Help with Campaign ideas

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AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

I'm thinking of trying to run Planescape for some friends. I'm just curious on what some starting adventures would be to get things moving and get them involved in the setting's metaplots. Definitly setting it in Sigil because I like Sigil AND I own Planescape: Torment, which I never did beat. I'm thinking of using a lot of things from the game, such as the locales and NPCs.

I'm hoping for a mix of Cluless, just got to Sigil Primers and a few locals. (Which could possibly include Primers who have been around a while, but it might be more fun to just have Clueless and locals.) OR possibly all Clueless with a local NPC guide.

Are there any guilds or organizations dedicated to helping out new persons in town or just indviduals who do that?

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help with Campaign ideas

If it's set in Per-faction war then I would recommend the Eternal Boundary as an introductory adventure. Post-Faction War I cannot recommend anything.

There is unfortunately a distinct lack of adventures in post-Faction War Sigil :oops:

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

Any books you recomend I get? I already have the Planar Handbook and the free download of the 3.5 update. I'm guessing I might try and get the original 2cd ed boxed set in PDF format and anything else I can get a hold of.

Just wondering what kind of things are going on that a Primer would get involved in and also how to provide lots of RP and interesting battles as well.

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Help with Campaign ideas

I think I heard that in Eternal Boundry you get from a crypt or the like on the Material plane through a portal of the Dustmen faction to Sigil.

In my campaign my players were stranded on a remote isle with a githyanki hatchery. There they discovered a portal to the Astral plane and from there they will (hopefully) find their way to Sigil. Smiling

Maybe you could tell us what (if you have one) bigger plot your campaign is going to have?


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

No idea of a bigger plot. It's probably going to be set in whatever period has the most published adventures, setting info, ect. So probably pre faction wars. I just want the PCs to be able to start in Sigil and eventually get a grand tour of the planes. So eventually I want something that encompasses all the Planes. Or I guess I might do it after the Faction War and all. I was thinking of having the Lady of Pain go missing, perhaps even get displaced by someone or something else. Probalby have this something be a lot nastier than she is so people might actually want the Lady of Pain back and in charge of Sigil. But I need tons of minor lower level plots first because I hate starting stuff of at high levels. It's lame. At MOST I would want the PCs to be 3rd level or equivalent thereof. (So some people could be ECLs.)

I definitly want to work in some of the NPCs from Torment, perhaps figure out where they went after TNO disapeared. Been thinking of adding a lot of them to tabletop stats. Including any minor NPCs that you meet like Saego and the Tiefling chick in the Mortuary. So that would be a ton of NPCs.

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
Help with Campaign ideas

You may want to look through Kytos' Hooks for some ideas. It can be found under "Features" on the left hand side of the site's home page.


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Help with Campaign ideas

I definitly want to work in some of the NPCs from Torment, perhaps figure out where they went after TNO disapeared. Been thinking of adding a lot of them to tabletop stats. Including any minor NPCs that you meet like Saego and the Tiefling chick in the Mortuary. So that would be a ton of NPCs.

Feel free. I once had a player who's Pyrokineticist admired Ignus so much that he actually went through the trouble of building a cult around him.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

I still need ideas for begining level adventures. I didn't see any in the hooks, looks like all higher level stuff. I might check out the stories later though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Help with Campaign ideas

Moving thread to RPG Discussion. Continue as you were... Smiling

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

My advice would be to take one of the higher level hooks and reduce the power of any implied combats.

One of the things about Sigil, which I've always attempted to stress to my players, is that levels are not nearly so important as a quick wit and the ability to think on one's feet.

Because nothing in Sigil is likely to be what it seems, people tend to be a little less eager to resort to violence, when other solutions present themselves.

As a gm it is important for you to keep that in mind. Also, consider that not every conflict need be settled with fists. Many powerful creatures might still be interested in settling disputes by the use of "peripheral" skills. (For example, I recently had an encounter in which the party was challenged by a Slaad to a game of words. [riddles, anagrams, etc]) Of course, the fallout of such a contest might still be the loser's life - though more than likely the cost won't be so easily paid. (In the above example, the Slaad bet information the party desperately needed against the players' ability to communicate - just imagine how difficult life would have been for them, had they lost!)

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

Eh, there's also plenty of people and places where you can fight. I'm not that good at a whole bunch of purely cerebral stuff and I love a good fight anyway. It wont be all fighting but its sure not going to be all RP ethier.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Help with Campaign ideas

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
Are there any guilds or organizations dedicated to helping out new persons in town or just indviduals who do that?

The Planewalker Guild maybe.
The Touts Guild.
Also depending on the direction of your plot - Harys Hatchis (he's just a good guy), Jeremo the Natterer (Ring-Giver beliefs), Rhys (the Cadence told her so).

Most *emphatically* not Cirily - but she may make a good bad guy for you.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

Going to make my own NPCs but I was just curious if any organizations existed was all.

I had an idea for a new monster too. The cranium cat. Sticking out tongue Basically someone decided to create a creature suited to hunting and killing cranium rats and used magic and some other means to create cranium cats which hunt and kill cranium rats. Cranium cats will be good alinged and usually helpfull and make great pets if you don't mind a cat that can telepathically tell you it wants Meow Mix. Laughing out loud

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help with Campaign ideas

'Clueless' wrote:
The Touts Guild.

