First, let me say that I've been lurking here for awhile and this site is by far, the best PS resource around. Thanks for all the hard work.
Here's my situation: I've got a group who I want to run a game for, and while I'm not new to DnD or Planescape, I've never DM'd before. So I'm looking for suggestions for a cool metaplot.
Since all of the players are new to Planescape, and DnD in general, I'm starting from the beginning of the timeline. Meaning none of the events in the modules and accesories have happened yet.
I'm starting them out at ECL 2 and they've already got characters mostly made:
- Tiefling Sorcerer, Sensate. A Hive orphan and former light boy who using nothing but his charm and good looks, worked his way into high society. Has a latent megalomaniacal tendency that would be more befitting of a signer.
- Human Fighter/Barbarian, No faction affiliation decided yet. I would expect the player to choose something along the lines of Indep. No real background yet either, probably hailing from Ysgard. Character concept is intented as something of a synthesis between Conan and Guts.
- Aasimar Cleric, Athar. Hooray for godless clerics! No background yet, but I see this character being more tightly associated with their faction than the others.
- NPC Human Rogue, non-cannon sect. Since there are currently only three players, I thought I'd throw in a rogue to round out the 4 basic monster food groups.
All I've got currently is a vague idea for a means to an end for some undecided antagonist: Somebody is looking for/has found a means to rob mortals of belief. Basically a magical lobotomy that destroys the capacity adhere to abstract ideals and values. This would obviously be a very potent weapon, as applied on an indvidual it would emasculate and ultimately destroy them. Applied selectively to a large group, you would have the power to reshape the planes in very short order.
I figure that is definitely in the PS theme, and its something big enough to be the core of a big dark secret worth working months or more to uncover. But I can't figure out where to go with it. Who is attempting this, and most importantly, WHY? And what are some ways that I can wrap this up in many subplots and layers of indirection and obfuscation for maximum intrigue? Ideally including the core PS concepts, including the three rules, faction politics, exotic creatures and locations, et al. Especially anything that allows me to leverage off of the modules or other published materials.
And with subplots that directly involve the PCs. I have another vague idea for the Tiefling sorcerer, where he was originally intended to be the keystone of some dastardly plot by a demon lord to take control of a large chunk of a prime world, or some such, but something fell through at the last second and he ended up abandoned in Sigil.
I have a fairly good idea of a involving the development and resolution of the NPC rogue's background, but I wouldn't want to devote any time and effort to that untill I have something at least as interesting involving each actual player character on a personal level. Not to mention a meta-plot...
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'm not obviously not wedded to anything I've mentioned, so feel free to tell me I'm way of base and suggest something totally different. I'm new to this and feeling very intimidated by the magnitude of it all, so anything is appreciated at this point.
Thanks in advance!
Heh. You've got a very solid start, there. And you haven't gotten so big into your "big picture booga booga" that you're forgetting to keep the story on the players. Thumbs up, there.
As far as the philosophy of Planescape and the Three Maxims go, let me suggest one slight modification to your original idea: The "belief-stealer", whatever it is, doesn't destroy belief. Instead, it liberates it - creating some entirely new construct. Or for even more entertainment value, two.
And then your PCs get involved by being the victims of an early test-run that doesn't completely destroy them, but does leave them knowing they've been kissed. Center of All - they've been hit where they live. Rule of Three - for each PC, a 'good guy' belief construct and a 'bad guy' one, plus the diminished original. (Or law/chaos, hope/despair, whatever dualism floats yer boat.) Unity of Rings - the PCs can (and should) eventually be made whole.
(Note that the above is only one possible suggestion. Take it, leave it, spin it, mock it as you like. I'm not picky.
As for who, what, why, and all the rest - pull out whatever resources you have to hand (Uncaged, Factol's Manifesto, the Planes boxes, Dead Gods, et cetera) and browse through them until something goes -click!- That's yoru hook - and probably, a branch into larger metaplot as well.
Best of luck...