messes up my Oerth dating, which is predicated on the assumption that Die, Vecna, Die! took place in Year 1 Lady's Edict (591 CY, Oerth time).

The adventure itself seems vague. It was long enough after the Faction War that the Sodkillers have begun patrolling the streets as the Harmonium once did (but nastier), but the Armory is still in ruins and the Sodkillers are as yet very new and uncertain.

So I think setting Die, Vecna, Die in 1 LE is reasonable (and means I don't have to recalculate all my Oerth dates!).

That would be 1371 DR.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

So, after 2001 the Greyhawk timeline begins to advance again at the rate of one year per real year, so I think things look like this:

1240 DR
Graz'zt bound by Iggwilv.
1271 DR Graz'zt banished by Iggwilv to the Abyss for a hundred years.
1358 DR The Time of Troubles. Waukeen makes a bargain with Graz'zt, who reneges and imprisoned Waukeen in his realm.
1359 DR Orcus's wand stolen by Gareth Dragonsbane and his party. Kiaransalee kills Orcus.
1363 DR Graz'zt freed from his banishment slightly early when Iggwilv summons him again. Graz'zt breaks free of the summoning circle and drags Iggwilv into Azzagrat with him.
1365 DR Iggwilv freed by Tuerny. Events of Return of the Eight.
1366 DR Well of Worlds. The Eternal Boundary. In the Abyss.
1367 DR Orcus resurrected as undead god Tenebrous. The Great Modron March begins. The Factol's Manifesto published. Harbinger House. Fires of Dis. The events of Planescape: Torment take place.
1368 DR The events of the novels Finder's Bane and Tymora's Luck. Doors to the Unknown. Something Wild. Hellbound: The Blood War.
1369 DR The Great Modron March ends. Dead Gods begins. Orcus dies a second time and is brought back to life by Quah-Namog as a non-divine demon lord. Tenebrous becomes a vestige.
1370 DR Tales From the Infinite Staircase. Waukeen freed from Graz'zt's clutches. Faction War.
1371 DR Die, Vecna, Die! The Codex of the Infinite Planes is recovered (Epic Level Handbook).
1373 DR The lich-queen Vlaakith is destroyed (the Incursion campaign in Dungeon #100).
1377 DR Expedition to the Demonweb Pits. The Savage Tide adventure path.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

I think that it is really more probable that the Banshee goddess killed Orcus in 1359. That is because, if Gareth stealed his wand during that year, it would have been easier for a demigoddess to slay him cosidered that they were both demigods in that period (the wand was a container for part of his energies after all, wasn’t it?).

I always thought that the assumption that Orcus has been dead for centuries was totally vague and unprecise. AND, this is more important, it could be easily part of Kiaranselee’s lies and magic that ereased Orcus name from the Multiverse (the same magic that will kill her in the future, lol).
Without any records of Orcus deeds 10 years of death can easili became 10 centuries. 

It seems even probable that Kiaranseleee could have helped or manipulated Gareth in a hidden way during his holy quest. I don’t have “The Throne of Bloodstone”: did Gareth kill Orcus in the adventure (in that case it is probably his aspect, and in anycase this could have hugely helped Kiaranselee because killing an aspect means making the original feebler) or he just managed to sneak in his castle and steal the wand?

If I remember well the wand was shattered in Tiamat blood. Shattered, not destroyed. Only one part was keeped by Gareth, the Tree-Gem. The other fragment coul have been reclamed by Kiaranselee (the wand can teleport itself, can’t it).

As I said, I still don’t have “The Throne of Bloodstone”, but I have “Tales from the nfinite Staircase”.
I’m sure that it states that the wand lacks some of the powers she had in the past   
That’s perfect, isn’t it? Without the gem, the wand isn’t complete.
That would also explain why Orcus doesn’t come back from death as a complete God and why tenebrous becomes a Vestige, because his main focus is uncomplete.

SO, to summarize a little all your great work guys:

