hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

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blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

hello everybody, I need to ask another favor. cna you guys give me a list of all the gaurdinal races, and a physical and personal description of each one, in need them for the setting project. Thankies.


Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...


This tall being has powerful, eagle-like wings and legs that end in wickedly sharp talons. Its face is more humanoid than avian, and its eyes are bright and golden. Its wings have small hands at midpoints, which appear to be as nimble as any human’s when the wings are folded.

The scouts and skirmishers of the guardinal race, avorals keep watch over the peaceful skies of Eronia and Belierin. These solitary creatures are born with a deep-rooted wanderlust that often takes them on journeys across hundreds of worlds. Some never return to Elysium because they can’t resist the temptation to see what lies over the next hill or beyond the next sea.
An avoral’s visual acuity is virtually unmatched: It can see detail on objects up to 10 miles away and is said to be able to discern the color of a creature’s eyes at 200 paces.
An avoral is about 7 feet tall. Its bones are strong but hollow, so even the largest specimens weigh no more than 120 pounds.



Aside from its regal bearing, this creature’s most striking feature is the pair of long, curved horns atop its head. It has hooves instead of feet, but its hands are humanoid-looking except that the backs are protected by hard plates of horn. Its body is slim, muscular, and covered with short, dark red fur.

The most common of the guardinals are the satyr-like cervidals. Their home, Amoria, is the uppermost layer of Elysium. Cervidals take their guardianship of Amoria seriously, and are rarely found elsewhere except in times of great need. They live in small family bands, and typically keep to a single domain. Cervidals are peaceful and slow to anger, but in time of need they form the bulk of any guardinal army (alongside their equinal cousins).
A cervidal is 5-6 feet tall, and weighs about 180 pounds.



This massive creature combines the features of a human and a draft horse. It has a broad chest and shoulders, and its arms end in thick, iron-hard fingers that make a hoof when curled into a fist. Its legs have reversed knees and hooves for feet. The creature has a long, narrow face, and a long mane running down from its head to the middle of its back.

The equinals are the second most common type of guardinal, next to the cervidal. They live in the open fields and farmlands of Elysium, particularly Amoria. They will settle down in small bands, in a favorite pasture or glen for months before traveling on. The equinals enjoy each other's company far more than anyone else’s.
Equinals love a good fight, and spend much time on athletics and games of skill. They welcome travelers, but their rowdy nature can be discouraging to smaller humanoids. They are brave warriors to the end, and never back down from a contest of any kind.
An equinal is about 8 feet tall and weighs over 600 pounds.



This tall, muscular humanoid has a reddish-gold mane for hair and short, tawny-gold fur covering the rest of its body. Its powerful arms end in claw-like talons, and their lower legs are those of a lion. Its visage is both regal and terrifying, and it has a presence that commands respect.

Leonals are the imperious leaders of the guardinals. They are usually the wisest and most powerful of their kin, remorseless and tireless warriors of good, but also patient and regal.
A leonal mostly keeps to itself, roaming the remote areas of all layers. However, if evil threatens the Blessed Fields or another place that falls under its protection, the leonal is quick to marshal and organize the guardinal forces. The other guardinals always respond to a leonal’s calling, recognizing them as nobility or royalty.
A leonal is between 6 and 7 feet tall and weighs almost 280 pounds.



At first glance, you thought it was a werewolf, its muzzle, fur, and backward-bending canine legs deceiving you. But where a werewolf is savage and animalistic, this being is intelligent, regal, and poised.

As the name implies, lupinals are half-human half-wolf creatures. Wise and noble, but quick to and ferocious when aroused, these celestials are constantly on the prowl for evil incursions into their territory, be it Elysium or an area of the Prime Material Plane.
Lupinals are more likely than most guardinals to make their home outside their native plane and assist other beings in repelling evil.


URSINAL (BoED... I think)

This hulking humanoid has bear-like facial features and claws. Its entire body is covered with light red and gold brown fur that’s long on the forearms, backs, and lower legs, but almost too fine to see on torsos and faces. The creature’s face has a pronounced muzzle and high ear-tufts; its expression appears to be compassionate and kind.

Ursinals are the most scholarly of celestials, spending their lives as benevolent philosophers. They sometimes serve as advisors to leonals, and keep the records of the guardinals. Their love of oration is nearly unmatched, and they will relate any bit of knowledge that they know, usually in a long, drawn out digression that may have little or nothing to do with the original subject. They maintain large libraries, and are much sought-after scholars. They particularly like to study magic, history, and linguistics. Though they live alone, ursinals keep in constant touch with each other and other guardinals through correspondence and magical communication.
An ursinal is over 8 feet tall, and weighs almost 700 pounds.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

Thanks for clearing that up Nemui, I thought those were the only ones, but when i was searching that net a bunch of other names popped up, an example would be a priminal- what the hell is that?

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

IIRC, priminals are to guardinals what the baernoloth are to the yugoloth. A mythical proto-guardinal, a benevolent creator race. I don't think it has been detailed in any official product, 2E or otherwise (though I might be wrong).

See here for more.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

ardeidals- what are they, i found them mentioned in the link you sent, and in my searching.
Oh, thanks for that by the way, it was very interesting

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
hello everybody, I need to ask anot ...

Vulpinal is another popular fan creation varient as well. Fox wizardly scholars. Eye-wink

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