Help with 1st time Planescape DMing

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coastiemike's picture
Joined: 2008-08-21
Help with 1st time Planescape DMing

With the knowledge of the folks here, I am hoping you can help me out for my home D&D game.

Does anyone know any adventures that take place in the plane of Gehenna? Whether they are in a Dungeon Magazine, a 3rd party source, or some TSR/Wizards product, any help is greatly appreciated, since much to my player's chagrin, their characters ended up gating into Gehenna.

My group consists of 8 PCs of 12-15th level.  We are using the 3.5/3.75 rules set and the group was sucked into Gehenna from Faerun of the Forgotten Realms.

 I am currently reading the Planes of Chaos but was hoping for a complete, published module to help kickstart me with this new Planescape game.

 Thanks in advance for any help.  My email if you need it is

Evil's picture
Joined: 2005-11-12
gehenna is on planes of

gehenna is on planes of conflict.. It's actually on the lawful side. 

come to think of it, though I don't remember an official adventure taking place in gehenna. You might want to check hellbound the blood war, and also there are supplementary adventures for every plane in all "planes of -" sets.

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