0 – 1240 DR Graz'zt bound by Iggwilv. Factol Hashkar reign begins.
31 – 1271 DR Graz'zt banished by Iggwilv to the Abyss for a hundred years.
116 – 1356 DR Sylune of the Seven Sisters dies to protect Shadowdale. Mourngrym is elected king of the dale.
117 – 1357 DR Events in the novel “Spellfire” occur. Lareal of the Seven Sisters is freed from the curse of the Horned Crown and starts to recover from is madness in Khelben’s tower.
118 – 1358 DR Faerun Time of Troubles: Finder Wyvernspur, the Red Knight, Midnight and Cyrics become gods. Kelemvor’s soul is stealed by Mask. Moander, Zinzerana, Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul die. Waukeen makes a bargain with Graz'zt, who reneges and imprisoned her in Zelatar.
119 – 1359 DR Gareth Dragonsbane steals Orcus’ wand and kills the Lich Zangy. He slays one of Tiamat avatars in the outer planes and thus manage to shatter the wand. He brings one of the 2 parts with him to Damara. Kiaranselee slays the demigod Orcus in his realm of Thanathos. She erase his name from the multiverse with powerful magic and hide the other part of the wand in Pandemonium.
120 – 1360 DR Cyric kills Leira.
123 – 1363 DR Graz'zt freed from his banishment slightly early when Iggwilv summons him again. Graz'zt breaks free of the summoning circle and drags Iggwilv into Azzagrat with him.
125 – 1365 DR Iggwilv freed by Tuerny. Events of the adventure “Return of the Eight” occur.
126 – 1366 DR Events described in the adventures “The Eternal Boundary”, “Well of Worlds” and “In the Abyss” occur.
127 – 1367 DR Events described in the adventures “Fires of Dis” and “Harbinger House” occur.
128 – 1368 DR Velsharoon achieves demi-godhood thanks fo Talos and assumes the portfolio of undeath after that it have been vacant since Jergal’s reign. Kelemvor became the new God of Death in the City of Judgment in Hades. Cyric create a new realm in Cocytus (2nd layer of Pandemonium). Events described in the adventures “Something Wild” and “Doors to the Unknown” occur.
129 – 1369 DR Events described in the adventures “The Great Modron March”, and “Dead Gods” occur: Primus and Maanzecorian are killed by Tenebrous using the power of the Last Word. The modrons march searching for his lost wand. Tenebrous efforts are stymied by a group of adventurers, that hidden the wand from him until the power of the Last Word consumes him. Orcus is resurrected by Quah-Nomag, one of his foremost high priests and thralls, in a blasphemous ritual he enacted in the Astral Plane. The ritual works only partially, and he rise as a demon lord and not as a god. A cabal of Greater Deities nullifies the Last Word and Orcus' divinity become a vestige, also named Tenebrous.
One of the the two Secundis becomes the new Primus, the other one, tainted by Tenebrous’s deeds, turns Lawful Evil.
130 – 1370 DR Events described in the adventures “Tales From the Infinite Staircase” and “Faction War” occur: during the spring of the year Waukeen is freed from Zelatar and can finally came back on the Outer Lands in his realm of the Eternal Marketplace. During the autumn The Faction War bring an end to the factions’control of the city. Instigated by the power-hungry Duke Rowan Darkwood, factol of the Fated, in a bid to dethrone the Lady of Pain, the war spread throughout the city before the Lady with the aid of a group of adventurers intervened. At the end of the war the Lady Edict states that there will be no more faction in Sigil.
1st year after the Lady Edict – 1371 DR Events described in the adventure“Die Vecna, Die” occur: Vecna, freed from the Demiplane of Dread, enters in Sigil and brings havoc until is stopped. The Lady of Pain is seen speaking for the 1st time. She fixes the damages created by Vecna thus changing the Multiverse (thats could explain why in the 3rd editions there are no Inner demiplanes and quasiplanes). The “Codex of the Infinite Planes” is recovered
2nd year after the Lady Edict – 1372 Bane lives! Shade come back on Toril from the Plane of Shadows. Lolth’s Silence begins.
3rd year after the Lady Edict – 1373 End of Lolth’s Silence. The Demonweb’s Pits become a demiplane linked to the Abyss. The Dracorage infects Toril. The lich-queen Vlaakith is destroyed.
4th year after the Lady Edict – 1374 Khelben Arunsun dies while "opening" the City of Hope, a city created with the help of the sharn and many magical artifacts of legendary power. Most of the sharn resume their original forms.
5th year after the Lady Edict – 1375 Selvetarm is slain in the Demonwebs by a Cavatina, a fighter/priest of Eilistraee. Vhaeraun is killed by his sister, Elistraee that assumes his dark powers and turns CN.
6th year after the Lady Edict – 1376
7th year after the Lady Edict – 1377 Q'arlynd Melarn, aided by the memories of the ancient dark elves, uses elven High Magic to strip Kiaransalee's name from all the multiverse, killing her. Events in “Expedition to the Demonweb’s Pits” occur.

I’m really happy that now we have this. It can be really useful for everyone!
PS: Sorry for my English. If you find any errors let me know Laughing out loud
Does someone knows when the events in “Planescape Torment” , “the Reconing of Hell” and Glasya promotion occur?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
, it would have been easier for a demigoddess to slay him cosidered that they were both demigods in that period

It's not clear what Orcus's divine rank was. It's usually assumed that because Demogorgon was a lesser deity in 2e, Orcus probably was as well. However, 3e makes it sound like Orcus had only recently ascended to divinity.

