Help needed for character creation

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Madwumpus's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Help needed for character creation

Hi all,
I'm somewhat new to Planescape and to RPGs as well.
I find the Planescape scenario really interesting, and it seems to me that game mechanics in Planescape are blissfully far from the
I am currently designing a character for some Planescape campaign, and I would like to have some feedback.


Gender: Male
Race: Firre
Class: Bard
Alignemt: NG
Stats, skills, feats and such: still to define

Hacif is a Firre of somewhat heavvy bulk, and he has been postulated
to have some remote Chaond heritage, though nor he nor his parents show any
of this race's typical features.

He has born in Ysgard, where his grandparents fled after accidentally setting
up a fire in Arborea.

He is very fond of whistles, and usually he wears a necklace of them
and uses them as his main bardic instrument.
He also owns a pair of Marrakas, that is, a pair of bottles full of seeds
that make a funny noise when shaked, but he has still to learn a lot about

Hacif is by no means a very skillful fighter, but because of his plane of birth he
knows something about quarterstaves (sp). Still, he does not like fighting at all,
and believes diplomacy and a pint of good Ysgardian beer being the best way to solve
So far, this approach has worked well with Ysgard's often turbulent inhabitants, but
he has still to test it against an angry Tanarri...

Strangely enough for a Firre, he has been investigating about the
"Laws of Art" for a long time, though his efforts have until now led to
no result whatsoever.

As it was to be expected, his parents are worried about their son's obsession,
and they suggested him to take a journey around the planes in order to see many
art forms and realize the falsehood of his believes.

While Hacif feels still at home in Ysgard, his native plane, he decided
to take a break from his useless efforts and to start looking for insigths
about the "rules of art" in other planes - and what better place to start with
than Sigil?

What do you think about it?
As you can easily extrapolate, I am no power player at all: I could not care
less about damage/round or such, as I am not planning of volunteering for the
Blood War soon Smiling.

But still... What would you suggest in order to make Hacif cooler?
And, where can I find out how to use Firres as a character race?

Thank you and happy adventuring

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help needed for character creation

One minor issue I see is his alignment. Eladrin are hard-coded to be chaotic good, and growing up on Ysgard would tend to enforce a chaotic alignment. I'm not saying it's impossible to be NG, just that there should be some mention, at least, of how that happened. Also, you seem to be treating a firre as a mortal race - grandparents, chaond heritage - and they're not. They are born from the plane of Arborea, and embody its alignment and ideals.


Pants of the North!

Madwumpus's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Help needed for character creation

Thank you for your reply!

I thought that in Planescape the mortal/non mortal distinction was all about lifespan.
Moreover, I saw Fyrehowl in Shermeska's story (very good character and very good story - too bad the updates have stopped - write, Shemmie, write or I'll morph into you, kill a dabus and flee!) and she, though nominally being a celestial, has a sister and such.
But if Eladrin are born directly from Arborea...
Well, I suppose I could make him an Aasimar, I just liked the Firres better.
What's the plural form, BTW?

As for the alignment, I am planning to make Hacif join the Guvners sooner or later, so I suppose I will have to get a good enough story - maybe some extremely chaotic Ysgardian doing something that convinced Hacif of the need of law and order?

Poor misunderstood Guvners... People think they are only intellectual Hardheads, and those Xaosisects treat them badly because they have not the guts to do the same against the Harmonium. They killed a *scientist*, and are proud of it too! Try winning the Blood War all alone next time if you want a challenge, you nonsensical Barking berk.

Thank You For The Feedback (TM).

Truth Golem's picture
Joined: 2005-02-12
Help needed for character creation

Planeborn are formed in different ways, depending on their type. Some are formed from the spirits of mortals (baatezu and archons), some undergo biological reproduction (yugoloths, slaadi, and guardinals) and others are just born directly from the plane itself (modrons). Tanar'ri, contrary as usual, use all three methods.

