Hi all,
I'm somewhat new to Planescape and to RPGs as well.
I find the Planescape scenario really interesting, and it seems to me that game mechanics in Planescape are blissfully far from the
I am currently designing a character for some Planescape campaign, and I would like to have some feedback.
Gender: Male
Race: Firre
Class: Bard
Alignemt: NG
Stats, skills, feats and such: still to define
Hacif is a Firre of somewhat heavvy bulk, and he has been postulated
to have some remote Chaond heritage, though nor he nor his parents show any
of this race's typical features.
He has born in Ysgard, where his grandparents fled after accidentally setting
up a fire in Arborea.
He is very fond of whistles, and usually he wears a necklace of them
and uses them as his main bardic instrument.
He also owns a pair of Marrakas, that is, a pair of bottles full of seeds
that make a funny noise when shaked, but he has still to learn a lot about
Hacif is by no means a very skillful fighter, but because of his plane of birth he
knows something about quarterstaves (sp). Still, he does not like fighting at all,
and believes diplomacy and a pint of good Ysgardian beer being the best way to solve
So far, this approach has worked well with Ysgard's often turbulent inhabitants, but
he has still to test it against an angry Tanarri...
Strangely enough for a Firre, he has been investigating about the
"Laws of Art" for a long time, though his efforts have until now led to
no result whatsoever.
As it was to be expected, his parents are worried about their son's obsession,
and they suggested him to take a journey around the planes in order to see many
art forms and realize the falsehood of his believes.
While Hacif feels still at home in Ysgard, his native plane, he decided
to take a break from his useless efforts and to start looking for insigths
about the "rules of art" in other planes - and what better place to start with
than Sigil?
What do you think about it?
As you can easily extrapolate, I am no power player at all: I could not care
less about damage/round or such, as I am not planning of volunteering for the
Blood War soon .
But still... What would you suggest in order to make Hacif cooler?
And, where can I find out how to use Firres as a character race?
Thank you and happy adventuring
One minor issue I see is his alignment. Eladrin are hard-coded to be chaotic good, and growing up on Ysgard would tend to enforce a chaotic alignment. I'm not saying it's impossible to be NG, just that there should be some mention, at least, of how that happened. Also, you seem to be treating a firre as a mortal race - grandparents, chaond heritage - and they're not. They are born from the plane of Arborea, and embody its alignment and ideals.
Pants of the North!