(the wand was a container for part of his energies after all, wasn’t it?).


AND, this is more important, it could be easily part of Kiaranselee’s lies and magic that ereased Orcus name from the Multiverse

That's an interesting idea.

did Gareth kill Orcus in the adventure


If I remember well the wand was shattered in Tiamat blood. Shattered, not destroyed.

It explodes, and the gem is all that's left. I suppose it might have teleported away.

Does someone knows when the events in “Planescape Torment” , “the Reconing of Hell” and Glasya promotion occur?

Planescape: Torment was set in Hashkar 127 (1367 DR).

The Reckoning of Hell happened thousands of years ago (see, for example, The Apocalypse Stone, page 47).

Glasya was promoted in 6 LE (1376 DR).

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

It's not clear what Orcus's divine rank was. It's usually assumed that because Demogorgon was a lesser deity in 2e, Orcus probably was as well. However, 3e makes it sound like Orcus had only recently ascended to divinity.

That's odd. In the Vile Darknesses is stated that the big D&G is the most powerful, Graz'zt is the most cunning but Orcus is the only one that have obtained Godhood. In many sites I've always read that orcus was a demigod before is death. But that demogorgon has been a god is strange, because nobady defeated him or made him loose his powers.

It explodes, and the gem is all that's left. I suppose it might have teleported away.

Perfect no? During an explosion you can't see her disappear.

One last thing. When does Kiaransalee become a minor deity? I always thought she was a demigoddes, but in the FR setting shi is more powerful now. What happened?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
That's odd. In the Vile Darknesses is stated that the big D&G is the most powerful, Graz'zt is the most cunning but Orcus is the only one that have obtained Godhood.

A lot of the major demon princes were considered lesser gods in 2nd edition, thanks to their many worshipers, including Demogorgon, Yeenoghu, and Baphomet. Kostchtchie and Sess'innek were considered demigods, They retconned this in 3e, since they wanted all demon lords to be killable by mortals.

One last thing. When does Kiaransalee become a minor deity? I always thought she was a demigoddes, but in the FR setting shi is more powerful now. What happened?

Worshipers of Kiaransalee took advantage of the chaos caused by Lolth's Silence (which began in 1372 DR) to seize control of the cities of Maerimydra and Szith Morcane from the worshipers of Lolth. Because of her surge of worship in these areas, she ascended to lesser deity status, at least as far as Toril is concerned.

These things usually only affect a god's powers in a single crystal sphere. For example, Tyr is a greater god in Toril and an intermediate god elsewhere. Loviatar is a lesser goddess in Toril and a demigoddess elsewhere.

It's also a strong possibility that Q'arlynd Melarn's spell only destroyed Kiaransalee's Torilian aspect. Unless you want her to be dead everywhere, that is.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Worshipers of Kiaransalee took advantage of the chaos caused by Lolth's Silence (which began in 1372 DR) to seize control of the cities of Maerimydra and Szith Morcane from the worshipers of Lolth. Because of her surge of worship in these areas, she ascended to lesser deity status, at least as far as Toril is concerned.

Yes, this could work, really. The problem is that in the forgotten realm setting (1372 DR) she was already a lesser power... and that was some months before Lolth Silence's started.

It's also a strong possibility that Q'arlynd Melarn's spell only destroyed Kiaransalee's Torilian aspect. Unless you want her to be dead everywhere, that is.

If I remember well that tremendous high magic ritual erased her name from every mind in the multiverse, even Kiaransaleee own mind. If this is correct, she is gone for sure.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
Yes, this could work, really. The problem is that in the forgotten realm setting (1372 DR) she was already a lesser power... and that was some months before Lolth Silence's started.

She's listed as a demipower in the Campaign Setting, in Faiths and Pantheons, and in City of the Spider Queen. She's listed as a lesser deity in the City of the Spider Queen web enhancement.

And the explanation I gave was the official one (from the City of the Spider Queen web enhancement and City of the Spider Queen).

If I remember well that tremendous high magic ritual erased her name from every mind in the multiverse, even Kiaransalee's own mind. If this is correct, she is gone for sure.

Well, that's the Torilian cosmology that the book was referring to. How it might work in the Planescape cosmology is something we can decide for ourselves. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume the spell only affected minds within Toril's sphere and Kiaransalee's Torilian aspect.

I can't prove this, of course, but I think it's at least open to question.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Well, that's the Torilian cosmology that the book was referring to. How it might work in the Planescape cosmology is something we can decide for ourselves.