The reproduction of eladrin and rilmani are still up in the air, as it's never been mentioned in any planescape product, as far as I know. They might have parents and siblings, who knows?

If your character wants to join the Guvners, he's going to have to change his alignment to lawful at some point. I agree with Bob that you should probably come up with a reason why he's so much more lawful than normal.

Even if your character is a peaceful Firre, he's still a greater eladrin, and will be vastly more powerful than most beginning characters. Just make sure your DM says it's okay.

By the way, what's a chaond? I don't remember ever hearing of them.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help needed for character creation

They are one of the races listed in the Planewalker races section. They are a mutated in way offsping of the Slaadi and another race. Most of the time happening when creatues have been cleansed of the Slaadi eggs but still retain some of the Chaos nature.

Madwumpus's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Help needed for character creation

Thank you all for your answers!

Are Guvners all lawful? In the official products they must only be non chaotic.

As for level power, we'll see. I and my friends have just begun speaking of a Planescape campaign, and no one of us has any experience.
If his power is a bit of an issue, I could curse him somehow.
After all, he's a quite clueless sod grown up in one of the more isolated planes of the multiverse, and he believes that every people are good-willed and that every "misunderstading" can be solved by acting friendly: would Shermeska give him a shiny ring as a gift, he would say "wow, thanks" and put it on.

I only have to define the details; Any other suggestions?

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Help needed for character creation

"Madwumpus" wrote:
...would Shermeska give him a shiny ring as a gift...

For that kind of misspelling, a ring from Shemeska would probably have

"Gift Ring" wrote:
"I Her Dread Majesty, the Lady of Pain, Most Divine Protector of Sigil in whose Name all is Sacred and in whose Serenity all are sheltered."

written on it.

Madwumpus's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Help needed for character creation

Sorry for the mistake...

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Help needed for character creation

Suggestion: Go through your character description. Replace all instances of 'firre' with 'aasimar'. Problem solved. Cool

Madwumpus's picture
Joined: 2005-03-13
Help needed for character creation

Yes, if all else fails I will do that.
But I liked the sound of "Firre" much better than "Aasimar", and the concept of a Firre Bard seeking for the Laws of Art was much of my liking.
Maybe he could be an Aasimar who despises his mortal heritage and insists on him being a "True Firre".


Hacif descends from Eladrins who escaped in Ysgard from Arborea - rogue Eladrins, you could say.
Because of the strong link between Eladrins and their plane, they became much more like mortals, and so their nephew is not more powerful than the average aasimar, has the stats of an aasimar, but actually is a true firre whose connection with Arborea is broken from birth and thus never developed the powers of a full grown Firre.

As for neutral alignment: Hacif's granparents fled to Ysgard because of their extremely chaotic ways, and Hacif grew up having for mentors valchyries, barbarians and the occasional giant, all boasting about their strength and the beauty of sheer brutality - in service of greater good, if possible, that is.
Maybe he slowly grew sick of all that crap, and maybe he feels also that chaos is responsible of him being merely a shadow of the power and wisdom of the typical Firre.

Would a dutyful DM pass that?

I like this idea even more than the original one - thank you all, and please keep posting suggestions!

When Hacif becomes more defined I will post it in the Character Index.

And BTW - English is not my native tongue, so if you spot syntax/spelling errors please point them to me: I will gladly take this opportunity of improving my English.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Help needed for character creation

If you have some good character ideas (for NPCs), you can always submit them to Planewalker for inclusion in the Cutters section. You'll need to login and go to the MyPW section.

As for being a "weak" Firre who has the powers of an aasimar, you may want to look up Monte Cook's ideas on racial levels, so that as your character levels up his true Firre powers will be revealed. I believe the Planar Handbook and Monte's Arcana Evolved have those rules.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Help needed for character creation

*nod* That is a good idea - being able to work your way into that power level as you effectively 'grow up'

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