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kolikeos's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09

hi, just downloaded chapter 5 of the PSCS.
really nice job.
the only thing missing is a spell list like in the PHB.
thanks planewalker.
this might not be the right forum for this, but i could not find a better place to mention my approval.
what's this 'roll dice' at the bottom of the page do?

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27

'kolikeos' wrote:
what's this 'roll dice' at the bottom of the page do?

It rolls as many same sided dice as you need, including the modifier and the modifier type. It is mainly used in the forum games. It is a pretty cool feature, eh? Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

And the best thing is - you can't 'take it back' like I've seen in other forums. Eye-wink So no rolling three times and taking the best. I had fun constructing that bit of code.

Re: Chapter 5 - since these are in draft I'll make sure the next version of the chapter has that. There's a few other spells and some specific ideas that I want to get worked into the next draft of the chapter anyway.

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