Sure? I hink that in the 1st book of the Lady Penitent they refer to the Great Wheel.

Cavatina tells that Vhaeraun's realm is in the Carceri and Elistraee lives in Svarthalfeilm. Smiling

I'm pretty sure that these 2 places are not part of the absurde new FR cosmology.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Felenthir Enthelion' wrote:
Cavatina tells that Vhaeraun's realm is in the Carceri and Elistraee lives in Svarthalfeilm. Smiling

I'm pretty sure that these 2 places are not part of the absurde new FR cosmology.

That's true, they're not, and it makes me happy whenever the Planescape planes are mentioned.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

That's true, they're not, and it makes me happy whenever the Planescape planes are mentioned.

I'm totally on your side.

560 CY – Last year of Factol Lariset's Reign – 1240 DR Graz'zt is bound on Oerth by Iggwilv (Wizard 26/Archmage 4) using what she had learned from her former teacher the mad archmage Zagig Yragerne, when he captured and imprisoned the demon prince Fraz-Urb'luu. Last year of Factol Lariset the Inescapable's Reign.
561 CY – 1st year of Factol Hashkar's Reign – 1241 DR Factol Lariset of the Fraternity of Horder trascends after discovering one of the Great Axioms and the dwarf petitioner Hashkar’s become the new factol of the Guvners.
491 CY – 31 th – 1271 DR Iggwilv kills Graz'zt on Oerth after a terrible battle, thus banishing him to his layer of the Abyss for a hundred years. As a consequence of this battle, Iuz's (the demigod cambion son of Graz’zt an Iggwilv) beautiful form is wracked by magic and split into the two hideous manifestations of a gnarled, old human male, or as a bloated, red-skinned demonic figure.
505 CY – 45 th – 1285 DR Juz and nine others demigods worshiped on Oerth are imprisoned beneath Castle Greyhawk by the mad archmage Zagig Yragerne.
557 CY – 97 th – 1337 DR On Toril, priestesses of Kiaransalee begin construction of a temple that will become the Acropolis of Thanatos within the ruins of V'elddrinnsshar at their goddess' behest.
566 CY – 106 th – 1346 DR On Oerth, forces of evil construct a small chapel outside the nearby village of Nulb. The chapel is quickly built into a stone temple that will become the Temple of Elemental Evil.
567 CY – 107 th – 1347 DR The Acropolis is completed.
569 CY – 109 th – 1349 DR On Oerth, a combined force of good humans, dwarves and elves is sent to destroy the Temple of Elemental Evil. Spellcasters loyal to the goodly army cooperate on a spell of sealing that bind the demoness Zuggtmoy (a major instigator in the Horde of Elemental Evil) to some of the deepest chambers in the castle's dungeons.
570 CY – 110 th – 1350 DR Elminster retires to Shadowdale. On Oerth, Iuz is freed from Castle Greyhawk. Mordenkainen revels that Zagig Yragerne has changed his name in “Zagyg” and he has become a demigod in the service of Boccob, god of magic.
572 CY – 112 th – 1352 DR On Oerth, Fraz-Urb'luu, the demon prince of deception, is freed from the bas-relief in the dungeon beneath Castle Greyhawk (where he has been sealed centuryes before by the mad archmage Zagig Yragerne), and can come back to the Abyss.
575 CY – 115 th – 1355 DR The clergy of Eilistraee begin construction of the Promenade over the Pit of Ghaunadaur in the vicinity of Skullport, beneath Mount Waterdeep.
576 CY – 116 th – 1356 DR Sylunè of the Seven Sisters, Lady of Shadowdale, dies to protect Shadowdale. Lord Mourngrym becomes the new Lord of Shadowdale.
577 CY – 117 th – 1357 DR Lareal of the Seven Sisters is freed from the curse of the Horned Crown and slowly starts to recover from is madness in Khelben’s tower. Events in the novel “Spellfire” occur: Shandril Shessair learn to use her spellfire. The Promenade temple is largely completed and habitable.
578 CY – 118 th – 1358 DR Faerun Time of Troubles: all the gods worshiped in Abeir-Toril are banished from their Realms (the multisferic gods loose only that aspect of them related to the Realmspace) and have to walk on Toril in avatar form by Lord Ao, the Overgod of Realmspace.
Iyachtu Xvim, Bane’s half-demonic son, is imprisoned under Zhentil Keep.
The first Mystra, Moander, Ramman, Gilgeam, Ibrandul, Zinzerana, Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul die. Torm is slayed but is resurrected by Ao at the end of the avatar crisis.
Big dead weave and wild weave zones appear on Toril.
Waukeen makes a bargain with Graz'zt, who reneges and imprisoned her in Zelatar.