Definitely the Touts. You'll want to look up Kylie, or someone who works for her. She's a great chick, very helpful. The help's not free - she's gotta keep her runners living in some semblance of a decent building - but she's pretty straight with people.


Pants of the North!

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

What about any mercenary guilds who like to hire clueless primers while at the same time supposedly helping them out?

Also wondering about any introductory adventures anywhere?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Help with Campaign ideas

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
I had an idea for a new monster too. The cranium cat. Sticking out tongue Basically someone decided to create a creature suited to hunting and killing cranium rats and used magic and some other means to create cranium cats which hunt and kill cranium rats. Cranium cats will be good alinged and usually helpfull and make great pets if you don't mind a cat that can telepathically tell you it wants Meow Mix. Laughing out loud

What's the backstory for them? Cranium rats were created by the illithid god Illsensine to be eyes, ears, and occasionally hands throughout the planes... who made the cats and why?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Help with Campaign ideas

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
What about any mercenary guilds who like to hire clueless primers while at the same time supposedly helping them out?
Blood War recruiters - otherwise I don't know of any off the top of my head.

Also wondering about any introductory adventures anywhere?
At the moment - at least for Planewalker - as mentioned earlier, you'll want to look at Hooks and modify the ideas there to fit. (That's why they're hooks - not modules - they're intended to be no more than starting points.) Otherwise you'd have to locate a low level adventure at one of the sites that offers Planescape PDFs for sale. (It's early, I can't think of a good module right now.)

Additionally, you could always just take a regular old module set on the Prime, and change the setting and a few NPCs to match Planescape and Sigil. The city,the planes in fact as a whole, have reguler people and places all over - it's not like everyone in the planes has to have 12 levels to even survive, the vast majority are commoners.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

One should never forget the Indeps, either. If there is one guild most likely to sympathise and lend a hand to primes, it is they.

As to adventures, you might also want to remember everything in the planes is grand. It would, to me at least, feel like one were cheating their players if they got stuck in a standard, inconsquential low level adventure.

Something I did when first looking at PS as a setting was to go through their monstrous manuals and design adventure hooks around many of the creatures there. Nearly any monster can provide some inspiration in the "Habitat" or "Ecology" sections of their writeup.

As for the other issue - I can't personally see the point in running a PS game that wasn't roleplaying intensive. One can fight monsters for treasure in any setting, but Planescape - with its themes of belief and philosophy - offers an unparelleled opportunity for roleplaying. But then, I'm biased in that my players may easily go a month or more between combat encounters. (remember, too, that encounters can be made dangerous and exciting without combat.)

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help with Campaign ideas

Another idea is to involve the characters in the criminal side of Sigil society. Plenty of scope for fights from either side, in other words supporting the elements of Law or those opposed to Law.

Also, if you incorporate some underworld figures that make a repeated appearance then you can build up an overall campaign that will be stimulating and exciting. Throw in some scenarios and situations that deal with dubious morality or that challenges the beliefs and outlook of the characters - and you can generate some interesting RP in which philosophical discussions could potentially be sparked off.

As another poster has stated above, folks in Sigil are not always as they appear. If you can somehow incorporate the power of belief in to the campaign then you'll really be a super Planescape GM.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

Thats a cool idea, it kinda depends what the players want to play for characters though. A paladin wouldn't get involved with criminals if he/she could help it.

Are there books that go into great detail on Sigil and its history/NPCs/places? I'd really like to know as much as I can about the Lady of Pain and see if there is anyway she could possibly be deposed. It doesn't seem like it at all. I remeber in Torment a god named Arathos was mentioned? Supposedly the Lady of Pain killed him? Is he mentioned anywhere?

simmo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help with Campaign ideas

Here is a brilliant set of pages about Her Serenity The Lady of Pain She's really just a concept, an enigma and a riddle. She's not a creature with stats, she's a GMs device to give flavour to the City of Doors.

As to a paladin not wanting to work for criminals, that sounds very paladin-like. But whilst a paladin might like to see the world in black and white, the mixing of numerous races from all manner of planes results in a mixture of scenarios that are shades of grey.

In my mind role-playing in the Planescape setting is in part about breaking stereotypes. Putting the players in situations that they'd not considered previously and then seeing how they tangle with the various philosphies and outlooks that can be found in various planar groups.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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You're talking about the god Aoskar. He doesn't have a lot of canon information dedicated to him, simply because he is actualyl dead - but the encyclopedia should give you the basic information you're looking for.

As for plots to overthrow the lady - I don't have the details on it, but you may want to check out the module Harbinger House. That module has a plot along those lines in it.

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

So what are some ideas you guys have come up with yourselves?

AkumaDaimyo's picture
Joined: 2006-08-09
Help with Campaign ideas

Any ideas you guys came up with yourselves?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help with Campaign ideas

'AkumaDaimyo' wrote:
Any ideas you guys came up with yourselves?

I have a rather complicated three-part storyline in mind that eventually ends in Ragnarok.


Pants of the North!

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