Help needed developing a Planescape Human Subrace

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patha787's picture
Joined: 2008-11-20
Help needed developing a Planescape Human Subrace

Greetings everyone,

First off I'd like to say it's a pleasure to be here. This is a wonderful site and I was blown away by the quality of the resources available - most helpful. I'd also like to say I've only recently taken an active interest in the Planescape setting, having come from a background of primarily Forgotten Realms Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying (starting with 2nd Edition AD&D and most recently with 3.5 Edition D&D). It's an incredibly refreshing campaign setting, with seemingly limitless possibilities. Anyway, I've rambled on enough - time to get to the point.

I'm trying to develop a subrace of planar humans, and knowing my limitations I realized I needed the help of experts. Basically, I have a concept and a few undeveloped ideas, but my knowledge of the setting is limited (though I've been doing a lot of reading) and I'm here to humbly ask for your help. Note that I've got access to just about any 3rd Edition (or 3.5 Edition) WoTC sourcebook, all the 2nd Edition official Planescape material, many TSR 2nd Edition sourcebooks and a few more from other publishers, so don't be afraid to reference a source.


The concept is basically a militaristic warrior-people subrace of humans who have adapted to living in a harsh, unforgiving environment (after doing some reading, I thought perhaps Gehenna, but is this unrealistic? Perhaps the Outlands near Torch would be better?). They were once a fairly ordered, united stratocratic society (think ancient Sparta). Their society was organized into clans, each with a Chief. Military prowess determined fitness to rule, with the strongest among them holding the position of Chief of Chiefs (at least until challenged and defeated by a subordinate), holding dominion over all the clans. Selective breeding, rigorous training and deadly rites of passage ensured only the strongest and healthiest survived to adulthood. Because military prowess determined social status, and because of the harsh conditions under which they were forced to survive, women were judged by the same standards as men and held an equal role in society as warriors. Justice was determined by trial by combat, with the victor having the right of it. They were an insular and self-concerned people, probably neutral in alignment - they're amoral and self-concerned, but possess their own unique sense of honor. Spellcasters were non-existant among their people, being reviled as the antithesis of the warrior. Because of the fiercely self-reliant nature of their society, their focus on conflict and having adapted to living in a harsh and unforgiving environment (for example, Gehenna), their race held no patron deity, with the worship of powers being seen as irrelevant (even detrimental) to being completely independent and self-sufficient. They are survivors first and foremost.

This is the basic background of the race, but I also had an idea for some recent history that would make them a little more versatile and interesting. Basically, a cataclysmic event perhaps a generation or two ago has caused the dissolution of their unified society. My idea was that the Yugoloths saw these warrior-people as potential rivals as mercenaries in the Blood War (indeed, perhaps they had functioned in this capacity) and stormed their settlement, eventually slaying the Chief of Chiefs and many others. The remainder scattered in order to ensure their survival, becoming a race of nomadic planeswalking mercenaries. With the race scattered across the planes, their society and traditions (language and belief system) may be eroding - for example, some might become religious (likely worshipping powers associated with the portfolios of Strength, War, etc.) or even spellcasters (likely favoring flashy destructive spells from the school of Evocation).

Anyway, enough background - I'm sure you get the idea. Apart from general suggestions, advice or questions (all of which are most welcome), I need help with the following issues/questions:

Is the Gehenna idea/Yugoloth history viable? The research I've done seems to suggest that Gehenna would be near-uninhabitable for a subrace of humans.

If it is viable, why did they come to Gehenna? What drew (or drove) them to the plane in the first place?

If it is not viable, would the Outlands (bordering Gehenna, near Torch) be a better setting?

What traits/adaptations (physical and personality) would the race have evolved over generations in either setting (Gehenna or the Outlands near Torch)?

 I'm sure I had more in mind but I'll wait to hear a response. Thank you very much in advance to any who respond - your help is much appreciated.

patha787's picture
Joined: 2008-11-20
Having done a lot more

Having done a lot more reading in the past day or two, I've decided to change a couple of things.

For one, I've decided not to use Gehenna as their native plane - it's likely a warrior subrace of humans who have adapted to that plane would have developed very specific combat styles/tactics and great climbing ability in order to best utilize their environment, and I'm not sure I like that idea. Instead, I've decided to use a layer of the Abyss, since this allows me to essentially fabricate my own setting (because of the largely unknown nature of much of that plane). It might still even be possible to keep elements of their background story intact, since the Yugoloths' attempt at genocide was motivated by potential rivalry as mercenaries in the Blood War as opposed to living on the same plane.

That said, I'm thinking about changing the concept slightly, as well. I might move away more from the Spartan/Mandalorian-esque concept I'm using now to something more like a society of nomadic survivors. They can still be a warrior people with their clan-based society based around physical prowess, but I'm going to make their focus more on their own independence and survival than on the glory of physical combat. So essentially, I think I'm going to change the concept from something resembling the Spartans/Mandalorians to something more akin to the Bedouin/Aiel (of Wheel of Time)/Fremen (of Dune), only native to a volcanic ash wasteland of the Abyss. However, I still want to include a conflict of some kind (whether against the Yugoloths, the Demons, or whoever), the loss of their Chief of Chiefs (slain by a racial enemy) and the gradual breakdown of their culture and traditions as they spread across the planes to ensure their survival and become less insular.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Sounds pretty viable so far

Sounds pretty viable so far - you'll want to have some way of them getting resources in, as they don't sound much like the farming sort. Do they control any portals to handle the base economics of getting food? Do they hire out as a mercenary force in the Blood War?