While asleep in his lair, Sseth is magically bound into a deeper captivity by the deity Set, working through minions such as the Okothian sarrukh. Set "become" Sseth, assuming his portfolio and all of the aspects he'd already subsumed, including Varae and Merrshaulk. He usurped Sseth's place as lord of the yuan-ti and the source of their divine magic.
Finder Wyvernspur, the Red Knight, Midnight and Cyrics become gods.
Kelemvor’s soul is stealed by Mask.
Lord Ao dissolves the Imaskari planar barrier, allowing the manifestations of Mulhorandi deities to leave Toril and rejoin their divine essences in the Outer Planes.
At the end of the time of troubles the drow of Menzoberranzan, under the leadership Matron Mother Yvonnel Baenre, raid Mithral Hall. They are defeated and king Bruenor Battlehammer slays Yvonnel Baenre inside an antimagic field. Quenthel Baenre is killed by Drizz’t do Urden. Triel Baenre became the new matron mother of House Baenre.
579 CY – 119 th – 1359 DR Gareth Dragonsbane steals Orcus’ wand and kills the Lich Zangy. He slays one of Tiamat avatars in the outer planes and thus manage to shatter the wand. He brings the only one of the 3 parts that he is able to find after the explosion (the heart of the wand, known as the Tree-Gem) with him to Damara on Abeir-Toril. Bahamut starts to be worshiped again on Toril. The demigoddes Kiaranselee slays the lesser god Orcus, weakened by the loss of his wand, in his realm of Thanathos. She erase his name from every written source existing in the multiverse with powerful magic and hide the other 2 part of the wand (the iron wand and the skull on his top, still united together) in Pandemonium and calls her biggest temple in the Underdark of Toril “the Acropolis of Thanatos”. On Oerth, Zuggtmoy, demon queen of fungi, is freed from the Temple of Elemental Evil and can come back to the Abyss.
580 CY – 120 th – 1360 DR Cyric kills Leira and steals her portfolio of lies and illusions.
581 CY – 121 th – 1361 DR The events in the novels “Daughter of the Drow” and “Tangled Webs” occur: Quenthel Baenre is resurrected by Lolth and she becomes the new mistress of Arach-Tinilith I Menzoberranzan. On the island of Ruathym, Liriel Baenre, the NG daughter of Gromph Baenre using an artifact called Windwalker, inscribe a magic rune on a Tree called the Son of Yggsradill” for the purpose to keep her innate drow magic abilities and the powers of his drow items working on the surface. She unknowingly extend this effect to all the drows and to all the drow items of Toril.
583 CY – 123 th – 1363 DR Graz'zt freed from his banishment slightly early when Iggwilv summons him again. Graz'zt breaks free of the summoning circle and drags Iggwilv into Azzagrat with him.
585 CY – 125 th – 1365 DR Iggwilv is freed by the demon Tuerny. Events of the adventure “Return of the Eight” occur.
586 CY – 126 th – 1366 DR Events described in the adventures “The Eternal Boundary”, “Well of Worlds” and “In the Abyss” occur.
587 CY – 127 th – 1367 DR Events described in the game “Planescape Torment” occur. Events described in the adventures “Fires of Dis” and “Harbinger House” occur. The solar Galgaliel leaves Chronias to save the lantern archon Oriel from a hamatula.
588 CY – 128 th – 1368 DR A great portion of Zhentil Keep is destroyed by Cyric.Velsharoon achieves demi-godhood thanks fo Talos and assumes the portfolio of undeath that has been vacant since Jergal’s time. Kelemvor soul, freed by Mask, fight Cyric and became the new God of Death of the City of Judgment in Oinos (1st layer of Hades). Cyric create his new realm, the Shattered Castle in Cocytus (2nd layer of Pandemonium). Events described in the adventures “Something Wild” and “Doors to the Unknown” occur.
589 CY – 129 th – 1369 DR Iyachtu Xvim, Bane’s half-demonic son, is freed, stealing the portfolio of fear and tiranny from Cyric and becoming a lesser god.Events described in the adventures “The Great Modron March”, and “Dead Gods” occur: Primus (who becomes a vestige with the same name), Maanzecorian and other deities are killed by Tenebrous using the power of the Last Word. The modrons march through the planes searching for his lost wand. Tenebrous efforts are stymied by a group of adventurers, that block the powers of the wand and the energies of the Last Word consume him. Orcus is resurrected some months later by Quah-Nomag, one of his foremost high priests and thralls, in a blasphemous ritual he enacted in the Astral Plane. The ritual works only partially, and he rise as a demon lord and not as a god. Orcus' divinity become a vestige, also named Tenebrous. Orcus will defeat Kiaransalee and take control of Thanatos again in the next three years.
One of the the four Secundis becomes the new Primus, one of the others, tainted by Tenebrous’s deeds, turns Lawful Evil and moves to Acheront bringing with him about one million modrons.
590 CY – 130 th – 1370 DR Events described in the adventures "For Duty & Deity", “Tales From the Infinite Staircase” and “Faction War” occur: during the spring of the year Waukeen is freed from Zelatar and can finally came back on the Outer Lands in his realm of the Eternal Marketplace. During the autumn The Faction War bring an end to the factions’control of the city. Instigated by the power-hungry Duke Rowan Darkwood, factol of the Fated, in a bid to dethrone the Lady of Pain, the war spread throughout the city before the Lady with the aid of a group of adventurers intervened. All the factols are banished in the Lady’s Mazes or are killed except for the tiefling Rhys of the Ciphers. At the end of the war the Lady Edict states that the faction will disband and won’t keep any political power.
The Believers of the Source, the Mercykillers, and the Sign of One were wiped out in the fighting, while the Bleak Cabal, the Dustmen, the The Free League, the Society of Sensation, the Transcendent Order, and the Xaositects disbanded (although many former members continue to hold the same beliefs as they did under faction rule). The six remaining factions chose to leave Sigil behind. All former faction leaders gave up their claims to control over the city, handing it over to elected civil servants.
The Mercykillers were forced to split into two much smaller groups, the Sons of Mercy and the Sodkillers -- two smaller factions which long ago joined to form the Mercykillers. The Sons of Mercy, led by the human paladin Arwyl Swansonm, are concerned with redeeming and rehabilitating criminals, whereas the Sodkillers believe in simply exterminating them. Both remained in Sigil.
The survivors of the Believers of the Source and the Sign of One merged into a completely new faction known as the Mind's Eye.
The Athar fled the city to the base of the Spire, the region of the Outlands where all magic (including that of the gods) fails, to escape the wrath of the deities whom they defied. Their membership has declined due to the isolation of their new base.
The Doomguard was decimated in the Faction War. Most of its survivors fled to the four Inner Planar citadels maintained by the faction on the borders of the Negative Quasiplanes. The Doomguard now rarely leave their citadels, making forays outside only when some great act of creation (such as the formation of a new demiplane) demands a retributive act of destruction.
The Fraternity of Order relocated to the plane of Mechanus, where they already had several strongholds. The Guvners continue to delve into the laws of the planes and plot their eventual return to Sigil, which they still believe to be the fulcrum around which all worlds turn.
The planar chapter of the Harmonium relocated to the plane of Arcadia. They have become less of a police force and more of a diplomatic body. The Harmonium now believes that the best way to spread order is to peacefully unite the Upper Planes under the banner of law rather than forced conversion to their ideals.
The Fated suffered a great loss of face because it was their factol, Duke Darkwood, who started the Faction War in the first place. They've moved their base of operations to Ysgard, but have otherwise changed little in their methods.
The Revolutionary League retreated to the plane of Carceri, where most of its cells fell into disarray. Most of the remaining Anarchists seek to return to Sigil in force to become its new rulers. Other members of the League are appalled at the thought of ruling anything and have formed a splinter group, the Second Wave; these "Wavers" take the dissolution of the factions as proof that any political structure can fall and have spread to numerous planar metropolises to stir up rebellion.
591 CY – 1st year after the Lady Edict – 1371 DR Events described in the adventure“Die Vecna, Die” occur: Vecna, emerging with the power of a greater god, after absorbing the power of Iuz (using deception and a 10° level spell) frees himself from Ravenloft, the Demiplane of Dread, and manage to enter into the city of Sigil, where he came perilously close to rearranging all existence to his whims. Ejected from Sigil, he returned to Oerth greatly reduced, though still a lesser god. The Lady of Pain is seen speaking for the 1st time. She utters the True Words thus fixing the damages created by Vecna and changing the Multiverse (thats could explain why in the 3rd editions there are no Inner demiplanes and quasiplanes). The “Codex of the Infinite Planes” is recovered