I would suspect a resistance to acid or fire would be handy. Lowlight vision also handy. Perhaps a bit of a danger sense of some sort? Given the feel you're giving them for independance and survival I could see natural 'allies' in the Fated faction.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
I was thinking about your

I was thinking about your race and I was thinking perhaps the Khaasta could be the racial enemy that slew their chief of chiefs. Perhaps they were sent by a demon lord (Grazzt?) or like you said the yugoloths.  Or maybe even the devils came up with a plan to make them think a demon lord was behind the Khaastas attack to bring them to the Baatzeus side in the Bllod War 

patha787's picture
Joined: 2008-11-20
First of all, thank you both

First of all, thank you both for your responses. Also, be aware that the more I read up and the more I learn, the more the concept changes and adapts.

Clueless - as you've said, they're not the farming sort. Food is an important issue - I envisioned them as a hunter-gatherer people, but what sort of creatures are there in the Abyss that a human subrace could hunt and then eat (without serious health issues, anyway), and what edible flora is there to gather? Because of the 'Infinite' layers of the Abyss, it gives me creative license to essentially create my own environment, and I suppose to populate it with whatever flora and fauna I choose (within reason, appropriate to the setting). The layer I had envisioned had some diversity of terrain, though all harsh and unforgiving - ranging from wasted volcanic ashlands to stinking bogs, some twisted forests and broken mountainscapes. I suggest that these people are from the volcanic ashland region - a bit like desert nomads, although rather than a sandy desert wasteland, it's a vocanic wasteland, with ashstorms instead of sandstorms and so on. Would it be possible for these people to survive in such a landscape as
hunter gatherers, and if so, what sort of creatures/other life should I
populate it with? If this doesn't seem like a realistic possibility, I suspect they gain the necessities either through raiding (although this seems like a quick way to get wiped out in the Abyss) or more likely through trade. As for what they would trade, I suspect as survivalists they do a lot of scavenging/salvaging, for example of items and equipment dropped by fallen soldiers of the Blood War.

Bladedancer - I had never heard of the Khaasta before, so thank you for introducing them to me. I did a little research, and they seem like a fascinating race - in fact, they share quite a few similarities with the human subrace I'm trying to create (although they're far more similar to the original concept than the one I'm working on now), and could make excellent foils for them, as you've suggested. I'll keep that possibility in mind.

Bladedancer's picture
Joined: 2008-05-21
Well if they are native to

Well if they are native to the Abyss (or been there for a few generations the plane could start to twist them and make them adapt to there surroundings. So maybe their bodies changed to be able to survive the harshness of the abyss?

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Couple of comments: Your

Couple of comments:

Your subrace sounds similar in some ways to the githyanki (different chosen plane, and githyanki don't hate mages), but otherwise many similarities.  If you don't know much about the githyanki just yet, you might want to check them out.  (Guide to the Astral Plane is a good 2e source, though it's hard to come by these days.)

While Gehenna is pretty much too hot/cold for most mortal races, the Hinterlands of Gehenna might be a possibility.  (That being the part of the Outlands closer to Gehenna than Torch itself.)  With regard to yugoloths, it's possible that some fiend/group of fiends arranged for the human subrace to become a significant force in order to use them as Blood War mercenaries -- and, assuming most of the subrace are evil, as that many more souls to collect.  (Imagine, say, a cabal of high-powered yugoloths that manipulate them in order to have their own standing army of servants/pawns, to be used against tanar'ri, baatezu, or even other yugoloths as needed.)  Given that an entire major caste of yugoloths are mages, though, I'm not sure the "hates mages" aspect of the culture would work well there.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I think the arcanaloths

I think the arcanaloths would be fine with that. They don't have to show their own mageiness when they deal with the species - and more importantly - they can rest easy with the knowledge that none of their 'pet species' will ever advance in magical rank as a mage to become a rival or risk to themselves.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Firstly I'd like to wish

Firstly I'd like to wish you welcome to this wonderfull site. Smiling

 secondly here is my ideas based on your first draft: Ancestors of your people were once powerfull prime matterial civilisation that managed to create  utopia on their homeworld. But as the time passed their society passed more and more in decadence and their race reached their evolutionary end.

Then myterious stranger came (arcanaloth yugoloth) and started a eugenic project wich would save people from stagnation. In order to speices to evolve they need harsh enviroment, and the strange scientist offered them a perfect solution - Gehena.

 The hardiest members of the race were send to colonies on Gehena to addapt to new enviroment, and as generations rolled, the simmilarites bettween decadent ancesstors and hardy warriors were less and less noticable.

Untill they learned the  horrible truth: their benefactor was actualy powerfull fiend and they were used in some unholly experiment (that's why they hate mages and sorcerers so much), they have escaped from their colonies to the outland burg of Torch wich gave them premmision to stay if they will serve as town elite troops.


Well I know this is not much but at lest I hope that you will find this idea helpfull. Cheers! Laughing out loud



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