592 CY – 2nd year after the Lady Edict – 1372 DR Xvim dies. Bane lives! The moon elf Galaeron Nihmedu unwittingly releases the phaerimm from their prison under the dunes of Anauroch. Shade come back on Toril from the Plane of Shadows using the power of the Karsestone. Lolth’s Silence begins. Worshipers of Kiaransalee take advantage of the chaos caused by Lolth's Silence to seize control of the cities of Maerimydra and Szith Morcane from the worshipers of Lolth. Because of her surge of worship in these areas, she ascend to lesser deity status (at least as far as Toril is concerned).
593 CY – 3rd year after the Lady Edict – 1373 DR End of Lolth’s Silence. The Demonweb’s Pits become a demiplane linked to the Abyss. On the new Demonwebs’ Pit, Lolth absorb her Torilian Yor'thae (Chosen One), Danifae Yauntyrr, and thus ascend to greater deity status. The Dracorage infects Toril. The lich-queen Vlaakith CLVII is destroyed.
594 CY – 4th year after the Lady Edict – 1374 DR On the Feast of the Moon, a High Magic Ritual of Myriad is performed to restore Faer’tel’miir, the Library City of Miyeritaris as the renamed city of Rhymanthiin, the Hidden City of Hope in the High Moor. Many of the greatest mages of the North and Western Heartlands, in union with the mysterious Sharn take part. Ualair the Silent, one of the Seven Wizards of Myth Drannor, and Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun forfeit their lives to complete the ritual, and their souls travel to Arvandor. Khelben leaves behind his lady Laeral, pregnant with his twins. Most of the sharn shed their skins, which become a part of the walls of the city, and return to their original forms. Some sharn of Miyeritar choose to remain sharn, for they would become drow with the Corellon’s Descent (the ancient high magic spell that transformed the dark elves into drow and that is still active) had they relinquished their sharn forms. The lingering effect of the ancient Killing Storms is cleansed from the High Moor.
In the dark hours of 15 Nightal a small company of Sharran assassins and shadow adepts succeeded in activating a Sharran artifact keeped in the tower of Elminster. Although Elminster destroy most of the intruders, the Sharrans defeat him using its power. Gravely wounded, he is whisked away by his contingency spells -- and his tower itself is blasted into ruin and hurled into some far plane.
Within hours of Elminster's defeat, the Zhentish army of Scyllua Darkhope and the drow of House Dhuurniv attack tha dale. Despite a valiant defense, the dale fell. To the astonishment of the local populace, Lord Mourngrym Amcathra announce an alliance with Zhentil Keep and welcomed the Zhentarim into Shadowdale as allies.
595 CY – 5th year after the Lady Edict – 1375 DR A group of heros defeat Scyllua Darkhope and free Shadowdale from the drow, the Sharran and the Zhentarim. Selvetarm is slain in the Demonwebs by Cavatina Xarran, a darksong knight fighter/priestess of Eilistraee. After a failed attempt to assassinate his sister in her realm of Svartalfheim, Vhaeraun is killed by her swords. Elistraee assumes the Masked God portfolio and turns CN. Adimarchus, demon prince of madness, slain.
596 CY – 6th year after the Lady Edict – 1376 DR Malagarde, the Hag Countess is slayed and her corpse grows and covers all Malebolge. Glasya becomes the new arch-dukess of the layer.
597 CY – 7th year after the Lady Edict – 1377 DR Q'arlynd Melarn, aided by the memories of the ancient dark elves, uses elven High Magic to strip Kiaransalee's name from all the multiverse, killing her. All her priestess in the Acropolis of Thanatos are killed by Elistraee’s followers. Events in “Expedition to the Demonweb’s Pits” occur: Graz'zt starts a complex plan to obtain more power and to weaken Lolth. The events of the adventure “Savage Tide” occur: Shami-Amourae is freed from the Well of Darkness. Demogorgon, the prince of demons, is slain by a coalition of powerful outsiders (the demon prince Orcus, the altraloth Charon, the eladrin paragon Gwynharwyf, the aspect of the obyrith lord Ob-Oxob) and mortals like the Witch Queen Iggwilv.
605 CY - 15th Year of the Lady's Edict - 1385 DR Mystra, goddess of magic in the Realms is killed by Cyric. Her death causes the beginning of the Spellplague, a series of Magical catastrophes that decimate the world of Abir-Toril, creates chaos within the Realms and the destruction or modification of many planes. Many powers of the Realmspace are unable to maintain their realms against this chaos and perish. This also leads to the destruction of the Weave.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

Oh! I noticed something interesting on the Forgotten Realms wiki. I don't know the source for it, but it says this:

"Tiamat was killed in the adventure The Throne of Bloodstone at the behest of Bahamut by Gareth Dragonsbane's party as Tiamat's heart was needed to destroy the Wand of Orcus. When the adventure was originally written, the date was 1148 DR. Obviously far too early for Dragonsbane to be included in the modern Forgotten Realms, the date was retconned and the death of Tiamat has not been mentioned since, though the destruction of the wand is still a canonical event."

That explains the difference between the Forgotten Realms and Planescape timelines - it was a retcon! If 1148 DR was used, Orcus would have been dead for over two hundred years, which fits with Dead Gods perfectly.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
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"Tiamat was killed in the adventure The Throne of Bloodstone at the behest of Bahamut by Gareth Dragonsbane's party as Tiamat's heart was needed to destroy the Wand of Orcus. When the adventure was originally written, the date was 1148 DR. Obviously far too early for Dragonsbane to be included in the modern Forgotten Realms, the date was retconned and the death of Tiamat has not been mentioned since, though the destruction of the wand is still a canonical event."

That explains the difference between the Forgotten Realms and Planescape timelines - it was a retcon! If 1148 DR was used, Orcus would have been dead for over two hundred years, which fits with Dead Gods perfectly.

Great job Smiling
Yes, this really explains a lot of things.
But if it is a retcon I think it is ok. It means they made a decision. Orcus died in 1359 DR. What do you think?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
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Yup, I'd agree that the latter date is the official one now.

Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
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I am amazed at the depth of D&D lore provided by this thread!
Since I plan on using followers of Kiaransalee as party enemies and running Dead Gods in my current campaign I have a real interest here.

Rip, when you say "the latter date is the official one" do you mean 1359 or 1148?

Lastly, what does "retcon" mean? I gather from the context it means something like "revised" - just want to be sure Smiling

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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It's short for retroactive continuity. Basically it means you change a 'fact' in a work of fiction at some point after it was originally written to make it mesh better with the current state of the fiction. Happens a lot in comic books, less so in novels and RPGs (At least I thought), but sometimes it does rear its ugly head

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Pale Night' wrote:

Rip, when you say "the latter date is the official one" do you mean 1359 or 1148?

1359 DR is the official one for the Forgotten Realms campaign at least. You could argue that since Fiendish Codex I and Dead Gods both say that Orcus has been dead for centuries, then 1148 is still canonical as far as they're concerned. It depends on how important Forgotten Realms continuity is in your campaign.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
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1359 DR is the official one for the Forgotten Realms campaign at least. You could argue that since Fiendish Codex I and Dead Gods both say that Orcus has been dead for centuries, then 1148 is still canonical as far as they're concerned. It depends on how important Forgotten Realms continuity is in your campaign.

I think Forgotten Realms continuity it is important. Afterall, it is part of the Planescape multiverse too. Smiling

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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I think Forgotten Realms continuity it is important. After all, it is part of the Planescape multiverse too.

Only if your PCs are connected to to it. It's only one of an infinite number of Primes, and there is no logical reason except DM's convenience (all the books and whatnot) that the events in the Realms have any more influence on the planes than those on a different and less detailed prime.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
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Only if your PCs are connected to to it. It's only one of an infinite number of Primes, and there is no logical reason except DM's convenience (all the books and whatnot) that the events in the Realms have any more influence on the planes than those on a different and less detailed prime.

Yes, but the books are soooo good. They give a lot of good plansecape ispirations. Think of Lolth silence, or Vhaeraun and Kiaransalee death, only to speak about one singol pantheon... you can find a LOT of great ideas for a Planescape adventure...

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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No doubt at all, since it's one of WOTC's best developed settings, it's by far the easiest published to connect (especially since there isn't nearly as much reconciling of setting-esential cannon to be done like with Kryn of Eberron). My point was mainly that there's no reason that annother prime shouldn't be just as connected (it's just a lot more work for the DM as far as setting creation goes).

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

New one for the realms timeline:

604 CY - 14th Year of the Lady's Edict - 1384 DR
Mystra, goddess of magic in the Realms perishes in an as yet unknown incident sparking the beginning of the Spellplague, a series of Magical catastrophes that decimate the world of Abir-Toril.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Arytiss' wrote:
New one for the realms timeline:

604 CY - 14th Year of the Lady's Edict - 1384 DR
Mystra, goddess of magic in the Realms perishes in an as yet unknown incident sparking the beginning of the Spellplague, a series of Magical catastrophes that decimate the world of Abir-Toril.

4th edition Forgotten Realms is up to 1479 DR now, evidently. So, 109 Lady's Edict. Wow.

Arytiss's picture
Joined: 2006-08-11
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Either that or FR cosmology has been running behind everyone else and has only just caught up.

Felenthir Enthelion's picture
Joined: 2007-12-18
Help with Planescape/Toril chronology

'Arytiss' wrote:
New one for the realms timeline:

604 CY - 14th Year of the Lady's Edict - 1384 DR
Mystra, goddess of magic in the Realms perishes in an as yet unknown incident sparking the beginning of the Spellplague, a series of Magical catastrophes that decimate the world of Abir-Toril.

It is 1385, "year of the blue fire", not 1834. Not a good year at all.
At least it will be the last one of Shar.

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